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Israeli planes attack Islamic Jihad camps in Gaza


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Israeli planes attack Islamic Jihad camps in Gaza

2011-02-26 23:40:06 GMT+7 (ICT)

GAZA CITY (BNO NEWS) -- Israeli aircraft on Saturday attacked two military sites in the southern Gaza Strip, leaving four Palestinians injured, the Jerusalem Post reported.

The Israel Defense Forces Spokesman unit confirmed that IAF aircraft attacked two terrorist activity targets in the south of the Gaza Strip.

"The strike was in response to rocket attacks on Israeli territory and the IDF will continue to work against terrorist activity that threatens the State of Israel," a statement by the IDF read.

Palestinians in Gaza reported that F16 planes hit targets belonging to Islamic Jihad west of Khan Younis. According to witnesses, four people were lightly injured, including a baby.

Early on Saturday, Israeli planes also attacked two Islamic Jihad and Hamas targets in the central Gaza strip, causing no injuries, the Jerusalem Post reported.

The air raids came after tensions rose along the Israel-Gaza border this week following a rocket attack on the Israeli city of Beersheba for the first time since the Israeli operation against Gaza in December 2008- January 2009.

"I do not suggest that anyone test the State of Israel's resolve," Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned Hamas on Thursday.

The UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Robert Serry told the Security Council on Thursday that concrete international intervention is needed to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"I must in all frankness report low confidence and trust of the parties in each other and in international efforts to help them overcome their differences," said Serry. "The parties are unlikely to overcome the deficit of trust without a credible and effective international intervention in the peace process."

The UN envoy condemned the increase in violence in the Gaza Strip. Recently, the region has witnessed an escalation of rocket attacks against Israel and Israeli air attacks against Gaza.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-02-26

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They were targeting military targets in retaliation for attacks on non-military targets. More than reasonable in a war situation.

please examine the time-line of events a little closer before posting.

Palestinian witnesses said the the fighting started on Wednesday after an Israeli tank entered northern Gaza. The Israeli army says it was trying to stop militants planting explosives along the fence.

Doctors in Gaza said that in a separate incident, two Palestinian workers collecting rubble were injured after being shot by Israeli soldiers close to the border fence.


1 man was killed, 10 wounded including 3 children. palestinians reply with rocket attacks - the first since hostilities ended in 2009. israel adds insult to injury by bombing 4 hamas "training" sites.

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"In order to perpetuate the occupation, Israeli forces have deprived their unwilling subjects of basic human rights. No objective person could personally observe existing conditions in the West Bank and dispute these statements."

Former US President Jimmy Carter

I was never a big Carter fan but I have no reason to believe he is simply anti-semetic nor do I believe he is just crazy.

In keeping with UG's tough standards on reputable sources, I offer a US president with much history with this struggle as a reputable source.

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The topic here is Gaza, not west bank. However, I have to agree that Jimmy Carter is a good man and that his criticism of Israeli government policies over the years is not motivated by anti-semitism. I am also with him in a sincere desire for peace in that region, which of course means a reasonable political and economic situation for all the people there. Easier said than done. If I was a betting man, I reckon the same mess will be going on 50 years from now. Hope I'm wrong.

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"In order to perpetuate the occupation, Israeli forces have deprived their unwilling subjects of basic human rights. No objective person could personally observe existing conditions in the West Bank and dispute these statements."

Former US President Jimmy Carter

I was never a big Carter fan but I have no reason to believe he is simply anti-semetic nor do I believe he is just crazy.

In keeping with UG's tough standards on reputable sources, I offer a US president with much history with this struggle as a reputable source.

I wonder what Carter thought about the consistent denial of basic human rights within the arab world, was he as vociferous in condemning such abuses I wonder? This is standard fayre amongst liberal appologists though who never miss an opportunity to condemn anything Israel does whilst systematically ignoring other far more serious abuses perpetrated by arab on arab, perhaps because doing so would contradict their thesis blaming Israel for every wrong in the arab world.

Here is an article from an Israeli arab exercising freedom of speech to point this out.


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Carter is one of the worst Presidents of all time and is blinded by left-wing propaganda.

This is not a wacky, left-wing, peanut farmer thread.


You make two disparaging remarks about Carter, then you want to shut others up on making responses.

Carter is a good man and was a good president. Unfortunately, the majority of Americans don't want a good man in highest office, they instead prefer a b-grade actor (R.Reagan) who ramped up taxes and wasteful military spending more than any other president before or since.

As for Palestinians, I have to sadly agree that the messes there will continue for generations. Message to mothers: keep your children away from danger areas.

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It is a difficult struggle and as I have said, I was never a Carter fan. The releasing of the Cuban prisoners in the US and boycott of the Olympics affected me personally and I will never really get over those two decisions.

I do not think his book, "Palestine, Peace Not Apartheid" was motivated by hatred but I could be wrong. I have a copy of the book and have read it a couple of times and I personally feel that anyone interested in the middle east and its politics read the book and decide for themselves.

Just yesterday, in response to this issue of the attacks on Jihad camps in Gaza, a Chinese English language newpaper(Xinhua) posts an article suggesting Israel is leaking false reports about the rocket attacks. Problem with all journalism is the original source on the ground. We tend to get mostly IDF released information where this particular article seems to be Hamas released. The story needs to stand on its own. It is plausible in my mind but not in all minds. If to believe that there are several possiblities makes me Anti-Semetic, then I am Anti-Semetic.I went back a few issues of this newpaper to see if there was a trend toward anti-Israel and there did not appear to be such a trend.


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"In order to perpetuate the occupation, Israeli forces have deprived their unwilling subjects of basic human rights. No objective person could personally observe existing conditions in the West Bank and dispute these statements."

Former US President Jimmy Carter

I was never a big Carter fan but I have no reason to believe he is simply anti-semetic nor do I believe he is just crazy.

In keeping with UG's tough standards on reputable sources, I offer a US president with much history with this struggle as a reputable source.

Carter is good and fair and he didn't last as President because he wouldn't bend over for the Israeli lobbyists. He is simply calling things the way he sees it. The failure of the US to recognize and act upon the injustices occurring in Palestine simply confirms the US is largely in the hip pocket of Israeli lobbyists. Stating the obvious is not anti semetic.

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OMG. Stating the obvious isn't anti-semitic. However, Carter's failure to get reelected had NOTHING to do with the his stance on the Israeli lobby. Your assertion will surely sound ridiculous to any American who was conscious of politics at the time.

Reminders --

gas lines

shocking interest rates

the Iran hostage crisis!

the malaise speech

bad haircuts?

Edited by Jingthing
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However, Carter's failure to get reelected had NOTHING to do with the his stance on the Israeli lobby. Your assertion will surely sound ridiculous to any American who was conscious of politics at the time.

Absurd also springs to mind. :wacko:

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I find it odd, that this thread attracts so much attention over the targeting of an apparent legitimate military target, and yet none of those going on the offensive about Israel seem to upset by the hundreds if not thousands of Libyans being slaughtered by Col G. Hamas is in charge of Gaza and it is up to Gaza to put a lid on the militias launching hostile attacks on Israel.

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"In order to perpetuate the occupation, Israeli forces have deprived their unwilling subjects of basic human rights. No objective person could personally observe existing conditions in the West Bank and dispute these statements."

Former US President Jimmy Carter

I was never a big Carter fan but I have no reason to believe he is simply anti-semetic nor do I believe he is just crazy.

In keeping with UG's tough standards on reputable sources, I offer a US president with much history with this struggle as a reputable source.

You do not have to be anti semetic to hate what they have done to the Palastinians, any time anyone criticises a jew or Israel they are immediatley written off as been anti semetic, they have used this tactic successfully for years.In fact if you do not view them as being perfect in every sense you are anti semetic, fact not fiction

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I find it odd, that this thread attracts so much attention over the targeting of an apparent legitimate military target, and yet none of those going on the offensive about Israel seem to upset by the hundreds if not thousands of Libyans being slaughtered by Col G. Hamas is in charge of Gaza and it is up to Gaza to put a lid on the militias launching hostile attacks on Israel.

It's OK for Muslims to kill each other. For example, a google search will turn up that well over 90% of Iraqis killed in Iraq after maybe 2006 were killed by non-US & coalition forces. That didn't make the news very much either.

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There is likely a connection to all the middle east crisis. Common denominators seem to be the US and Israel. There are, of course, many others and the problem is extremely complex. The various dictators have all been held in place to some degree by western influence. These people are fed up with whatever it is and I would venture a guess that they do not hold the US and Israel in high regard.

When Jimmy Carter makes a statement about his government and the middle east issues he should have a pretty good first hand idea. He knew all the main players personally. He sat through the Camp David Accord and many others as a primary player. He was privy to all intelligence related to the matter which few of us will ever come to know. He goes on record with the following:

"A major impediment to progress is Washington's strange policy that dialogue on controversial issues is a privilege to be extended only as a reward for subservient behavior and withheld from those who reject US demands."

This is a very serious statement placed on record that applies to any resolution in the Middle East.

Most of us are very concerned about all of the middle east to include Libya but not just its problematic symptoms.

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OMG. Stating the obvious isn't anti-semitic. However, Carter's failure to get reelected had NOTHING to do with the his stance on the Israeli lobby. Your assertion will surely sound ridiculous to any American who was conscious of politics at the time.

Reminders --

gas lines

shocking interest rates

the Iran hostage crisis!

the malaise speech

bad haircuts?

Carter being attacked by a bunny rabbit while fishing from a canoe was hilarious.


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Most Americans have little respect for Jimmy Carter or his flaky views. Reagan's viewpoint is much more representative of the majority.

“Israel represents the one stable democracy sharing values with us in that part of the world…. I think we should make it plain that we are going to keep our commitment to the continued existence of Israel.”

-Ronald Reagan

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I have no idea what is wrong with you people. Amazingly, I don't see Carter mentioned anywhere in the OP. Nor any of the other posts made here seem to address the topic at hand. Given that, and the fact that many posters just cannot seem to be able to moderate themselves when it comes to an Israel/Palestine thread and that a majority of posts have been deleted, I am closing this thread.

Mods have enough work as it is.


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