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Cm Jazz Festival ?

Gonzo the Face

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I saw the sign the other day. The concert will be at the Think Park. There were some International performers listed although I didn't recognize any of the names. 800 Baht admission.

16.00 - 16.40 PYU. Big Band Jazz ( ม.พายัพ )

16.50 - 17.40 Breakfast Wine ( Feat นุ้ย วง Peace Band )

18.00 - 18.50 Peter Van Quartet Band

19.10 - 20.00 The Village Vanguard Trio

20.20 - 21.20 The Pomelo Town ( Feat รัดเกล้า 3 เพลง )

21.40 - 22.30 แมว – จิระศักดิ์ ปานพุ่ม

22.50 - 23.50 วง Etc. (รัดเกล้า 1 เพลง Finale )

All the profit will go to the foundation of Autistic Child Phayao Province

Edited by elektrified
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Quick Summary of the First CM Jazz Festival 2011

I showed up at about 4:30 having parked across the road to Think Park in the vacant lot which is owned by the same people I believe. Good to have some parking nearby but less terrific to make the only visitors' entrance in Nimmenhamen Road where, having already braved the busy Huay Kaew Road junction, you have to take your life in your hands once more and walk in the gutter or on a 35 degree grassy slope to pay your money. It's the first time I've been to an event there and the area was prepared nicely with a well built stage, mats on the ground for those wanting to actually hear the music and plenty of tables at the back for those who came just to chat - although why you'd want to do that at 800 baht a head I'm not sure.

Curiously, my ticket billed the event as being at the CM University Art Museum. The girl at the cash desk didn't know why: "It's wrong," she said. I was very glad she told me.

The programme was running about an hour late and actually kicked off sometime about 5:15 with the Payap Big Band whose short set was not very inspiring and lacked confidence. Peter Van's time on stage was cut to 30 minutes, presumably in an effort to get back on schedule, which was a pity because it was just beginning to warm up by the time it was over. I understand that he plays the North Gate Jazz Co-Op from time to time so all is not lost. Peter Van was followed by an outfit called Breakfast Wine - a very competent band who introduced a bit of funk into the proceedings (at last). The guitar player deserves special mention, as does the guest female vocalist who came on and did several numbers in the middle of their set.

The first thing to say about The Village Vanguard Trio is they have absolutely no connection with The Village Vanguard. "Our drummer came up with the name," the keyboard player announced as if associating the band with a world famous jazz venue was simply a fun idea. "I went there once." he went on to claim proudly, presumably on the basis that it made it all right then. So the next time you advertise a charity football tournament, bill one of your local teams as The Wembley Stadium All-Stars - just a play on words you understand, no-one will mind. Actually, they weren't bad at all but the choice of material was a bit sleep inducing at a time of the evening when things should start to be hotting up. The low point of the set was the vocalist whose voice lacked the strength and confidence required to perform in public at this level but the base player is really someone not to miss (although I missed his name, sorry).

The last act I saw was The Pomelo Town (at least, I assume it was them because the running order wasn't posted inside the venue) and they were very good. This lively set with great piano and sax solos really promised to get things moving for the end of the evening but by the time they finished I was too tired to sit it out. A weekend of Chinese New Year, Flower and Jazz Festivals would have once seemed like a warm up for some serious partying but that was about 120 years ago so I limped home to bed. Maybe someone with more stamina than I can shed light on the later sets.

Overall, the poor attendance due, I suspect in part to the lack of publicity, but also perhaps to the other free events going on at the same time around town and people like me whose energy was already spent on the other attractions of the weekend, let down the good arrangements at Think Park. It's not as bad a venue as you might expect, given constant traffic on two sides, and the sound was well managed - not too loud and for the most part balanced OK. A ticket price of 500 baht would have probably helped and how come the jazz venues in town weren't represented? At the very least they should all have been invited to have a booth at this event - encouraging music lovers to support local acts and venues should be part of the function of a festival, surely?

I hope the organisers persevere and that next year sees another CM Jazz Festival.


The stage, lighting and video production were all done well.


The guitarist and guest vocalist from Breakfast Wine


Village Vanguard Trio ( ! ) bassist and Pomelo Tree saxophonist


Pomelo Tree pianist - excellent!


And finally, the organiser's attempts to make the place look more crowded fooled nobody...

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"First CM Jazz Festival 2011"?

Looking at my t-shirt as we speak from the CM Jazz fest I attended a couple of weeks ago at Nim city. That one was 800 Baht cheaper by the way. Mostly Kenny G kind of stuff but a very pleasant venue and mostly a Thai crowd which was nice too.

Reminds me of the age old pizza battle in NYC with 'Ray's, Original Ray's, Ray's original etc. Everyone co-opting the 'first'.

Also Think Park had a giant sign in front suggesting no food or drink- never found out if that meant 'none available' or 'no outside food and drink'. Yes 800 a bit steep with many alternate events about.

Sorry 'bout the bold print. Ain't a thing I can do about it apparently?!

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I went to one of those a few years back and it was very good but not exactly the kind of thing you'd travel far to attend. The organisers of yesterday's event have set their sights somewhat higher and although I'm sure all concerned must have lost money on it, the potential is there (I hope). A festival was advertised (well, I found out about it afterwards) last year but I never met anyone who went or even if it happened at all. An international artist of the calibre of Bob James would make it saleable I would have thought. Pat Metheny, next year maybe?

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Does anyone know when the Jazz Festival at the Royal Flora Ratchaphruek Garden is? Or did I miss it? It was advertised all over but I don't remember if it was in January or February.

BTW, excellent photos as always Greenside!

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This is really typical of event promoting in CM these days. Really low key, and unless you know certain people, you might not even know about it. These days, we have to have FB (facebook) to keep upto date. I guess it's free promotion and easy.

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