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Swedish Man Sentenced To 4 Years For Buying Sex From 13-Year-Old Boy: Bangkok

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This discussion is generating a lot more heat than light - but as many of the contributors can't spell were/where, they're/their, Canadian's/Canadians or to/too, then this hardly surprises me.

I don't know about the statistics in Thailand, but in the UK there is a higher proportion of heterosexual paedophiles than homosexual ones, and a very large proportion of offences are within the family. But the press loves to seize on the homosexual cases - I wonder why? (And of course all the more newsworthy if the offender is a priest, which might lead the more passionate and less literate members of this forum to conclude that ALL Catholic priests are paedophiles.) Paedophiles within the family get little press coverage, because revealing the identity of the paedophile will of course reveal the identity of the little girl he has abused - and the family has already gone through enough trauma.

I agree that many paedophiles are entrapped - especially in Cambodia, where they meet and befriend a poor family, a child is offered and when being returned the next day, the police are waiting, with the mother wailing that her little darling is missing. The guy can choose - an 'on-the-spot fine' and a warning 'don't do it again', or his picture on the front page of the Phnom Penh Post if he refuses to part with a VERY large amount. I am not defending the criminal, but it is a set-up job with the family co-operating with the local police and getting a cut.

I feel that the guy needs to pay a SUBSTANTIAL fine, AND experience the joys of a Cambodian (or Thai) prison AND undergo mandatory counselling and chemical sterilisation in his home country, after his passport is confiscated.

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Let me phrase my question a different way.

Have you noticed how many of these pedos ; arrested in Thailand & reported on in ThaiVisa.com; are gay guys?

Go ahead & try & refute my contention - if you want to.

I am waiting for feedback.


Can anyone confirm that he will also face charges back in his home-country once deported from Thailand after sentence?



4 years is to easy! They should sentence pedophiles with a prison sentence equivalent to the expected remaining life of the victim! In this case, Thai male life expectancy is 71 years, them subtract 13 and sentence him to 58 years in prison!

It is this kind of hyperbole that makes me wonder for some of you people...it would apparently be ok to rape and murder a person over 18 and get 10 years in jail, but if the person is 17, touched upon for money, wow, then one should get 58 years in jail... :rolleyes:

I believe it is two very different cases. To commit any crime against minors is always more severe than committing the same crime against adults! And no, the difference between 17 and 18 is not significant, but they have to draw a clear and well defined line somewhere! Just as they do with all criminal law.


Four years is to easy for a rockspider, it should be 4,000 yrs. Rot is prison. Yes I know many on here will attack me and say it is just a normal sexual activity but I don't believe it is. So give it to me as much as you want for disliking pedophiles. I don't care and I don't like them.

Good on ya mate-----I'm with you.


This discussion is generating a lot more heat than light - but as many of the contributors can't spell were/where, they're/their, Canadian's/Canadians or to/too, then this hardly surprises me.

What are you trying to say with this? That if English is not our first language and we do not spell perfectly, then we should not post?

Or if one does not spell perfectly, then it says something about his/hers intelligence?


Can anyone confirm that he will also face charges back in his home-country once deported from Thailand after sentence?

Can't speak for other countries but in Australia there is a specific offense related to having sex with children whilst overseas. That is if there is evidence that you Sid such an act then you cam be jailed in Australia.

But I don't know if double jeopardy would apply in this case because he has already been tried, convicted and sentenced. I don't know that another jurisdiction could retry him for the same.

Having said all that, four years. What a joke. And I do agree too that the child, and family need punishment as well. It is a scam. That in no way lessens the pedos guilt, but I wonder where that kid is now?


This discussion is generating a lot more heat than light - but as many of the contributors can't spell were/where, they're/their, Canadian's/Canadians or to/too, then this hardly surprises me.

What are you trying to say with this? That if English is not our first language and we do not spell perfectly, then we should not post?

Or if one does not spell perfectly, then it says something about his/hers intelligence?


This discussion is generating a lot more heat than light - but as many of the contributors can't spell were/where, they're/their, Canadian's/Canadians or to/too, then this hardly surprises me.

What are you trying to say with this? That if English is not our first language and we do not spell perfectly, then we should not post?

Or if one does not spell perfectly, then it says something about his/hers intelligence?

Agree, l am English and flunked English Exam way back then. It really is impolite to bring the spelling card out purporting you are a superior being.

Suppose l better go and hang myself now eh. :huh:


The smug SOB seems quite proud of himself too sitting up there and not displaying the least bit of embarrassment or shame to being recognized like the others seem to at least :realangry: ...


Were he's going he will learn a lot more about his depravity. :bah:

Well if I see him in Sweden he will know that he ahs done something awful - he will FEEL it painfully, f-cking bastard, sorry using the f-word


Can anyone confirm that he will also face charges back in his home-country once deported from Thailand after sentence?

He won't. If he has served time here for the crime then he will not be charged again for the same thing in Sweden.


This discussion is generating a lot more heat than light - but as many of the contributors can't spell were/where, they're/their, Canadian's/Canadians or to/too, then this hardly surprises me.

What are you trying to say with this? That if English is not our first language and we do not spell perfectly, then we should not post?

Or if one does not spell perfectly, then it says something about his/hers intelligence?

Agree, l am English and flunked English Exam way back then. It really is impolite to bring the spelling card out purporting you are a superior being.

Suppose l better go and hang myself now eh. :huh:

What is this persons problem - who gives a shit about spelling - a CHILD has been abused - it concerns us ALL with or without spelling mistakes - if you WANT to understand then you will otherwise you maybe should try to be more humble.


Let me phrase my question a different way.

Have you noticed how many of these pedos ; arrested in Thailand & reported on in ThaiVisa.com; are gay guys?

Go ahead & try & refute my contention - if you want to.

I am waiting for feedback.

I'm sorry but i have to say something.....you, Ms. Powderpuff, just sound quite ignorant and uneducated(comments of yours sound homophobic)...Really! ....maybe you're just trying to get a reaction from people.

If you take the time to check out what's going on around the world, you'll see that pedophilia is a problem in the hetro community as well....fathers raping their daughters(are they gay too?). What's that all about? That is taboo to talk about...nobody wants to hear it...but it happens all the time and in most cases is never reported.

do a little research and then report back.


Let me phrase my question a different way.

Have you noticed how many of these pedos ; arrested in Thailand & reported on in ThaiVisa.com; are gay guys?

Go ahead & try & refute my contention - if you want to.

I am waiting for feedback.

ive had a similar impression, but certainly there are plenty of foreign men arrested here, and reported on TV, for raping young girls too.

ive also noticed what seems to be a higher than expected percentage of posters on Thai Visa identifying themselves as homosexuals, many elderly and residing in pattaya. (i mean higher than the 3% homosexuals that studies report to be in the UK population.)

So the next question might be: why are homosexuals attracted to Pattaya (and thailand generally), and if so why; or are these homosexuals simply particularly attracted for some reason to posting on Thai Visa?

If perchance the former, perhaps some of the relatively high percentage of foreigners who are homosexual are living in pattaya (and thailand generally) due to sexual access to children?


Can anyone confirm that he will also face charges back in his home-country once deported from Thailand after sentence?

He won't. If he has served time here for the crime then he will not be charged again for the same thing in Sweden.

And if he does get to prison in Sweden - that would just be a joke - he would have it better than at least 40 % of the thai community - and he would be put n a safe prison together with all the other sexual criminals..not with the one who actually COULD teach if you get what I mean.


A number of studies have indicated that child molestation is committed far more by homosexuals than among heterosexuals on a per capita basis but keep in mind somebody who is solely attracted to little boys and/or girls are neither homo or hetro sexual and are in fact pedophiles. There is a distinction between those attracted to teens and actual children (pre-puberty) too.


Do these countries who prosecute their citizens for committing sex crimes overseas actually do so if the person has already served their sentence? I thought the law was more about getting the folks who slipped through the system. It would seem a difficult prosecution to begin with in terms of bring witnesses to their country including police and victims. At least in America no evidence or testimony can be submitted unless the person who collected or gave it is allowed to be questioned in court by the defense. In the states at least the double jeopardy wouldn't apply as it wouldn't be the US Gov't trying the person twice ,,, Although it clearly is against the spirit of the law, it done all the time in terms of somebody getting off in state court and then being tried in Federal court.


What bulls**t. If ,for example 1% of people are peodophiles. that makes 1% of gays and 1% of straights peodophiles. Since there are about 15 times the amount of straights in the world it makes straight peodophiles the majority. Get your facts right.

If 95% of male peds rape exclusively boys - I don't care if they are Catholic priests - they are **ing gay. get it?

I agree with what you just wrote. BUT you originally implied that 50% of peodophiles are gay. That is not true and a slur on gay people generally. What you said is sexist. Studies show that peodiphilia occurs with equal percentages in both straight and gay people. With that in mind, please go and re-read my first comment to you.

I cannot be bothered replying to you again. Your brain seems to be incapable of understanding a simple concept. you are befuddled by your sexism.

In the US, peer reviewed, professional studies tend to show that around half of all child rape victims of men are boys. What is interesting is that other such studies show that half the population is not homosexual; in fact, they show that only 2-4% of the population is homosexual.

So if 3% if the population is homosexual but 50% of child rapes by male perps are boys, how does that square with 97% of the population being hetero and 50% of child rapes are girls?

the only attempt at an explanation ive seen addressing this interesting issue maintains that we shouldnt call men who rape boys "homosexuals". but that just smacks of defining away the underlying issue.


Lets take a vote.

Who is worse, a kiddie feeler or a recreational drug dealer or a murderer?

A kiddie Feeler. Even a cockroach would share a cell with a murderer but a cockroach would not go near a rockspider they are the lowest form of life on the planet.


13 yr old Boys...thats just beyond words. Why do so many come here from Europe for this vileness?

Hi Huey.

I see from your avitar that you never stop polishing it.


Lets take a vote.

Who is worse, a kiddie feeler or a recreational drug dealer or a murderer?

A kiddie Feeler. Even a cockroach would share a cell with a murderer but a cockroach would not go near a rockspider they are the lowest form of life on the planet.

Clearly a murderer as I would much prefer to have a child live through a terrible experience than be killed. I believe the hysteria created by politician looking to be tough on crime and focusing on child molestation penalties are why it seems many more child molesters kill their victims as it gets rid of the witness and in some US states will equal the same punishment.

Clearly everyone can agree that crimes against children are awful but many of the laws are actually creating more of a problem including not allowing these people to live anywhere near parks, schools or any place kids gather. This has caused concentrations of pedophiles to live in certain areas/buildings all side by side.

The big reason that they claim for laws that require life time punishments for child molesters is that they have such a high rate of repeating offenses once out of prison when the truth is if you look at recidivism rates (at least in the US) child molesters rate lower for not only repeating similar crimes but also any crime compared to those released for almost any other crime except murder.

Certainly I am not saying child molestation shouldn't be dealt with harshly but people should be aware when they are being duped about the truth by their leaders.

Edit: Not sure what a recreational drug "dealer" is but if you meant "recreational drug user" they would rate pretty low on the grand scheme of crimes in my opinion.


Do these countries who prosecute their citizens for committing sex crimes overseas actually do so if the person has already served their sentence? I thought the law was more about getting the folks who slipped through the system. It would seem a difficult prosecution to begin with in terms of bring witnesses to their country including police and victims. At least in America no evidence or testimony can be submitted unless the person who collected or gave it is allowed to be questioned in court by the defense. In the states at least the double jeopardy wouldn't apply as it wouldn't be the US Gov't trying the person twice ,,, Although it clearly is against the spirit of the law, it done all the time in terms of somebody getting off in state court and then being tried in Federal court.

What happens on occasions is that the story would make news back home, someone sees it and says hey he molested me 15 yrs ago or so. Victims start comming out of the closet and a file is built up. Upon his release he is then extradicted.to face these charges. There was one Aussie slimebag who was wanted for pedophille acts a few yrs back who fled to Thailand. He was eventually arrested in Pattaya for the same offences did time in Thailand and is now doing time in Aus.


Lets take a vote.

Who is worse, a kiddie feeler or a recreational drug dealer or a murderer?

A kiddie Feeler. Even a cockroach would share a cell with a murderer but a cockroach would not go near a rockspider they are the lowest form of life on the planet.

Clearly a murderer as I would much prefer to have a child live through a terrible experience than be killed. I believe the hysteria created by politician looking to be tough on crime and focusing on child molestation penalties are why it seems many more child molesters kill their victims as it gets rid of the witness and in some US states will equal the same punishment.

Clearly everyone can agree that crimes against children are awful but many of the laws are actually creating more of a problem including not allowing these people to live anywhere near parks, schools or any place kids gather. This has caused concentrations of pedophiles to live in certain areas/buildings all side by side.

The big reason that they claim for laws that require life time punishments for child molesters is that they have such a high rate of repeating offenses once out of prison when the truth is if you look at recidivism rates (at least in the US) child molesters rate lower for not only repeating similar crimes but also any crime than those released for almost any other crime accept murder.

Certainly I am not saying child molestation shouldn't be dealt with harshly but people should be aware when they are being duped about the truth by their leaders.

good summing up....the one thing that is seen to be correct thing to do, is to not allow a pedo to live within a said distance from schools/parks. IF its in him/her to do it and to offend, then they will use transport to get to the (outlet)...living near looks good on paper--BUT.......so he she goes away from their area to commit.....we get all sorts of suggestions how to deal with the problem..I have yet to see the best one...................another poster says pedo's are mostly gay----he wants locking up==or his mouth.....that is b/sh##t


Let me phrase my question a different way.

Have you noticed how many of these pedos ; arrested in Thailand & reported on in ThaiVisa.com; are gay guys?

Go ahead & try & refute my contention - if you want to.

I am waiting for feedback.

Ok, I'm not a big fan of homosexuality but if you really wanna go there, lets simplify it even more.

Have YOU noticed how many of these pedos are WHITE guys.

kinda puts it in a different light there for ya don't it?ph34r.gif

Seriously though, get over it, pedo's like any other sick F'ers come in all types, they comprise a part of the dregs of every society, none are exempt.


Let me phrase my question a different way.

Have you noticed how many of these pedos ; arrested in Thailand & reported on in ThaiVisa.com; are gay guys?

Go ahead & try & refute my contention - if you want to.

I am waiting for feedback.

Ok, I'm not a big fan of homosexuality but if you really wanna go there, lets simplify it even more.

Have YOU noticed how many of these pedos are WHITE guys.

kinda puts it in a different light there for ya don't it?ph34r.gif

Seriously though, get over it, pedo's like any other sick F'ers come in all types, they comprise a part of the dregs of every society, none are exempt.

I am white and take no offense to the majority of pedos, serial killers or white collar criminals being white.


Let me phrase my question a different way.

Have you noticed how many of these pedos ; arrested in Thailand & reported on in ThaiVisa.com; are gay guys?

Go ahead & try & refute my contention - if you want to.

I am waiting for feedback.

Ok, I'm not a big fan of homosexuality but if you really wanna go there, lets simplify it even more.

Have YOU noticed how many of these pedos are WHITE guys.

kinda puts it in a different light there for ya don't it?ph34r.gif

Seriously though, get over it, pedo's like any other sick F'ers come in all types, they comprise a part of the dregs of every society, none are exempt.

I am white and take no offense to the majority of pedos, serial killers or white collar criminals being white.

Exactly, just as gay people shouldn't take offence to the majority of expat pedo's here being gay. It's just were we are. I don't like him putting a meaningless fact out there as if it should be used to ostracize some broad group.


Last name is Berglund, not Berlung.

From his arrest in 2009:


Suspected pedophiles, from left, Sweden's Karl Erik Berglund, Las Anders Elerman, and Britain's Gorge Gibbs sit during a police news conference in Bangkok, Thailand Tuesday, May. 12, 2009.

Thai police arrested two Swedish men and one British citizen in a Thai beach resort town of Pattaya for alleged sexual abuse of young boys, police said.




Previous thread on their arrest:

Two Swedes, One Briton Arrested For Paedophilia


The Swedish man claimed he was forced by police to admit having sex with the boy.

I forced my dog to eat a frog, but in the dark he did only bark.

The Thai police once forced me to pay a 200 baht fine for speeding in the Isan coming back from Bkk. His only problem was that he's so full of Lao Kao, that I was asking him to see his boss.

He almost got killed, when he walked away, the poor guy. How can a cop force you to Have sex with a little boy???? Mai Kau Tchai...:jap:

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