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Help Needed To Treat Dogs With Fleas And Ticks.


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I live 3 hours North of BKK (2 hours in a mad-arse van), and can not find anything, not even old fashioned flea powder in this rural town. I have emailed Ao Chalong Animal Hospital in Phuket and still waiting for reply. From their website though, one gets the impression they specialize in fluffy little exotic breeds, for fluffy foreign women, rolling in cash. I'm wanting to treat 3 dogs who have adopted me, and if it's just one drop on the rump, or behind the neck, once a month, I'll do a number other dogs in the town too. There's a Tesco-Lotus 30 minutes away if a friend can drive me. (Bit far on the bicycle ..on a hot day). .. before I waste a trip, does anyone know if they stock anything useful?

Recommendations of an available product? I may need to mail order.

Thanks, on behalf of the tormented 4 legged fellows here.

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hello.i hope this helps .i buy all my dog products from big c in hat yai .for my dogs two pommerians and a beagel and bring it back to australia with me every 6 momths .i am sure tesco would have the same product its called bearing soap .and they also make a shampoo for fleas and ticks on dogs . and with three dogs in a big australian garden . we have no flees on them . and these three play together all day . and share there beds at night . bearing make quiet a few products for dogs and cats .and it seems to have a good effect in keeping the flees and ticks away . hope this helps . james

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There are a few things you would need to do. You can buy everything needed from Big C, Tesco or Carefour.

I am sure you know all the steps, but just in case here it goes

1. Bath all dogs in anti flea &tick shampoo

2. After bath, you can spray with anti flea&tick spray, can use powder or buy the collars.(collars are usually available only from VET) If you want to get a few, send me a PM and i can give you contact info for my VET, its 250 baht per piece and lasts up to 4 months. He speaks fluent English and does accept credit cards, so i am sure you will be able to do something with him.

You also have an option of monthly applications on the skin(back of the neck) it works well, but after sometime i found it stops to work all that well.

Another option is heartworm tablets(Ivermicine). There is a Thai brand, usually sold at the markets for around 100 baht for 10 tabs. this kills heartworm, ticks and mange(i use it every month and its not too bad) here is a photo of it http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQqabemPsnm3kdwO4Nvwnv3Wj5ZAYZTe4CJL2FPAOygxY_3VrHB8w

At the same time as you doing the bath, you also need to "clean" the house or the area where dogs live or hang around. Its also not a biggy, you can buy from the supermarket so called "bomb" its a chemical which you open inside the house or the kennel and the smoke kills all insects.again if you need more info,just PM me and i might be able to even scan the picture for you so you know what to look for.

you need to 'bomb" the place only because after the bath the fleas and ticks will jump on the dogs again if their living area is not cleaned.

Funny enough i found cheap soaps to be the best, the "sleeky" brand dog anti flea&tick soap(cost is 20 or so baht)

My dogs wear the collars(anti flea & tick) get the heartworm(ivermectine) and no fleas at all and may be 1-2 ticks every month or so(but i do check my monsters daily)

Hope it helps.

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I've not had a problem with fleas but I've had major problems with ticks on my dog. At the worst times I've picked over 100 from my dog in one session when I've left him unchecked for a few weeks. They seem to love it between his toes and in his ears. Speaking with other dog owners I've come to the conclusion that it is a seasonal problem here - we are now moving into that tick season. They also love to "hibernate" in long grass - when the owner of our village cuts the grass in some common areas that he likes to run around in we have significantly less trouble than when the grass is left to grow long.

I've tried the collars and the sprays and the shampoos and the drops and the only thing that seems to really work for me is getting the vet to come round and give him a jab once a month, and even then, in tick season I am still picking a few off him every week. The vet charges me 100 Baht to come to the house and give the jab. I know getting your dog injected is not ideal, and I'd rather not do so, but unfortunately nothing else seems to have any effect.

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I've not had a problem with fleas but I've had major problems with ticks on my dog. At the worst times I've picked over 100 from my dog in one session when I've left him unchecked for a few weeks. They seem to love it between his toes and in his ears. Speaking with other dog owners I've come to the conclusion that it is a seasonal problem here - we are now moving into that tick season. They also love to "hibernate" in long grass - when the owner of our village cuts the grass in some common areas that he likes to run around in we have significantly less trouble than when the grass is left to grow long.

I've tried the collars and the sprays and the shampoos and the drops and the only thing that seems to really work for me is getting the vet to come round and give him a jab once a month, and even then, in tick season I am still picking a few off him every week. The vet charges me 100 Baht to come to the house and give the jab. I know getting your dog injected is not ideal, and I'd rather not do so, but unfortunately nothing else seems to have any effect.

Try the Endex 4000 as i mentioned in my post 3. Ticks still come on the dogs but many fall off as the medicine is in dogs blood. It does not get rid off them totally but reduces it by huge numbers.

Also you need to give the heartworm anyway, so does not do any harm at all.

Lucky i found local ticks do not paralyze the dogs(or may be the ones mine get) but the ones in Oz if not removed in time do.

I have to say though, not sure if many people are aware but unremoved and untreated ticks can and do give dogs blood parasites.

One of my dogs(soi dog) when i took her in, she was pretty much dying from blood parasite(she had blood trasfusion and medication for 2 months and now good as new:) )

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I got myself a 18 liter Cannister Hand sprayer and use AMITRAZ , all available at your local Feed Store.<BR>I spray my place monthly and have very little problem now with Ticks or Fleas.. Sprayer also good for other uses, Insecticide...etc.<BR>Good luck

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