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Red Shirt Leader Jatuporn To Reveal 'Solid Evidence' Of Abhisit's UK Citizenship

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Hospital Occupation... Snipers there by agreement with the hospital authorities. Emergency evacuation that was not required and nobody has taken the statements of the relatives of the removed patients..why. No explanation given to them.. PR excercise pre arranged. The 3 that died during the time of troubles where unrelated and I believe two were from cancer. Bangkok burning.. Central world was photogarphed under relaxed army control 45 minutes before it started burning.To my knowledge their is no statements on record from the Mall security staff...why. Do your homework and see how the owners fit into the framework. Not being encouraged, yes Ive seen the video. Lets be fair Jatuporn is no international orator like Tony Blair and his vocabulary may be limited. Figures of speech.

Redshirts turned on journalists..show me one report on the internet from a foriegn journalist that states he was intentionally attacked by the red shirts.. Journalists attacked b red shirts were Thai journalists, who through no fault of their own, reported what they were told to report. YOu my friend have been fooled not me

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Selective quoting of my post. Read with the whole post explains my comments. Go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Stop playing games

The selected comments of yours i responded to carry exactly the same meaning, whether read alone or as part of the whole post. Had taking them out corrupted their intended meaning, i wouldn't have done so.

They dont carry the same meaning. I am trying to demonstarte I cannot speak for their behaviour just offer a suggestion as to why they would respond that way.


Hospital Occupation... Snipers there by agreement with the hospital authorities. Emergency evacuation that was not required and nobody has taken the statements of the relatives of the removed patients..why. No explanation given to them.. PR excercise pre arranged. The 3 that died during the time of troubles where unrelated and I believe two were from cancer. Bangkok burning.. Central world was photogarphed under relaxed army control 45 minutes before it started burning.To my knowledge their is no statements on record from the Mall security staff...why. Do your homework and see how the owners fit into the framework. Not being encouraged, yes Ive seen the video. Lets be fair Jatuporn is no international orator like Tony Blair and his vocabulary may be limited. Figures of speech.

Redshirts turned on journalists..show me one report on the internet from a foriegn journalist that states he was intentionally attacked by the red shirts.. Journalists attacked b red shirts were Thai journalists, who through no fault of their own, reported what they were told to report. YOu my friend have been fooled not me

Or as Robert A. recently said in his video address:

"Firstly, I personally witnessed the horrors in Bangkok last May and was determined to record the carnage."


Hang on a moment .... And NEVER to forget(any pro dems members here) those EIGHT civilians who were hidden in the TEMPLE, thinking there will be safe, probably thinking no one NORMAL and REAL Budhist would kill them there.

Eight INNOCENT civilians, or you pathetic prodems will give here some "proof" they were armed as well???

BTW, in debate in parliament, footage and forensic report were given just for 2 of them. No any word about any other of 6 more victims of some mad dog.

Or some one of you yellows/dems will say that reds killed those people to blame on Government??? :bah:

Reds killing them to pressure the government is one of a number of plausible theories. Since nobody has concrete proof who did do it, how are you in a position to write off this theory as simply being the product of yellow/dem bias? One could as easily say that writing it off as a possibility, as you have done, was the product of a red bias. I certainly would.


Dear Mr Jatuporn, in relation to your solid evidence of the Premiers U.K. citizenship, please go to the nearest births registry office where the accused is supposed to have been born and look in the register, as this would date back possibly at least 200 years he is shore to be in there somewhere, if he can't be found, then please shut your big trap.

The Windsors of London.:bah:

If anyone is at all interested you can obtain a copy of Mark's Birth certificate from the Uk You only need this information ( Volume 1B Page 200 )

It does not however inform you that he has or has not revoked his birth right to UK citizenship.


Hospital Occupation... Snipers there by agreement with the hospital authorities. Emergency evacuation that was not required and nobody has taken the statements of the relatives of the removed patients..why. No explanation given to them.. PR excercise pre arranged. The 3 that died during the time of troubles where unrelated and I believe two were from cancer. Bangkok burning.. Central world was photogarphed under relaxed army control 45 minutes before it started burning.To my knowledge their is no statements on record from the Mall security staff...why. Do your homework and see how the owners fit into the framework. Not being encouraged, yes Ive seen the video. Lets be fair Jatuporn is no international orator like Tony Blair and his vocabulary may be limited. Figures of speech.

Redshirts turned on journalists..show me one report on the internet from a foriegn journalist that states he was intentionally attacked by the red shirts.. Journalists attacked b red shirts were Thai journalists, who through no fault of their own, reported what they were told to report. YOu my friend have been fooled not me

Didnt you look at the link I just posted (on your request)

Hope you realise that your post admitts that the reds attacked Thai journalists.... their own people who were recording what they saw not what they were told to report under threat by the red guards.

Yes there was a report at the time from an overseas Journalist who told of being threatned if he printed anything against the reds.

No I wont look for a link, do it yourself


Hang on a moment .... And NEVER to forget(any pro dems members here) those EIGHT civilians who were hidden in the TEMPLE, thinking there will be safe, probably thinking no one NORMAL and REAL Budhist would kill them there.

Eight INNOCENT civilians

- reduced -

Hospital Occupation... Snipers there by agreement with the hospital authorities. Emergency evacuation

- reduced -

Got another two for you here to comment on, 473geo



Hospital Occupation... Snipers there by agreement with the hospital authorities. Emergency evacuation that was not required and nobody has taken the statements of the relatives of the removed patients..why. No explanation given to them.. PR excercise pre arranged. The 3 that died during the time of troubles where unrelated and I believe two were from cancer. Bangkok burning.. Central world was photogarphed under relaxed army control 45 minutes before it started burning.To my knowledge their is no statements on record from the Mall security staff...why. Do your homework and see how the owners fit into the framework. Not being encouraged, yes Ive seen the video. Lets be fair Jatuporn is no international orator like Tony Blair and his vocabulary may be limited. Figures of speech.

Redshirts turned on journalists..show me one report on the internet from a foriegn journalist that states he was intentionally attacked by the red shirts.. Journalists attacked b red shirts were Thai journalists, who through no fault of their own, reported what they were told to report. YOu my friend have been fooled not me

Show us the photo of CTW under "under relaxed army control 45 minutes before it started burning", propaganda boy.

These utterly pathetic denials are nothing more than an insult to those who had to suffer the red shirt occupation and were well aware of the red shirt plan to burn the building should the army advance. Not to mention Jeff Savage's comments caught on video. Not to mention the footage of red shirts jumping around and celebrating the burning of the building. Not to mention the footage of red shirts rolling tyres into the burning building. I could go on and on...

Get some accountability. Red shirts promised to burn the building they were camped out outside, then went through with it - along with the burning of several other buildings and banks.

Seriously, what a joke.


In the context of this topic, which is about the intention of one of Thaksin’s lawyers to accuse Abhisit before the ICC if it can be proven that Abhisit also has UK nationality, only the following questions about Abhisit's nationality are relevant:

  1. Did Abhisit acquire UK nationality? Based on citations from UK law posted in this topic it appears to be an established fact that he automatically acquired UK nationality at birth.
  2. Did Abhisit formally renounce his UK nationality to the UK government? This is not clear.
  3. Did Abhisit ever use his UK nationality? It appears he did not, as he said he paid student fees as a non-UK national.
  4. Did Abhisit ever apply for and obtain a UK passport? No statement on this subject has been made, but Abhisit declared that he uses his Thai passport to travel to the UK.

The last two questions are of secondary nature, as the answers to them are not apt to disprove UK nationality but might be taken into consideration by the ICC in arriving at a decision whether Abhisit should be recognized by the court as a UK national in the context of the accusation made against him before the court.

If a member desires clarification on the right of a Thai national who acquired another nationality for the reason of being born in a foreign country to retain, under Thai law, both his Thai and his second nationality is invited to start a topic on it in the forum “Thai visas, residency and work permits”

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Dear Mr Jatuporn, in relation to your solid evidence of the Premiers U.K. citizenship, please go to the nearest births registry office where the accused is supposed to have been born and look in the register, as this would date back possibly at least 200 years he is shore to be in there somewhere, if he can't be found, then please shut your big trap.

The Windsors of London.:bah:

If anyone is at all interested you can obtain a copy of Mark's Birth certificate from the Uk You only need this information ( Volume 1B Page 200 )

It does not however inform you that he has or has not revoked his birth right to UK citizenship.

So what neither have I and I am still a NZ citizen.


Hang on a moment .... And NEVER to forget(any pro dems members here) those EIGHT civilians who were hidden in the TEMPLE, thinking there will be safe, probably thinking no one NORMAL and REAL Budhist would kill them there.

Eight INNOCENT civilians

- reduced -

Hospital Occupation... Snipers there by agreement with the hospital authorities. Emergency evacuation

- reduced -

Got another two for you here to comment on, 473geo


Obviously Abhisit stopped by the temple, and the hospital, on his way to the ministry for checking nationality and citizenship..............:)

oh and just for you.......he passed a photo of Thaksin on the way.........:D


Hang on a minute, if Abbhisit still holds UK Citizenship (or duel citizenship). Does that mean there's a Brit in charge of running Thailand?? Surely that can't be correct. Foreigners (which Brits are, like all the white skinned devils here) can't own land, but can run the country?? I thought you had to be a full on 100% Thai national with a degree just to be able to get registered as a politician in a political party to run in local elections.

Thaksin actually has dual nationality too. He's got Thai and Montanegro nationalities. I'm not sure what implications are involved. Just something I read before. Might be completelty irrelevant! Interesting. :guitar:


A number of posters in this thread have claimed that a Thai adult cannot gain the citizenship of another country. That is very surprising for me, given the large number of Thais I know with dual citizenship, including my wife! The rider "oh Thais just do what they like, don't care about the law" doesn't hold water for me. Most Thais where I live (not in Thailand) have very little need to get local citizenship, and I doubt any would take the risk if the law said it was forbidden.

Does anyone have a link to the text of an actual law which forbids a Thai taking a second citizenship?

Now in the reverse direction, what happens in the incredibly rare cases where a foreigner gains Thai citizenship? Since about 2007, such foreigners have been forced to renounce their original citizenship if they want Thai citizenship. In a recent conference a Thai official said that the Thai government is checking on such people. Anyone caught using their original passport will have their Thai citizenship cancelled! (A nice bit of hypocrisy if Thais don't have such a problem, but TiT!)

Regarding Abhisit, I haven't seen anyone ask the most obvious question: (regardless of dual-citizenship of ordinary citizens) are politicians allowed to hold dual citizenship? If they are, the whole case is a red herring. Abhisit has Thai citizenship. Does anyone know what the law actually says?


Does that mean he's also 10 points down on the maturity development index?

I transferred from US school system to the British school system when I was mid-teens. Sorry to say, it felt like I was stuck with a group of 10 year olds.

Mid teens I had left school in the UK and joined the Fleet Air Arm, perhaps you were with 10 year olds and nobody told you?

no he was probably in Newcatle, in shool with Abishisit and the goerdy 10 year olds

Thailand has not ratified membership of the ICC

:clap2: :clap2: :cheesy:

Yes thats true,the UK has ratified ICC Membership,thats why the Redshirts,Thaksin,and Amsterdam desperately need Abhisit to be a British Citizen.

While Abhisit has denied ever having taken up his right to British Citizenship.


Hang on a minute, if Abbhisit still holds UK Citizenship (or duel citizenship). Does that mean there's a Brit in charge of running Thailand?? Surely that can't be correct. Foreigners (which Brits are, like all the white skinned devils here) can't own land, but can run the country?? I thought you had to be a full on 100% Thai national with a degree just to be able to get registered as a politician in a political party to run in local elections.

So why are the Red Shirt hung up on dual citizenship?

There are not hundreds but many thousands of Thais all over the world that carry TWO (2) Passports in their pocket and own land in Thailand. One passport of the country they moved to and obtained citizenship from, or were born in, and one passport of their ancestry country in this case Thailand.

Let’s be sensible, a passport is nothing but an identification booklet. Most people I come and have been in contact with talk about passport as if it means Life and Dead.

If the Red Shirts are so concerned about Abbhisit, what about their idol Obama? He was born in Africa, carries now a passport and nationality in Hawaii were his mother met his father, he also got Indonesian nationality from the PERTAMINA the Indonesian oil company executive his mother married and who adopted Obama.

Why don’t them Red Shirt stick to REAL ISSUES instead of dragging the klongs of Thailand to dig up shit that is of total useless value to make improvements for the citizens of Thailand. They should take a look at how real people, the Egyptians, just did it, but then again the Egyptian people have a history that leaves the Thais in the dust of the Egyptian sandstorms.



Posted 2010-02-05 15:48:08

Abhisit says Thaksin must forego Thai citizenship if he becomes Cambodian

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Friday that former prime Thaksin Shinawatra will have to forego his Thai citizenship if he wants to become a Cambodian citizen.

Abhsiit was commenting on reports that Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen would give Cambodian citizenship to Thaksin.

Abhsit said he has not been formally informed of Thaksin being naturalized Cambodian.

"But by the standard of Thai laws, a Thai citizen must hold a single citizenship. If he wants to become a Cambodian citizen, he must forego the Thai citizenship," Abhisit said.


-- The Nation 2010-02-05


I find it pretty hard to believe the PM would get the law wrong on this issue.

And I find it pretty hard to believe that if he did, someone would not have corrected him.


You said: "...ICC will not look further." Where did you get that? And how come you know what they will do and how they will react? Are you such an expert or you just guess?

Or that is just your wish? :rolleyes:


It is my prediction. Which is a lot different than "knowing" someone doesn't have a work permit even though it's reported that they do.



Posted 2010-02-05 15:48:08

Abhisit says Thaksin must forego Thai citizenship if he becomes Cambodian

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Friday that former prime Thaksin Shinawatra will have to forego his Thai citizenship if he wants to become a Cambodian citizen.

Abhsiit was commenting on reports that Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen would give Cambodian citizenship to Thaksin.

Abhsit said he has not been formally informed of Thaksin being naturalized Cambodian.

"But by the standard of Thai laws, a Thai citizen must hold a single citizenship. If he wants to become a Cambodian citizen, he must forego the Thai citizenship," Abhisit said.


-- The Nation 2010-02-05


I find it pretty hard to believe the PM would get the law wrong on this issue.

And I find it pretty hard to believe that if he did, someone would not have corrected him.

Exactly. And just because some of us know people with more than one passport, doesn't mean they have it legally, nor that both countries governments know about the other countries passport and unrenounced citizenship.


Where did the native Thai people come from in the first instance

From a girl named Lucy in Africa 3.5 million years ago, just like the rest of us??????

There is no such thing as "Native Thai". :jap:


Regarding Abhisit, I haven't seen anyone ask the most obvious question: (regardless of dual-citizenship of ordinary citizens) are politicians allowed to hold dual citizenship? If they are, the whole case is a red herring. Abhisit has Thai citizenship. Does anyone know what the law actually says?

Dual citizenship for any politician, anywhere in the world would be a huge conflict of interest IMHO.

Then again it has never stopped American legislators from holding private stock in any company on the nasdaq, while they pass regulations in favor of them :whistling:

and shot medics, independant journos all unarmed... Do me a favour... go pull the ears off your teddy

Didnt you see the pic of the journo (as you put it) injured by a red grenade posted on this forum today.

Your memory is short.

Far to short to remember all the things we, who were here, saw the reds do, if not in person then on TV every day.

Send me a link to the page with the photo...please


If that does not come out correct try looking at post 47 page 2 of the thread currently running on '..............unprecidented numbers'

Here is the same photo from another angle.



Hospital Occupation... Snipers there by agreement with the hospital authorities. Emergency evacuation that was not required and nobody has taken the statements of the relatives of the removed patients..why. No explanation given to them.. PR excercise pre arranged. The 3 that died during the time of troubles where unrelated and I believe two were from cancer. Bangkok burning.. Central world was photogarphed under relaxed army control 45 minutes before it started burning.To my knowledge their is no statements on record from the Mall security staff...why. Do your homework and see how the owners fit into the framework. Not being encouraged, yes Ive seen the video. Lets be fair Jatuporn is no international orator like Tony Blair and his vocabulary may be limited. Figures of speech.

Redshirts turned on journalists..show me one report on the internet from a foriegn journalist that states he was intentionally attacked by the red shirts.. Journalists attacked b red shirts were Thai journalists, who through no fault of their own, reported what they were told to report. YOu my friend have been fooled not me

Well spoken 100% agree.

Here is another pic of the "peaceful Reds"




By the way, i can understand you dislike Taksin(no H)

I don't dislike Taksin. I dislike Thaksin. The two different transliterated spellings refer to two different names with two different Thai spellings and two different Thai pronunciations.

I'd encourage you to use the proper one in reference to Thaksin Shinawatra.


And the relevance to the citizenship of Abhisit?..................or as mentioned previously do you just enjoy exploding your dislike of Thaksin in every thread, which continually detracts from your observations.

Why not comment on the dozens of other posts in this thread regarding unrelated discussion of past shootings and grenadings from 8 months ago and a host of other ongoing discussions directly above and below my post?

Or complain about the posts that I'm replying to that have the exact same topic?

At least my post is an honest effort to educate a member on an often-repeated mistake.


What? Your post is what? Can't believe your selfishness. :jap:


Redshirts turned on journalists..show me one report on the internet from a foriegn journalist that states he was intentionally attacked by the red shirts.. Journalists attacked b red shirts were Thai journalists, who through no fault of their own, reported what they were told to report. YOu my friend have been fooled not me


Reporters Without Borders condemns the violence against journalists by Red Shirt demonstrators


Red-shirt demonstrators are reportedly so paranoid that journalists might set them up to say they are being forced to stay at the rally site that they attacked a female Thai reporter for France 24 television channel while she was interviewing a woman inside the Pathum Wanaram Temple yesterday afternoon. The reporter was also representing Irrawaddy newspaper.

Does that mean he's also 10 points down on the maturity development index?

I transferred from US school system to the British school system when I was mid-teens. Sorry to say, it felt like I was stuck with a group of 10 year olds.

Mid teens I had left school in the UK and joined the Fleet Air Arm, perhaps you were with 10 year olds and nobody told you?



I think it's more of a political issue for Abhisit - that is, people won't like that he has British citizenship, even though there is nothing legally wrong with it.

The issue is that Robert Amstermdam is attempting to charge Abhisit with crimes against humanity in the International Criminal Court for stopping the reds from rioting and killing last year. Thailand has never signed on to be bound by the court, so a Thai could not be tried. The UK has signed on to it though, so Thaksin has gone with this strategy.

Of course since Montenegro has also signed it, that means that Thaksin also could be tried, where as if he were only Thai he could not

Has Thailand signed anything related to human rights? Seems they like free rides and the opportunity to jump off the wagon whenever it is convenient.

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