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Try To Get To Swampy 3-4 Hours Before Your Flight


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I usually arrive about an hour before an international flight. No problem to check-in my bag and make it through immigration/security. Swampy has always been very fast. Not sure <deleted> is going on but arrived the other day for a departure and immigration queues are all the way out of the immigration area and winding like a snake all the way into the flight check-in area - it was beyond insane. I can only imagine that it would take hours to get through there. I naturally weaseled my way to the front of the line after standing in the same place for 5 minutes and don't think the other farang didn't notice as I was cursed at in multiple languages. I was taken inside to the diplomatic line with the other weasels and the line was still moving extraordinarily slow still. Is it a software problem? <deleted> is going on?

warning: to all non weasels try to show up 3 to 4 hours early for your flight.

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Yeah same thing happened to me a month ago.It took 1 hour 45 to get through .I was the last person to get on the flight .

I think it was down to the time . Meaning 12 Oclock when all Thais have dinner .

After 1ish the Q did move a lot quicker .I will deffinately be getting there a good 3 to 4 hours before my flight next time!

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dont airlines ask you to arrive at the airport at least 3 hours before the flight is due to leave?

Usually two.. Which has always been plenty for me..

Most (if not all) airlines are now recomending for international flights to show up 3 hours before flights. Do this and you will have plenty of time to make it through any ridiculous waiting lines that are forming at immigration. Dont take the airlines advice and risk missing your flight. Up to you.

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A month ago I departed Thailand via Suvernabhumi Airport, arriving late at the airport due to a mixup on my part over the departure time (long story and I'd rather not get into it). I arrived at the check-in counter 45 minutes before my flight's departure time. The check-in line was empty, luckily, but the passport control line was, as you mentioned, long and snaking back and forth, almost spilling out into the flight check-in area. I was really starting to sweat it, fearing that I would miss my flight.

While standing in the passport control line, there was a Russian woman waiting in front of me. When we reached the second turn of the line, about five of her friends/relatives joined her in line, attempting to cut in front of me. I would have none of it, as I was already running behind and didn't want to be unnecessarily delayed. In most cases five people cutting in front of me would have had a negligible effect in such a long line, but I was really cutting it close and every minute counted. I didn't protest, but just sort of stood in the way, not leaving room for them to cut in front of me.

I managed to stave them off for a while, but eventually they weaseled their way ahead of me. And not without lots of laughing and joking about it in Russian, with the occasional English word thrown in to let me know that they were talking about me. They even chuckled "thank you" after the lot of them managed to cut in front of me.

As we reached near to the last turn of the line, I realised that I wouldn't make it in time. I had only about 10 minutes to clear security and board my flight, and I estimated that the last turn of the line would take at least five minutes. At the last turn, as we passed the front of the line on the other side of the final dividing rope, I very politely and apologetically asked the lady who was directing passengers to passport control booths if I could cut through the last turn of the line, and showed her my boarding pass with rapidly approaching departure time. After a moment's consideration she agreed, and whisked me through to the next available passport control booth.

Do svidaniya, b!tches!

So, long story short, a little humility and polite words can go a long way to help get through the line when you're cutting it close!

(Sorry, no offence intended to Russians in general, only to *those* particular Russians!)

Edited by oevna
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Cheers Chunky!

Just what we need.... ANOTHER thread on the outgoing Immigration fiasco although by the responses here, some others think this is a relatively new problem. Mind you, those other threads are in the Suvarnabhumi Airport forum so maybe a good idea to 'generalize' this knowledge.

It's a total lottery; my mates arrived with 55 minutes before their 9pm departure to Singapore and had time for a cold beer in the lounge before leaving!

Edited by NanLaew
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dont airlines ask you to arrive at the airport at least 3 hours before the flight is due to leave?

Usually two.. Which has always been plenty for me..

Most (if not all) airlines are now recomending for international flights to show up 3 hours before flights. Do this and you will have plenty of time to make it through any ridiculous waiting lines that are forming at immigration. Dont take the airlines advice and risk missing your flight. Up to you.

Yes for the last 4yrs and using different airlines, for me it has been recommended to arrive 3hrs before flight time.


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Even for the domestic flights I leave an hour and a half. Overseas flights I always get there at least 3 hours before. I've seen snarl ups at many major airports all over the world. I think it has to do with the balance of different airline flights all leaving near the same time.

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A disconcerting thread....

What about the airlines' role in this ? Once the passenger has presented himself for check-in, and checked his baggage, will they/can they do anything to expedite matters ? There must be a number where they can phone, to try to get Immmigration to open some more queues and get things moving a bit faster. Or, maybe provide an escort to a paid-up passenger who is in danger of missing his flight (in the case of someone who has checked in 90 - 120 min. before flight time).

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I've had it happen to me once - I usually get there an hour before the flight, but yes, this time passenger control was so crowded.

After waiting in the queue for 30 minutes (and moved about 2 rows) - a rep from KLM came and picked me out the line and took me to the diplomat line (which was empty).

Once through there, I then had a running escort shouting "go go go!") (I kid you not) to the aeroplane!!

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><deleted> is going on?

I think the o/p question was <deleted> is going on? I too would be interested as the queues are ridiculous. Either that or a ploy to get everyone using the fee based fast channel perhaps?

When has it taken longer than 2 minutes to walk through Changi airport immigration? 3 hours queues are what I might expect in Lagos or some-such bit not the 5th best airport in the world! Seriously I concur the o/p's question, <deleted> is going on?

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When i was leaving at the end of Jan i was given so called "fast track" labels and told to follow the signs and it is much faster than "normal" security".

I thought, cool, no rush right now then. So, when i did go to the "fast track" security i was faced with an almighty queue, only 1 person checking people through....and only 30 minutes until my flight departed. I said to one of the people there that i needed to get this flight and showed them my boarding card, flight details etc etc but all i got was a shrug of the shoulders and no intrest whatsoever.

I then chanced my luck, came out the "fast track" security check and went to the "normal" one..and breezed through in 1 minute!

Seemed like many airlines were giving fast track tickets/labels to people or just a co-incidence that everyone who had one turned up all at the same time.

Anyway, i did make my flight and that's the 1st time i've ever had any problem whatsoever going through security there....maybe i've just generally been very very lucky then!!:D

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><deleted> is going on?

I think the o/p question was <deleted> is going on? I too would be interested as the queues are ridiculous. Either that or a ploy to get everyone using the fee based fast channel perhaps?

When has it taken longer than 2 minutes to walk through Changi airport immigration? 3 hours queues are what I might expect in Lagos or some-such bit not the 5th best airport in the world! Seriously I concur the o/p's question, <deleted> is going on?

Is Swampy the 5th best airport in the world? Really? Since when?

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Immigration delays hurt airport's popularity in survey

Suvarnabhumi airport has dropped in popularity among travellers, according to a survey conducted by the Airports Council International.

In the ACI survey, Suvarnabhumi airport falls from 24th place in 2009 to 45th last year in the customer satisfaction category.

The steep plunge was blamed mainly on the long queues at immigration clearance, said a source at the Airports of Thailand Plc.


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Isn't it really only critical to arrive before the check-in counter closes (assuming you have checked luggage)? Once you've checked in, and checked your luggage the plane will be very unlikely to take off without you. What will happen first is they'll call your name out over the PA system while simultaneously airline staff will be looking for you. It would take a very long delay before they ever took off without you provided that you've checked your baggage.

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A few points:

1. I have been arriving 1 hour before takeoff for international flights to Asia for at least 3 years and have never come close to missing a flight.

2. I almost always take the morning, 6:30-7:30 AM flight.

3. Immigration queues have never been so long that they wind like a snake through to the ticket check-in area.

4. You are correct that once your luggage is boarded that they usually don't want to leave without you. On this day, I made it to the plane when everyone else had boarded. We then set there for another 15 minutes while they took several pieces of luggage off!

5. I have pretty good idea how long it usually takes for each person to get through the queue and I can say that we were definitely moving significantly slower. Perhaps this is a form of protest by the Immigration Staff who wants higher wages?

6. As mentioned above, it was not the abundance of passengers, it was the pace at which they were being processed.

Edited by Chunky1
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A few points:

1. I have been arriving 1 hour before takeoff for international flights to Asia for at least 3 years and have never come close to missing a flight.

2. I almost always take the morning, 6:30-7:30 AM flight.

3. Immigration queues have never been so long that they wind like a snake through to the ticket check-in area.

4. You are correct that once your luggage is boarded that they usually don't want to leave without you. On this day, I made it to the plane when everyone else had boarded. We then set there for another 15 minutes while they took several pieces of luggage off!

5. I have pretty good idea how long it usually takes for each person to get through the queue and I can say that we were definitely moving significantly slower. Perhaps this is a form of protest by the Immigration Staff who wants higher wages?

6. As mentioned above, it was not the abundance of passengers, it was the pace at which they were being processed.

You forgot number 7 where the queue is delayed further by weasels arriving late and cutting to the front of the queue. Just because 1 hour has always worked for you doesn't give you the right to inconvenience everyone else who has turned up the regulation 3 hours early and waited patiently. To my mind all the weasels should be take out and shot! Or, for the faint of heart, just made to miss their flights. :annoyed:

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A few points:

1. I have been arriving 1 hour before takeoff for international flights to Asia for at least 3 years and have never come close to missing a flight.

2. I almost always take the morning, 6:30-7:30 AM flight.

3. Immigration queues have never been so long that they wind like a snake through to the ticket check-in area.

4. You are correct that once your luggage is boarded that they usually don't want to leave without you. On this day, I made it to the plane when everyone else had boarded. We then set there for another 15 minutes while they took several pieces of luggage off!

5. I have pretty good idea how long it usually takes for each person to get through the queue and I can say that we were definitely moving significantly slower. Perhaps this is a form of protest by the Immigration Staff who wants higher wages?

6. As mentioned above, it was not the abundance of passengers, it was the pace at which they were being processed.

You forgot number 7 where the queue is delayed further by weasels arriving late and cutting to the front of the queue. Just because 1 hour has always worked for you doesn't give you the right to inconvenience everyone else who has turned up the regulation 3 hours early and waited patiently. To my mind all the weasels should be take out and shot! Or, for the faint of heart, just made to miss their flights. :annoyed:

Well said, why would people who are on time wait for people who on purpose come late.

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A few points:

1. I have been arriving 1 hour before takeoff for international flights to Asia for at least 3 years and have never come close to missing a flight.

2. I almost always take the morning, 6:30-7:30 AM flight.

3. Immigration queues have never been so long that they wind like a snake through to the ticket check-in area.

4. You are correct that once your luggage is boarded that they usually don't want to leave without you. On this day, I made it to the plane when everyone else had boarded. We then set there for another 15 minutes while they took several pieces of luggage off!

5. I have pretty good idea how long it usually takes for each person to get through the queue and I can say that we were definitely moving significantly slower. Perhaps this is a form of protest by the Immigration Staff who wants higher wages?

6. As mentioned above, it was not the abundance of passengers, it was the pace at which they were being processed.

You forgot number 7 where the queue is delayed further by weasels arriving late and cutting to the front of the queue. Just because 1 hour has always worked for you doesn't give you the right to inconvenience everyone else who has turned up the regulation 3 hours early and waited patiently. To my mind all the weasels should be take out and shot! Or, for the faint of heart, just made to miss their flights. :annoyed:

Well said, why would people who are on time wait for people who on purpose come late.

Why is he late if the airlines allowed him to check in? OK, so 1 hour is cutting it a bit fine, but if the airlines think he is late, then they will refuse to check him in. Once checked in, and between immigration and the airlines, they can't organise themsleves to expedite processing then it's up to them whether to unload bags or make the plane wait or whatever. If I am already in the queue and they decide to make a call to prioritise me it's up to them, even if it pisses off everyone else...sorry. If they ignore me, then I stay there in the queue and miss flight...but they never want to do that once you identify yourself and tell them flight is departing in 5mins. Well, that's my experience anyway.

My experience has been similar to the OP's, except I always used the 2-hour guideline, never over 2 hours and never once have I missed a flight. I have not even noticed if they suggested 3 hours! My last trip was to KL and there was a notice to say go to KL airport early due to maintenance but again, 2 hours was plenty. I would do the same for Europe. Had friends to from Australia/Europe/ China over the years, all made it to plane eventhough all checked in around 2 hours.

I understand what some are saying about queue jumpers but I am willing to risk losing the flight rather than go meekly 3 or 4 or however many hours the "cost conscious" airlines dictate. But maybe it's to do with whether one is an anxious traveller or not? If enough people "miss the flight" then they will be forced to address issue. But if all turn up 3 hours before to compensate for an inefficient immigration or not enough check-in counters, then 3 hours will probably become a more used new standard because passengers are willing to comply. Keep it to 2 hours or less I say! :jap:

Oh and I have no issues if airport officials take someone and cut the queue, as they should for urgently departing planes.

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I flew back to Heathrow from Swampy yesterday and I have to say that even though I arrived at the airport 2 1/2 hours early I was not confident in making the flight. I was in passport control for just a little over 2 hours. Absolute sweaty madness, not the best start to a 12 hour flight.

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It doesn't seem to be consistent either. I always get the same flight at the same time - but sometimes it will be super busy, and sometimes totally empty.

The time I was talking about before, ALL the security booths were manned - there was just too many people trying to travel!

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You forgot number 7 where the queue is delayed further by weasels arriving late and cutting to the front of the queue. Just because 1 hour has always worked for you doesn't give you the right to inconvenience everyone else who has turned up the regulation 3 hours early and waited patiently. To my mind all the weasels should be take out and shot! Or, for the faint of heart, just made to miss their flights. :annoyed:

That is up for the airport staff to decide. It's good if you can speak a little Thai and let them know that you are going to give them a headache before you miss your flight. Fwiw, if I am in line and know that I have time to spare I am not bothered by someone cutting ahead. Sure, there were probably people in line who missed their flight because they were too timid to speak up. Up to you!

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I flew back to Heathrow from Swampy yesterday and I have to say that even though I arrived at the airport 2 1/2 hours early I was not confident in making the flight. I was in passport control for just a little over 2 hours. Absolute sweaty madness, not the best start to a 12 hour flight.

Yikes! I hope there was at least some good scenery around you.

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You forgot number 7 where the queue is delayed further by weasels arriving late and cutting to the front of the queue. Just because 1 hour has always worked for you doesn't give you the right to inconvenience everyone else who has turned up the regulation 3 hours early and waited patiently. To my mind all the weasels should be take out and shot! Or, for the faint of heart, just made to miss their flights. :annoyed:

That is up for the airport staff to decide. It's good if you can speak a little Thai and let them know that you are going to give them a headache before you miss your flight. Fwiw, if I am in line and know that I have time to spare I am not bothered by someone cutting ahead. Sure, there were probably people in line who missed their flight because they were too timid to speak up. Up to you!

I would just be on time 3 hours like they say. I don't mind cue jumpers if they arrived on time. But i do dislike people who come late like you intentionally and expect a preferential treatment.

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When someone jumps the queue in front of you, no need to start a fight, just call a custom officer. Explain someone needs assistance and point to the person who cut the queue. When there are long queues, customs officers are usually on the edge because everybody complain. If the guy doesn't have a good reason, he will be sent back to the end of the queue right away.

On the other hand, if there is a big queue at the custom and you may not make it on time to the boarding gate, airline staff usually help you to clear the custom.

But if there is a computer problem and everybody is held at the custom, not need to worry, the flight won't leave half empty and will wait for you

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