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My other half won a nights stay in Le Meridian from the Bangkok Post, she not sure whether to take advantage of it or not, they say the voucher is worth 10,000 THB but I assume that's the the rack rate.

Do you local members think it's worth a visit and if so is it worth extending our stay, what's to see in the vicinity?

Thanks in advance.


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The short answers would be yes, yes and lots to see if you extend your stay. :) Then again, those of us who live in the Rai can be partial to our little piece of heaven. ;)


Terrible place to stay and nothing to see here. Send me the coupon. I'll dispose of it properly.whistling.gif

But, if you don't follow my advice, then here's some more. Spend the night, check out the next day and check into a cheaper place and have a look around for a few days. I suppose you MIGHT find something to look at. We can help you find a cheaper place to go into after you leave the Meridian and maybe we can suggest a few places to visit also. Just ask, if you need some suggestions for other nice hotels.

As for things to see, we have a cow here at Chiang Rai. Or, at least, I think we have a cow here. We used to have one, for sure. Have you seen a cow before? Kinda cool to look at. They used to keep it near a huge white temple in the area. Stop in at the temple and ask about it. The temple is easy to find. Just look for about a hundred tour buses parked together and people running all over the place. They are trying to get a glimpse of the cow, I think. The thing just eats and swings its tail, eats and swings its tail, eats and swings its tail. I've never seen anything like it before. Well..... I knew this woman once...... But, no, the cow is better to watch, for sure.

What about ducks? You seen ducks before? We got a slew of them. Some of them are kept near some of the caves around here, others are kept close to nearly all of the hot springs in this area. Others just kind of run loose at the various waterfalls in the area. Bring your camera. The ducks kinda like to have their picture taken. They just assume that nobody has seen ducks before. They walk funny. But I think they do that for a gag. I'm sure they don't always walk like that. Their little butts go left, right, left, right, left right...... Funny as can be. I'm pretty sure they just do that when we're looking. Nobody would walk like that normally. Well, I knew this woman once.... But maybe she did it on purpose too. I'm not sure. Never thought ask. Next time I see a woman do that, I'm gonna ask.

We have a big tree. I mean huge. When you're ready to go see that, let me know. I'll guide you to it. It is in town, near the library. The canopy is probably at least fifty meters across. Pretty cool to look at. Really. It is older than you are.

There may be some other stuff to look at. I dunno. I don't get out much. But I have seen the cow, for sure. Maybe someone else on here will think of something to see.


Okay. We're back on speaking terms then. Lemme know when you hit town. I'll get out for a cup of coffee with you. I may remember something else to see by then. I'm thinking one of the forum members recently bought a pig. Not sure. I'll check and let you know. I would like to look at a pig. That would be cool.


My only experience with Le Meridian was going there for a special show - it was a revue on Broadway hits.

I made the mistake of not looking in the door of the performance hall before buying the 800 baht ticket. I balked at the high price (should have split at that point) but thought, oh well, this is a classy-looking place, what the heck, I'll splurge. Mistake. There were about 6 people in a hall big enough for 1,000 with a ceiling height high enough to fly blimps. The actors made valiant efforts at entertaining, but it all went over like a lead balloon. They gave me a free sandwich though - about as big as a cookie and with as much filling as an Orio.


Le Meridian is a true international 5 star resort. Even here in Chiang Rai.

There are less people staying there because it is a luxury and high priced resort.

The did have a fantastic Friday nite Seafood Buffet. About 1,000 baht per person. But pure quality at a less expensive price than you would pay at other fine resorts around the world. I hear the other buffets they have are also quite good quality.

Le Meridian is about the best and newest followed by the Legend, then Dusit, Rimkok, and others.

Legend also has a nice buffet on select nites or occasions.


Terrible place to stay and nothing to see here. Send me the coupon. I'll dispose of it properly.whistling.gif

But, if you don't follow my advice, then here's some more. Spend the night, check out the next day and check into a cheaper place and have a look around for a few days. I suppose you MIGHT find something to look at. We can help you find a cheaper place to go into after you leave the Meridian and maybe we can suggest a few places to visit also. Just ask, if you need some suggestions for other nice hotels.

As for things to see, we have a cow here at Chiang Rai. Or, at least, I think we have a cow here. We used to have one, for sure. Have you seen a cow before? Kinda cool to look at. They used to keep it near a huge white temple in the area. Stop in at the temple and ask about it. The temple is easy to find. Just look for about a hundred tour buses parked together and people running all over the place. They are trying to get a glimpse of the cow, I think. The thing just eats and swings its tail, eats and swings its tail, eats and swings its tail. I've never seen anything like it before. Well..... I knew this woman once...... But, no, the cow is better to watch, for sure.

What about ducks? You seen ducks before? We got a slew of them. Some of them are kept near some of the caves around here, others are kept close to nearly all of the hot springs in this area. Others just kind of run loose at the various waterfalls in the area. Bring your camera. The ducks kinda like to have their picture taken. They just assume that nobody has seen ducks before. They walk funny. But I think they do that for a gag. I'm sure they don't always walk like that. Their little butts go left, right, left, right, left right...... Funny as can be. I'm pretty sure they just do that when we're looking. Nobody would walk like that normally. Well, I knew this woman once.... But maybe she did it on purpose too. I'm not sure. Never thought ask. Next time I see a woman do that, I'm gonna ask.

We have a big tree. I mean huge. When you're ready to go see that, let me know. I'll guide you to it. It is in town, near the library. The canopy is probably at least fifty meters across. Pretty cool to look at. Really. It is older than you are.

There may be some other stuff to look at. I dunno. I don't get out much. But I have seen the cow, for sure. Maybe someone else on here will think of something to see.

Hmmm, so for those of use not staying for free at Le Meridian, where should we stay? I know nothing about Chiang Rai, except I think it would be cool to see the White Temple near that cow you were talking about. As for waterfalls, I've seen plenty with and without ducks. Anything else to see and do?


Concerning places to stay,



and lots more threads, found with a quick search.

There is a place near the old airport that is 650 a night for one night, 600 a night for extended stays, new, nice place, free breakfast, wi-fi in rooms and a covered car park adjoining your room if you have wheels while you're here. If you need specifics on that one, let me know. Not really walking distance from the night bazaar for most people but away from all the noise in town, unless there is a festival going on at the old airport. At the moment, I think the airport is without a festival and the accompanying bands. You would also be near the city golf course, with Barry's restaurant close at hand.


This area is a tourist destination of choice for many Thais. There is lots to see in the area. I haven't seen much of it so I can't recommend much. I don't look at the sights; I stay home. But it is out there. A bazillion tourists during the winter months can't be wrong. Maybe someone else can list something.


Hmmm, so for those of use not staying for free at Le Meridian, where should we stay? I know nothing about Chiang Rai, except I think it would be cool to see the White Temple near that cow you were talking about. As for waterfalls, I've seen plenty with and without ducks. Anything else to see and do?

In my opinion Black Village is much more interesting than the White Temple.

You can find the Black Village on our Chiang Rai Google Map in the pinned section. There you can find other places that might be of interest.

And you can find places to stay there too.

Have a nice time in Chiang Rai.



Hmmm, so for those of use not staying for free at Le Meridian, where should we stay? I know nothing about Chiang Rai, except I think it would be cool to see the White Temple near that cow you were talking about. As for waterfalls, I've seen plenty with and without ducks. Anything else to see and do?

In my opinion Black Village is much more interesting than the White Temple.

You can find the Black Village on our Chiang Rai Google Map in the pinned section. There you can find other places that might be of interest.

And you can find places to stay there too.

Have a nice time in Chiang Rai.


I forgot to ask the most important question, do I need a car to get around? Is it difficult to park?


Daveha and Old Gitt,

Please ignore the ignorant posts of a few.

Le Meriedian is excellant and can extend there or to a less expensive place depening on your lifestyle and budget..

Chiang Rai is one of the number one tourist destinations of Thai's during the winter months.

The north and much of Thailand do have problems with smoke and air quality from about mid feb to the begining of April, but so far knock on wood, the skies have been prettty clear according to my view and the air quality charts.

A car is the best sort of transportaion in Chaing Rai and is suggested for sight seeing etc.

Either rent a car or hire a driver but you be in charge not the driver.

Parking is generally very easy.

Here is the air quality chart according to the Thai authorites as of 9am Friday for Chiang Rai and all of Thailand.

Don't listen to ameteurs who try to stir the pot and create conflict and are ignorant.

Thai AQMD Chart



Indeed, don't listen to anyone on the forum except for TB, the resident expert on everything. The fact that the CR hospital has a had an influx of people seeking treatment for respiratory issues, the same as every year during the smoke season, doesn't enter into it. The fact that if you look at any of the mountains in the distance and see a thick, blue haze, any time during the day, doesn't enter into it. The fact that almost anywhere in CR you wish to go and will have to park from one to four blocks away doesn't enter into it. The fact that there are numerous day tours offered with transportation and guides and drivers who know exactly where they are going doesn't enter into it. The fact that some posters here enjoy a little bit of fun and a different writing style while helping out others does not enter into it. The fact that other posters here have different opinions doesn't enter into it. Please ignore all posts except those made by TB, who has indicated that, yes indeed, his is the only information worth considering. I'm not sure why they call it the Chiang Rai forum. It is obvious that the name should be the TB Dictation Platform. I'll send a quick PM to George and see if we can get it renamed. But first, I'll probably sit in a bar until closing time and then start typing at three in the morning, just to make sure all of my thoughts and accusations are well-founded. I'm pretty sure if I lubricate my brain really well, my thoughts and high opinion of myself will be validated. Seems to work well for someone else.

However, if you DO decide to listen to others, let me know when you're due to arrive. I can give you the quick tour and help you to get settled and identify some of the key landmarks and businesses here that may make your stay a little less confusing. I do generally get off my bar stool and actually help people when they ask. And we have a few others who do the same.


Indeed, don't listen to anyone on the forum except for TB, the resident expert on everything. The fact that the CR hospital has a had an influx of people seeking treatment for respiratory issues, the same as every year during the smoke season, doesn't enter into it. The fact that if you look at any of the mountains in the distance and see a thick, blue haze, any time during the day, doesn't enter into it. The fact that almost anywhere in CR you wish to go and will have to park from one to four blocks away doesn't enter into it. The fact that there are numerous day tours offered with transportation and guides and drivers who know exactly where they are going doesn't enter into it. The fact that some posters here enjoy a little bit of fun and a different writing style while helping out others does not enter into it. The fact that other posters here have different opinions doesn't enter into it. Please ignore all posts except those made by TB, who has indicated that, yes indeed, his is the only information worth considering. I'm not sure why they call it the Chiang Rai forum. It is obvious that the name should be the TB Dictation Platform. I'll send a quick PM to George and see if we can get it renamed. But first, I'll probably sit in a bar until closing time and then start typing at three in the morning, just to make sure all of my thoughts and accusations are well-founded. I'm pretty sure if I lubricate my brain really well, my thoughts and high opinion of myself will be validated. Seems to work well for someone else.

However, if you DO decide to listen to others, let me know when you're due to arrive. I can give you the quick tour and help you to get settled and identify some of the key landmarks and businesses here that may make your stay a little less confusing. I do generally get off my bar stool and actually help people when they ask. And we have a few others who do the same.


My hat and hair are off to you! Well put, indeed. But wait....I thought...you mean there are more than just one know it all? There are actually others that can add input to issues....and with a little humor? Humor? Just what is that, anyway? Keep up the good work, my man! ett


You know....I have seen that cow. Just the other day I was driving around and there it was....right in the middle of the road! I can't remember if I had to steer to the left, or moooove to the right. Darndest traffic conundrum I ever did see. ett


Kandahar, what does the cow say about all of this, or does it just swing its tail?

Just eats and swings its tail. I have never seen anything like it. Well, except for that one woman.


You know....I have seen that cow. Just the other day I was driving around and there it was....right in the middle of the road! I can't remember if I had to steer to the left, or moooove to the right. Darndest traffic conundrum I ever did see. ett

uh, oh!! Humor alert! Prepare to be pounced upon. If you can't keep this thing in serious Wikipedia format, we'll have to corral you and you'll be branded for life. We have herd of your kind, trying to horn in on the input here. That's bull, man.


Do they put something in the water up there, or is Colonel Sanders experimenting with a new additive to his chicken coating recipe?

You are confusing us with Chiang Mai. Don’t worry, it happens a lot. ;)


It is ok to be funny sometimes , but not go overboard. That has hapened a lot recently on this and other topics.

Lets not drag a topic in an off-topic direction full of diatribe, personal attacks, and sillyness.

I was not trying to be a know it all. If that is how it was perceived I appologize, it was not intended in that manner. I was making an honest attempt to answer questions without going off topic or being silly. My reply did not call for the improper personal attacks that followed. It is not within Forum Rules and Guidelines to outright attack another.

In Thailand, there are laws and rules regulating "Slander".

How does your reply pertain properly to this person's or subsequent following questions about Le Meridian, Hotels, the Area, and driving and parking in Chiang Rai ?

Here is the original Forum Topic Question:

theoldgit user_popup.png Posted 2011-02-07 15:51:06

My other half won a nights stay in Le Meridian from the Bangkok Post, she not sure whether to take advantage of it or not, they say the voucher is worth 10,000 THB but I assume that's the the rack rate.

Do you local members think it's worth a visit and if so is it worth extending our stay, what's to see in the vicinity?

Thanks in advance.



It is ok to be funny sometimes , but not go overboard. That has hapened a lot recently on this and other topics.

Lets not drag a topic in an off-topic direction full of diatribe, personal attacks, and sillyness.

I was not trying to be a know it all. If that is how it was perceived I appologize, it was not intended in that manner. I was making an honest attempt to answer questions without going off topic or being silly. My reply did not call for the improper personal attacks that followed. It is not within Forum Rules and Guidelines to outright attack another.

In Thailand, there are laws and rules regulating "Slander".

How does your reply pertain properly to this person's or subsequent following questions about Le Meridian, Hotels, the Area, and driving and parking in Chiang Rai ?

Here is the original Forum Topic Question:

theoldgit user_popup.png Posted 2011-02-07 15:51:06

My other half won a nights stay in Le Meridian from the Bangkok Post, she not sure whether to take advantage of it or not, they say the voucher is worth 10,000 THB but I assume that's the the rack rate.

Do you local members think it's worth a visit and if so is it worth extending our stay, what's to see in the vicinity?

Thanks in advance.


Quote : It is ok to be funny sometimes , but not go overboard.

Is this a rule or your opinion? Who decides what is overboard? You? Nah. Other people get paid to do THAT job.

Quote: Slander

Huh? What slander? Calling other posters ignorant?

Quote: I was making an honest attempt to answer questions without going off topic or being silly. My reply did not call for the improper personal attacks that followed.

I'll let your previous words answer that one.- "Please ignore the ignorant posts of a few."

I think theoldgit got the basic info he needed. And he has been offered more info on other rooms if he extends his stay. All he has to do is ask.

I am not up to speed on all of the tourist attractions. I know of the three types that I mentioned. theoldgit is certainly smart enough to read between the lines and he may actually enjoy a smile along the way. Others have suggested a few sights to see. And once the dude arrives, he will see all the same banners and advertisements for the rest of the sights that we all see. I don't have ALL of the answers but he got the ones I do have. I was pretty proud of them.

Parking in this town sucks for automobile drivers. Plain and simple. However, if a person isn't averse to walking a ways, it can be done. But to say parking isn't a problem, especially when you know nothing of the other man's physical condition or limitations, is bad info. If he's a spring chicken, he'll be okay. If he is old and wore out or damaged, he is in for some consternation. But you are entitled to your opinion. I'm not going to call you ignorant. I'm just going to tell you that you're wrong. There's a difference, in the sense of the word as you used it.

It isn't your forum. And if others operate in a different manner than you, it is okay, whether you think it is or not.

Lastly, if you can't take it, don't dish it out. This thing can be fun, as well as informative. Get used to it.

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