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Are You Auditory, Visual Or Touchy-feely?


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I've been doing lots of work on communication skills and I'm idly interested in finding out how many of us are visual - "I see what you mean", "I get the picture" "It's clear now" type of people who see pictures in their minds as they speak and use lots of imagery when they talk, as opposed to auditory "I hear what you are saying", "That sounds good", "That rings a bell" type or kinaesthetic (touchy-feely) "I know how that feels", "it doesn't feel quite right to me", "I was moved by what you said.", "That left a bad taste in my mouth." "I smelt something fishy about him." We all use most modalities in speech but we will all be primarily one or the other - I'm very very very visual! What about you?

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Before taking my A-level exams in school we had to take a da.mn long test to determine what we responded best to, similar to visual, kinesthetic, audio etc. In order to maximise our revision productivity and potential grade. I can't remember what type I was, nor did I care really, results went straight into the bin.

If you're interested I'll try and dig out the link

Edited by Davey
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