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Non Imm "O" Visiting Family

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I want to apply for the above visa. Im married to a thai. I read somewhere that I have to show 400,000 Baht in a THAI bank account OR an income of 40,000 baht a month. Thing is, my bank is in the states. Will a 90 day print out of my checking account work for that? Do I need a letter from my bank also? I also read that I need a letter from the embassy? What does it need to say? Im a little confused here and if anyone has a checklist or something, that would be great.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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There is no 40,000/400,000 requirement for applying for a Non Imm O Visa.

Those are the requirements for a 12 month extension of stay obtained from Immigration in Thailand.

Letter from Embassy verifying income.

Letter from Thai bank verifying balance.

(6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.

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So just to verify, I can enter thailand on a 30 day permission to stay, then go to Korat Immigration office and apply for a 12 month extention of stay? Will that enable me to enter and leave thailand as much as I want for a year? Can I put a car book in my name on that visa? Or should I get the non imm "O" visa?

Stuffs kinda complicated.

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You need a Non Imm Visa to start the ball rolling. It is possible to do it with a Tourist Visa or 30 day stamp but is a lot simpler with a Non Imm.

Starting with a Tourist Visa or a 30 day stamp means that you convert it to a Non Imm Visa at Immigration. 2,000 Baht and may involve a trip to Bangkok to do it.

If using money in the bank it has to be there at least 2 months before applying.

It is not a Visa . It is an extension of your permission to stay.

If you want to leave Thailand you need a Re Entry Permit from Immigration.


12 month extension application. 1,900 Baht.

Re Entry Permit. Single 1,000 Baht. Multi 3,800 Baht.

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So a Non Imm "O" Visa will enable me to Put green books/car books in my name, get a thai drivers liscence, all that stuff? Then all I have to do is report to my nearest immigration office and report every 90 days? I can still cone and go out of thailand as much as I want Right?

And the 1 year extention of stay means that I can stay for a whole year and NOT leave thailand, but if I leave I have to get a reentry permit?

Am I understanding this right? I work offshore 30/30 so I need freedom to travel all the time. I think The non imm "O" will be best.

All banking information can be from the states, in english, and just printed out a day or 2 before I apply? Any other things I might need, like, letter from bank, or letter from embassy?

Any opinions?

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No, with a multiple entry non-O you must leave the country every 90 days, no reporting to immigrations.

With extension of stay you must report to immigrations every 90 days and have to have a re-entry permit when leaving the county.

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A Multi Entry Non Imm O Visa means you can come and go as you please. Each entry has a maximum of 90 days. You do not report to Immigration. You can apply for a driving licence etc. You apply at a Thai Consulate outside Thailand.

A twelve month extension means you do not have to leave but if you want to you need a re entry permit. Report to Immigration if you are in Thailand more than 90 days.

If applying for the extension you need a letter from your Embassy as proof of income if going down that route. Or a letter from a Thai bank if using that method. Apply at Immigration.

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