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Has Anyone Actually Made A Real Friend Here...


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I've lived in the States for the past 10 years. Through these years I've adapted to alot of things American, such as novels, news, politics, cultural (guns), entertainment, slang and what have you. Yet I have few good friends. I seem to not be able to bond with these friends as much as I bonded with my friends back in BKK. I really didn't understand until I visited California a few times. This is when I realized that the people in the area I live in (small town USA) just don't have enough to bond with me to the same level. In California the people had the same outlook and was culturally interested/rich as me. I think that perhaps many foreigners living in Thailand right now may be in a similar situation; just in the wrong place. I know even in the right place its hard to develop great friends. Of course it also takes a likable personality. I've finally started appreciating this aspect of my life and feel lucky to have the friends I do today. As for making great friends in BKK, definitely possible.

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I feel for you man, I have Thai male friends out side of business. It's easy just do something! get out there and find a group of people that are doing things you like to do. Like here I am with my Thai friends and other forginers enjoying medieval weapon sparing practice together. We all fight, eat, laugh and drink together and it's all good.

So if I can find Thais who like fighting in armour (The SCA or Society for Creative Anachronism ) and role playing games, and make some friends, I can't see why anyone who is into more conventional recreational activities can not.

Thats me with the 2 weapons... :P

Edited by Huey
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Whether here or farang land you don't know who a real friend is until some shit hits the fan and who stands by you. l have learned to trust nobody from my own life's experiences so l think LOS is no different. Especially from my now in-laws.

I have made Thai friends here, hi-so's mainly but l am sure it's for appearance sake at get together's, in other words, show, well up here in the sticks it is.

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I feel for you man, I have Thai male friends out side of business. It's easy just do something! get out there and find a group of people that are doing things you like to do. Like here I am with my Thai friends and other forginers enjoying medieval weapon sparing practice together. We all fight, eat, laugh and drink together and it's all good.

So if I can find Thais who like fighting in armour (The SCA or Society for Creative Anachronism ) and role playing games, and make some friends, I can't see why anyone who is into more conventional recreational activities can not.

Thats me with the 2 weapons... :P

That's quite bizarre. I love the two guys in the background. Throughout the video one is hitting the others shield for no apparent reason :D They must be extras. Were there no field available?

Good for you anyway for finding something you like doing here. I can't imagine how you came across that particular group though. Are you at university or something?

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Oh jeez a Dungeons and Dragons dribbler. Well, it explains alot. It really does.

Dribble on this, you miserable hater. I'd ask what exactly it explains if I could be bothered to give a .. (find something creative, divide it by half and insert here) about what you think.

Edited by Huey
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I feel for you man, I have Thai male friends out side of business. It's easy just do something! get out there and find a group of people that are doing things you like to do. Like here I am with my Thai friends and other forginers enjoying medieval weapon sparing practice together. We all fight, eat, laugh and drink together and it's all good.

So if I can find Thais who like fighting in armour (The SCA or Society for Creative Anachronism ) and role playing games, and make some friends, I can't see why anyone who is into more conventional recreational activities can not.

Thats me with the 2 weapons... :P

That's quite bizarre. I love the two guys in the background. Throughout the video one is hitting the others shield for no apparent reason :D They must be extras. Were there no field available?

Good for you anyway for finding something you like doing here. I can't imagine how you came across that particular group though. Are you at university or something?

Thank you :D

Hehe yeah I just noticed that, they are going through some drills, that's a new guy throwing t he blows and the guy behind the shield is working with him on how to swing from the shoulder.

As for how I got hooked in, I looked for it having been a member in the States and being in the Role Playing Game circles it wasn't hard to find. You weren't far off however, 75% of our members are Thai uni-students or Thais of that age.

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Thats very cool. How did you ran into this? Did you started the whole thing and invited the students or it preexisted before? I never got involved in these sorts of things but I am a fan of fantasy novels and medieval history. I never had a chance here I suppose. Most people here are into guns. Wouldn't mind joining it myself if I have the opportunity.

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