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Retirement Visa

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I will be applying for my first retirement visa in a couple of weeks (March 2011). I have a non immigrant "O" visa.

I plan to return to UK in May 2011 for about 3 months and then fly back to Thailand. I realise I will need to get a re-entry permit before I return to UK.

I do not plan to leave Thailand again until after my 1 year retirement visa expires in March 2012 - so I will have a new one and can decide whether to get a single or multiple entry permit once again at that time.

What I want to check, is that for my one return trip to UK for 3 months from May 2011, that a single entry permit will be fine and allow this one trip out of Thailand - i.e. no issues on length of time away or any other reason that might make problems on a single entry permit for when I come back to Thailand around July/August 2011 and continue with my (same) retirement visa until it expires in March 2012?

fyi, Apart from this one return to UK, I will not be leaving Thailand until at least after this particular 1 year retirement visa expires in March 2012 - May travel inside Thailand only. i.e. flying to Chaing Mai in November 2011.


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I find the terminology you use unclear, so I won't even attempt to answer your specific query. However, I can say definitely ANY re-entry permit (single or multiple) will "save" any permission of stay you obtained it based upon, as long as you return to Thailand BEFORE that permission to stay expires. In other words, no, there isn't any limit on number of days out of Thailand, as long as you return on time to claim what you saved with the permit. Single entry permits naturally will suffice for one entry. Also note the dates you put on your permit application about the dates of your trip are NOT enforced with regard to the validity of the permit; only the expiration date of the current permission to stay matters.

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twix38, is it a one-year extension of stay for the reason of retirement (retirement extension) for which you are planning to apply later this month?

Yes Maestro.

Jingthing, sorry for any confusion.

I can stay in UK for as long as I want on a single entry permit. Understood, thanks.

You wrote "There isn't any limit on number of days out of Thailand, as long as you return on time to claim what you saved with the permit"

Just to check.......

I save it with the RE-entry permit, don't I? as I understand I get the retirement extension (PERMIT - single) and then later on I apply for a re-entry permit to go to UK. Only on the re-entry permit application will I mention my travel dates to UK.

You are also advising that I don't need to return on time to my return date quoted on my re-entry permit as it doesn't really matter because it's only the expiry of my original 1 year permit to stay that counts for when I must return from UK to Thailand by - not the return date I fill into my re-entry permit - i.e. I just need to get the re-entry permit and not worry about returning to Thailand before the return date I fill in if I stay in UK longer than originally planned - I must only return before the expiration date of my current 1 year long permission to stay?


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twix38 - You're confusing us, again.

1. You get an extension of stay for retirement which will allow you to stay in Thailand for one year - until a certain date in March 2012.

There is no "PERMIT" single or otherwise.

2. After getting the extension you apply for a re-entry permit, either immediately or nearer your date of travel.

On this application you state your 'intended' dates of travel.

When you leave Thailand this stops your extension of stay from ceasing.

When you return to Thailand you put the re-entry permit number on the arrivals card where it asks for visa number.

You are then permitted to stay in Thailand until the end of your extension of stay - i.e. March 2012.

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twix38 - You're confusing us, again.

1. You get an extension of stay for retirement which will allow you to stay in Thailand for one year - until a certain date in March 2012.

There is no "PERMIT" single or otherwise.

2. After getting the extension you apply for a re-entry permit, either immediately or nearer your date of travel.

On this application you state your 'intended' dates of travel.

When you leave Thailand this stops your extension of stay from ceasing.

When you return to Thailand you put the re-entry permit number on the arrivals card where it asks for visa number.

You are then permitted to stay in Thailand until the end of your extension of stay - i.e. March 2012.

Sorry for any confusion yet again.

I understand your no. 2 reply completely - yipee! ;-)

no. 1 - well I do have to decide whether I want single or multiple something, right? What is that called? as that's what I have been asking to check, that a Single (whatever) will be good enough and recommended for my one trip back to UK?

I've been advised that it will and that my length of stay in UK is immaterial so long as I return to Thailand before my extension expiry date (March 2012), irrespective of the return date I've told immigration when I fill out my re-entry permit form - simply get re-entry stamp and just return before extension of stay for retirement expires in March 2012.

One good issue you raise is that I was going to get my extension of stay for retirement and then come back a few weeks later to organise my re-entry permit, just before going to UK. I gather I can also do this re-entry bit at the same time as I am applying for my first ever extension of stay for retirement. I trust no downside to doing it all at the same time - apply for extension to stay for retirement AND get re-entry permit all together?

New question. If leaving Thailand for UK on April 28th. Am I best advised to state the 28th April or before/after this date in case I amend my return flight slightly to go a few days earlier or later - is there a problem leaving Thailand a few days before or after the re-enrtry permit states? I have a ticket where I get free of charge date changes so long as there is seat availability?

Thanks and hopefully I am getting to grips (slowly) with the right terminology ;-)

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A single re-entry permit allows you to leave and re-enter once during your extension of stay. Cost 1,000 baht.

A multiple re-entry permit allows you to leave and re-enter multiple times during your extension of stay. Cost 3,800 baht.

The latter is cost effective if you intend to make four or more trips out during your one year extension, otherwise get a single each time you make a trip.

Some offices will deal with the two requests at the same time.

Others will deal with the extension and then you apply for the re-entry permit - particularly the larger offices with seperate sections/desks dealing with each type of application.

The only 'downside' is it will take longer to deal with both; the 'upside' is you only make one visit.

The dates you put on the application form are, really, for the officer's information only, so that they can check the idiot farang isn't planning to travel outside of his extension dates!

AFAIK they don't appear on the permit itself. Wouldn't be practical for a mutliple, anyway.

With the re-entry permit in your clutches you can go and come whenever you want - provided it is within the extension of stay, of course.

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On the application form for a re-entry permit, you can simply leave the travel info blank.

As for getting your extension and your re-entry permit at the same time, that depends. You must get the extension first. Some offices, Jomtien as an example, require that you return the next day to pick up your passport with the new extension. Only then can you get the re-entry permit.

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The latter is cost effective if you intend to make four or more trips out during your one year extension, otherwise get a single each time you make a trip.

....depends on how you value your time and energy involved in a trip to Immigration. If there's even the slightest possibility you'll be making more than one trip out of Thailand -- like, an aging parent might need burial services -- I like the insurance aspect of a multi-reentry permit. To include, for emergency trips back home, the chance you won't even have the time to go to Immigration -- especially if you live in the sticks.

That would be a bummer -- have to rush home to bury Dad -- and have to then re-enter Thailand with a 30-day stamp, and begin the extension process anew.

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With regards to Re-Entry Permit (Multi),

when returning back to Thailand,

what stamps do the Immigration put in ?

A stamp with the remaining date or no stamp

at all ?

Or a stamp stating "Enter" with no date.

Thank you.

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what stamps do the Immigration put in ?

You'll get the same square "Immigration Bangkok Thailand" entry stamp you got the previous times you entered Thailand. However, "Visa Class", where previously you probably saw "Non O," will have something in Thai related to your being on a one-year extension (I've never been able to read it exactly). Then, your date of entry; then your "admitted until" date, which, as LB said, is the date your current one-year extension expires.

This, of course, assumes you've gotten a re-entry permit. Otherwise you'll get the same square stamp -- but with a W.30 classification -- and your brand-new "admitted until" date -- 30 days hence.

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