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Uk Settlement Visa For Wife/Wife To Be

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I have had a good read of many of the threads and have picked up some advice. Thanks to all who post helpful replies.

Any advice on below?

My brief circumstances:

I have known tgf for just over 2 years and we were engaged in January 2011. She is a 32 year old hairdresser / beauty therapist. She visited UK for a few months in 2010. Over the last few years I have been in Thailand a lot (business visa) and own a condo where we both live when in Thailand. It is our intention to marry sometime later this year, and to live primarily in UK for a few years, before maybe returning to Thailand.

I understand that we have 3 options for a settlement visa:

1. Unmarried partner – would prefer this (as it is time generous) but worry whether we could comfortably demonstrate that we have been together for 2 years "as a couple". There have been several long periods when I have been in Europe and tgf has been in Thailand. Also, apart from a couple of bank cards, there is not much yet in joint names. We have plenty of communication and photographic support, but I think stamps in my passport will prove a big problem. Any comment?

2. Fiancée – As I am now back in UK for work, this looks most simple, but in the long run has more hurdles to clear and more fees to pay. Anyway, Tgf wants wedding at parent's house – I suppose we could have the formal bit in UK and the "ceremony" later in Thailand.

3. Spouse – Obviously this would require my return to Thailand and a marriage there.


If we apply for a spouse visa (after a certified Thai marriage and successful TB and English tests) will it damage our chances if I leave the Thailand whilst awaiting the outcome? I have heard waits of anything from a few days to "months" for this type of visa to be granted. If succesful, can spouse travel into UK on her own?

From obtaining the signed Affirmation to Marry from the Embassy to the granting of a succesful visa, what would be a reasonable time (assuming everything booked and ready to go)?

Any advice or mention of other options welcome. Thank you.

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Not sure what you mean when you say that an unmarried partners visa is 'time generous.' Both this and a spouse visa are valid for 27 months and after living in the UK for 24 months they holder can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain, provided the other conditions are met.

If you mean processing times, they are the same for all settlement visa, whatever category.

If you mean the actual process of getting married in Thailand; this can all be done in a few days (see Guidance for British nationals wishing to marry in Thailand).

The unmarried partner rules do allow for periods of up to 6 months separation due to work etc., providing it was not possible for your partner to accompany you and you can show that the relationship has continued during that time, e.g. phone records. See SET5.12 Assessing whether the relationship has subsisted for two years.

It is up to you whether you follow your partner's wishes and have the ceremonial wedding at her parents house. However, if you do so, or are going to be in Thailand anyway, then I would recommend that you also register the marriage at an Ampur and then apply for a spouse visa rather than apply for a fiance visa and then register the marriage in the UK; as you say; the fiance visa route is more expensive.

Of course, if you do meet the unmarried partner's requirements then there is no need, as far as her visa is concerned, for you to marry each other at all. Whether to do so or not is a personal choice only the two of you can make.

Whichever visa she applies for, there is no requirement for you to remain in Thailand while her application is being processed; or even be there when she submits the application. However, I would suggest that you put in your sponsor's letter the reason why you have returned to the UK ahead of her, especially if going the unmarried partners route.

Processing times are difficult to anticipate. Applications are dealt with in a strict 'first come, first served' basis (unless there are compassionate reasons for 'jumping the queue'). Apply at a quite time and it could all be done in a few days; apply at a busy time and it could take as long as three months. The Guide to visa processing times shows that in December 92% of settlement applications in Bangkok were resolved within 30 days and 99% within 90. Of course, past performance is no guarantee of future performance.

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From what I read about the Englisn test in order to apply for a settlement visa, I was led to believe that tgf could do it locally in Chiang Mai.

She has phoned up the company and has been told she can have "listening and reading" test in CM (1200 baht) but then must got to Bangkok for "speaking and wrting" test - another 3500 baht.

This sounds ridiculous. Is this right - or is she being fed a line?

Anyone know please?

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From what I read about the Englisn test in order to apply for a settlement visa, I was led to believe that tgf could do it locally in Chiang Mai.

She has phoned up the company and has been told she can have "listening and reading" test in CM (1200 baht) but then must got to Bangkok for "speaking and wrting" test - another 3500 baht.

This sounds ridiculous. Is this right - or is she being fed a line?

Anyone know please?

It's absolute rubbish. The test for the settlement visa should not include reading or writing elements, and any proper test centre should be able to offer the appropriate speaking and listening test together. It takes less than 15 minutes.

I don't know what's available in Chiang Mai, but the VFS list of approved test centres is here:-


Edited by Eff1n2ret
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From what I read about the Englisn test in order to apply for a settlement visa, I was led to believe that tgf could do it locally in Chiang Mai.

She has phoned up the company and has been told she can have "listening and reading" test in CM (1200 baht) but then must got to Bangkok for "speaking and wrting" test - another 3500 baht.

This sounds ridiculous. Is this right - or is she being fed a line?

Anyone know please?

I'm not sure what this company is offering you. The A1 level test for a settlement visa comprises two elements - listening and speaking. They seem to be offering you something completely different.

Our associate company - English Test Centres - offers the test in Bangkok or Pattaya for 6,000 Baht. ETC also offer a pre-test seminar for 1,000 Baht. This is designed to assess the level of English of the applicant, and to give them an insight, in an informal setting, into how the test is carried out. Please use the link below to contact English Test Centres as other companies are trying to utilise similar sounding names in an attempt to hijack genuine enquiries to ETC to their own company. Alternatively, you can use our website.


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There are generally 2 types of English test providers.

Those that offer tests that grade at beginner level only i.e CEFR A1 and A2 only. Such as the MRELTS VP's company offers.

There are also those providers who are able to assess a candidate's English level from beginner through to native speaker.

Nothing really difficult to understand so not sure why VP doesn't know what the company in question is offering! (sounds like the op called TOEIC btw).

Also remember there is no new English test for settlement. There is a requirement to demonstrate a certain level of English in 2 of the 4 core English skills.

One can take any test that grades each skill sepertley and has therefore been approved by the UKBA.

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Nothing really difficult to understand so not sure why VP doesn't know what the company in question is offering! (sounds like the op called TOEIC btw).

The requirement is not difficult to understand; but whoever Contractor's girlfriend spoke to have done so as they are telling her that she "must got to Bangkok for "speaking and writing" test" which is not correct. The requirement is for speaking and listening only; there is no writing requirement.

I can't speak for him, but perhaps it is the reason for this misinformation given to Contractor's girlfriend that VP doesn't understand.

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If it was indeed TOEIC they spoke to, nothing incorrect about being advised to travel to Bangkok tp sit those two modules as that is the way TOEIC is set up.

This is because of the way TOEIC test related modules together. They were providing info about their own testing system so again, no incorrect info provided.

Seems overly harsh to say the test provider in question has provided misinformation, a serious accusation indeed.

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She has phoned up the company and has been told she can have "listening and reading" test in CM (1200 baht) but then must got to Bangkok for "speaking and wrting" test - another 3500 baht.

(My emphasis)

There is no "must" about it. A speaking and listening test is enough to satisfy the requirement. She does not need reading or writing. She has been misinformed by the company she spoke to.

If the company concerned offer only a listening and reading test and then a different speaking and writing test then they are going about it in a very strange fashion. Reading and writing are not required and most companies will offer a speaking and listening test only. She should use a company that offers the correct test not one that will make her sit, and pay for, two tests; half of which is unnecessary.

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Nothing really difficult to understand so not sure why VP doesn't know what the company in question is offering! (sounds like the op called TOEIC btw).

The requirement is not difficult to understand; but whoever Contractor's girlfriend spoke to have done so as they are telling her that she "must got to Bangkok for "speaking and writing" test" which is not correct. The requirement is for speaking and listening only; there is no writing requirement.

I can't speak for him, but perhaps it is the reason for this misinformation given to Contractor's girlfriend that VP doesn't understand.

Thanks for all replies.

My gf has now spoken with 2 of the "VFS recommended" language test centres (one BKK one CM) and both have said that they do not offer a speaking & listening test. One has to sit a speaking & writing test and another listening & reading test. I understand that the embassy will accept, of course, a pass in a more comprehensive test.

This is as I understand it.

This whole langauage test issue has been poorly thought through and managed, with recommended test centres not offerring what is actually required. It would be very helpful if someone at UK Embassy/VFS were to get on board this issue and, at the very least, explain things a bit better rather than letting the applicant suffer this run around.

It might also help if centres offering tests exhibited some courtesy in replying to emails.

Again thanks for all helpful replies.


Edited by Contractor
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7by7, you often jump on other people for making comments that sail close to the wind when it comes to defamation, and you consistently claiming that TOEIC are providing misinformation is iffy indeed!

They have explained the way their system works to the caller. In order to score in the modules required one must sit all of TOEIC's modules. No ifs ands or buts. That is the TOEIC setup so stop claiming they are wrong.

If you call a Mercede dealer, they will only tell you about the models, offers, finance etc relevant to their business. You seem to think they should inform customers of their compeitors' activities too. A strange position to adopt IMO.

You also seem to think that Englih language test provides should be changing their systems just for one segment o the market. Why exactly? Most test providers were established long before an Englih requirement was introduced for settlement applications.

I also do nor accept that most providers allow candidates to sit just speaking & listening. The 3 most intentionally respected certainly don't: iELTS, Cambridge and TOEIC.

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7by7, you often jump on other people for making comments that sail close to the wind when it comes to defamation, and you consistently claiming that TOEIC are providing misinformation is iffy indeed!

Kindly go through my posts and show me where I said TOEIC are providing misinformation.

When you have failed to do so, I will accept your apology.

From what the OP has posted it appears that his girlfriend was told that she must do a listening and reading test and a speaking and writing test. This is not so as only speaking and listening are required; hence my saying that she had been misinformed. I did not name any company as I do not know what company she spoke to; do you?

It does not matter how a particular company sets up their tests; but were I in this position I would choose a company that offers what I want and need, not one that is going to charge me extra to take tests that are not required. Neither would I choose a company that required me to take half the test in Chiang Mai and the other half in Bangkok.

However, that is my opinion; it is up to individuals which company they choose.

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  • 1 month later...

From what I read about the Englisn test in order to apply for a settlement visa, I was led to believe that tgf could do it locally in Chiang Mai.

She has phoned up the company and has been told she can have "listening and reading" test in CM (1200 baht) but then must got to Bangkok for "speaking and wrting" test - another 3500 baht.

This sounds ridiculous. Is this right - or is she being fed a line?

Anyone know please?

I'm not sure what this company is offering you. The A1 level test for a settlement visa comprises two elements - listening and speaking. They seem to be offering you something completely different.

Our associate company - English Test Centres - offers the test in Bangkok or Pattaya for 6,000 Baht. ETC also offer a pre-test seminar for 1,000 Baht. This is designed to assess the level of English of the applicant, and to give them an insight, in an informal setting, into how the test is carried out. Please use the link below to contact English Test Centres as other companies are trying to utilise similar sounding names in an attempt to hijack genuine enquiries to ETC to their own company. Alternatively, you can use our website.


We used the Visaplus English test in Pattaya and the tester made my wife feel relaxed and at ease.

She got her results within the 10 working day guideline and it was submitted today with her Settlement application.

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