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Thai-Cambodia Border Close Indefinitely As Conflicts Continue

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Personally I am not affected ( afflicted maybe ), but if a lot of the borders are closed with the possible prospect of more being closed down, what will the Thai government and Immigration Dept. do with 'over-stayers' ? Collect the fines or waive them ?

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Now I am confused - the Army has announced closure of the borders but ppl are still crossing????

As Mario 2008 say's, only some border points are affected!! So why all the confusion??


Everything is almost back to normal in Kantharalak, there's a market today and all the shops are open.

Thee are a handful of people in the abandoned areas like ban phum saron and ban dan but refugees have not started to return to their homes en masse. I went on a tour of sites where Cambodian shells had hit and every single one had landed in a field. The only place where they have done any damage so far is Ban phum saron where a house got taken out and some school buildings got destroyed, as well as the 50 year old civilian who was in a field and sufferred a very unfortanate direct hit. I can't get to phu ma khuea (nor for lack of trying...) so I don't know what has happened there but it looks like the Cambodians just blew up a lot of Eucalyptus trees on Sunday from what I have seen.

The mood is pretty relaxed though, even among the soldiers and the media are starting to head home. It was the same situation on Sunday when fighting broke out again though so it is difficult to say with any certainty that it won't happen again.


That's a very poor and seemingly misleading choice of headline. The ENTIRE border is CLOSED ? I think someone needs to re-word this headline pretty quickly.

The ENTIRE border at Siseket....!! WoW... blame it on Thaksin...


The Abhisit government is more corrupt, more murky and more violent than any other government since 1990.


Evidence? Try Transparancy International, which now rates Thailand as MORE CORRUPT than during the Thaksin Administration.

There has been some resistance to the International Monetary Fund controlling Thai government policies, in direct contravention of World Bank advices;

so contrarily, the World Bank may NOT be considered an objective observer.

King Solomon's wisdom would suggest should we cut the temple in half, or demolish it.

It is better to have half a temple, or some temple rubble than be at war with your neighbour.

Even one person dying over this is too many.


a very misleading title .

The big border Aran / PoiPet is still open.

Also the smaller border in Ban Laem and Ban Pakkard , both in Chantaburi ,are open daily from 7am to 8pm.

No restriction on froreigner who wis to leave/enter Thailand/Cambodia , however restriction on Thai and Cambodians.


I say, - get Uncle Fester from the 'Adams Family' involved in this. He will help this situation.

He always found solutions. Much better than most of these politicians and generals.

Just stick a few light bulbs in the mouths of some of these people..... Presto!

I am not taking sides. - This applies to all countries. ...... Particularly to the UN and it's so called Security Councel.

I think that Bugs Bunny is better to watch these days! Oh, - the road runner and tasmanian devil too.

So,.... in the meantime while all of this plays out.... do not get too serious. Just have fun and watch some cartoons on TV.

These cartoons, ..... better not to watch...... we can comment..... but we cannot stop them.

As funny as it may seem, what you are asking is the intervention of some kind of Global Police force? That is called the new world order, and it could only be good if we could trust the people in these positions permanently and indefinitely. Uncle Fester would be ok in my book, but he isn't real and finding a non-partisaned organization is unrealistic. It aint' going to happen. A better scenario is if we could just learn to share. Its not the people holding the guns that are to blame, it is the greedy gasbags hiding behind lines. I am sure that the Rothchilds are doing everything they can to increase levels of paranoia on both sides, so that when war breaks out, they can consume more banks and control more regulations.


This border turmoil seems pointless and stupid and childish. 2 major asean powers fighting like this. Is there oil there or something?

Most likely

Remember the Falklands conflict, now we see the oil exploration teams there!


Personally I am not affected ( afflicted maybe ), but if a lot of the borders are closed with the possible prospect of more being closed down, what will the Thai government and Immigration Dept. do with 'over-stayers' ? Collect the fines or waive them ?

The rules now are if you overstay by 14 days you go to gaol, no not collect 200


The Abhisit government is more corrupt, more murky and more violent than any other government since 1990.


Evidence? Try Transparancy International, which now rates Thailand as MORE CORRUPT than during the Thaksin Administration.

Apisit is not corrupt, nor are other Democrat ministers like Jurin or Ong-aht, but as for the coalition parties- everyone knows their reputations, Apisit can't throw them out as he needs their votes, but where are Pheua Thai and their censure debate? As quiet as lambs.


Just had 5 RTAF helicopters fly over in formation, that's more than I have seen all together in the last 3 years!

Ok thats news... But

where are you and which way were they going? after bugs bunny?

Yesterday 6 white coloured helicopters flew along the border towards the conflict area. Could these have been United Nations aircraft? U.N. military machines are usually white. Also a suggestion they may been press, somewhat unlikely.


Just had 5 RTAF helicopters fly over in formation, that's more than I have seen all together in the last 3 years!

Ok thats news... But

where are you and which way were they going? after bugs bunny?

You are so right! But they will never get Bugs .... because he so much smarter than them all!

He would do a much better job in this region.


I say, - get Uncle Fester from the 'Adams Family' involved in this. He will help this situation.

He always found solutions. Much better than most of these politicians and generals.

Just stick a few light bulbs in the mouths of some of these people..... Presto!

I am not taking sides. - This applies to all countries. ...... Particularly to the UN and it's so called Security Councel.

I think that Bugs Bunny is better to watch these days! Oh, - the road runner and tasmanian devil too.

So,.... in the meantime while all of this plays out.... do not get too serious. Just have fun and watch some cartoons on TV.

These cartoons, ..... better not to watch...... we can comment..... but we cannot stop them.

As funny as it may seem, what you are asking is the intervention of some kind of Global Police force? That is called the new world order, and it could only be good if we could trust the people in these positions permanently and indefinitely. Uncle Fester would be ok in my book, but he isn't real and finding a non-partisaned organization is unrealistic. It aint' going to happen. A better scenario is if we could just learn to share. Its not the people holding the guns that are to blame, it is the greedy gasbags hiding behind lines. I am sure that the Rothchilds are doing everything they can to increase levels of paranoia on both sides, so that when war breaks out, they can consume more banks and control more regulations.

I agree, - I am using the TV and cartoon characters - tongue in cheek - to try and send a message to people.

All the rantings and ravings - are just so ridiculous.

I realize that people are genuinely concerned, - but as foreigners here, - aside from talking with each other and sharing opinions. There is not much that can be done.

This drama will continue to unfold, - as most of the dramas in this world. You are right. The governments are pawns.

I once saw an interview with Bill Clinton. He said that when he got into the Presidency... he thought that he would have more control / power.

He then went onto say.... it was an awakening experience. That is all he could say - no doubt.


I say, - get Uncle Fester from the 'Adams Family' involved in this. He will help this situation.

He always found solutions. Much better than most of these politicians and generals.

Just stick a few light bulbs in the mouths of some of these people..... Presto!

I am not taking sides. - This applies to all countries. ...... Particularly to the UN and it's so called Security Councel.

I think that Bugs Bunny is better to watch these days! Oh, - the road runner and tasmanian devil too.

So,.... in the meantime while all of this plays out.... do not get too serious. Just have fun and watch some cartoons on TV.

These cartoons, ..... better not to watch...... we can comment..... but we cannot stop them.

As funny as it may seem, what you are asking is the intervention of some kind of Global Police force? That is called the new world order, and it could only be good if we could trust the people in these positions permanently and indefinitely. Uncle Fester would be ok in my book, but he isn't real and finding a non-partisaned organization is unrealistic. It aint' going to happen. A better scenario is if we could just learn to share. Its not the people holding the guns that are to blame, it is the greedy gasbags hiding behind lines. I am sure that the Rothchilds are doing everything they can to increase levels of paranoia on both sides, so that when war breaks out, they can consume more banks and control more regulations.

I agree, - I am using the TV and cartoon characters - tongue in cheek - to try and send a message to people.

All the rantings and ravings - are just so ridiculous.

I realize that people are genuinely concerned, - but as foreigners here, - aside from talking with each other and sharing opinions. There is not much that can be done.

This drama will continue to unfold, - as most of the dramas in this world. You are right. The governments are pawns.

I once saw an interview with Bill Clinton. He said that when he got into the Presidency... he thought that he would have more control / power.

He then went onto say.... it was an awakening experience. That is all he could say - no doubt.

Just one more thing, - you think that bugs bunny & uncle fester represent a new world order? How did you make quantum jump in rationale.

Can be done though, - we just need Curly & Larry & Mo.

Then we are really cooking!


I say, - get Uncle Fester from the 'Adams Family' involved in this. He will help this situation.

He always found solutions. Much better than most of these politicians and generals.

Just stick a few light bulbs in the mouths of some of these people..... Presto!

I am not taking sides. - This applies to all countries. ...... Particularly to the UN and it's so called Security Councel.

I think that Bugs Bunny is better to watch these days! Oh, - the road runner and tasmanian devil too.

So,.... in the meantime while all of this plays out.... do not get too serious. Just have fun and watch some cartoons on TV.

These cartoons, ..... better not to watch...... we can comment..... but we cannot stop them.

As funny as it may seem, what you are asking is the intervention of some kind of Global Police force? That is called the new world order, and it could only be good if we could trust the people in these positions permanently and indefinitely. Uncle Fester would be ok in my book, but he isn't real and finding a non-partisaned organization is unrealistic. It aint' going to happen. A better scenario is if we could just learn to share. Its not the people holding the guns that are to blame, it is the greedy gasbags hiding behind lines. I am sure that the Rothchilds are doing everything they can to increase levels of paranoia on both sides, so that when war breaks out, they can consume more banks and control more regulations.

I agree, - I am using the TV and cartoon characters - tongue in cheek - to try and send a message to people.

All the rantings and ravings - are just so ridiculous.

I realize that people are genuinely concerned, - but as foreigners here, - aside from talking with each other and sharing opinions. There is not much that can be done.

This drama will continue to unfold, - as most of the dramas in this world. You are right. The governments are pawns.

I once saw an interview with Bill Clinton. He said that when he got into the Presidency... he thought that he would have more control / power.

He then went onto say.... it was an awakening experience. That is all he could say - no doubt.

Just one more thing, - you think that bugs bunny & uncle fester represent a new world order? How did you make quantum jump in rationale.

Can be done though, - we just need Curly & Larry & Mo.

Then we are really cooking!

Oh, just to prove my TV and movie and cartoon theory..... and the powers to be behind that.....

Here are a few case studies.

1. Mr. Ronald Reagan. Movie Star! ..... Yes. Good Cowoy!

2. The Terminator .... Mr Arnold... from Austria.... currently Governor of California .... but possibly when they amend the laws... future President of the USA.

You want more examples?


The Abhisit government is more corrupt, more murky and more violent than any other government since 1990.


Evidence? Try Transparancy International, which now rates Thailand as MORE CORRUPT than during the Thaksin Administration.

Tragics statement was 'The Abhisit government is more corrupt, more murky and more violent than ......'.



I'd say that a country with low corruption figures needs to look very closely at why the figures are as low as they are - because in every instance it shows corruption is not being reported or not considered as "corruption". I'dd add that countries with higher corruption are usually doing more to address it.

Because of these two opinions, I think that Transparancy International is just another well-meaning but overly-politically correct "international watchdog" with absolutely no authority to make any changes, and one that has little idea what they're talking about based on a bunch of numbers collected on their behalf. Nice idea, though, and in a "utopia-like environment" I could see how it would be effective.

As for more murky, more violent... yeah, sorry, definitely disagree on the "violent" bit but there's a good argument for the "murky" bit - facts are not exactly forthcoming from the state. This is one of the only things I have ever heard from a Peua Thai politician that is true.


Hi Guys left till last minute i know but we all do it when wrapped up in the Pattaya Life tried to find the answer amongst the history lessons and banter in this thread :) is the border open at PONG NAM RON for visa runs as i need to go there tomorrow the 12th leaving at around 4am.

Thanks people

  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone have up-to-date info on the situation at the Hat Lek/Koh Kong border crossing? Is it safe for foreigners to cross, or should it be avoided?

yes need to know that too.... and how about aranyaprathet and poi pet? go or avoid ? hope some one got some REAL infos


Any info on Bangkok -Siem Reap land crossing? Thanks

Is there any reason for it to be closed since the post a couple above yours?

  • 4 weeks later...

I crossed at Aranyaprathet/Poipet on February 20th and back on March 3rd. Both times completely without problems. This is a non-issue for tourists.

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