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Pattaya A-Go-Go Staff Beat Up Foreign And Hi-So Customers

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I'm not sure which is more amazing, the ridiculous report (which I didn't bother to finish reading) or the righteous indignation generated on ThaiVisa from all the usual holier-than-thou pontificators.

1). Self-important whackos visit sleazy bars, get drunk and lippy. Heated words are exchanged of the 'who do you think you are," "do you know who I am," variety.

2). Drunken people act badly, get belligerent and long-suffering sleazy bar staff whack the whackos.

3). i) ThaiVisa regulars become indignant at this surprising turn of events.

ii) ThaiVisa regulars reach the shocking conclusion that bar owners and police are not the saints we all thought they were.

iii) Armchair Rambos tell us all how really brave drunken whackos should only beat one another silly on a one-to-one basis. If more than one Thai pummels the same obnoxious, drunken lout in a sleazy bar, the matter should be report to the UN.

Come on people. If a few local shop keepers and some visiting sex tourists get plastered in a whore-house cum bar and then get into a dust-up with the muscle hired by the bar as bouncers, this doesn't qualify as a news event. The gasps of moral outrage emanating from the ThaiVisa bearers of the torch of cultural integrity is really old and really tired.

Pattaya is Pattaya. Love it or Loathe it, but get over it. These bars wouldn't exist in their unfettered glory if laws weren't being bent. The people visiting them didn't confuse them with a World Heritage Site.

:clap2: Best response. Love the last line. World Heritage Site, :D

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Pattaya A-Go-Go Staff Beat Up Foreign And Hi-So Customers

What ? You mean people who enjoy waching sex slaves having to humiliate themselves for a couple of dollars and a life of mistreatments and misery, get beaten up?

What is really surprising to me, is that they dare to complain and that people do feel compassionate about this.

FYI in Sweeden prostitution customers are getting criminalized and IMO so should customers of GOGO Bars.

99% of prostitutes are non-consent forced sex slaves and 99% of prostitutes customers think prostitutes are free spirits

My dear fellow poster,

... you are wrong.

Best regards, TAWP.


What's that got to do with anything? You don't want people to come in here and begin posting?

I am not posting anything contentious, just trying to add a little to the discussion. Like I said, I shall just try to get some more info and post it here, granted that info would be rather one-sided as it'll come from the "victims" but it's a contribution nonetheless no? Fact is I simply see that I may have a bit of usefulness to contribute and I fancied doing so.

Claiming personal knowledge of the situation requires a leap of faith that is easier to take if there is a track record to back it up. A person who hasn't posted a peep for 2 years suddenly appears to champion the good nature of their "Friends" - suspicious, however true it might be. :whistling:

Why suspicious?

OK someone is a member reads but doesn't post,fair enough.

Along comes a topic in which they have a pretty unique position in that they know some of the victims.

So they post.

Seems allot more believable to me than some keyboard warrior who is the frigging expert on everything, constantly posting their BS opinions on everything and anything day in and day frigging out.

I know who's opinion I would take more notice of.

I couldn't agree more Kevkev, in fact I give more creedance to a member with fewer (informative) posts here than someone who posts on every known thread here which ultimately adds no extra information.

I rarely post but like to read what is mainly BS but it makes me laugh. It seems no one really knows what happened and most are just second guessing at best. My take is that both sides probably have some blame.

I had to pick myself up off the floor reading the ladies in question were Hi So. Not very likely.


What's the real story? I've often seen Hi-so people to go to this place just to talk and look down on people working in a-gogo bars. I won't be surprise that is what happened and this a-gogo bar didn't let it go...


What bar did this take place? Without the most important piece of information this article is useless. Are TV and Pattaya One too terrified to let us know? :realangry:


Terrible to see anyone getting attacked like that, but I love this story. I am very inclined to speculate that some very harsh words were stated by the so called Hiso's who were obviously showing off infront of their foreign friends!. Although this is no excuse for being attacked at least now we know these beatings that are on occasion dished out in these fine law abiding entertainment establishments (Go-go bars) are not geared towards only Farangs.

Im sure the Canadian Magazine Models were reinbursed at least part of the money they may have lost by missing their shoot by their wealthy clients. Its nice to see that its not just Falang males paying Thai Women for sex in Pattaya but alsit works both ways.

I love this Country.


What bar did this take place? Without the most important piece of information this article is useless. Are TV and Pattaya One too terrified to let us know? :realangry:

It was "Super Girls Agogo" so it says in the article anyway.


I've seen plenty of people getting slapped in bars in Thailand and it's nearly always because the customer is steaming drunk and abusing the staff or a member of staff. They get warned but don't give up and continue the foul mouthed abuse which inevitably leads to getting a good slap.

If you fancy a good slap yourself simply get blind drunk, argue the toss over a few baht on your bin, call them thieves, shit bags and you will "be back" then get what you deserve after repeatedly being asked to tone the foul disgusting language down, be that here or anywhere else in the world for that matter.

And i have seen pretty much sober customers get bottled by the staff because their bill was padded which means not few baht but few hundred baht or customers who were bottled because without even asking the customer, girl rings the bell and customer is expected to pay, even though he is screaming on top of his head that he did not ring the bell and did not want to buy 30 girls a round.

I have also seen sober customers get jumped and bottled when they were having an argument with the staff, but were attacked by people not relating to the bar at all.

I have also seen customers being attacked by the staff, customer being a better fighter and kick their ass, to then be jumped by every Thai Dick, Tom and Harry.

I guess it takes a "REAL MAN" to slap or beat up on someone steaming drunk according to your post and is perfectly acceptable to be cheated out of your money because they see customer as being drunk so he/she would not notice.

Whats a real man in your view?

Saw hit the nail on the head. Sounds like it hit a nerve

It's a bar in Thailand, what does anyone expect to find? You'll have your bad guys, your victims, and the peanut gallery of naysayers, pessimists, explainers and narcissists.

Every now and again a good Joe will come through, and invariably wind up as one of the latter.

Can't expect much good from a bottle no matter how much in the name of fun, fraternity and relaxation the back-home townie pub culture might lead some to think.

Drink it up in the back yard with the BBQ, with the old friends, a better route in this country. It's how the locals tend to do, -just a built in safety & respect factor.


What bar did this take place? Without the most important piece of information this article is useless. Are TV and Pattaya One too terrified to let us know? :realangry:

1. Read the article before commenting

2. Read the thread before commenting

It is stated in the article and multiple times in the thread.


i suppose what offended the lads working for the club was that the high so's were paying the falang, rather than the usual low ho's being the one's paid.

funny how these thai guys have no problem with their low ho chicks milking falang, but cant abide the thought of falang rent a boys elbowing in on their rice bowls. or maybe the hi so MILFs just reminded them too much of khun mae?


One of the many things I love about living here.

It really bugs me how many people make comments like this. Sure Thailand has different standards than alot of western countries, is it perfect? No. Do they welcome your opinion on their culture such that you should continue to offer support and constructive criticism? No.

That said, they are going to change when they feel like changing. The Thais make it very clear that they accept you to reside here at will, but you are not welcome to comment on their society. You are a guest not a prisoner. There are daily flights from several airports back to wherever you are from. If you are not happy here, or wherever you are on earth you should leave. Life is too short to be so miserable all the time.

My other peeve is these stories almost always come out of either Pattaya, or Patong, Phuket. Do not generalize Thai nightlife to include these places. I have been living here off and on for 8 years, and I have managed to go that entire time without even witnessing an event like this. The rare occasion when I have seen someone being "attitude adjusted" by a bar or gogo staff, they deserved it. I went to Pattaya a few times in the beginning, and recognized it for what it was, and stopped going there. Never had a problem. I also go to Phuket pretty regularly, but I stay on Kata or Kata Noi beach, and rarely venture to Patong. Never had a problem. I don't go drinking in the Harlem NY, Newark, South Central in LA, Roxbury in Boston, South Houston, Tijuana, Juarez...you get the point I think.

We all know there is always more to the story when a HiSo Thai is involved with a LoSo Thai in a conflict, and we also know that Pattaya is one of the true cesspools of the world, so calling someone a prominent Pattaya business person, in my book is that same as saying "New Jersey Sanitation Company owner" or "Chicago political organizer" This is corrupt shitbags fighting with other corrupt shitbags over who knows what slight, perceived or actual, in a corrupt shit hole filled with drunks,losers, and rookies.

I will humbly offer this piece of advice from my limited world experience. If you take money from an ATM in the South Bronx at 4AM next to the parking lot where the junkies hang out, you will get robbed. If you hang out in that wretched den of scum and villany known as Pattaya you will get exactly what you pay for.


Agree to disagree here - particularly Pattaya - even if you're in the right - and you can get a beating.

Incidentally - there are a few places on Khoa San Road - Bangkok - which are frequented by foreigners whose Thai staff are only too happy to attack their customers if the opportunity arises even for the slightest and most trivial of excuses.

In all the years I have lived in Thailand I have never witnessed a one on one fight between a Thai and a Farang, allways the odds are against the Farang Never ever seen a Straightener ( One on One)


One of the many things I love about living here.

It really bugs me how many people make comments like this. Sure Thailand has different standards than alot of western countries, is it perfect? No. Do they welcome your opinion on their culture such that you should continue to offer support and constructive criticism? No.

That said, they are going to change when they feel like changing. The Thais make it very clear that they accept you to reside here at will, but you are not welcome to comment on their society. You are a guest not a prisoner. There are daily flights from several airports back to wherever you are from. If you are not happy here, or wherever you are on earth you should leave. Life is too short to be so miserable all the time.

My other peeve is these stories almost always come out of either Pattaya, or Patong, Phuket. Do not generalize Thai nightlife to include these places. I have been living here off and on for 8 years, and I have managed to go that entire time without even witnessing an event like this. The rare occasion when I have seen someone being "attitude adjusted" by a bar or gogo staff, they deserved it. I went to Pattaya a few times in the beginning, and recognized it for what it was, and stopped going there. Never had a problem. I also go to Phuket pretty regularly, but I stay on Kata or Kata Noi beach, and rarely venture to Patong. Never had a problem. I don't go drinking in the Harlem NY, Newark, South Central in LA, Roxbury in Boston, South Houston, Tijuana, Juarez...you get the point I think.

We all know there is always more to the story when a HiSo Thai is involved with a LoSo Thai in a conflict, and we also know that Pattaya is one of the true cesspools of the world, so calling someone a prominent Pattaya business person, in my book is that same as saying "New Jersey Sanitation Company owner" or "Chicago political organizer" This is corrupt shitbags fighting with other corrupt shitbags over who knows what slight, perceived or actual, in a corrupt shit hole filled with drunks,losers, and rookies.

I will humbly offer this piece of advice from my limited world experience. If you take money from an ATM in the South Bronx at 4AM next to the parking lot where the junkies hang out, you will get robbed. If you hang out in that wretched den of scum and villany known as Pattaya you will get exactly what you pay for.

That about sums up the state of your country mate, is the USA thinking of making Thailand a state?


Let this be a lesson to hi-so female Thais. Next time they want to go out drinking, instead of some male models, they need some tougher companions. May I suggest some London East End boys, or some Russians. That way when the conflict comes down to 10 Thai men against the two companions, it would at least be a fair fight..... :rolleyes:


Pattaya A-Go-Go Staff Beat Up Foreign And Hi-So Customers

What ? You mean people who enjoy waching sex slaves having to humiliate themselves for a couple of dollars and a life of mistreatments and misery, get beaten up?

What is really surprising to me, is that they dare to complain and that people do feel compassionate about this.

FYI in Sweeden prostitution customers are getting criminalized and IMO so should customers of GOGO Bars.

99% of prostitutes are non-consent forced sex slaves and 99% of prostitutes customers think prostitutes are free spirits

I am sure you are well intentioned but you might want to check out the go go's website. These ladies are high rollers, most with eye and boob jobs as the Japanese customers like that. If you will look at the ladies passports you will notice frequent trips outside of Thailand. They also vacation in Thailand at all the major resorts. These are not Beach road bimbos.

I would imagine many make in a month what you make in a year.

Don't waste your pity. There are lots of poor helpless people in Thailand worthy of sympathy but not at Super baby or Super girls a go go.


One of the many things I love about living here.

It really bugs me how many people make comments like this. Sure Thailand has different standards than alot of western countries, is it perfect? No. Do they welcome your opinion on their culture such that you should continue to offer support and constructive criticism? No.

That said, they are going to change when they feel like changing. The Thais make it very clear that they accept you to reside here at will, but you are not welcome to comment on their society. You are a guest not a prisoner. There are daily flights from several airports back to wherever you are from. If you are not happy here, or wherever you are on earth you should leave. Life is too short to be so miserable all the time.

My other peeve is these stories almost always come out of either Pattaya, or Patong, Phuket. Do not generalize Thai nightlife to include these places. I have been living here off and on for 8 years, and I have managed to go that entire time without even witnessing an event like this. The rare occasion when I have seen someone being "attitude adjusted" by a bar or gogo staff, they deserved it. I went to Pattaya a few times in the beginning, and recognized it for what it was, and stopped going there. Never had a problem. I also go to Phuket pretty regularly, but I stay on Kata or Kata Noi beach, and rarely venture to Patong. Never had a problem. I don't go drinking in the Harlem NY, Newark, South Central in LA, Roxbury in Boston, South Houston, Tijuana, Juarez...you get the point I think.

We all know there is always more to the story when a HiSo Thai is involved with a LoSo Thai in a conflict, and we also know that Pattaya is one of the true cesspools of the world, so calling someone a prominent Pattaya business person, in my book is that same as saying "New Jersey Sanitation Company owner" or "Chicago political organizer" This is corrupt shitbags fighting with other corrupt shitbags over who knows what slight, perceived or actual, in a corrupt shit hole filled with drunks,losers, and rookies.

I will humbly offer this piece of advice from my limited world experience. If you take money from an ATM in the South Bronx at 4AM next to the parking lot where the junkies hang out, you will get robbed. If you hang out in that wretched den of scum and villany known as Pattaya you will get exactly what you pay for.

You are right. That wretched den of scum and villany known as Pattaya is not for kids. When you grow up and have a handle on the world it is a fun place. I used to live in Downtown Chicago and Detroit and Miami. Pattaya strikes me as quite tame.


Agree to disagree here - particularly Pattaya - even if you're in the right - and you can get a beating.

Incidentally - there are a few places on Khoa San Road - Bangkok - which are frequented by foreigners whose Thai staff are only too happy to attack their customers if the opportunity arises even for the slightest and most trivial of excuses.

In all the years I have lived in Thailand I have never witnessed a one on one fight between a Thai and a Farang, allways the odds are against the Farang Never ever seen a Straightener ( One on One)

You can see one every hour in Pattaya. There is a hotel and boxing training camp in North Pattaya Fairtex I think and another couple off of South Pattaya road behind Tutcom. Thais fight one on one with Falang at least every hour,


If you hang out in that wretched den of scum and villainy

I'm reading that part of your post as if spoken by Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. :D


One of the many things I love about living here.

It really bugs me how many people make comments like this. Sure Thailand has different standards than alot of western countries, is it perfect? No. Do they welcome your opinion on their culture such that you should continue to offer support and constructive criticism? No.

That said, they are going to change when they feel like changing. The Thais make it very clear that they accept you to reside here at will, but you are not welcome to comment on their society. You are a guest not a prisoner. There are daily flights from several airports back to wherever you are from. If you are not happy here, or wherever you are on earth you should leave. Life is too short to be so miserable all the time.

My other peeve is these stories almost always come out of either Pattaya, or Patong, Phuket. Do not generalize Thai nightlife to include these places. I have been living here off and on for 8 years, and I have managed to go that entire time without even witnessing an event like this. The rare occasion when I have seen someone being "attitude adjusted" by a bar or gogo staff, they deserved it. I went to Pattaya a few times in the beginning, and recognized it for what it was, and stopped going there. Never had a problem. I also go to Phuket pretty regularly, but I stay on Kata or Kata Noi beach, and rarely venture to Patong. Never had a problem. I don't go drinking in the Harlem NY, Newark, South Central in LA, Roxbury in Boston, South Houston, Tijuana, Juarez...you get the point I think.

We all know there is always more to the story when a HiSo Thai is involved with a LoSo Thai in a conflict, and we also know that Pattaya is one of the true cesspools of the world, so calling someone a prominent Pattaya business person, in my book is that same as saying "New Jersey Sanitation Company owner" or "Chicago political organizer" This is corrupt shitbags fighting with other corrupt shitbags over who knows what slight, perceived or actual, in a corrupt shit hole filled with drunks,losers, and rookies.

I will humbly offer this piece of advice from my limited world experience. If you take money from an ATM in the South Bronx at 4AM next to the parking lot where the junkies hang out, you will get robbed. If you hang out in that wretched den of scum and villany known as Pattaya you will get exactly what you pay for.

That about sums up the state of your country mate, is the USA thinking of making Thailand a state?

Why not. We already made England our bitches. I am sure it is impossible to find a rough neighborhood in London or Manchester. England is one step above Bombay these days. At least you can get a good curry there.


If you hang out in that wretched den of scum and villainy

I'm reading that part of your post as if spoken by Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. :D

Now read it as spoken by Obiwan Kenobi to Luke Skywalker when he warns him to watch his back in Mos Eisly. Whenever I am forced to go to Pattaya I always imagine that scene. "You will never find a more wretched den of scum and villany"


Terrible to see anyone getting attacked like that, but I love this story. I am very inclined to speculate that some very harsh words were stated by the so called Hiso's who were obviously showing off infront of their foreign friends!. Although this is no excuse for being attacked at least now we know these beatings that are on occasion dished out in these fine law abiding entertainment establishments (Go-go bars) are not geared towards only Farangs.

Im sure the Canadian Magazine Models were reinbursed at least part of the money they may have lost by missing their shoot by their wealthy clients. Its nice to see that its not just Falang males paying Thai Women for sex in Pattaya but alsit works both ways.

I love this Country.

You can see it any night of the week. Go to that Thai night club behind Big C, Dom Non Issan or something like that. Hi so older Thai women with the diamonds and the young guys, mostly Thai but occasionally a Falang dive instructor thrown in for good luck. Lot of lady fights there though. Two cops own the place and they like Falang so you'll be OK. They just toss the old broads in the paddy wagon and down to the station. 500 baht gets em out of jail. Or so a little bird told me. "Momma don't let your babies grow up to be gigolos." I think that was a Willie Nelson song.


If you hang out in that wretched den of scum and villainy

I'm reading that part of your post as if spoken by Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. :D

Now read it as spoken by Obiwan Kenobi to Luke Skywalker when he warns him to watch his back in Mos Eisly. Whenever I am forced to go to Pattaya I always imagine that scene. "You will never find a more wretched den of scum and villany"

I tried mate but all I got was " These aren't the droids you're looking for " in the voice of Peter " Hosepipe" North. I think I'd better lay of the cough medicine the pharmacist sold me. :D


If you hang out in that wretched den of scum and villainy

I'm reading that part of your post as if spoken by Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. :D

Now read it as spoken by Obiwan Kenobi to Luke Skywalker when he warns him to watch his back in Mos Eisly. Whenever I am forced to go to Pattaya I always imagine that scene. "You will never find a more wretched den of scum and villany"

I tried mate but all I got was " These aren't the droids you're looking for " in the voice of Peter " Hosepipe" North. I think I'd better lay of the cough medicine the pharmacist sold me. :D

When you imagine voices you are stuck on Johnny Depp in Makeup, and Peter North? Hmmm...you might want to explore that with a professional sooner rather than later. :-) Not that there's anything wrong with that....


How can the police do a fair trial/hearing, they probably own the bar.

That is a western concept. Nobody in Thailand expects there would be one, except for expats trying to force their ideals on the Thais. When in Rome, do as the Romans. ATM justice is just another way of doing things.


And these 2 young Canadian models lost 8500,000 (8.5 million) in lost earnings as they could not do a show in Bangkok on 16th Feb...:angry:

8.5 million my rear end. There's no way they were getting paid that much..especially as male models.

For a one day show, likely not paid that much, but if the show ran a couple of weeks then that much is a possiblity...


And these 2 young Canadian models lost 8500,000 (8.5 million) in lost earnings as they could not do a show in Bangkok on 16th Feb...:angry:

8.5 million my rear end. There's no way they were getting paid that much..especially as male models.

For a one day show, likely not paid that much, but if the show ran a couple of weeks then that much is a possiblity...

Whats the difference how much they are paid?? 100 baht or 1 000 000 baht?

Story is not about wages in Thailand, story is about an assault.

And if they do get paid 8 000 000 baht good on them. Anyone is welcome to hit the gym, be born attractive or can always have some plastic surgery's!

Its simple really,some people are born attractive and make a living out of it, some are born smart and make a living that way and some are born with neither-thats just how it is.

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