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When Whitening Propoganda Goes Too Far


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SC --- the man I was quoting believes that "race" is real ....

the link back to the intro to the 2 different perspectives sheds more light and gaffs the whole issue for someone claiming an absolute such as "race doesn't exist".....

Does Race Exist?

The concept of race is one of the most intellectually and emotionally charged subjects, not only in society but in science as well. NOVA Online asked two leading anthropologists, Dr. Loring Brace of the University of Michigan and Dr. George Gill of the University of Wyoming, who fall on either side of the debate about whether race exists, to state their points of view. Interestingly, while these two researchers differ radically in how they define race, they readily joined together—along with six other top anthropologists—to file suit against the federal government for the right to study Kennewick Man (see

I'll stick with my personal belief that it does ..... and perhaps have over 1/2 of the scientists with me ;)

on another valid tangent .....

The difference between racism and ethnocentrism

Although they are easily and often confused, race and racism must be distinguished from ethnicity and ethnocentrism. While extreme ethnocentrism may take the same offensive form and may have the same dire consequences as extreme racism, there are significant differences between the two concepts. <a class="bps-event-selector bps-topic-link" href="http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/688666/ethnicity" title="Ethnicity" style="outline-style: none; outline-width: initial; outline-color: initial; font-family: Arial, 'Arial Unicode MS', Helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; color: rgb(0, 77, 153); font-weight: bold; ">Ethnicity, which relates to culturally contingent features, characterizes all human groups. It refers to a sense of identity and membership in a group that shares common language, cultural traits (values, beliefs, religion, food habits, customs, etc.), and a sense of a common history. All humans are members of some cultural (ethnic) group, sometimes more than one. Most such groups feel—to varying degrees of intensity—that their way of life, their foods, dress, habits, beliefs, values, and so forth, are superior to those of other groups.

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Whether race exists or not biologically is actually a total separate issue from whether racism exists. Nobody can deny racism exists and that it takes many forms.

That's a big switch from claiming multiple times in absolutes that "race does not exist" ..... and in the case you have cited it would almost always be ethnocentrism and not racism. Racism is a PC word to bandy about instead of actually looking at the issues themselves. Do racists exist? certainly ... if race exists.

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JD, you're not going to lure me into the same argument for the 10th time! Anyone who doesn't know my position by now on how it is that racism very much exists even if race doesn't exist biologically can simply read the thread. I accept what you say that there is some dissent from anthropologists on the biological part of it but it still seems to me the current mainstream scientific conclusion is that race does not exist biologically. This is getting to be a harassment kind of situation now from some posters, and I won't play with you no more. This is clearly pushing some hot buttons for some posters, and frankly, I don't find your twisty games very interesting any more, and I doubt it is for readers either!

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It isn't meant as harassment JT , It is meant as a counter argument to statements you keep making as absolutes and in which you are using an inaccurate terminology. Racism in any logical discussion cannot exist if race does not exist. It then becomes ethnocentrism or even more simply bigotry.

Bigotry exists.

Ethnocentrism exists.

and imho racism exists, but only because imho there are races.

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