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Tale of Two Approaches:

Oh yeah, I've been spooked by the many dogs I come across enroute. When I was a newsboy, I got bit by maybe 7-9 different dogs. I think we all get startled sooner or later. I thought of paint balls, etc. Bought 4 kgs of dog biscuits as instead. As bribes, they work fantastic! I do not toss them in an aggro way, more of a backhanded flip, after the fact.

I also began ringing my bell a bunch as I approached, to let them know I was arriving. Not startling the dogs made a big difference.

Over time, the dogs could not be arsed. If there was a pack of them sleeping and a dog biscuit bounced between then, their tails began wagging. One time a big dog scared me dearly and I slammed on my brakes.

Cooed to the dog. Soon had him on his back, rubbing his belly.

The Tai owner came out and thanked me for not throwing rocks or vinegar at his dog. Then invited me for dinner!

Great meal.

Then I did the exact same route with an Auzzie buddy spooked by dogs. He had a run-in, fight with every dam_n dog on the route!

It was almost comical. I heard myself telling him "...ignore them and they'll ignore you."

Different stroke for different folks....

anyone try a dog whistle that makes a high pitched noise inaudible to human ears?

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I have been thinking about getting a water pistol, maybe even with a holster to mount on my bike. Fill it with vinegar and go for the eyes as the need arises. You animal lovers can save your breath for two reasons: (1) I'll defend myself when under attack, and the animal will learn to leave my alone. (2) The animal will recover from vinegar. I had considered undiluted bleach. The problem with my plan? I can't find a water pistol. The vendors all tell me they're only available around Songkran.

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The dogs were here before your tricycle and you in arse clinging spandex.

That doesn't give them any right whatsoever to rush out onto a public road at cars, cyclists, pedestrians or motorcyclists.

And I would not be seen dead in spandex, nor one of those plastic lids which are probably as useless as they look, nor gloves, nor special shoes nor carry the obligatory water bottle nor ride around in organised groups.

Nope, just like my exercise around the local roads.

And I fail to see why it should be spoiled by a <deleted> untrained canine.

One of those "plastic lids" saved me from a concussion (at best), maybe permanent brain damage. Helmets work, and sneering at them doesn't change that. Health statistics support this, just as they show seatbelts reduce mortality & morbidity. Do you sneer at seatbelts, too? If so, you're welcome to stay right where you are in the middle of the 20th century.

I went down hard, tripped up by a cat that dashed under my wheels from under a shrub alongside a bike path in Madison, Wisconsin in September 2004. I was moving along at about 25 kph. Skinned both knees and a shoulder, and landed hard on my right hip. When my head went "WHACK!" on the ground, I smiled, because I knew my head was fine. That helmet had a big crack in the back. Amazingly, an emergency room doctor saw my crash. Thirty seconds after I hit the ground, I had my joints checked, and pupils (center of the eyes) checked. The doc explained that was a way to check for brain damage. He also warned me not to stop the rest of the way home, because I would stiffen up a few minutes after stopping. He was right. After a shower, I went straight to bed where I spent the next 24 hours. This could have been life-threatening, and the helmet made the difference.

By they way, I also wear spandex. The seams are in the right place, avoiding "sensitive areas." There was a psychological barrier to cross when I first put them on, but they're very comfortable after you get used to them. Don't knock it if you haven't tried it.

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  • 2 months later...

Cycling around Bang Krachao yesterday afternoon in the rain, I was chased/threatened by dogs no less than four times. Never been bothered before so I can only put it down to the rain. One dog totally ignored me until I started whistling tunelessly, so obviously it was his way of getting me to shut up. A bunch of locals in a noodle shop shouting brought that one to my attention as he was running up behind me.

All in all an intersting afternoon.

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I don’t understand this irrational fear and irrepressible vilification of dogs. If you weren’t so cowardly and fearful, and seemingly determined to antagonize the little fellows, then a little noise wouldn’t send you into conniptions. Dogs bark and TV’ers piss and moan, so what. :violin:

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If it was just barking then no problem. Those dogs behind the gates warning you away from their property are fine with me. My dog does the same. The problem is when you are pedaling along minding your own beeswax and dogs rush out at you, some of them barking and the odd one bearing its teeth, expecting khao ka farang for dinner.

However, I will remember to stop whistling when passing dogs in the future, as it is obvious they do not appreciate my efforts. I could try a violin instead but then I would probably fall off the bike.

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If it was just barking then no problem. Those dogs behind the gates warning you away from their property are fine with me. My dog does the same. The problem is when you are pedaling along minding your own beeswax and dogs rush out at you, some of them barking and the odd one bearing its teeth, expecting khao ka farang for dinner.

However, I will remember to stop whistling when passing dogs in the future, as it is obvious they do not appreciate my efforts. I could try a violin instead but then I would probably fall off the bike.

My comment was general in nature and not directed at any one individual but I like your clever retort. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone knows where to find a dog whistle that makes a high pitched noise inaudible to human ears in Pattaya? I pedal quite slowly and I don't want to have dogs to discover how tasty farang feet are..

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