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Ticks Me Off


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Waited all this time to come visit everyone at the social gathering today and have been sick with something (deep cough, runny nose, sneezing) since last week. Today is the 1st time I have used the internet since I arrived and even that was a goat rope. 2 computers here at home and neither one would work with the 2 cards I bought for the old style modems. Come to find out, the family upgraded the compuers internally with also a sim card based usb modem-faster but more expensive. Still slow for me (460 kps). My usb ports are I guess 1.0 which would slow things up. Took forever to go through about 500 emails I had waiting for me. Video sucks.

Anyway, got a fridge full of cold Heinieken (sp) and afraid to drink any with this deep cough and the Robitussin ain't helping much. I hate hospitals and looks like I will go to the Phayao one tomorrow to make sure I do not have pneumonia or something bad.

I wish to apologize to everyone for not showing up as this was one event on this trip I did not want to miss and read today it was happening as I type. When I landed in Chiangrai 2 days ago, looked for that Tops store to get some food as my friend from Pattaya we visited 1st said lots of great food there. Was I ever disappointed at the one on Chiangrai had nothing. 7-11 had better stuff. Ended up at Big C and either my taste buds are screwed up or the Kraft cheese singles that I THOUGHT would taste like the US brand, NOT! UGH! At least the kapow here tastes the way I like it.

Well, got the computer up and running and looking forward of any pics from the picnic. Time to read this posts I have not seen yet.


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Kraft singles is not a good choice dude, the Mainland cheddar is better.

About all I use the singles for is grilling. The mrs seems to like them though and the dog has never refused one.

Get well soon, the air's a bit smokey, may be a reaction to that.

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Kraft singles is not a good choice dude, the Mainland cheddar is better.

About all I use the singles for is grilling. The mrs seems to like them though and the dog has never refused one.

Get well soon, the air's a bit smokey, may be a reaction to that.

Kinda went with what I know American-Kraft and what a mistake. Still got 22 slices left and will use your suggestion next time tomorrow when I go to Phayao. Mainland-is that a brandname and can be used for ham and cheese sandwitches? Caught this crap in Bangkok where we stayed for 4 days and sitting on the last 2 seats of Thai Airlines (ordered my tickets 5 months ago) and got the worst seats. Also the guy sitting in front of me had a real bad "death" cough which I soon acquired. Later I will complain to Thai Airlines for the crappy seat locations (sat right next to to the crappers also-smelled just freaking great). 60% of the trip was in very bumpy weather and sitting in the very back makes it feel a lot worst. Went through 4 rolls of toilet paper the 2nd day in BK for runny nose. Would rather had the runs than that sinus pain. Buy tickets 5 months early and get the last 2 seats. BS.

Wife going to get mad but having my 1st beer. Can't feel any worst.

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Mainland is a brand name, comes from New Zealand. The Vintage is the best if you like sharp flavoured cheese.

You have to slice it yourself, tough ask I know but you've shown yourself to be a competent man. B)

Can you select your seats online with Thai?

I never bother for a one hour flight which is all I've used them for for years now.

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Mainland is a brand name, comes from New Zealand. The Vintage is the best if you like sharp flavoured cheese.

You have to slice it yourself, tough ask I know but you've shown yourself to be a competent man. B)

Can you select your seats online with Thai?

I never bother for a one hour flight which is all I've used them for for years now.

Yes, can select seats online and I went further. Called Thai 4 different times in the last month to verify the seating. 4 different times different and all of them wife and I seperated. 1 day before I left, called and had window with wife next to me. Got my ticket in LA and had us seperated, complained, gave us new seats together and did not know back of the bus until we were led to them. Got over 40000 miles as a frequent flyer with them and total bullshit. They winged it on the fly at the airport after 4 earlier confirmations and the 2 people who had those rear seats were very happy to move, I am sure.

I always buy the sharpest cheese for with crackers but never ate it in a ham/cheese sandwich.

(Be sure you are right and then go ahead-competent).

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