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France to recognize Palestine in September, Palestinian official says


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what the Palestinians need is getting back the land which was stolen from them and stopping those who steal each and every day more land.

I'll take it as read that you also support the return of property taken from the estimated 800,000 to 1,000,000 Jews who were forced to flee from arab Countries in the aftermath of the 1967 war.


Maybe he means Jordan?

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Israel has never refused to discuss land settlement. There nearly was one, except Yasser Arafat backed out at the last minute. There was nearly an agreement in 2006, but Hamas came to power in Gaza and the PLA was close to collapse and the agreement could not be consumated. The history of megotiaons between the Arabs in Gaza & the West Bank and Israel is one marked by an inability by the Arabs to develop a consensus and sign an agreement. Blame Israel all you want, but the Arabs share a great deal of responsibility for the inability to reach a settlement.

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I don't dispute that the arab world are greatly responsible for what has happened. What I'm saying, probably not too well, is that despite growing world condemnation there are some Israel supporters that refuse to acknowledge that Israel can do wrong. It is always someone elses fault.

I didn't say that Israel refuses to discuss land settlement. What I said was that Israel will build ever more settlements then 'offer' a percentage back. They then portray this as goodwill when it is in fact misleading and not a genuine offer.

Kuffki, The only reasont he US pushed back Iraq was because Kuwait asked the US to assist and allowed them in the country to do so. Are you saying that there were no Kuwaiti people fighting. Are you saying because some other country or countries assisted then they can't claim the land? Does it have to be just the 2 warring parties fighting and the victor takes all. That's what it seems you are saying, just trying to find a way to justify why Israel can do it but other countries can't.

Using your logic then Israel can't lay claim to the land as it also had assistance.

But anyway, it seems we won't agree so we'll just have to move on. Life's like that. :D

Edited by Wallaby
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I don't dispute that the arab world are greatly responsible for what has happened. What I'm saying, probably not too well, is that despite growing world condemnation there are some Israel supporters that refuse to acknowledge that Israel can do wrong. It is always someone elses fault.

I didn't say that Israel refuses to discuss land settlement. What I said was that Israel will build ever more settlements then 'offer' a percentage back. They then portray this as goodwill when it is in fact misleading and not a genuine offer.

Kuffki, The only reasont he US pushed back Iraq was because Kuwait asked the US to assist and allowed them in the country to do so. Are you saying that there were no Kuwaiti people fighting. Are you saying because some other country or countries assisted then they can't claim the land? Does it have to be just the 2 warring parties fighting and the victor takes all. That's what it seems you are saying, just trying to find a way to justify why Israel can do it but other countries can't.

Using your logic then Israel can't lay claim to the land as it also had assistance.

But anyway, it seems we won't agree so we'll just have to move on. Life's like that. :D

And here we fo again with false facts.

So who assisted Israel? and please provide link to support your fact

Last time i will explain it for you, during WW2, Russian pushed Germany back, in the process they occupied Eastern Europe, including half of Germany.

While Russians did not physically sit on the land, they pretty much owned it, including the government and the entire system. Hope it makes more sense for, as i really have no idea how else to explain

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Hey, as the Japanese bombed us in OZ we should put in a claim over Japan as well. We have every right to do so. I'm sure the world will be happy for us to do so.

Many Aussies fought and died bravely in WWII but how many ever made it within 1,000 miles of Japan?

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I don't dispute that the arab world are greatly responsible for what has happened. What I'm saying, probably not too well, is that despite growing world condemnation there are some Israel supporters that refuse to acknowledge that Israel can do wrong. It is always someone elses fault.

I didn't say that Israel refuses to discuss land settlement. What I said was that Israel will build ever more settlements then 'offer' a percentage back. They then portray this as goodwill when it is in fact misleading and not a genuine offer.

Kuffki, The only reasont he US pushed back Iraq was because Kuwait asked the US to assist and allowed them in the country to do so. Are you saying that there were no Kuwaiti people fighting. Are you saying because some other country or countries assisted then they can't claim the land? Does it have to be just the 2 warring parties fighting and the victor takes all. That's what it seems you are saying, just trying to find a way to justify why Israel can do it but other countries can't.

Using your logic then Israel can't lay claim to the land as it also had assistance.

But anyway, it seems we won't agree so we'll just have to move on. Life's like that. :D

And here we fo again with false facts.

So who assisted Israel? and please provide link to support your fact

Last time i will explain it for you, during WW2, Russian pushed Germany back, in the process they occupied Eastern Europe, including half of Germany.

While Russians did not physically sit on the land, they pretty much owned it, including the government and the entire system. Hope it makes more sense for, as i really have no idea how else to explain

Yes you are right, I state that as fact on the wrong war. My apologies.

We will still agree to disagree on the the Israel/Palestine issue. No problem.

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I don't dispute that the arab world are greatly responsible for what has happened. What I'm saying, probably not too well, is that despite growing world condemnation there are some Israel supporters that refuse to acknowledge that Israel can do wrong. It is always someone elses fault.

I didn't say that Israel refuses to discuss land settlement. What I said was that Israel will build ever more settlements then 'offer' a percentage back. They then portray this as goodwill when it is in fact misleading and not a genuine offer.

Kuffki, The only reasont he US pushed back Iraq was because Kuwait asked the US to assist and allowed them in the country to do so. Are you saying that there were no Kuwaiti people fighting. Are you saying because some other country or countries assisted then they can't claim the land? Does it have to be just the 2 warring parties fighting and the victor takes all. That's what it seems you are saying, just trying to find a way to justify why Israel can do it but other countries can't.

Using your logic then Israel can't lay claim to the land as it also had assistance.

But anyway, it seems we won't agree so we'll just have to move on. Life's like that. :D

And here we fo again with false facts.

So who assisted Israel? and please provide link to support your fact

Last time i will explain it for you, during WW2, Russian pushed Germany back, in the process they occupied Eastern Europe, including half of Germany.

While Russians did not physically sit on the land, they pretty much owned it, including the government and the entire system. Hope it makes more sense for, as i really have no idea how else to explain

From what I was taught about that a school (400 years ago), after WW1 the 'winners' severly oppressed the German people and this in turn was a cause for an uprising in German nationalism that allowed the Nazi's to rule. Tthe reason no country would actually 'take over' Germany after WW2 was because they feared that doing so would cause the same problems. They didn't want to oppress the people too much, wanted to give them some sort of hope.

I know this is quite simplistic high school history but that is what we were taught.

Perhaps something could be learned from that.

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I don't dispute that the arab world are greatly responsible for what has happened.

Then why does almost every one of your posts condemn Israel? This is the first time that I can remember you mentioning this.

Show some balance before calling other posters "apologists" as you fit the label as much as anyone.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Tthe reason no country would actually 'take over' Germany after WW2 was because they feared that doing so would cause the same problems.

The USA and the USSR "took over" Germany according the history lessons that I learned. :blink:

I learned post-war Germany was split into 4 zones - USSR (East Germany), USA, UK and for some reason - France (West Germany).

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I don't dispute that the arab world are greatly responsible for what has happened.

Then why does almost every one of your posts condemn Israel? This is the first time that I can remember you mentioning this.

Show some balance before calling other posters "apologists" as you fit the label as much as anyone.

errm. How about to show some balance yourself. Like on this topic.

If i read the OP nearly everyone seems to condemn the settlements. Even Clinton said that the US is opposed new settlements. The only one who is not listen is Israel.

And everyone who is one the same line, condemning these settlements, you start to call someone who excuse terrorists.

Show some balance!

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If i read the OP nearly everyone seems to condemn the settlements.

There are lots and LOTS of people around the world who support Israel and could care less about any settlements as long as Hamas keeps targeting innocents and refusing to make peace.

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Tthe reason no country would actually 'take over' Germany after WW2 was because they feared that doing so would cause the same problems.

The USA and the USSR "took over" Germany according the history lessons that I learned. :blink:

I learned post-war Germany was split into 4 zones - USSR (East Germany), USA, UK and for some reason - France (West Germany).

Yes, and I wonder if the U.S., U.K., and France were the evil empire some seem to believe, why did so many people got shot escaping from the U.S.S.R. side!? Come to think of it, did anybody ever hear of a civilian getting shot trying to escape the western side?

Edited by beechguy
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Perhaps you too should read about growing the growing Israeli settlements and the world opinion.

It is not "world opinion". It is your opinion and much of the world strongly disagrees with it. ;)

READ the OP:

U.S. State Secretary Hillary Clinton said that the U.S. opposes new Israeli settlements but the UN Security Council resolutions are not the right vehicle for advancing negotiation between Israel and Palestine.

Palestine demanded a stop to settlement construction in the disputed East Jerusalem and West Bank area as a key element for continuing peace talks with Israel. However, the Jewish country continued construction despite the condemnation from the international community.

The OP mention the UN Security Council, Hillary Clinton and the international community who are all opposed these settlements and not amused about it.

So who strongly disagree with it? You and some muslim haters here who jump on the topic in a pavlov reflex. But that is not much of the world.

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The OP is not the ultimate authority of anything. It is one newspaper article. :lol:

That is the topic here, France willing to recognize Palestine and the condemnation of Israel settlements by the UN Security Council, Hillary Clinton and the international community.

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This is a good news that France will recognize the Palestinian State in September, soon after they should expect the first shipment of white flags from France, and peace will once again reign over the Middle East. Thank you France.:D

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The Land does not belong to Israel.

Does the US have a right to own the land in Iraq and Afghanistan just because it won? (I use the term 'won' very loosely in this instance). :D

Iraq and Afghanistan did not attack US on US soil.

Original owners have the right to claim or ask for the land back, certainly not the 3rd party. However original owners do not really want to have anything to do with Palestine. Jordan has had the pleasure and would rather give up the land then deal with them.

You like it or do not like it, but it is as simple as that.

Afghanistan knowingly allowed harboured Al qaeda. Al qaeda attacked the US on US soil. That is why it was invaded.

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The OP is not the ultimate authority of anything. It is one newspaper article. :lol:

That is the topic here, France willing to recognize Palestine and the condemnation of Israel settlements by the UN Security Council, Hillary Clinton and the international community.

I have already posted 3 times and have already asked you twice to provide some link

Palestinian spokesman made the statement that France will in 6 months, France DID NOT make such a statement.

While Hillary was not happy with settlements, yet US veto the resolution, so what exactly are you trying to show or prove?

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The Land does not belong to Israel.

Does the US have a right to own the land in Iraq and Afghanistan just because it won? (I use the term 'won' very loosely in this instance). :D

Iraq and Afghanistan did not attack US on US soil.

Original owners have the right to claim or ask for the land back, certainly not the 3rd party. However original owners do not really want to have anything to do with Palestine. Jordan has had the pleasure and would rather give up the land then deal with them.

You like it or do not like it, but it is as simple as that.

Afghanistan knowingly allowed harboured Al qaeda. Al qaeda attacked the US on US soil. That is why it was invaded.

Thank you for the explanation and reasoning, HOWEVER it has nothing to do with whats been discussed when this example was made

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The Land does not belong to Israel.

Does the US have a right to own the land in Iraq and Afghanistan just because it won? (I use the term 'won' very loosely in this instance). :D

Iraq and Afghanistan did not attack US on US soil.

Original owners have the right to claim or ask for the land back, certainly not the 3rd party. However original owners do not really want to have anything to do with Palestine. Jordan has had the pleasure and would rather give up the land then deal with them.

You like it or do not like it, but it is as simple as that.

Afghanistan knowingly allowed harboured Al qaeda. Al qaeda attacked the US on US soil. That is why it was invaded.

Thank you for the explanation and reasoning, HOWEVER it has nothing to do with whats been discussed when this example was made

Defeat can be a little hard to take at times, can't it? It just highlights a point that Wallaby made earlier. That is that Israel cannot do any wrong in the eyes of a large portion of world players and individuals including some people here. It seems these same people also like to throw red herring examples around when it suits thier own cause. However when confronted with similar off subject comparisons, which clearly defeat thier points of view, we get throw away lines such as, and may I quote " Thank you for the explaination and reasoning, HOWEVER it has nothing to do with what's been dicussed when this example was made" Unquote. :D You my friend, crack me up.

Some Palestinians action groups have used methods over the years that have sometimes been quite cruel, bloody and down right deadly. You will struggle to find not even one person who is nieve enough to deny this FACT. It is ashame and I believe a core problem of this issue that people are in denial of the fact that the Israeli Gov is every bit as bad and in alot off cases even more deadly than thier percieved foe.:(

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Not sure if you have problem reading or problem understanding. Afghan or Iraq did not attack USA on USA soil with their army. A perfect example of land take over was made earlier after WW2. Also may be you have not noticed but US army has been occupying land in both countries for years already and many more years to come. So please try to stay up to date and stop posting false and ridiculous posts.

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You then mention "SOME" Palestinian groups, you would be referring to Hammas the current government?! That same group that encourages violence against all Jews - civilians, that same group that refuses to recognize Israel and has fired over 20 000 rockets into Israel targeting ONLY and MAINLY civilians. So I guess Israeli government should have them over for a cup of tea according to your logic, unless you know other wats to deal with "GROUP" as you like to call current terrorist government.

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You then mention "SOME" Palestinian groups, you would be referring to Hammas the current government?! That same group that encourages violence against all Jews - civilians, that same group that refuses to recognize Israel and has fired over 20 000 rockets into Israel targeting ONLY and MAINLY civilians. So I guess Israeli government should have them over for a cup of tea according to your logic, unless you know other wats to deal with "GROUP" as you like to call current terrorist government.

How many civilians were killed by Hammas, how many civilians were killed by IDF?

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what the Palestinians need is getting back the land which was stolen from them and stopping those who steal each and every day more land.


all in the name of.....???? ...It'll come full circle one day.

...they don't only steal land ...they occupy houses throwing women and children on the street from land and houses they have occupied for centuries...hypocritical sobs....

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I don't think people can have a serious discussion about this conflict with anyone who doesn't admit to major faults on BOTH sides. I don't know what the result of the French action will be, but it certainly sounds unbalanced towards the Palestinians. I don't see how that actually brings peace and a stable two states with borders accepted by both sides. On the other hand, nothing else has worked and the smart money is that people will be having similar discussions another 50 years from now.

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