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Education In Thailand

Dennis Pennis

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Just come across a few postings elsewhere on this forum about education which I think should be explored in more detail B)

Anyone out there know about the pros and cons of government schools and private (international) schools? :D

Which is better and which provides the best chances for entrance to local unis? :o

Looking forward to hearing from those in the know B)

I see there's someone here who calls himself a doctor!!! Doctor of what? B) I'll wait to see what you've got to say!!

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Speaking from experience ( myself and other members of my family)

Thai government school



1. Cheap ( 1000-5000 baht a semaster for tuition ).

2. Hardcore! Start at 8.30 and finish at 16.30 ,more or less 7-8 hours a day. Learn alot !! especially Math -- Thai students learn way much more than american students in the same level (high school).

3. Thai environment, experience / absorb thai ways or views from classmates who grow up in thai or thai -chinese families.


1. Too many students in class ,around 40 or so depends on what programme the student choose like Arts- French programme has less students than English- Science one.

2. Old fashioned way of teaching. All lesson provided by teachers. Low participation from students but some government schools have really innovative ways of teaching. Need name of those school? Ask me on PM.

3. Due to low participation in class, most of thai students have low skill on presentation. I admit here that my presentation skill sucks, it became a bit better when i study aborad which i have more chance to practice.

A bit sleepy here in Amsterdam, tomorrow will reply for all the rest.

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Candyflip’s advice is good. I would add, that you need to think about what you want your children to do after school. If you want them to go to Thai university then a good Thai school may be the best option.

However, if you want them to end up speaking good English and then to go to university in US, UK etc. a good international school may be better. Or if they are going to enter an English program at Thai university. Entrance to Thai university should not be a problem for both Thai or international schools – if they are good students.

In my experience Thai schools don’t turn out good English speakers. That may be important to your child if they are going into the world of business as well as if they are going to live and work in countries other than Thailand.

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I would have to add that the quality of the school changes from school to school. I have read of many govt schools in Bangkok with waiting lists because they have such high standards. If I had a child I would never send them to the local govt school here where I live. It is terrible. My husband went to the govt secondary school in Samui when he was young and got a very good education but the one here is truly awful. Any child with special needs (either end of the spectrum) gets left behind, children are expected to conform to the norm. My oldest nephew was failed 2 times for the same grade! Not because he is stupid (altho his teachers told him so) but because he is dyslexic. The school offered no help whatsoever. And when he reached 15 they suggested he drop out because they were going to fail him again anyway! Not one teacher took an interest in helping him, probably because all the classes were too large and none of the teachers are trained in helping children with special needs.

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Guest IT Manager

Mine is in Human Bio-Ethics.. medical ethics otherwise. My Wifes' will be in IT for Educational purposes in a developing country.

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Any child with special needs (either end of the spectrum) gets left behind, children are expected to conform to the norm.

I teach at a private thai school, where image is extremely important. There are a few children with learning problems (basically if I gave them an intelligence test they'd fall in the mentally deficient/retarded/impaired range) but due to image they are thrown into classes with those of average intelligence. This is a difficult issue for me as want to help them as much as possible, but can not neglect the others. In these classes I try to balance things out so I get to spend some one on one time with the "special ones". Really feel as though I'm making progress - actually last friday one of my special kids started singing a song I've been teaching them (that the other kids know) - felt the most amazing feeling on the inside. I'm able to identify the special needs students and will make time for them, at the same time making sure the other children are engaged in something.

When it comes to government schools, sorry have nothing to offer.

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Guest IT Manager

Can you support the standard intelligence/capacity kids into teaching the kids who have the challenge? My Thai son teaches my Akha boy and vice versa.. works very well.

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International School


1 Language --The lessons are teached in English, so the kids will be able to communicate well in English.

2 Child center approach -- most international school use child center method. Its quite fun to learn the lesson.

3 Multicultural environment -- Learn different point of views,traditions from various type of classmate nationalites.

4 international students mostly have high self confidence. Due to child center approach, they have alot chance to do public speaking,presentation.


1 ###### expensive!! 80000 baht up for semaster.

2 a lot less lessons compare to thai government school.

3 Grow up in internatinal environment , do not understand the real thai.

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Can you support the standard intelligence/capacity kids into teaching the kids who have the challenge? My Thai son teaches my Akha boy and vice versa.. works very well.

IT your son sounds like an angel, would luv to have him in my class :D . The children I teach are very young (grade 1), just getting them to share their pencils is a huge task. I'm fortunate that my students like me and some go out of their way to do well and get my attention. I have noticed that they get annoyed when I'm working with the special ones and will come over and get involved. Now if I could some how get them to help the special ones more often it would be great.

My problem is that I want to do as much as I can for my students - was actually told today (by a fellow colleague) that I shouldn't care so much :o

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i just would like to add about the pros, from my experience...,beside candyflip said..

from my own experience, students inthai school have a very tight friendship among their fellow students like myself and my mates...after finishing highschool ,for about 10 years now, we still go out for a few pints every week. well, of course,only ones who re in bkk.. others in the country, we talk so often and every time they re here, we usually go for a big binge which is quite often as well...

just recently, one of the lads got married in Hua Hin, it s about 20 of us there.. we had the best time...

what i m trying to say is, if you want your kid to pursuit his/her education here, i would say 'go for the gov one' cos he/she will have a very good connection in the future and good mates are hard to find...!! you might not see how it s relevant with this threads but according to my experience again, my uncle makes millions but he told my mum one day that he doesn't really have a true friend..and he s not happy about it.. cos he studied in overseas since he was 14.. when he just came back here he said it was miserable cos there was no friends..so he missied all the experiences that i had and he regretted it..

don't know about international schools though..!!!


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Government schools, some good some bad. Thai parents will normally try and get their children into satit-Chula, Satit Thammasat, demonstration schools they call them. It's all about prestige apparently. Most teachers possess MA's "made in Thailand" and are often clueless putting theory into practice and provide students' with a good student centered learning session. These schools are all about prestige.

Normal private schools for the Thai middle class are ok, some good some bad, a bit of a mix just like gov schools. Class size can be a problem too. But facilities ar definitely better, and management at these school do generally try and get their teachers to do a good job. Those Christian Schools are especially popualr. One semester = 6,000 to 9,000 Baht!

Private Bilingual schools, the majority, a lot of crap so I hear. Around 50,000 a semester!

The top schools, patana and the like. Extremely expensive, something like 1/2 Million Baht per semester, only for the fortunate. International curriculum taught!

I once worked as a science teacher here in los.......

For more info check www.ajarn.com

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Guest IT Manager

I once looked in there. Humour abounds, not much idea about teaching. Most of them just spotty cos the ###### schools want them to prove if they are any good. about time too. Been said hereabouts a time or two that LoS could do with a big heap less backpacking "teachers".

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:D I wanna add more about Thai government school. I myselft went to local government one and studied Arts - French Programme. My classmates were 20 girls and 4 boys. I had so much fun in the last year. Friendship has been built up over years and become even stronger after graduated. I remember that everyday we counted down how much time we had left (studying )together. Everyday after finishing homework, I had to write one of those friendship notebook and return it to my classmate the next day with big smile. That was quite good year.

Are there anyway to mix-up thai education and international perspective? Yes, there is and actaully that what i picked for myself and my younger sister.

I studied in Thai government highschool from M.1-M.4 and I spent my M.5 year with interexchange student org. in latin amrica for 1 year. My sister did the same but she went to USA. We both are very happy the choice we picked. We both have thai friends, international experience, language abilities and so on. My AFS friends are my best friend ever that I can wish for. Financially speaking, governemnt school costed so little, dad saved lot money and we both spent it for international year with original international environment. :o

My brother might make different choice. Now he is 14 years old and next year he will have to go to high school. He will pick international highschool for himself for a couple reasons. He does not like his Thai goverment school anymore, too much pressure, lot lessons, less freetime. He does not care about getting in to the normal programme at government university, he would go to international programme at TU anyway. Morever, he does not wanna be away from home for 1 year to learn english or spanish,he had been travelled more than enough with family. So next year, you guys will hear from me how things go there in international school. lol B)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Me ! I can tell !

Because i am a university student in an international Program.

I am 100 % Thai and had been attending Thai schools since kindergarten till Highschool....but i just decided to choose an international program for university because i will continue my studies aboard.

The pro of attending international schools is kids there are taught to learn by themselves ...like a " child centered system" but in thai schools they put us into loads of craps and it does not do me any good since I am sure and it is the truth that Thai students study a lot harder than international kids because we have classes and loads of texts to remember and memorize..for all days long and school 's rules are very strict which is so opposite to the international ones.

The curriculum is totally different ........ I just recently debated this topic with a head hunter of business development companies here in thailand and he said .. that he did the interview himself with all candidates who applied the job and when he asked those people about the history or basic knowledge about world history ...Thai people tend to have so little knowledge about it.

My arguement is ...For example We have to learn everything about history in the world including Thai history but in an international schools .... they just study the world history ( I mean .. only large countries such as USA or UK ) which i think most students should know but we are likely to concern more about Thai history which is not useful at all only if you want to specialize in this field. ( in case you are concerned about the future career of your kid as well)

From my perspective, it depends on how long you would liek to stay in thailand because the main factor is if your kid is in thai school the chance for getting into

government university is much higher .. 100 % guarantee .....and it is quite impossible for international kids to get into Chulalong korn or Thammasat

except for theri special programs like mine which is an international one.

but the minus is all about language, accent , and lower chances to get to study aboard since in most international schools , they have a program call "IB" or "PI"

which is like a special program taken during the final highschool year in order to get a " diploma" or a certificate in advancing the famous universities aboard without taking extra exams for foreigners.

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