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Armed Man Arrested Outside US Embassy In Bangkok

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Disturbed or crazy?

its scary aint it......because he is not the only one running around with mental disorders.

the fact that Thailand has no safetynet in place for these buggers is a great cuase of concern to me.

it means they are among us ......roaming the streets.



Its the same in the UK they call it care in the Comunitiy. They just kill people then they get care.

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How did a mentally unstable person get a gun? :o

By reason of the fact he was a male born in Thailand and has an absolute right to wave guns around.

However the article did not make clear whether he was drunk at the time.


Yes seen this so often...

Problem is they need to take out half his brain to make way for the chip which is housed in an enclosure along with the NiCad batteries.

He was probaly not shooting because the chip told him to do it, it was more likely caused by him only having half a brain.

Poor fella I doubt he will ever get the stolen half brain back as the CIA will just deny involvement and wrongfully call him a nutter just to protect themselves.


You're assuming he had a brain to begin with...most are eaten in Tum Yum as children....


This story would be far too easy to be flippant with ...... so .... let's hope the guy gets treatment.

Why so harsh, after all, it could have been one of the regular tv posters


How did a mentally unstable person get a gun? :o

That s not very difficult in Thailand and since he had no permit even more easy.

Every second or third Thai Man has a Firearm

Really? Where do they get them from? And I thought it's highly illegal to posses weapons here. I'm certainly not able to get one but I guess I'm Farang so it's highly "mai-dai" :annoyed:


How did a mentally unstable person get a gun? :o

That s not very difficult in Thailand and since he had no permit even more easy.

Every second or third Thai Man has a Firearm

Really? Where do they get them from? And I thought it's highly illegal to posses weapons here. I'm certainly not able to get one but I guess I'm Farang so it's highly "mai-dai" :annoyed:

For a Farang it is difficult to get a weapon with permit that is true, but not impossible, but I will not give you Tips here how to do , find it out yourself, first of all you have to speak proper Thai, that s one of the hurdles you need to take.

The Rest is pretty much easy going.

But it was stated that the guy did not have a permit anyway....

Do you know how many illegal arms around here???

it s one of the reasons you should not get in trouble with Thais...

On the other hand for a Thai to get a weapon with a Permit (Tapian) it is very very easy just need to have some money the rest goes smooth if you know what I mean


It's truly sad to hear about this kind of thing- although, ironically, if they really do refer this fellow for inpatient mental health care, he's probably ahead of the game compared to likely dozens of thousands of cases of milder or more severe mental illness that are completely off the radar of public health in Bangkok. One problem is that, as in most Asian countries where I have asked about it, Thai convention holds that such issues are taboo/stigmatising/family (i.e., not public) matters/shameful. Furthermore, even if hospitals were funded for or obligated to provide such services to the general public, there is little-to-no tradition here of involuntary commital. Thus, mental health issues (including addictions) have to be criminal matters before involuntary treatment becomes possible (at which point the resources and institutional appetite for delivering them are rather slim). I think in many ways Thailand has gotten away with it as well as it has so far because of greater family coherence and social capital, but with great industrialisation that may not continue to be possible.

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