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I am coming back to Thailand in the summer with a non immigrant multi entry 'O' visa, Hull have confirmed if I show I am on the rental agreement I will get the visa. Now, if the next year my thai G/F and I decide to get married I have some questions and would be grateful for any information and advice. Firstly marriage, I understand this si Thailand and not the UK so I am lead to believe to get married we can get a monk to come along and do the ceremony,so what about any paperwork to take along to immigration to avoid doing the border runs? My thai G/F says you dont get a certificate anybody can help with this?

After the marriage what do I need to take along to immigration tochange the visa status?

Thinking of getting a house, I will be paying of course,but I can get my name put on the Chanoot(?) I understand we get a blue book, but I have heard/see mention of a yellow book what can that be, one for non thai perhaps?

I am told that I would get some sort of card that would give me a card that would give me access to healthcare at a Government hospital is that right? Sounds good not to have to pay extortionate health plans that dump you at 80. I am now 64 but will be 65 in the autumn if that helps with any options, retirement visa a thought but would have to maybe have a certain amount in the bank and or declare pension abroad which freeze further increases. Thinking I might defer the pension and have some time of the 10.4% annual increase, in that case I am not sure what happens with the SERPS part, its not subject to the 10.4% increase but do they pay that from 65 or do they defer that for you until you claim your pension, anyone know?



Your Gf is talking about a traditional wedding, not a legal wedding. As far as the law is concerned you will not be married. Only when you go to the amphur and have the wedding registered, for which you need documents from your embassy, will you be officially married. Only than can you get extensions of stay from immirgaiton.

As a foreigner you can not own land.

The health scheme is not for you, unless your GF is a civil servant, as the spouse, children and parents of a civil servant are covert under the government health insurance.


Marriage is not a religious affair but a civil filing at the local district office. To do this a foreigner will require paper from his Embassy that they are single and providing bio data/references. Two documents are received and will be required if extending stay at Immigration on basis of marriage. The marriage certificate itself and a copy of the written transcript recorded at the district office.

You can not own land in Thailand as a foreigner so only wife could but money would have to be hers alone.

There is no policy to issue health cards to foreigners - a few have obtained but not many. You should be prepared to pay your way and the government is starting to look into this matter seriously. As you seem to be at an age where you need it immediately if you intend to obtain you may want to check into that now. Currently you can use government hospitals but it does require payment (but much less than some private hospitals).

Retirement extension of stay is much easier at Immigration as only financial proof is required.


As said having a party and bringing in a few Monks is not a legal marriage.

You can find details of how to be legally married on the British Embassy website. Here

Twelve month extensions from Immigration


(6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.


(3) Proof of income of not less than Baht 65,000 per month; or

(4) Account deposit with a bank in Thailand of not less than

800,000 Baht as shown in the bank account for the past 3 months at the filing date of the application. For the first year, the applicant should have that amount in his bank account for not less than 60 days or

(5) Annual income plus bank account deposit totaling not less

than Baht 800,000 as of the filing date of application


Thanks for all your thoughts and comments, much appreciated and very much in line with what I thought was the case, amongst the fragments of information you sometimes get!

Any comments on my pension deferal and what the position is with SERPS payment?


Any comments on my pension deferal and what the position is with SERPS payment?

No but these people might know. UK Pension.

Yes I am sure they will,however, you cannot contact them by email, phone or write. They ask for your NI number naturally so they can look at your file which might then flag me up as not being in the UK and "check where he is and where he has been recently with a view to freezing pension." I can ring when I get back but would like to have had the information early to consider options.

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