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Where To Meet A Good Girl?


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I have no problem with people who disagree with me. I like a good discussion. But to demean me based on appearance when you have never seen me seems a bit lacking in logic.

That is putting it mildly. :D

Must be the avatar... Maybe mark45y looks like his avatar :)

Edited by MaiChai
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Three, count'm, (3) pages and not a single answer to a question which, until proven otherwise, someone should take as a serious one.


There is a single, classic method which has never failed me, nor many others over the years--

Beg, borrow, steal or rent an adorable, happy, frisky six-week-old puppy and hang around a large, popular park.

Even Quasimodo could meet good girls (or bad, for those of you who prefer them).

Short of begging, borrowing, or committing a crime, you can also hang around the puppy mill at JJ. It's loaded with cuties.

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Three, count'm, (3) pages and not a single answer to a question which, until proven otherwise, someone should take as a serious one.


There is a single, classic method which has never failed me, nor many others over the years--

Beg, borrow, steal or rent an adorable, happy, frisky six-week-old puppy and hang around a large, popular park.

Even Quasimodo could meet good girls (or bad, for those of you who prefer them).

Short of begging, borrowing, or committing a crime, you can also hang around the puppy mill at JJ. It's loaded with cuties.

That works well in North America and the UK, but I'm not so sure it works in Thailand. There are so many soi dogs that breed like rabbits that Thais don't even notice. And, I can't recall the last time I saw a Thai take their dog for a walk on a leash. They don't have doggie parks either.

Meet Mr Forbes... at least that is what my friend Nong called him for his white beard.


Soi dogs and stray cats just seem to adopt people rather than the other way around. They get fed but very little else


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Al contrario, Senor Forbes- it worked very well for me at the big lakeside park in Khon Kaen. NOTE: puppy--cute--happy....not grungy, stinky, hand-shy soi dog.

And I wasn't looking for the girls to adopt a soi dog, nor even the puppy (which I borrowed for the day), I was looking for them to adopt me!

I've seen affluent Thai take handsome dogs for walks on a leash.I've even seen them take them into Foodland.

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Al contrario, Senor Forbes- it worked very well for me at the big lakeside park in Khon Kaen. NOTE: puppy--cute--happy....not grungy, stinky, hand-shy soi dog.

And I wasn't looking for the girls to adopt a soi dog, nor even the puppy (which I borrowed for the day), I was looking for them to adopt me!

I've seen affluent Thai take handsome dogs for walks on a leash.I've even seen them take them into Foodland.

Ah yes, but you are a young handome man. Me, I'm an old fart with a leering smile. :D

What ever works for you. I'm back in Canda right now and there is an official, fenced in doggy park just down the road from me. It is very popular, and because I love dogs I'll often go down for a visit. Because my life style is such that I can't own a dog I'll just play with the dogs in the park. I DO know it could certainly be a "pickup" place because I've had more than a few propositions. Unfortunately, they weren't from the young beauties I meet in Thailand. I wouldn't embarrass myself hitting on the lovely young women I see in Canada.

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Join a website, such as Tagged. Plenty of seemingly decent and educated women on there. It's less hit and miss than meeting women in the street - many of them are looking for farang boyfriends / husbands. A teacher friend of mine met a wonderful educated woman there. She's a well ranked government worker. I'm sure there are plenty of other success stories out there. Good luck!

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I agree with IanForbes. Why get together with a good girl when the bad girls are the most fun? :)

Anyway to get back on topic.

I havent been here that long in Thailand, but using dating sites such as Thailovelinks, I get a lot of "interest" requests. I would think online dating is a faster way to screen through girls, via chat/MSN than having to go out for a coffee/drink each time you see someone who might be mildy interesting on the street/mall/library etc.

It isn't hard to meet girls outside bars. In fact in a lot of way its easier to get a phone number from a girl during the day than during the night in a bar, where a girls defenses are going to be up.

I'd still go with using dating sites and dont understand how OP thinks it takes more time to use that than meeting people outside. Its quite the other way around imo.

Talk to girls on dating sites. Get them on webcam to check them out a bit closer, flirt, have fun with it, and once you feel some chemistry, ask them out for a drink/coffee/shopping trip. Dont take them out to a movie or dinner on the first date! :)

Good luck.

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Good suggestion, Alex, if it really IS a "good girl" some guy wants for a longer term relationship. But, what I see happening over and over is some guy coming to Thailand and wanting a pretty, Thai female as a companion for his short time stay while on holiday. Then he just dumps her when he goes back to wherever he came from. That's not really fair to the woman if she was led to believe that there was something more... unless she is in the "trade". There are different forms of prostitution... and some people even call certain types of it, marriage. You can pretty much get anything you want if you have enough money. I like to be honest in all my relationships... either short term or long. I don't tell any lies and I make it plain just what I want. I've passed up many beautiful women who want a long term relationship. I won't go there anymore and I don't want to lead someone on thinking that is possible. We can be platonic friends, but it stops there. If I want sex then I'll pay for it up front with someone who knows the score.

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Good suggestion, Alex, if it really IS a "good girl" some guy wants for a longer term relationship. But, what I see happening over and over is some guy coming to Thailand and wanting a pretty, Thai female as a companion for his short time stay while on holiday. Then he just dumps her when he goes back to wherever he came from. That's not really fair to the woman if she was led to believe that there was something more... unless she is in the "trade". There are different forms of prostitution... and some people even call certain types of it, marriage. You can pretty much get anything you want if you have enough money. I like to be honest in all my relationships... either short term or long. I don't tell any lies and I make it plain just what I want. I've passed up many beautiful women who want a long term relationship. I won't go there anymore and I don't want to lead someone on thinking that is possible. We can be platonic friends, but it stops there. If I want sex then I'll pay for it up front with someone who knows the score.

I feel the exact same way. I feel there are so many fish in the sea, that there is no need to cling to desperations and lie to have a good time with a woman. I usually tell girls up front I'm not interested in a relationship at this time and if they want to come along for the ride then fine, if they don't its fine too.

My last girlfriend thought we were kinda dating from day one and it was a same night lay lol. She was from Romania tho :)

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Just one good girl....

I gave up on looking for a good girl a long time ago and admitted that I don't even know what that looks like. I used to joke (but it was true) that I could be in a room with 100 girls and left to my own devices I was guaranteed to walk out with the sickest one in the room. A friend of mine told me one time that "my picker was broke" I replied; "my pecker is not broke" thus my dilemma. I learned to be wary of any woman I might be "attracted" to. I had to fix my "picker" if I had any hope of finding a COMPATIBLE, SUSTAINABLE relationship.

It's a lot of work to build a long term relationship that is satisfying to both parties. Attraction produced many perfectly passionate, exciting rollercoaster rides, but if I wanted something that could last more than a year or two I had to start to think in terms of compatibility. It can be a steep learning curve.

What I learned is that I don't really want a "good" girl. I had that in my first marrage and it was boring. What I learned I wanted was a girl who could be both good and bad. Perhaps that is why I get along so well with whores, because "I are one!" I think I can make that work because I put some boundries on it and learned to expect some boundries from the girl. It's simple "say who you are and be who you say you are" It changed everything.

I struggled with the whole madonna/whore thing until I figured this out. I got along great with the BG's here because we cut through the BS. I had a lot of fun with the girls here, but when I met my future wife I was able to recognize that she was special and worth the effort to be in a committed relationship and try for bliss. Most if the process was learning what I didn't want, recognizing it and having the gonads to walk away when necessary.

After 5 years with my wife I'm pretty certain that I'm on the right track, but I will never assume that I'm safe. I have to keep working at it everyday. Most days it's bliss, somedays I think she wants to "cut me in little pieces. It's a nice blend of love, fear, intimacy, committment and growth. The sex is better, everything is better.

The great debate over marrying a bar girl has more to do with peoples ability to manage it than it has to do with the girls background. The one's I've met seem perfectly capable of making an agreement and sticking to it. I know several guys who seem to be managing it well. I often think it's probably like owning a tiger. You never can be quite sure. If you show fear it will eat you. Sort of like life. (Please, before you jump all over me for the tiger/Thai girl reference; IT'S A METAPHOR)

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. I often think it's probably like owning a tiger. You never can be quite sure. If you show fear it will eat you. Sort of like life. (Please, before you jump all over me for the tiger/Thai girl reference; IT'S A METAPHOR)

There is nothing wrong with a tiger, but like all cats they will take over your life if you let them. They'll even steal your favourite sofa. :lol:


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. I often think it's probably like owning a tiger. You never can be quite sure. If you show fear it will eat you. Sort of like life. (Please, before you jump all over me for the tiger/Thai girl reference; IT'S A METAPHOR)

There is nothing wrong with a tiger, but like all cats they will take over your life if you let them. They'll even steal your favourite sofa. :lol:


Tiger hairs are really coarse (so I am told); not the sort of thing you want on your sofa. And certainly don't let the tiger sleep on the beds


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Easiest way to meet good Thai girls is to marry a good girl. Then, you get introduced to all her good girl friends. Sadly, it is kind of a chicken and egg problem, but it does demonstrate that the problem is not availability of women, but the social circles you keep.

One way of meeting lots of women that you would actually want to meet, is to volunteer to take your friend's twin infant children to the mall. If they are farang and at all cute, you will feel like a rock star. You then have the pleasant opportunity to talk to all these women and explain to them that, no, you are just babysitting, but that you love children, are attractive, wealthy and very much want a family.

I just so happen to have a fine set of twins guaranteed to attract all manner of eligible Thai women. I am thinking of renting them out for 20,000 baht per day. Cheaper than a dating service and you get better results.

(OK...I'm just kidding. I would never let someone I didn't trust implicitly take my babies. But the idea would work...)

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Easiest way to meet good Thai girls is to marry a good girl. Then, you get introduced to all her good girl friends. Sadly, it is kind of a chicken and egg problem, but it does demonstrate that the problem is not availability of women, but the social circles you keep.

One way of meeting lots of women that you would actually want to meet, is to volunteer to take your friend's twin infant children to the mall. If they are farang and at all cute, you will feel like a rock star. You then have the pleasant opportunity to talk to all these women and explain to them that, no, you are just babysitting, but that you love children, are attractive, wealthy and very much want a family.

I just so happen to have a fine set of twins guaranteed to attract all manner of eligible Thai women. I am thinking of renting them out for 20,000 baht per day. Cheaper than a dating service and you get better results.

(OK...I'm just kidding. I would never let someone I didn't trust implicitly take my babies. But the idea would work...)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Fuuny, but true, Greg. It's like taking a puppy to a doggy park in North America or the UK. When I visited my sister in London I took her little terrier to the local doggy park and it was amazing how much "action" was available. There were always sad faces when I said I was only visiting from Canada. It's the same with little children. The children make friends quickly and while they are entertaining each other there are DOZENS of young Thai mothers hanging about, who don't have husbands. But, you have to ask yourself if you REALLY want to get involved in such a situation.

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Easiest way to meet good Thai girls is to marry a good girl. Then, you get introduced to all her good girl friends. Sadly, it is kind of a chicken and egg problem, but it does demonstrate that the problem is not availability of women, but the social circles you keep.

agree; my partner has several unattached 'career woman' friends, early 30s and apparently 'too busy' for boyfriends.

Interesting listening to them, pressure from parents to wed/have children but there are some of that generation who have little intention of doing either; jobs/money and independence . . .

When I was sports coaching I had various offers from parents/mothers to 'meet their friends', met my lady at a swimming competition and that was a bit of a set-up, introduced through mutual friends. We moved towns in March and getting involved with sports - swim, cycling and using the open-air gym have met some very nice people - but of course I'm not available!

The common interests in exercise, non-drinking/smoking are things important to me, and I imagine for the woman too.

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Do you think that any of you deserve a "good girl" If you want to have a Thai girl friend or a Thai wife, then no you don't deserve a "good girl"

:blink: :blink:

Why? Are Thai women inferior in some way?

And, as I've said many times... WHY WOULD I WANT A GOOD GIRL? The bad ones are much more fun and there are no head games. You get exactly what you are expecting. :D

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If you want to get and keep a good girl you have to first be a good boy.

That's a pretty steep price. Is it open to negotiation?


If you're a good boy long enough, any lady will seem good....

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Why? Are Thai women inferior in some way?

Actually I meant the opposite. Those men are inferior. Any person that wants to date or marry someone by their nationality or race is a loser in my book.

Not that you would understand Ian, but normal people date/(or in your case: pay) someone based on mutual interest and not because they are a certain race.

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Why? Are Thai women inferior in some way?

Actually I meant the opposite. Those men are inferior. Any person that wants to date or marry someone by their nationality or race is a loser in my book.

Not that you would understand Ian, but normal people date/(or in your case: pay) someone based on mutual interest and not because they are a certain race.

It depends on what you want. If I just wanted a friend I would pick a man because we have more in common.. If I meet someone (male or female) with similar interests as me then we usually become friends. I"ve got dozens of platonic lady friends. Many are married, a few are single and some are even daughters of friends of mine. But I never make any sort of sexual pass at them. A man is not inferior if he wants sex with an attractive woman... even if he is willing to pay for it. You always pay for it one way or another. The payment might be cash up front, the price of entertainment (meals in fancy restaurants) or just the loss of your freedom. To me, the loss of my freedom is the most important issue.

I"ve been married twice, had hundreds of relationships and countless one night stands. The pay for play ladies are far cheaper in the long run. And, surprising as it may seem, you can actually have a nice, long term relationship with a P4P woman if you keep it at that level of understanding. You both get something out of the relationship and understand what each other enjoys. It is sort of like a marriage, but based on sex alone.

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What makes a good girl? One man’s meat is another man’s poison.I’ve met some great BG’s and some butt hole high-so types. Fact is, you better pucker-up,as you are going to have to either be very luck or be kissing a shit load offrogs to find your prince….(princess in your case) keep your hand on yoursixpence and go for it………Best of luck their tiger!

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mid 30,s,Attractive?

And u dont have a clue how to find a gf.As a more mature person than u and being around the block many million more times than u,i would forget trying to get a gf when u go out and just enjoy the night and relax a bit more.Maybe the girls think u are very clingy and put a distance between u,or maybe the places u go too arent the right places.Also for gods sake dont tell them u are a teacher,that will scare them away lol,thais know how much of a pittance u earn as a teacher


I would make comment but your judgments aren't worth defending. I'm not asking how to talk to a girl, I'm asking for a decent place to meet one. Not a sleazy bar, just a cozy chillout place. If you can't suggest one, maybe your being around the block hasn't exactly panned out for you.

Try The hard rock cafe.

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Define good first.

From what I understand, it is already difficult to find those in a pub where you do not have a chance to talk with them for so long.

Try low-end pub, you'll meet a teenager with not that high education.

Try hi-end pub, you'll meet a material woman with high taste.

You can find good girls from your colleagues' friends.

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Bad girls do have a fatal attraction. I remember when I was splitting up with a bad girl and had started dating my current girlfriend, who is a good girl; the bad girl was much more interesting, I do remember spending much more time thinking about the bad girl than the new good girl. Ultimately the good girl is better for you, but bad is more fun, no matter how much grief it gives you!

I think there will always be problems with a cross cultural relationship. Alot of Thai girls prefer older men; actually this is a Thai cultural trait. Several reasons for this; obviously financial, prefer more mentally mature men, plus the fatherly figure. Then social background issues may kick in (eg you may be a western professional and she may be a country girl, or maybe a country girl made good with some education and city living). Even if the girlfriend is very intune with you, there will always be differences in mindset. Example: Thais are always thinking about food, while Westerners may be more concerned with a balanced diet and not over eating. Well thats me, to be honest. Westerners are safety conscious while Thais are not? Etc.

Conclusion: relationships with Thais can be very challenging, even though they are very accomodating.

I don't think there is a place to meet good girls; simply there are good and bad girls everywhere. Where foreigners go out and socialise you are more likely to meet bad girls?

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