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Shit Zu - Where Can I Get One

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The wife and Kids are looking for a ShitSu or whatever its called.

you know the little lapdog things with long hair that you can put ribbons in etc.

No I'm not gonna eat it or put Ribbons in its Hair. Its to help the wife through her pre,post and during menstrual tension and upcomming menopause. hopefully it'll make her all 'Sweetness and light' again :D

So, has anyone seen any for sale in Chiang Rai ?

I guess I'd better put Harsu on my Ignore list for a few days B)

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You can find them in just about any place that sells the mustard.

I'll keep an eye on the bacon thread for you. Something may turn up there if it drifts into chatter about buns.


You can find them in just about any place that sells the mustard.

I'll keep an eye on the bacon thread for you. Something may turn up there if it drifts into chatter about buns.

Kd. Your Barking Mad :lol::cheesy:


post-86914-0-97060900-1298738872_thumb.jJubbs, we've got a couple, but they're Shit Zu mixed with poodles, I think that makes 'em a little bit bigger? Not sure really. I know they were local though, maybe there's a Shit Zu to be had in the area, I'll ask the Mrs.

The small cute(er) one that looks like a cloud, spends all day rummaging around in all sorts of muck and smelly water, so only looks as pristine as this right after a shower!

Dunno about ribbons but Ms Tastic has been known to put clothes on them when it gets 'cold' :lol:


It's actually Shih Tsu, shit Sue is the scat girl at Rosies Bar off Soi Cowboy.


No photos of shit Sue, the night I was there she was out with a crowd of English football supporters.


Shih Tzu is a great dog, but be sure you have time to look after it, they need to be brushed every day and showered and blow dried every week which takes at least 1 hour...... Is one of the few dogs that is best to use conditioner after shampooing, much easier to brush and get the knots out.

'little lapdog things with long hair that you can put ribbons in etc' you need yo put something in or the hair will cover its eyes and will be unable to see and always have hair in its mouth when eating or drinking, myself use elastic bands [you can buy very small ones]

I have 3 girls and 2 boys all are pure Shih Tzu, oldest is 7, youngest was 1 year old on 1st Jan.



Poodles definately a different beast Biff. too Hyper for my taste. Rugby Goal posts would be employed within a week.

Thanks for the input Scea . had to google it ofcourse. No, I'm not really into Jazz :)

Ignus, she has the time and the inclination ;)


Poodles definately a different beast Biff. too Hyper for my taste. Rugby Goal posts would be employed within a week.

Thanks for the input Scea . had to google it ofcourse. No, I'm not really into Jazz :)

Ignus, she has the time and the inclination ;)

Yeah they are a little hyper :) point is, they're half Shi Tzu, so there's gotta be some ribbon wearers in the manor so to speak :)


Poodles definately a different beast Biff. too Hyper for my taste. Rugby Goal posts would be employed within a week.

Thanks for the input Scea . had to google it ofcourse. No, I'm not really into Jazz :)

Ignus, she has the time and the inclination ;)

Yeah they are a little hyper :) point is, they're half Shi Tzu, so there's gotta be some ribbon wearers in the manor so to speak :)

Gotcha Biff. I'm slow. ..... Sounds like the Shitzu didnt wear a Ribbon to me though ;)


I know the little dog that jubby's girls fell for. It is a sweet little thing with a great personality. I'm not a guy who really thinks much of small dogs. I like the larger, slower, more thoughtful dogs. But if I had to have a small dog, that little dog is the one. It is smaller than typical of the breed. And, always in a good humor.

jubby, I am asking around for an answer to your question. I'll let you know if I find anything worth checking out.


Shih Tsu Thailand in the search engines reveals a few breeders.

Edit: They seem to start at around 4500B :)

Edit2: Then there's the cost of the maid to brush it every day, because if I know kids.... B)


There is a pet shop on the right hand side of the road that goes from downtown out to the superhighway ...the one that comes to big intersection where you would turn right to go to Big C....or straight across the intersection to go to Muang CR high school...near the Izuzu dealer......that usually has some shitzu's....Last time I looked a year or two ago I think they were about 2000 baht for a puppy. Some people with Shitzu's have their noses englarged via surgery so they can breath better but not sure if they do that in Thailand or not...

They are generally great little dogs that will love you or anyone else who feeds them a LOT.


Ow! Can't see why you'd want your nose made bigger just because you've got a Shih Tzu! Still, takes all sorts I guess :)

Our's were free by the way, at first I wasn't sure why, now I know :lol:

Not really, they're cool little dogs :)


Ow! Can't see why you'd want your nose made bigger just because you've got a Shih Tzu! Still, takes all sorts I guess :)

Our's were free by the way, at first I wasn't sure why, now I know :lol:

Not really, they're cool little dogs :)

Was talking about making dog's nostrils bigger but guess if the owner wanted he could also have a nose job as well....I should be more precise in my wording.....and yes they are cool little dogs.....


Dear Jubby, This will not work. T. has been attempting to improve my disposition by letting me have my choice of dogs for years. The effects of female hormones/lack of hormones are resistant to all bribes and compliments. Even cute little dogs who let you put ribbons in their hair will not help. Just learn to recognise that there are times when you need to operate a quarantine -no approach - totally silent- zone around the afflicted person, and at all other times, be nice. The monster inside us strives to get out, it is beyond our control.


Dear Jubby, This will not work. T. has been attempting to improve my disposition by letting me have my choice of dogs for years. The effects of female hormones/lack of hormones are resistant to all bribes and compliments. Even cute little dogs who let you put ribbons in their hair will not help. Just learn to recognise that there are times when you need to operate a quarantine -no approach - totally silent- zone around the afflicted person, and at all other times, be nice. The monster inside us strives to get out, it is beyond our control.

but its like 3 weeks out of 4 . :( Monster !! .... Its pure Evil I tell you ! PURE EVIL !! .......

maybe some restraints and a Muzzel for the afflicted .

thanks for the directions pomchop. Its the Izuzu Dealer on the corner, next to the Guy with the camel ? :(


bifftastic .

re ... Ms Tastic has been known to put clothes on them when it gets 'cold'

like this ?

enjoy pic ... dave2

worse mate, much much worse :lol:


The little black dog isn't even ours! It just wandered past and was subjected to this humiliation. All with the best intentions I'm sure but, as you can see, none of them look best pleased :)


Dear Jubby, This will not work. T. has been attempting to improve my disposition by letting me have my choice of dogs for years. The effects of female hormones/lack of hormones are resistant to all bribes and compliments. Even cute little dogs who let you put ribbons in their hair will not help. Just learn to recognise that there are times when you need to operate a quarantine -no approach - totally silent- zone around the afflicted person, and at all other times, be nice. The monster inside us strives to get out, it is beyond our control.

but its like 3 weeks out of 4 . :( Monster !! .... Its pure Evil I tell you ! PURE EVIL !! .......

maybe some restraints and a Muzzel for the afflicted .

thanks for the directions pomchop. Its the Izuzu Dealer on the corner, next to the Guy with the camel ? :(

sorry i don't know the name of the road with the pet shop....but if you head on the main st out of town like you were going out in direction of par club but you turn left onto whatever that road is that is just past the greenpeace honda store...that road cuts across to the superhighway that is where the shop is located just up on your right but before you get to the super highway......there are a bunch of second hand clothing stores etc on that road...at the big intersection with the super highway is the place where cops seem to sit a lot and give out tickets for no helmets....at that intersection with the main highway just to your right would be the Izuzu dealership.....never noticed the camel but could well be there somewhere....maybe someone else can give better directions....i never know any road names here but find my way around by combination of luck and landmarks and trial and error....hope you find the shop...there used to be a gal there that knew all about shitzus and i bet if they don't have them they can sure get them easily enough...good luck and you might even want to consider buying TWO shitzus as they sure seem to like each other's company....name one of them Chiang and the other one Rai???


Be careful of the fatal dog disease Parvo especially if you buy from a shop or the night bizzare. Have the dog checked by a vet and a guarantee letter from the seller that they will pay for or let you get a refund for a sick animal. Some friends have had several problems with this here in CR.

Shih Tsu's have a short snout and can develop difficulty breathing and respriratory problems because of the short snout.

I have some friends that have that breed and they are very friendly, can be very smart and nice dogs.

The hair does not need to be long all the time. Can short clip during the hot months to help keep them cool and let the hair grow when it starts to get into the cooler months.

Ms Taco wants one so bad and constantly looks at the Thai web sites offering Shih Tsu's in Thailand. That is another alternative, but they are a little more expensive, but probably worth it.


Be careful of dogs you buy in the market and pet shops, the breeders aren't fussy about inbreeding.

Also they sell the pups too young, ok they're cute but they need a reasonable time with their mothers.

My neighbour has waited nearly six months for a St Bernard pup from a Chiang Mai breeder but the pooch is going to be top quality, vaccinated and well looked after by the time he gets it.

This is my dog, just village mutt but they can turn out nice if you treat them right.





I met the Harsus at the PotLuck today.

We have some puppies going free. Mother Bull Terrier, father unknown!

If you want to scrap the TzizSu plan then come here and see them,

they are very cute and I want them to go to good homes.


Just wondering. That person before had that beautiful golder retriever. Where did he get it? Wife's favorite dog and would like to get one or a 100% German shepard.


I met the Harsus at the PotLuck today.

We have some puppies going free. Mother Bull Terrier, father unknown!

If you want to scrap the TzizSu plan then come here and see them,

they are very cute and I want them to go to good homes.

Bull Terrier ? English ?


Dear Jubby, This will not work. T. has been attempting to improve my disposition by letting me have my choice of dogs for years. The effects of female hormones/lack of hormones are resistant to all bribes and compliments. Even cute little dogs who let you put ribbons in their hair will not help. Just learn to recognise that there are times when you need to operate a quarantine -no approach - totally silent- zone around the afflicted person, and at all other times, be nice. The monster inside us strives to get out, it is beyond our control.

Excellent advice, but our dear Jubby knows quite well, that all he needs to do is look in the mirror for the source of his, and her, distress. :whistling:;)


bifftastic .

re ... Ms Tastic has been known to put clothes on them when it gets 'cold'

like this ?

enjoy pic ... dave2

worse mate, much much worse :lol:


The little black dog isn't even ours! It just wandered past and was subjected to this humiliation. All with the best intentions I'm sure but, as you can see, none of them look best pleased :)

Biff , Poor f$#K%6& Dog :D ........ I've seen them in Jackets yes, but not frilly pants. Hope she's not gonna be dressing Biffmeister :o

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