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Vientane Double Visa Rule?... They Just Denied It On The Phone.

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I have started this new thread rather than stick it on the end of the

Vientane Double Visa: Three Strikes And You'Re Out! thread.

If I stick it on the end of the original thread... many people will not see this info, and everyone concerned ought to read this...

My Thai girlfrind has just got off the phone to the Thai embassy in Vientiane. According to them, there is NO rule in force at that embassy saying 3 strikes and you are out...

They said that if you ring them up before making the trip and tell them exactly what the status of your past visas in your passport, they will tell you to either come up or don't bother.

The exact details of the double entry restrictions are 3 in a rolling 12 month period.

If your last 3 double entries extend beyond 12 months, then you are entitled to another one.

When you call, you must get the person's name who you talk to and make sure that they take a record of your name and passport number. This will ensure that you will be given one and your trip is NOT wasted. This is of course only applicable if they said you are clear to come.

Just make sure you get the extensions and you will always qualify.

They also said that the rules are expected to change again next month and they will probably be told to stop counting stamps.

Jusr editing to add the phone number... here you go.

Thai Embassy, Vientiane +85621415337

Edited by newsite12
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I refer to the following sentances as stated by the OP:

"The exact details of the double entry restrictions are 3 in a rolling 12 month period.

If your last 3 double entries extend beyond 12 months, then you are entitled to another one."

Sorry, i might be a little slow, but to me the two sentances sort of contradict each other.

Specifically, would'nt 3 double entries in a rolling 12 month period represent a total stay of 18 months, if all entries were extended?

I dont really get where does the 12 months issue comes into it?

Please Mario, can you explain this a little further?

Does it suggest that if you have used three previous double entries, then you need to go stay in your own country (or somewhere else) for at least another 6 months, before attempting to get another double entry to Thailand?

I presume that someone who arranges a double entry from their own country, gets another 1 in Vientane on completion of that (representing a 12 month stay) THEN go stay in your own country for six months THEN repeating the process again, would be acceptable?

Thanks and sorry for my thickness!:rolleyes:

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I refer to the following sentances as stated by the OP:

"The exact details of the double entry restrictions are 3 in a rolling 12 month period.

If your last 3 double entries extend beyond 12 months, then you are entitled to another one."

Sorry, i might be a little slow, but to me the two sentances sort of contradict each other.

Specifically, would'nt 3 double entries in a rolling 12 month period represent a total stay of 18 months, if all entries were extended?

I dont really get where does the 12 months issue comes into it?

Please Mario, can you explain this a little further?

Does it suggest that if you have used three previous double entries, then you need to go stay in your own country (or somewhere else) for at least another 6 months, before attempting to get another double entry to Thailand?

I presume that someone who arranges a double entry from their own country, gets another 1 in Vientane on completion of that (representing a 12 month stay) THEN go stay in your own country for six months THEN repeating the process again, would be acceptable?

Thanks and sorry for my thickness!:rolleyes:

I believe there are circumstances where a foreigner may only get 2 months on a 60 day double entry... Such as the following. If the applicant stayed 7 weeks and then left the country for whatever unexpected reason and failed to re-enter before the 60 days expired for whatever reason, then that visa would be dead and count as 1 visa used. Then you would be on strike 1 after just 8 weeks, and if it should happen again, then that would be strike 2 in just 16 weeks and so on... Everyone has extenuating circumstances and border hopping habits that are unique to themselves.

Another and more common occurrence may be that a week after getting your visa, you may have to briefly jump out of LOS and thus triggering the second entry way prematurely.

Obviously immigration has to either set limits or make the system limitless. The rules change regularly.

I am nearing the end of my second because of unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances and i have only been getting them since Sept last year... so have to make sure that i extend, and then make sure i use my full 6 months on the last one. Lets hope nothing else crops up between now and Sept.

But I suppose in theory, in the right circumstances, a foreigner can get unstuck on their visa issues because of their individual habits and circumstances...

But like i said earlier.. they are probably going to review the rules next month.. probably within a week of the 5th march... That came from the mouth of the Viantienne Embassy staff.

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The way I read the OP, the Thai consulate in Vientiane only takes into consideration the number of visas that have been issued to the applicant (date of via issue) during the last 365 days, this being the least time-consuming way, ie they look neither at the number of entries he made into Thailand, nor at the number of extensions of stay he obtained, nor the total number of days he stayed in Thailand during that 12-month period.

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The way I read the OP, the Thai consulate in Vientiane only takes into consideration the number of visas that have been issued to the applicant (date of via issue) during the last 365 days, this being the least time-consuming way, ie they look neither at the number of entries he made into Thailand, nor at the number of extensions of stay he obtained, nor the total number of days he stayed in Thailand during that 12-month period.

That is correct... the number of visas is what is at issue... the number of days present in the country is totally irrelevant.. Basically.. the earliest of the last 3 in your passport, they will check the expiry date... and if it is with 12 months to the date then it is classed as having 3 used visas in that rolling 12 month period. So they will go back 3 visas and look at the expiry date... beyond 12 moths prior to the date of checking... means an 'all clear' and a re-issue... but if the expiry is within the past 12 months... then it is a 'goodbye, come back later'.

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Hate to say this guys, but you all know this is Thailand and what one officer says and what another offices says are not always the same. If i recall the original post stated that girl has 3 tourist visa over a period of 2 or 3 years cant recall and was rejected saying they did not count time just visa stamps. I agree with calling before hand and getting a persons name and making a record of it, but again reality is this is Thailand and they lose everything all the time, I just wouldn't get my hopes up that if you call everything is going to be smooth as silk.... It would be nice if they could relax the visa rules a little.

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It confirms that the Thai consulate now limits the stay in Thailand, with the goal of not allowing continuous stay in Thailand on tourist visas.

Maximum stay seems to be 240 days in one year (3 tourist visa entries plus extensions).

Other consulates seem to have different rules, but all seem to go towards not allowing continuous stay in Thailand on tourist visas.

But that is only my opinion.

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