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Attacked In The Street - And Advice?


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Must be more to this story. Never heard or seen the 22 guys beat up a foreigner for no reason whatsoever. That soi is fairly Foreigner friendly with Queens Imperial park hotel, Queen's Plaza Bar area, Washy Square, Massage establishments.

Don't get me wrong the majority of those guys are bad news but has to be more to the story. Especially if his colleagues didn't join in (Not standard Thai beat up a foreigner style) then one of them helped him???

Edited by negreanu
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Must be more to this story. Never heard or seen the 22 guys beat up a foreigner for no reason whatsoever. That soi is fairly Foreigner friendly with Queens Imperial park hotel, Queen's Plaza Bar area, Washy Square, Massage establishments.

Don't get me wrong the majority of those guys are bad news but has to be more to the story. Especially if his colleagues didn't join in (Not standard Thai beat up a foreigner style) then one of them helped him???

I don't ever want to blame a victim but I honestly cannot help but think there is something more too but I am leaning toward the side of the OP not knowing or putting it together yet. I keep leaning towards thinking he slighted a working girl somehow and she got or paid this friend to do this. If you are mad at somebody and are the fighting type then you usually give them a bit of a beating and not just one punch and not say anything .. this wouldn't be too personally rewarding if you are the type to result to violent outbursts. However, if the guy was simply doing a job he wasn't too thrilled with doing and his hear not into it then it makes sense he would get one good punch in and have it be over with.

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Thonglor police are notoriously lazy and corrupt, even after presenting them with irrefutable evidence of wrongdoing from an employee we still had to pay the police to deal with it.

If you want this dealing with you will have to pay them to deal with it, even then don't expect any real outcome although ours was sorted with the introduction of a good lawyer to the scene).

The truth is the police don't care, you are farang, if there is nothing in it financially for them then they don't give a dam_n.

As for the tourist police, what visa do you have? are you a tourist or do you have Non Imm visa?

I have a tourist visa, considering a lawyer's offer of 10,000B to upgrade to 3-month non-immigrant visa, then 25,000B to get a retirement visa.

Out of interest, any idea how much a cop would expect from me to take action? I've got to walk past this guy and his mates to get home every day - the last thing I want is him thinking he can do what he pleases and get away with it.

you have a tourist visa therefore the tourist police should deal with this, their office is on phetburi road, go in with your passport and your medical report and make sure they deal with it, if you know a respectable Thai take them with you, let them know it is not just going to go away and you want action taken.

I know we are all different, and I know things can come back and bite you on the arse, but this swamp rat would have been dealt with by now if it was me, but again this comes down to who and what you know in Bangkok.

As for the cost for the police to deal with it, offer 50% of the compensation he manages to extract from the guy who assaulted you.

Well, I just called the lawyer who's helping me on the visa issue: he said motorbike riders like that don't have a cent, so no chance of compensation - and it would cost several thousand baht to hire a lawyer to even try to get a case together for a court...

Why are you using a lawyer for a visa? - you can do this stuff yourself cheap. If you qual. for a retirement and have 1900 baht - it takes a few hours leg work and a visit to the immigration office. It is easier then a marriage visa. If local immigration wants extra from you then you need to move - don't feed the animals - there are lots of good places in Thailand to be. Sounds like your not in one of them - stuff happens.

If you don't know why this guy jumped you then he most likely doesn't ether - so whats the point - if you think it is a problem that might happen again then see first paragraph about moving.

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Must be more to this story. Never heard or seen the 22 guys beat up a foreigner for no reason whatsoever. That soi is fairly Foreigner friendly with Queens Imperial park hotel, Queen's Plaza Bar area, Washy Square, Massage establishments.

Don't get me wrong the majority of those guys are bad news but has to be more to the story. Especially if his colleagues didn't join in (Not standard Thai beat up a foreigner style) then one of them helped him???

I don't ever want to blame a victim but I honestly cannot help but think there is something more too but I am leaning toward the side of the OP not knowing or putting it together yet. I keep leaning towards thinking he slighted a working girl somehow and she got or paid this friend to do this. If you are mad at somebody and are the fighting type then you usually give them a bit of a beating and not just one punch and not say anything .. this wouldn't be too personally rewarding if you are the type to result to violent outbursts. However, if the guy was simply doing a job he wasn't too thrilled with doing and his hear not into it then it makes sense he would get one good punch in and have it be over with.

There is nothing whatsoever to suggest the op did anything to warrant a beating, some of you people need to understand that there are some crazies out there that will attack people just going about their normal business. As the op says he was concussed, he doesn't know if it was attempted robbery that was stopped by others, he doesnt know if the guy suddenly realised it was mistaken identity.

just get off the 'well you must have done something to deserve it' nonsense, unless you have proof other wise then the op was attacked without reason.

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Must be more to this story. Never heard or seen the 22 guys beat up a foreigner for no reason whatsoever. That soi is fairly Foreigner friendly with Queens Imperial park hotel, Queen's Plaza Bar area, Washy Square, Massage establishments.

Don't get me wrong the majority of those guys are bad news but has to be more to the story. Especially if his colleagues didn't join in (Not standard Thai beat up a foreigner style) then one of them helped him???

I don't ever want to blame a victim but I honestly cannot help but think there is something more too but I am leaning toward the side of the OP not knowing or putting it together yet. I keep leaning towards thinking he slighted a working girl somehow and she got or paid this friend to do this. If you are mad at somebody and are the fighting type then you usually give them a bit of a beating and not just one punch and not say anything .. this wouldn't be too personally rewarding if you are the type to result to violent outbursts. However, if the guy was simply doing a job he wasn't too thrilled with doing and his hear not into it then it makes sense he would get one good punch in and have it be over with.

There is nothing whatsoever to suggest the op did anything to warrant a beating, some of you people need to understand that there are some crazies out there that will attack people just going about their normal business. As the op says he was concussed, he doesn't know if it was attempted robbery that was stopped by others, he doesnt know if the guy suddenly realised it was mistaken identity.

just get off the 'well you must have done something to deserve it' nonsense, unless you have proof other wise then the op was attacked without reason.

And you have proof he didn't? I seem to recall the OP saying he didn't know what he did. He certainly may have been the victim of random violence by a guy who works right at the spot where he will continue to be every day and where there doesn't appear to be any other incidents of foreigners reporting random punches by strangers let alone a known taxi driver OR it is very possible somebody paid this taxi driver to hit this guy. Maybe it was a case of mistake identity too. Lots of maybes and the OP at least appears to want to take steps to find out why this person did this ... meaning that he isn't at all convinced it was just some random guy who decided to punch him.

There is nothing wrong with expressing opinions if they are done respectfully. The OP posted in another thread about looking for cheap Viagra. So, I doubt he is going to take offense to my suggesting he may have slighted a working girl in some way. Of course he could be looking for cheap Viagra to use with his wife or GF and if that is the case and he is one of the few retirees in Thailand not taking advantage of the abundance of girls here then i apologize to him for suggesting this may be the case.

And I don't recall the OP saying he didn't remember after being hit and in fact said he was hit in the head and the person fled and after somebody who saw what happened helped him into a Taxi and gave him a paper with the guys ID # on it. He doesn't mention anybody intervening (not a Thai - or big city thing to do).

Edited by Nisa
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File a written complaint by letter to the tourist police, with a copy to your embassy. Normally the tourist police will help you.

I agree with Mario however I would also take pictures of your face before it starts looking better and also as you walk by the guy next time take a pic with your mobile (if it has a cam)

It is also NOT ilegal to have a friend take video of you trying to report it in the Tourist Police Station and that should get them off their fat lazzy asses as well.

I can't believe how some of the posters here reply to this poor guys dilema. He is looking for help NOT sarcasm etc.

This is one of the reasons that Thai's think we are all idiots. In LOS they have "Thai rak Thai" and as you know and some people have said if a Thai is getting abused from a farang there will be 100 of them helping him but whenn a farang asks for help from other farangs they just act like some of the repliers here and look the other way.

I would NOT let this go to the OP.

Post your ad to local newspapers that are English language all over Thailand and also send it to the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" office and let them know too.

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Must be more to this story. Never heard or seen the 22 guys beat up a foreigner for no reason whatsoever. That soi is fairly Foreigner friendly with Queens Imperial park hotel, Queen's Plaza Bar area, Washy Square, Massage establishments.

Don't get me wrong the majority of those guys are bad news but has to be more to the story. Especially if his colleagues didn't join in (Not standard Thai beat up a foreigner style) then one of them helped him???

I don't ever want to blame a victim but I honestly cannot help but think there is something more too but I am leaning toward the side of the OP not knowing or putting it together yet. I keep leaning towards thinking he slighted a working girl somehow and she got or paid this friend to do this. If you are mad at somebody and are the fighting type then you usually give them a bit of a beating and not just one punch and not say anything .. this wouldn't be too personally rewarding if you are the type to result to violent outbursts. However, if the guy was simply doing a job he wasn't too thrilled with doing and his hear not into it then it makes sense he would get one good punch in and have it be over with.

There is nothing whatsoever to suggest the op did anything to warrant a beating, some of you people need to understand that there are some crazies out there that will attack people just going about their normal business. As the op says he was concussed, he doesn't know if it was attempted robbery that was stopped by others, he doesnt know if the guy suddenly realised it was mistaken identity.

just get off the 'well you must have done something to deserve it' nonsense, unless you have proof other wise then the op was attacked without reason.

And you have proof he didn't? I seem to recall the OP saying he didn't know what he did. He certainly may have been the victim of random violence by a guy who works right at the spot where he will continue to be every day and where there doesn't appear to be any other incidents of foreigners reporting random punches by strangers let alone a known taxi driver OR it is very possible somebody paid this taxi driver to hit this guy. Maybe it was a case of mistake identity too. Lots of maybes and the OP at least appears to want to take steps to find out why this person did this ... meaning that he isn't at all convinced it was just some random guy who decided to punch him.

There is nothing wrong with expressing opinions if they are done respectfully. The OP posted in another thread about looking for cheap Viagra. So, I doubt he is going to take offense to my suggesting he may have slighted a working girl in some way. Of course he could be looking for cheap Viagra to use with his wife or GF and if that is the case and he is one of the few retirees in Thailand not taking advantage of the abundance of girls here then i apologize to him for suggesting this may be the case.

And I don't recall the OP saying he didn't remember after being hit and in fact said he was hit in the head and the person fled and after somebody who saw what happened helped him into a Taxi and gave him a paper with the guys ID # on it. He doesn't mention anybody intervening (not a Thai - or big city thing to do).

Honestly you’re not expressing any opinions respectfully here, you’re suggesting that he sleeps with bar girls and adding the bit about the gf/wife just to make your comment seem more palatable.

In his opening post he states I don't know what I'd done to upset this guy but this was entirely unprovoked</SPAN>

Why not just take him on his word?

Just another apologist.

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Was the OP drunk at the time? Had he been drinking all evening? Was he aware of his actions that could have caused this on this occasion or perhaps on prior visits to the sukhumvit 22 nightlife.

I am not saying the OP did something wrong. But I know the Soi very well (10+ years) and for a numbered taxi driver to just walk up and start beating the shit out a foreigner with onlookers for no reason at all. Not buying that. The OP may have forgotten or IF he had been drinking fail to recall what he did to cause the individual involved to take such risks.

There is more to the story full stop whether the OP is aware of the ADDITIONAL details to the story is another case altogether. Perhaps the full story will come out in time. Perhaps not.

At the end of the day you are walking around at night in a bar area with prostitutes and drunk individuals - If thats the areas you wish to visit at night then occasionally sh1t kicks off. It's a risk we all take but sometimes forget due to the feeling (perhaps incorrectly) of safety that BKK gives nightlife visitors how risky it can be.

As been stated Thonglor copshop will show no interest as there is no money to be got from the guilty party simply because he does not have any. If the offence was caused by someone with money or Bar owner etc. Then the story is slightly different with the cops here as there is a few grand to be had. Just the way it is here. Love it or hate it.

Edited by negreanu
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Honestly you're not expressing any opinions respectfully here, you're suggesting that he sleeps with bar girls and adding the bit about the gf/wife just to make your comment seem more palatable.

In his opening post he states I don't know what I'd done to upset this guy but this was entirely unprovoked</SPAN>

Why not just take him on his word?

Just another apologist.

That is your opinion about me being respectful and also just silly of you to tell me why I wrote what i wrote. And just simply bizarre to disregard something I said because it showed respect and then say I didn't show respect.

I believe the poster when he said he didn't provoke the driver.

Certainly anything is possible BUT without the OP chiming in more and knowing he lives in this area, is retired, fairly new here and was looking for cheap Viagra I think it is more than reasonable to believe he is dating bar girls. And why would this be disrespectful if this was the case? I think more power to him for enjoying life in retirement.

And if he did upset a bar girl that paid to have him roughed up it certainly doesn't mean he did something wrong.

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I don't ever want to blame a victim but

Really? I can think of a couple of threads now where you instantly jump to the defence of offenders and start laying blame with victims. rolleyes.gif

I suggest you get over it NeverDie -- you really need to let this thing about the underage girl vs. van accident go because now your memory is completely distorted since I NEVER ONCE blamed the victims nor did I ever say was the girl was not at fault. Maybe you can go track down some quotes from those threads by me instead of trying to hijack this thread. rolleyes.gif

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I think the best bet for the OP is to get to the bottom of the situation and it doesn't appear that the police are the ones to do this.

You might want to find a Thai person who can go and talk to the guy (and his mates) and find out just what happened and why--without any threat involved. Preferably it can be someone that can explain that the guy is quite concerned and that he is a little bit elderly.

It could be anything from a case of mistaken identity, to drugs. There is always an outside chance that someone gave the guy a few hundred baht to rough the guy up for something done to someone else. Maybe some little rite-of-passage for a new motorcycle taxi boy?

It's very uncomfortable to have these things happen and it is even more disconcerting if you don't have any idea why.

Best of luck and I hope you get the situation resolved so that you can have a pleasant time in the country.

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I think the best bet for the OP is to get to the bottom of the situation and it doesn't appear that the police are the ones to do this.

You might want to find a Thai person who can go and talk to the guy (and his mates) and find out just what happened and why--without any threat involved. Preferably it can be someone that can explain that the guy is quite concerned and that he is a little bit elderly.

It could be anything from a case of mistaken identity, to drugs. There is always an outside chance that someone gave the guy a few hundred baht to rough the guy up for something done to someone else. Maybe some little rite-of-passage for a new motorcycle taxi boy?

It's very uncomfortable to have these things happen and it is even more disconcerting if you don't have any idea why.

Best of luck and I hope you get the situation resolved so that you can have a pleasant time in the country.

Very sound post.

I may be a little biased in thinking the guy could have been paid only because I know a girl in my condo that constantly gets into fights with a couple ladyboys who live in another building. Each time the verbal fights go too far she goes and pays one of the mo-sie taxi guys at our building to go beat up one of the lady boys. In the end it never happens because the Ladyboys gets wind of it and make nice with her again. That and knowing if you need just about anything illicit here that these guys can usually take care of you.

I also thought about a right of passion thing but just have never personally heard of that here as you hear of in gangs elsewhere. But bottom line I don't get that the taxi guy was emotionally tied to this attack. May just be the posters wording but just seemed odd to go up and hit the guy a couple times in the head and then flee. Sounds like he was doing a job or maybe he realized quickly he had the wrong guy ... I am told we all look a like.

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I think the best bet for the OP is to get to the bottom of the situation and it doesn't appear that the police are the ones to do this.

I suggest the OP forget it ever happened.

Nothing good is gonna come of persuing this.

Reminds me of a line by Joe Pesci in Casino. The banker tells him "I told you you might lose money" Joe says I guess you don't know what I do for a living. I will come down to that bank & crack your skull open. Then, about the time you are coming out of a coma I'll be getting out of jail & I will come & crack your skull open again.

Edited by powderpuff
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I think the best bet for the OP is to get to the bottom of the situation and it doesn't appear that the police are the ones to do this.

I suggest the OP forget it ever happened.

Nothing good is gonna come of persuing this.

Reminds me of a line by Joe Pesci in Casino. The banker tells him "I told you you might lose money" Joe says I guess you don't know what I do for a living. I will come down to that bank & crack your skull open. Then, about the time you are coming out of a coma I'll be getting out of jail & I will come & crack your skull open again.

Would agree except the victim walks by the attacker everyday near the victims residence. Whose to say it is not going to happen again unless he understand what happened to begin with.

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thanks to everyone for the posts, for what it's worth:

1) I've been in Thailand for 3 weeks this visit and believe it or not, I haven't slept with anyone the whole time, though it'll be hard for most people to believe. The previous postings about cheap viagra would've been a long time ago. So, no chance of me upsetting a working girl.

2) I hadn't had a single drink - I'd gone to the pub to watch late-night football but they didn't have it on so I was walking back home.

3) It must have been at least a few punches - I've got cuts and a black eye one side, and a very bruised other side of head!

3) The (visa) lawyer I spoke to, plus at least one poster, seem to think that unless I can get my best witness (a man who paid for me to go to Thong Lor police station and gave me a piece of paper identifying the attacker) to put what he saw in writing, I've no chance of getting anywhere near a court. The lawyer said it might cost me thousands of baht to even try. The guy probably has no money, so no point chasing compo.

I'm never drunk nowadays. Call this a battery or assault what you will, it would certainly count as ABH (actual bodily harm) in the UK or assault somewhere else. I now realize first-hand, however, that things are very different here.

It's easy for someone to suggest I pay to have this guy beaten up but his helpful colleague took me home - they all know where I live now so I don't fancy stirring this up more than it already is.

So thanks but right now I don't think I'm going to get anywhere trying to take action, cheers Alan

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If it was farang against farang, farang would pay.

If it was farang against thai, farang would pay.

If it is thai against farang, farang will pay.

Sorry to hear this happened, but it is typical of the attitude.

You forgot Thai against Thai with farang watching = farang gets blamed and still pays :whistling::( ..

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thanks to everyone for the posts, for what it's worth:

1) I've been in Thailand for 3 weeks this visit and believe it or not, I haven't slept with anyone the whole time, though it'll be hard for most people to believe. The previous postings about cheap viagra would've been a long time ago. So, no chance of me upsetting a working girl.

2) I hadn't had a single drink - I'd gone to the pub to watch late-night football but they didn't have it on so I was walking back home.

3) It must have been at least a few punches - I've got cuts and a black eye one side, and a very bruised other side of head!

3) The (visa) lawyer I spoke to, plus at least one poster, seem to think that unless I can get my best witness (a man who paid for me to go to Thong Lor police station and gave me a piece of paper identifying the attacker) to put what he saw in writing, I've no chance of getting anywhere near a court. The lawyer said it might cost me thousands of baht to even try. The guy probably has no money, so no point chasing compo.

I'm never drunk nowadays. Call this a battery or assault what you will, it would certainly count as ABH (actual bodily harm) in the UK or assault somewhere else. I now realize first-hand, however, that things are very different here.

It's easy for someone to suggest I pay to have this guy beaten up but his helpful colleague took me home - they all know where I live now so I don't fancy stirring this up more than it already is.

So thanks but right now I don't think I'm going to get anywhere trying to take action, cheers Alan

Thanks for clearing up these things Alan and hope you feel better soon. Do you have any opinion of why this might have happened such as mistaken identity, the guy was on drugs or somebody (likely a female who would hire a thug) )who might have perceived you did something wrong to them in the last few weeks? I'm not sure what you remember such as the guys demeanor when he first approached you but it sounds like you don't remember much after the first punch and if he actually said anything to you .... maybe the witness can enlighten you. I really hope you do have somebody talk to this guy (or move) and find out what happened. It has got to be driving you nuts cause it has me perplexed but also has me concerned the incident may not be over especially if you are doing something that unknowingly upset this guy. As you know things are different here but I would not let this one incident put you off though it might be hard. In my comment about battery vs. assault I was simply trying to say punching somebody is not a very serious crime in many countries (except for the person being punched).

Let us know if you find out more or what you decide to do. Personally I would not be able to easily let it go without knowing why he did this or moving so you are not reminded of it every day you pass him on the corner.

Best of luck moving forward.

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thanks to everyone for the posts, for what it's worth:

1) I've been in Thailand for 3 weeks this visit and believe it or not, I haven't slept with anyone the whole time, though it'll be hard for most people to believe. The previous postings about cheap viagra would've been a long time ago. So, no chance of me upsetting a working girl.

2) I hadn't had a single drink - I'd gone to the pub to watch late-night football but they didn't have it on so I was walking back home.

3) It must have been at least a few punches - I've got cuts and a black eye one side, and a very bruised other side of head!

3) The (visa) lawyer I spoke to, plus at least one poster, seem to think that unless I can get my best witness (a man who paid for me to go to Thong Lor police station and gave me a piece of paper identifying the attacker) to put what he saw in writing, I've no chance of getting anywhere near a court. The lawyer said it might cost me thousands of baht to even try. The guy probably has no money, so no point chasing compo.

I'm never drunk nowadays. Call this a battery or assault what you will, it would certainly count as ABH (actual bodily harm) in the UK or assault somewhere else. I now realize first-hand, however, that things are very different here.

It's easy for someone to suggest I pay to have this guy beaten up but his helpful colleague took me home - they all know where I live now so I don't fancy stirring this up more than it already is.

So thanks but right now I don't think I'm going to get anywhere trying to take action, cheers Alan

Thanks for clearing up these things Alan and hope you feel better soon. Do you have any opinion of why this might have happened such as mistaken identity, the guy was on drugs or somebody (likely a female who would hire a thug) )who might have perceived you did something wrong to them in the last few weeks? I'm not sure what you remember such as the guys demeanor when he first approached you but it sounds like you don't remember much after the first punch and if he actually said anything to you .... maybe the witness can enlighten you. I really hope you do have somebody talk to this guy (or move) and find out what happened. It has got to be driving you nuts cause it has me perplexed but also has me concerned the incident may not be over especially if you are doing something that unknowingly upset this guy. As you know things are different here but I would not let this one incident put you off though it might be hard. In my comment about battery vs. assault I was simply trying to say punching somebody is not a very serious crime in many countries (except for the person being punched).

Let us know if you find out more or what you decide to do. Personally I would not be able to easily let it go without knowing why he did this or moving so you are not reminded of it every day you pass him on the corner.

Best of luck moving forward.

thanks Nisa, I have no idea of his demeanor - all I remember is suddenly spotting someone a yard or two and then wham. Seems my best option is to find a Thai who can ask this guy or his mates what I did to upset him or if it was mistaken identity, cheers

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thanks Nisa, I have no idea of his demeanor - all I remember is suddenly spotting someone a yard or two and then wham. Seems my best option is to find a Thai who can ask this guy or his mates what I did to upset him or if it was mistaken identity, cheers

Keep in mind too, in terms of you opinions of Thailand, that I believe the reason some of us were questioning what you might have done or if there was more to the story because this is not a common occurrence. The cops handling may not be all that uncommon but again in their eyes it is not all that serious (no weapon - you will be okay) and there would likely be a lot of paperwork involved and a witness for it to go anywhere and where it could go is really nowhere except the guy getting some tiny fine or probation.

You never know how these things can turn out and you may end up having a a guy and his group of friends feel like they owe you one and look out for you in the future if it was some kind of mistake or misunderstanding.

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Thonglor police are notoriously lazy and corrupt, even after presenting them with irrefutable evidence of wrongdoing from an employee we still had to pay the police to deal with it.

If you want this dealing with you will have to pay them to deal with it, even then don't expect any real outcome although ours was sorted with the introduction of a good lawyer to the scene).

The truth is the police don't care, you are farang, if there is nothing in it financially for them then they don't give a dam_n.

As for the tourist police, what visa do you have? are you a tourist or do you have Non Imm visa?

You seem to be quick to point the finger at the Thonglor police. Your so called irrefutable evidence I'm prepared to accept on your word, but by your own admission you have bribed police. You don't even appear to be aware that your very own bribes are part of the reason the police are in your own words "notoriously lazy and corrupt". Corruption will keep this country poor, and whom are you by the way to give such ill advice? Where do *your* interests lie, hmmm?

I can understand that between the cultural clash and the law, it is best to be pragmatic in some situations. However, this gentleman has done nothing wrong, and is within every perfect legal right to take this further (I,e. if he ignores your catch all ignorant advice). If you want to be helpful, why don't you stay well away and let the wiser heads that are giving more sensible advice have ago?

Edited by panadolsandwich
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Honestly you're not expressing any opinions respectfully here, you're suggesting that he sleeps with bar girls and adding the bit about the gf/wife just to make your comment seem more palatable.

In his opening post he states I don't know what I'd done to upset this guy but this was entirely unprovoked</SPAN>

Why not just take him on his word?

Just another apologist.

That is your opinion about me being respectful and also just silly of you to tell me why I wrote what i wrote. And just simply bizarre to disregard something I said because it showed respect and then say I didn't show respect.

I believe the poster when he said he didn't provoke the driver.

Certainly anything is possible BUT without the OP chiming in more and knowing he lives in this area, is retired, fairly new here and was looking for cheap Viagra I think it is more than reasonable to believe he is dating bar girls. And why would this be disrespectful if this was the case? I think more power to him for enjoying life in retirement.

And if he did upset a bar girl that paid to have him roughed up it certainly doesn't mean he did something wrong.

so disrespectful, so everyone in the world using viagra must be dating a bar girl???

Once again you just assume something, then criticise others for assuming he was attacked with no reason, stop trying to play detective, clearly you are no good at it, stop speculating about why he was attacked, stop speculating he is involved with bar girls, the fact is as far as I can tell is that he lives in that area, this means there is a good chance he was just walking home, maybe he had been for dinner, there is a chance he was not in that area for bar girls considering he lives in that area, or are you going to say that everyone that lives in that area lives there because it is close to bar girls???

I think you need to take time out during the day, log off, get of your ivory tower, read what is written and not to try and dissect everything to the point where you can make scurrilous accusations agaisnt a poster for no reason other than to try and make yourself feel better.

See, now I am assuming, no doubt you you have a go at me for assuming whilst totally ignoring the fact that this is what you do all the time.

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Thonglor police are notoriously lazy and corrupt, even after presenting them with irrefutable evidence of wrongdoing from an employee we still had to pay the police to deal with it.

If you want this dealing with you will have to pay them to deal with it, even then don't expect any real outcome although ours was sorted with the introduction of a good lawyer to the scene).

The truth is the police don't care, you are farang, if there is nothing in it financially for them then they don't give a dam_n.

As for the tourist police, what visa do you have? are you a tourist or do you have Non Imm visa?

You seem to be quick to point the finger at the Thonglor police. Your so called irrefutable evidence I'm prepared to accept on your word, but by your own admission you have bribed police. You don't even appear to be aware that your very own bribes are part of the reason the police are in your own words "notoriously lazy and corrupt". Corruption will keep this country poor, and whom are you by the way to give such ill advice? Where do *your* interests lie, hmmm?

I can understand that between the cultural clash and the law, it is best to be pragmatic in some situations. However, this gentleman has done nothing wrong, and is within every perfect legal right to take this further (I,e. if he ignores your catch all ignorant advice). If you want to be helpful, why don't you stay well away and let the wiser heads that are giving more sensible advice have ago?

wow calm down there cowboy, bribing police would suggest that we bribed them as we had no evidence. the fact is we had irrefutable evidence of theft by an employee, as always when a farang is involved the police took no interest and would not take a report until a donation was made. To get this moving and recover what was taken and damages we had no option, the only other option would have been to write off a couple of million baht.

This is not bribery, bribery would be to release yourself from wrongdoing, to cheat or lie, this was to get them to do their job honestly and to put the matter before the courts, it was put before the courts and as I said the evidence was irrefutable and of course the judge found in our favour.

I think you are getting a little mixed up here on what is bribery to make sure they DON'T do their job, and what is asked for to make sure they DO their job.

As for my advice, my advice throughout this thread has been for him to act within the law and to let the police deal with the matter, however as this is thailand he may have to pay the police to DO their job, that is the sad fact of living here, by the way at no point have I ever condoned paying the police to get away with committing a crime, I think you need to get your facts straight before going on the attack.

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Honestly you're not expressing any opinions respectfully here, you're suggesting that he sleeps with bar girls and adding the bit about the gf/wife just to make your comment seem more palatable.

In his opening post he states I don't know what I'd done to upset this guy but this was entirely unprovoked</SPAN>

Why not just take him on his word?

Just another apologist.

That is your opinion about me being respectful and also just silly of you to tell me why I wrote what i wrote. And just simply bizarre to disregard something I said because it showed respect and then say I didn't show respect.

I believe the poster when he said he didn't provoke the driver.

Certainly anything is possible BUT without the OP chiming in more and knowing he lives in this area, is retired, fairly new here and was looking for cheap Viagra I think it is more than reasonable to believe he is dating bar girls. And why would this be disrespectful if this was the case? I think more power to him for enjoying life in retirement.

And if he did upset a bar girl that paid to have him roughed up it certainly doesn't mean he did something wrong.

so disrespectful, so everyone in the world using viagra must be dating a bar girl???

Once again you just assume something, then criticise others for assuming he was attacked with no reason, stop trying to play detective, clearly you are no good at it, stop speculating about why he was attacked, stop speculating he is involved with bar girls, the fact is as far as I can tell is that he lives in that area, this means there is a good chance he was just walking home, maybe he had been for dinner, there is a chance he was not in that area for bar girls considering he lives in that area, or are you going to say that everyone that lives in that area lives there because it is close to bar girls???

I think you need to take time out during the day, log off, get of your ivory tower, read what is written and not to try and dissect everything to the point where you can make scurrilous accusations agaisnt a poster for no reason other than to try and make yourself feel better.

See, now I am assuming, no doubt you you have a go at me for assuming whilst totally ignoring the fact that this is what you do all the time.

Me thinks you need to pull the panties out of your crack that have got all bunched up. laugh.gif

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As for my advice, my advice throughout this thread has been for him to act within the law and to let the police deal with the matter, however as this is thailand he may have to pay the police to DO their job,

ie act within the law except when you feel you need to break the law whistling.gif

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As for my advice, my advice throughout this thread has been for him to act within the law and to let the police deal with the matter, however as this is thailand he may have to pay the police to DO their job,

ie act within the law except when you feel you need to break the law whistling.gif

ITs quite normal to pay the police to do their job. My gf/wife did it when money was stolen from her and we had proof who did it. They just did not want to act without a donation. It is sad but true.

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