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A Generation To Come Of Age


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Okay, I'm not yet thirty and reading these I am starting to feel old:

Mindset lists by college graduating class

For the college graduating class of 2007 some facts of life:

1.    Ricky Nelson, Richard Burton, Samantha Smith, Laura Ashley, Orson Welles, Karen Ann Quinlan, Benigno Aquino, and the U.S. Football League have always been dead.

2.  They are not familiar with the source of that “Giant Sucking Sound.”

3.  Iraq has always been a problem.

4.  “Ctrl + Alt + Del” is as basic as “ABC.”

5.  Paul Newman has always made salad dressing.

6.  Pete Rose has always been a gambler.

7.  Bert and Ernie are old enough to be their parents.

8.  An automatic is a weapon, not a transmission.

9.  Russian leaders have always looked like leaders everyplace else.

10.  The snail darter has never been endangered.

11.  There has always been a screening test for AIDS.

12.  Gas has always been unleaded

13.  They never heard Howard Cosell call a game on ABC.

14.  The United States has always had a Poet Laureate

15.  Garrison Keillor has always been live on public radio and Lawrence Welk has always been dead on public television.

16.  Their families drove SUVs without “being fuelish.”

17.  There has always been some association between fried eggs and your brain.

18.  They would never leave their calling card on someone’s desk.

19.  They have never been able to find the “return” key.

20.  Computers have always fit in their backpacks.

Almost none of these are true for me, and I feel like I graduated from college just yesterday.

I remember getting a microwave when they were new, and the thing was huge.

I remember when the US thought Panama was a major problem.

I remember the start of the first Gulf War, Iran Contra and Oliver North.

And the first news event I remember was the execution of Ted Bundy.

What do you remember?

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God, YOU feel old!!!!I remember Richard Nixon getting impeached, I was quite small at the time but it really stuck in my brain that the President was a man not to be trusted. Funny how things don't change, isn't it?

I moved to Thailand before the internet, I remember working on computers that had no Windows. When I was the technologically advanced one because I worked on computers (data entry--not programming) and I could type. :o

Edited by sbk
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Okay, I'm not yet thirty and reading these I am starting to feel old:

Mindset lists by college graduating class

I remember getting a microwave when they were new, and the thing was huge.

I remember when the US thought Panama was a major problem.

I remember the start of the first Gulf War, Iran Contra and Oliver North.

And the first news event I remember was the execution of Ted Bundy.

What do you remember?

Good old Noriega.

I remember Ronald Reagan getting kicked out of his house by Bush Senior.

I then remember Thatcher being kicked out of her house by some Grey looking chap.

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I remember before TV was available in our town in the US and I would sit by the radio in the kitchen and listen to the Lone Ranger.....I remember when almost nothing was made of plastic....the kitchen floor was linoleum, not vinyl, our family record collection was all 78 rpm and my favorite was "The Little Engine That Could." I remember making a phone call by lifting the receiver and waiting for the operator to come on and say "number please"...and I would say "1316J please", and she would say "Thank you".

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I remember when penny candy actually cost a penny and gasoline was ten cents a gallon. I remember when they raised the minimum wage (US) to $1.00 per hour. I remember when on Halloween the kids all wandered around town at will collecting and eating candy from everywhere and no one worried that someone would hand out poison or drugs or that some kid would get raped.

Edited by chownah
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Okaaay, not to be outdone.

I can remember as far back as going to a party with my ol' man and going home with my mum. :o

:D Didn't half of you go with your mum? :D

Didn't think about that. You're right, I must have. :D

Glad to see you're on the ball. Thought it may have gone way over everyone's heads. :D

Edited by Gazza
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