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Where To Find & Hire Good Staff?


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I have managed teams of up to 110 Thai staff at a local resort.

Paying them well is not good enough for them.

From the daily lies, theft, commissions taken from visitors at the hotel and all the way down to the vegetable sellers increasing their price to pay the kitchen staff commission, it is a long hard road ahead for you. They are loyal only to themselves and no one else.

Good luck.

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I have managed teams of up to 110 Thai staff at a local resort.

Paying them well is not good enough for them.

From the daily lies, theft, commissions taken from visitors at the hotel and all the way down to the vegetable sellers increasing their price to pay the kitchen staff commission, it is a long hard road ahead for you. They are loyal only to themselves and no one else.

Good luck.

Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar they work harder and dont steal as mutch! :rolleyes:

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Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar they work harder and dont steal as mutch! :rolleyes:

I agree, I had two great staff a Husband and wife... I sponsored them with work permits and all the papers 14,000 baht and then they got sweet talked by a so called friend to be house maids for him even though I paid more. Not sure I want to go through all that money and paper work again.

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I have managed teams of up to 110 Thai staff at a local resort.

Paying them well is not good enough for them.

From the daily lies, theft, commissions taken from visitors at the hotel and all the way down to the vegetable sellers increasing their price to pay the kitchen staff commission, it is a long hard road ahead for you. They are loyal only to themselves and no one else.

Good luck.

Another Jaded TV member. There are plenty of honest hard working thai people who if you treat them respect they return the favor. Ive found most of my staff through networking and recommendations from other farang.

If you are the paranoid type, just make it very hard for the staff to steal by doing proper inventory once a day and recording your sales in some accounting software. Makes it very easy to spot any discrepancies.

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If you have awesome staff now why not ask them if they can recommend people to you.

I am sure they have family and friends who would love to have a decent job

There are plenty of honest, hard working, reliable Thai people

If you follow this forum you will find certain people never have anything good to say about

Thailand or Thai people, why they stay here if its such a terrible place i would not have a clue.

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Oh Peter. Another jaded TV member. One who does not allow opinions... You surprise me.

I have to disagree with you i am not jaded and never been called jaded by anyone else,

If i was not happy here i would not be here.

I think Thailand is a great place to live, not perfect but where is.

Life is what you make it, some people would not be happy anywhere :jap:

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Well, glad I am the first. Particularly due to your reasoning that because of my negative comments on Thai staff equals that I do not want to live here, that I am unhappy and I should leave. Incredible!

In your utopian frame of mind.... ah, never mind.

See you at the bbq Saturday.

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Well, glad I am the first. Particularly due to your reasoning that because of my negative comments on Thai staff equals that I do not want to live here, that I am unhappy and I should leave. Incredible!

In your utopian frame of mind.... ah, never mind.

See you at the bbq Saturday.

I did not call you jaded, someone else did.

I never mentioned you when commenting about negative comments on this forum.

If you think the cap fits wear it

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Well, as BillR and Peter have pointed out, only positive comments may be posted when asking about how to find good Thai staff. ;)

In order to follow their own head in the sand forum rules, I too will post only positive comments.

To the OP, please take everything I say as true gospel and do not take it with a grain of salt. lol.

ALL Thai staff are extremely honest and will take loyalty seriously and efficiently.

Southern Thais in particular, are not hard headed, enjoy training by knowledgeable Farang staff on how to effectively communicate with customers and always always always follow the establishment´s rules and regulations.

Honesty is an extreme feeling and one that gives them pride.

Greed is nonexistent.

Their smiles are 100% absolute sincerity.

Also, something quite rare in these parts, gossip is also non existent and they speak of their customers and bosses with total love and absolute respect towards their customers and bosses.

In another rare comparison to other nationalities, commissions based on sales to the hotels via the kitchen, housekeeping and engineering supply routes are nowhere to be found.

In training, they thoroughly take in all training from trainers who have had western schooling in hospitality industries and are in complete awe at the knowledge that they will gain from going to such training.

When given verbal or written warnings, they never never never quit, they accept all warnings as objective criticism and perform far better after the meeting.

If there is a very rare, and I do mean, very rare event where the staff is fired or quits, their knowledge of local labor law (labour, to our Euro or Aussie members) is non existent and never complain to the labor office about how badly they treated a customer or their boss.

Lies as opposed to loss of face, is never an option. In other countries, lying is pervasive and far more common and accepted than losing face. Not here!


In conclusion, please, only post positive comments. When asking for an opinion, please only request a positive opinion, irrespective or not whether it is the truth or a total fabrication. :jap: :jap:

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I agree, Life here is an exiting challenge and speaking of challenges....I have one tomorrow or wait it is 1:20 AM right now so I should say... today.

This Challenge starts when we...My two honestly wonderful Thai staff and I will open up in four hours to get ready for our 6 AM NFL Superbowl Party :)

That being said after the game no rest for the weary we will then prepare an all you can eat BBQ Buffet for 6 PM and then have A Replay NFL Superbowl Party at 8:00 PM.

I do believe these two gems won't let me down...However, I do need more staff so back to the question at hand "Where do I find & hire good staff?"

I see by the posts that we can all agree...Gems are hard to find.

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If you already have 2 gems just do the same as before when you hired them

Finding the two gems I currently have was after screening and hiring 40 people over a 3 year period... Not good odds at all. The real question is... Do members or readers have friends or know any ladies looking for a good, honest fare job at a Restaurant, Bar Guesthouse? This fun job as a either a Cook, Bartender, Server comes with a more than fare wages including room and board. There has got to be someone out there looking?


Edited by ricknroll
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If you already have 2 gems just do the same as before when you hired them

Finding the two gems I currently have was after screening and hiring 40 people over a 3 year period... Not good odds at all. The real question is... Do members or readers have friends or know any ladies looking for a good, honest fare job at a Restaurant, Bar Guesthouse? This fun job as a either a Cook, Bartender, Server comes with a more than fare wages including room and board. There has got to be someone out there looking?

The problem is that everybody makes sure that they keep the good 1's

Gems are rare also in this case. Good luck with your search. :)

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