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Thailand's PM Abhisit Clarifies British Nationality


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Oh dear oh dear oh dear....I shudder at the lack of clarity in this forum. People keep saying he is Thai others saying he is British, and others saying he is both. But most of them do not say in what respect he is what they say he is.

ETHNICALLY - He is Thai Chinese - both his parents are of Thai Chinese decent - he has no european blood in him and cannot claim to be British in this respect.

NATIONALITY - He is A Thai Citizen being born of parents who are both Thai citizens. He is also or could claim to be a British citizen as he was born in the UK in a period of time where anybody born in the UK (except those born of foreign diplomats) were considered British citizens.

BEHAVIOURAL - In this, and only this, respect there may be some doubt. Being born, raised and educated in Britain would have some effect upon his behavioural patterns and he could therefore be seen as British-minded. But that wouldn't stop him from being also Thai-minded as he was raised by his Thai parents and has been involved in Thai politics for about 20 years as well as attending a Thai university and being a teacher in Thailand. So perhaps in his behaviour he would be 50/50. Certainly NOT 100% in either. A mix.

So before anymore of you say Abhisit is this or that please be so kind as to say in what respect you are saying he is.

He is also or could claim to be a British citizen as he was born in the UK in a period of time where anybody born in the UK (except those born of foreign diplomats) were considered British citizens.

it is not about claiming, he IS a British citizen

Depends on whether he has renounced it or not. That's why I put the OR in. But I don't want to get into that discussion.

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