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Day Rides, Chiang Rai Bikers

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Several people have mentioned that they would like to find a group of laid-back biker types to do some day rides once a month or so. I'm all for it but will have to get my butt used to several hours at a time on the bike. Anyone else interested?

Would be nice if we could include some of those who know the ins and outs and want to share them.

Not looking for a road race or anything like that. Just off to a sight or two, lunch, a rest stop or two and meander back to town. Can even include a "long route and short route" scenario so there is an option on each ride.

I wouldn't even call it a guy thing. May as well be open to all. Most likely, a couple of the wives will be coming along. My wife is learning to handle her Phantom pretty well.

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Dont see why not Kandy man.

Keep us in the loop. As long as it does not involve the CR Bike Show organiser.


Have you considered a Monday or something instead of the weekend ?

Week days preferable for less tourist traffic


Any day is good with me, as long as I get a little bit of notice ahead of time. And the day can vary from month to month. Don't need a strict schedule. However, some of the crowd do have jobs during the week and on Saturdays (teachers) and will only be able to attend on weekends or holidays when the schools are closed. So, there might be some calls for a weekend ride occasionally.

Anyway, who wants to suggest the first date and destination? I don't know the routes and kilos to the interesting spots around here. I don't get out much. And don't let jubby suggest the destination. We'll all be whacking weeds and shearing sheep at his place for the afternoon.


Any day is good with me, as long as I get a little bit of notice ahead of time. And the day can vary from month to month. Don't need a strict schedule. However, some of the crowd do have jobs during the week and on Saturdays (teachers) and will only be able to attend on weekends or holidays when the schools are closed. So, there might be some calls for a weekend ride occasionally.

Anyway, who wants to suggest the first date and destination? I don't know the routes and kilos to the interesting spots around here. I don't get out much. And don't let jubby suggest the destination. We'll all be whacking weeds and shearing sheep at his place for the afternoon.

DOnt you mean smoking weed and whacking sheep?

What distance you or anyone thinking of and will there be a centralised staging point? Dont forget the lunch to tie in with the "foods" post


Any day is good with me, as long as I get a little bit of notice ahead of time. And the day can vary from month to month. Don't need a strict schedule. However, some of the crowd do have jobs during the week and on Saturdays (teachers) and will only be able to attend on weekends or holidays when the schools are closed. So, there might be some calls for a weekend ride occasionally.

Anyway, who wants to suggest the first date and destination? I don't know the routes and kilos to the interesting spots around here. I don't get out much. And don't let jubby suggest the destination. We'll all be whacking weeds and shearing sheep at his place for the afternoon.

DOnt you mean smoking weed and whacking sheep?

What distance you or anyone thinking of and will there be a centralised staging point? Dont forget the lunch to tie in with the "foods" post

Hey, Kd. he's got you all figured out :lol:

you'll have to take your turn at whacking the sheep whatever that could possibly be B)

Only got two , both named Dolly if you're thinking of romancing them , I'll make them a bit more presentable


Any day is good with me, as long as I get a little bit of notice ahead of time. And the day can vary from month to month. Don't need a strict schedule. However, some of the crowd do have jobs during the week and on Saturdays (teachers) and will only be able to attend on weekends or holidays when the schools are closed. So, there might be some calls for a weekend ride occasionally.

Anyway, who wants to suggest the first date and destination? I don't know the routes and kilos to the interesting spots around here. I don't get out much. And don't let jubby suggest the destination. We'll all be whacking weeds and shearing sheep at his place for the afternoon.

DOnt you mean smoking weed and whacking sheep?

What distance you or anyone thinking of and will there be a centralised staging point? Dont forget the lunch to tie in with the "foods" post

Hey, Kd. he's got you all figured out :lol:

you'll have to take your turn at whacking the sheep whatever that could possibly be B)

Only got two , both named Dolly if you're thinking of romancing them , I'll make them a bit more presentable

So just when is the barbecuejubby. I am sure kd can bring the bbq if you have the sheep ready.


barbecuejubby is hopefully off the menu. So are the sheep for the time being.

I suppose as Kd is worried about a sore Ass, he'd better suggest the mileage for the first trip and we can go from there. The ride down past your place to the national park/Hotsprings is a nice little trip. there's a motorcycle bridge where you can cross the river but I never found it. could make it a more interesting trip. There's Dons place on that route too. of he's still there.


Hot springs out past Don's sounds good. That road does continue on to somewhere but I have no idea where or what lies beyond the pot laugh.gif springs.

I am told that there are eating places out there at the springs.

Old jail sounds like a good meeting place. 7-eleven nearby for purchasing those last minute drinks and smokes.

If those suggestions are okay, then the next step is to find out when the rest of the folks can make it. Any of the days of the week that end in y are my sex days. Any other days are okay by me. But I have a commitment tomorrow and Saturday. Most of you probably have a commitment on Hash Saturday.

Don't fret about my ass. If it needs a break, I'll take a break. I know where to find you guys. I dunno why you guys always find my ass so interesting anyway. The women, I understand. But the rest of you?!?!?!?

The sheep thing sounds interesting. Send pics. I'll see if one will fit the grill.


Will take your word on the route. As usual you guys are talking coded gibberish to me. I live next to a National Park but no hot springs and maybe Dons' place is the restaurant not one of the tribe, so I am guessing you are talking somewhere else otherwise I move the spare expresso machine into the garage, sit on the garden swing and wait for you all to ride by. Exciting. At least I have good coffee!

No sheep around here. I could ask the district veterinary inspector to rustle a few up if you like?


Will take your word on the route. As usual you guys are talking coded gibberish to me. I live next to a National Park but no hot springs and maybe Dons' place is the restaurant not one of the tribe, so I am guessing you are talking somewhere else otherwise I move the spare expresso machine into the garage, sit on the garden swing and wait for you all to ride by. Exciting. At least I have good coffee!

No sheep around here. I could ask the district veterinary inspector to rustle a few up if you like?

I wouldn't steer you wrong. Don's can be found on the Google map. The hot springs can as well.

Check out Sven's Chiang Rai Google map creation from the pinned section of the CR forum.


At the left of the page is a legend, which is for the most part, listed alphabetically. You can click on Don's, Hot Springs or Hot Springs Swimming pool and the map jumps over to those locations. You can then zoom out on the map to see the route to and from CR. The springs shown there are apparently two different locations. But one hot springs out there does have a concrete swimming pool. The springs would be a pretty short day ride but, as I said, the road does continue on from there.


Some possibles. The first group trip I took was to Pha Yao. Took the super hwy down, lunch, then the western, longer way back (don't ask). The other group trip was from the drivers License place to Mae Chan for lunch then another way back or if pressed for time, take the Super Hwy. Out Jubby or VF's way is a possibility. Tha Ton a possible? Thoeng? Maybe some of our more experienced trippers could make a suggestion even though they would not be interested in going. I hesitate to suggest any place off the beaten path, which are probably the better routes,since I can get lost in LOS at the drop of a hat. Without my back seat interpreter, I am clueless.B)


Will take your word on the route. As usual you guys are talking coded gibberish to me. I live next to a National Park but no hot springs and maybe Dons' place is the restaurant not one of the tribe, so I am guessing you are talking somewhere else otherwise I move the spare expresso machine into the garage, sit on the garden swing and wait for you all to ride by. Exciting. At least I have good coffee!

No sheep around here. I could ask the district veterinary inspector to rustle a few up if you like?

I wouldn't steer you wrong. Don's can be found on the Google map. The hot springs can as well.

Check out Sven's Chiang Rai Google map creation from the pinned section of the CR forum.


At the left of the page is a legend, which is for the most part, listed alphabetically. You can click on Don's, Hot Springs or Hot Springs Swimming pool and the map jumps over to those locations. You can then zoom out on the map to see the route to and from CR. The springs shown there are apparently two different locations. But one hot springs out there does have a concrete swimming pool. The springs would be a pretty short day ride but, as I said, the road does continue on from there.

Actually I was being fascetious, believe it or not I can read maps and use Svens all the time. Appreciate it and the efforts by all concerned. Have even been to Dons thats how adventurous I am.

My post was referring to your secret language of mentioning places without due thought to where they could be when read by someone not in the know. There are a few national parks around and Don could be Don Battles or Donald Duck and you were thinking to go by BrahmburgerLand. DD copyright notwithstanding.

If everyone came here I would have a very short ride and meet you here or at Phusang National Park & waterfall next door so to speak. Most visitors are always welcome. I would however prefer a chance to ride with a bunch of geriatric school children for the sort of excitement I could endure and keep up with .

As to the Phayao backway: That is the way I go all the time. Logistically not much choice.


Quote: "My post was referring to your secret language of mentioning places without due thought to where they could be when read by someone not in the know. There are a few national parks around and Don could be Don Battles or Donald Duck and you were thinking to go by BrahmburgerLand. DD copyright notwithstanding."

That is a good point. I'll try to be more specific in the future. Your point hits home with me particularly well because of some trouble I had last week. I tried to follow jubby's directions to a not-so-well-known fishing spot. His directions were-

"Leave CR on that one road with the deep ruts made by heavy trucks. Follow the road until you can see the mountains on the left clearly. If it is a smoky day, you'll have to ride a little further to see them clearly. At that point, turn around and go back to where you would be able to see them clearly on a day without smoke. At this point, you'll come to the corner where the old school used to be, before they tore it down and it became an overgrown thicket. Make a right there and proceed to the intersection where that one guy crashed his motorcycle. You'll recognize it easily because there is usually a dog sitting on the road, about 500 meters past that intersection. When you get to the dog, turn around and go back to the intersection and turn in the same direction that the dog was facing and go until you see some big trees on your right. Now, slow down at this point and keep your eyes on the right side of the road. There is a small goat eating the weeds right there. After the goat, turn around and go back past the goat. You can keep circling around and watch the goat for a while if you want. I like to look at a goat. After you have had enough of the goat (is that even possible?) go to the little dirt track on your left. You will see a big, fancy house opposite the dirt track. Park you cycle a little ways down the dirt track and make sure nobody can see it from the house. Sneak across the road to the fancy house, cast your net into the concrete pond in the front yard and rapidly retrieve the net and the fish and then run for your motorcycle. Don't return to the road. That guy gets really pissed about fishing on his place. Instead, go ahead down the dirt track and at some point, you will see where I saw that huge snake crossing the track last year. If you turn there, you'll see a huge column of ants. Just go in that direction and you'll come out on the same road you were on before. Now, pay close attention on the way back to town. If you notice that the mountains are still on your left, then you're going the wrong way. That happens to me a lot."

Anyway, I found the place but it took me an extra ten minutes because of the poor directions.


Anyway, I found the place but it took me an extra ten minutes because of the poor directions.

How much fish did you get? Is it worth the effort?

And how about the goat? Are you as interested in such things as old Jubbby?

When it comes to a daytrip the upper Hot Spring seem to be better. You can find Good food and Cold Beer there.

Going further up along the river you will find the Motorbike Bridge and can cross the river on that one and take the road passing Elephant Camp where they also have Cold Beer.



Anyway, I found the place but it took me an extra ten minutes because of the poor directions.

How much fish did you get? Is it worth the effort?

And how about the goat? Are you as interested in such things as old Jubbby?

When it comes to a daytrip the upper Hot Spring seem to be better. You can find Good food and Cold Beer there.

Going further up along the river you will find the Motorbike Bridge and can cross the river on that one and take the road passing Elephant Camp where they also have Cold Beer.


Some good suggestions, Sven. Will you be joining us?


Quote: "My post was referring to your secret language of mentioning places without due thought to where they could be when read by someone not in the know. There are a few national parks around and Don could be Don Battles or Donald Duck and you were thinking to go by BrahmburgerLand. DD copyright notwithstanding."

That is a good point. I'll try to be more specific in the future. Your point hits home with me particularly well because of some trouble I had last week. I tried to follow jubby's directions to a not-so-well-known fishing spot. His directions were-

"Leave CR on that one road with the deep ruts made by heavy trucks. Follow the road until you can see the mountains on the left clearly. If it is a smoky day, you'll have to ride a little further to see them clearly. At that point, turn around and go back to where you would be able to see them clearly on a day without smoke. At this point, you'll come to the corner where the old school used to be, before they tore it down and it became an overgrown thicket. Make a right there and proceed to the intersection where that one guy crashed his motorcycle. You'll recognize it easily because there is usually a dog sitting on the road, about 500 meters past that intersection. When you get to the dog, turn around and go back to the intersection and turn in the same direction that the dog was facing and go until you see some big trees on your right. Now, slow down at this point and keep your eyes on the right side of the road. There is a small goat eating the weeds right there. After the goat, turn around and go back past the goat. You can keep circling around and watch the goat for a while if you want. I like to look at a goat. After you have had enough of the goat (is that even possible?) go to the little dirt track on your left. You will see a big, fancy house opposite the dirt track. Park you cycle a little ways down the dirt track and make sure nobody can see it from the house. Sneak across the road to the fancy house, cast your net into the concrete pond in the front yard and rapidly retrieve the net and the fish and then run for your motorcycle. Don't return to the road. That guy gets really pissed about fishing on his place. Instead, go ahead down the dirt track and at some point, you will see where I saw that huge snake crossing the track last year. If you turn there, you'll see a huge column of ants. Just go in that direction and you'll come out on the same road you were on before. Now, pay close attention on the way back to town. If you notice that the mountains are still on your left, then you're going the wrong way. That happens to me a lot."

Anyway, I found the place but it took me an extra ten minutes because of the poor directions.

Actually I love it. Directions like that deserve to be immortalised in print and passed from gernarion to generation so they can be around for the end of civilisation as we know it.

Congrats on finding the place. If I treid to and had the missus with me she would have been hitting me over the head as I doggedly stuck to my interpretation of the directions.

Did the guy chase you?


Anyway, I found the place but it took me an extra ten minutes because of the poor directions.

How much fish did you get? Is it worth the effort?

And how about the goat? Are you as interested in such things as old Jubbby?

When it comes to a daytrip the upper Hot Spring seem to be better. You can find Good food and Cold Beer there.

Going further up along the river you will find the Motorbike Bridge and can cross the river on that one and take the road passing Elephant Camp where they also have Cold Beer.


Sounds good.


Will you be joining us?

Probably. My old Yama that was up running for a short time is now back in pieces and waiting for some parts from US. But I have a backup bike that I can use.



"Leave CR on that one road with the deep ruts made by heavy trucks. Follow the road until you can see the mountains on the left clearly. If it is a smoky day, you'll have to ride a little further to see them clearly. At that point, turn around and go back to where you would be able to see them clearly on a day without smoke. At this point, you'll come to the corner where the old school used to be, before they tore it down and it became an overgrown thicket. Make a right there and proceed to the intersection where that one guy crashed his motorcycle. You'll recognize it easily because there is usually a dog sitting on the road, about 500 meters past that intersection. When you get to the dog, turn around and go back to the intersection and turn in the same direction that the dog was facing and go until you see some big trees on your right. Now, slow down at this point and keep your eyes on the right side of the road. There is a small goat eating the weeds right there. After the goat, turn around and go back past the goat. You can keep circling around and watch the goat for a while if you want. I like to look at a goat. After you have had enough of the goat (is that even possible?) go to the little dirt track on your left. You will see a big, fancy house opposite the dirt track. Park you cycle a little ways down the dirt track and make sure nobody can see it from the house. Sneak across the road to the fancy house, cast your net into the concrete pond in the front yard and rapidly retrieve the net and the fish and then run for your motorcycle. Don't return to the road. That guy gets really pissed about fishing on his place. Instead, go ahead down the dirt track and at some point, you will see where I saw that huge snake crossing the track last year. If you turn there, you'll see a huge column of ants. Just go in that direction and you'll come out on the same road you were on before. Now, pay close attention on the way back to town. If you notice that the mountains are still on your left, then you're going the wrong way. That happens to me a lot."

Anyway, I found the place but it took me an extra ten minutes because of the poor directions.

I Just love it biggrin.gifunsure.giflaugh.gif


Oh, yeah. That jubby. He's got a sense of humor alright. But I think he only does this stuff to me.

Be thankful then that is the only thing he does to you.


I Just love it biggrin.gifunsure.giflaugh.gif

Don't encourage him Teddy. I think its something to do with the Planets. ......... i.e. he's on a different one ;)

you coming for a ride ?


I Just love it biggrin.gifunsure.giflaugh.gif

Don't encourage him Teddy. I think its something to do with the Planets. ......... i.e. he's on a different one ;)

you coming for a ride ?

Should be there early May, if all goes well, .. ' IF ' I come on the ride, drinks might have to be had BEFORE we go lol unsure.gifwhistling.gif


Should be there early May, if all goes well, .. ' IF ' I come on the ride, drinks might have to be had BEFORE we go lol unsure.gifwhistling.gif

yeah. we'll get some of that Lucozade sports type drink from seven before we go. ;)


Should be there early May, if all goes well, .. ' IF ' I come on the ride, drinks might have to be had BEFORE we go lol unsure.gifwhistling.gif

yeah. we'll get some of that Lucozade sports type drink from seven before we go. ;)

Does it have additive ? whistling.gif

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