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France to recognize Palestine in September, Palestinian official says


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France to recognize Palestine in September, Palestinian official says

2011-03-06 05:19:34 GMT+7 (ICT)

RAMALLAH (BNO NEWS) -- A senior Palestinian official said Saturday that France has reiterated that it will recognize the Palestinian state in September, Xinhua news agency reported.

"France postpones its recognition of a Palestinian state because it is exerting efforts to convince the entire European countries to recognize the state," Palestinian negotiator Nabil Shaath, who wrapped up a visit to Paris on Saturday, told the agency.

Shaath added that France is leading an initiative in the European Union (EU) which aims at activating the EU in sponsoring the peace process and adopting an initiative based on recognizing the state of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital.

"The initiative also aims at requesting from Israel to be committed to the international peace reference," Shaath said.

After the peace talks were suspended on Oct. 2 due to Israel's rejection to halt settlement activities, the Palestinians threatened to use other diplomatic options, mainly asking the world's recognition of a Palestinian state.

On February 18, the UN Security Council held a vote on a resolution to condemn Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem area. Fourteen Security Council members voted in favor of the resolution but the U.S. voted against it. The U.S. vetoed the resolution as it has the power to block draft resolutions due to being one of the five permanent council members.

Prior to the voting, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas rejected a compromise offered by the U.S. in exchange for the withdrawal of the draft resolution. U.S. State Secretary Hillary Clinton said that the U.S. opposes new Israeli settlements but the UN Security Council resolutions are not the right vehicle for advancing negotiation between Israel and Palestine.

Palestine demanded a stop to settlement construction in the disputed East Jerusalem and West Bank area as a key element for continuing peace talks with Israel. However, the Jewish country continued construction despite the condemnation from the international community.

"The problem is not our problem, the problem is with Israel. The political changes in the Arab world won't affect the Palestinian leadership, the contrary, it will empower the Palestinian determination to continue their popular struggle against the occupation," Shaath said.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-06

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Good on you France. Lets hope that the EU follows suit. With that in mind and the recent UN security council vote on the issue it seems that most of the world is behind the Palestinian people having a home land. Just but a few are bending over backwards to deny them.

IMO it would be good for Israel to sort it out quickly once and for all. Once the Middle East revolution currently underway is over, US influence in the region could be greatly reduced and Israel may finally find itself deserted by Uncle Sam.Should be a very interesting year for the region.

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I await the French recognising Kurdistan as an independent state seeing as it has a discrete separate identity and it's population are oppressed by Iran, Iraq and Turkey, who between them have carved up the Kurdish homeland between them.

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The Palestinians need to get it together, LITERALLY, then there is a coherent entity to deal with.


Quite. I would be interested to know precisely which Palestinian entity the French intend to recognise, is it the West bank one or Hamas who violently took over Gaza refuse to have fresh elections and are listed as a terrorist organization by the U.S and U.K.

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Good on you France. Lets hope that the EU follows suit. With that in mind and the recent UN security council vote on the issue it seems that most of the world is behind the Palestinian people having a home land. Just but a few are bending over backwards to deny them.

IMO it would be good for Israel to sort it out quickly once and for all. Once the Middle East revolution currently underway is over, US influence in the region could be greatly reduced and Israel may finally find itself deserted by Uncle Sam.Should be a very interesting year for the region.

The USA wants the Palestinians to have a homeland too. That's why Bush called for a two-state solution. Unfortunately, what many people seem to forget is that the Palestinian leadership wants all the Jews dead in the process.

Edited by koheesti
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Peace Process? With a bunch of terrorists? What a laugh.

If one looks at it from the otherside of the fence, they will notice that they are known as freedom fighters in Palestine. They are fighting for and on thier own land. Unlike Al qaeda [terrorists] who do not distinguish and conduct their operations abroad.

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Peace Process? With a bunch of terrorists? What a laugh.

If one looks at it from the otherside of the fence, they will notice that they are known as freedom fighters in Palestine. They are fighting for and on thier own land. Unlike Al qaeda [terrorists] who do not distinguish and conduct their operations abroad.

Thankfully the Palestinian strategy has changed.




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Peace Process? With a bunch of terrorists? What a laugh.

If one looks at it from the otherside of the fence, they will notice that they are known as freedom fighters in Palestine. They are fighting for and on thier own land. Unlike Al qaeda [terrorists] who do not distinguish and conduct their operations abroad.

Freedom fighters, makes it sound almost romantic? Wanting freedom for whom? Not Fatah supporters that's for certain.


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Peace Process? With a bunch of terrorists? What a laugh.

If one looks at it from the otherside of the fence, they will notice that they are known as freedom fighters in Palestine. They are fighting for and on thier own land. Unlike Al qaeda [terrorists] who do not distinguish and conduct their operations abroad.

He must be talking about Israel.

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what the Palestinians need is getting back the land which was stolen from them and stopping those who steal each and every day more land.

I'll take it as read that you also support the return of property taken from the estimated 800,000 to 1,000,000 Jews who were forced to flee from arab Countries in the aftermath of the 1967 war.


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If the Israeli intelligence service 'Mossad' was batting for the other team then the Western World,including Israel itself, would be labelling it a terrorist organisation. :ph34r:

Same old story. People only look for what they want to see on this subject. It pays for one to try to be a little objective from time to time.

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Like it or lump it. Hamas were and still are an elected government. That speaks for itself. Look at what is happening to unelected dictatorships and puppet regimes right throughout the Middle East as we speak. Western powers have forever been trying to push their concept of/ version of democracy around the world, mostly in the Middle East. And it maybe this very policy that will turn and bite them on the balls like so many other failed objectives such as supporting Saddam Hussain against Iran, Osama Bin Laden and the Mujahadin against the Soviets etc etc.The people of the Middle East are all now speaking freely. And it has the west pissing in its pants.

Edited by coma
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Like it or lump it. Hamas were and still are an elected government. That speaks for itself. Look at what is happening to unelected dictatorships and puppet regimes right throughout the Middle East as we speak. Western powers have forever been trying to push their concept of/ version of democracy around the world, mostly in the Middle East. And it maybe this very policy that will turn and bite them on the balls like so many other failed objectives such as supporting Saddam Hussain against Iran, Osama Bin Laden and the Mujahadin against the Soviets etc etc.The people of the Middle East are all now speaking freely. And it has the west pissing in its pants.

I wonder why the Palestinians are not protesting.

Is it because they are afraid to protest Hamas or is it because things aren't quite as bad as their apologists claim.

It could even be they remembered what happened to them when they had the last free election and the pickle they put themselves in. Perhaps they have simply decided to stop digging the hole they dug for themselves.

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If the Israeli intelligence service 'Mossad' was batting for the other team then the Western World,including Israel itself, would be labelling it a terrorist organisation. :ph34r:

Same old story. People only look for what they want to see on this subject. It pays for one to try to be a little objective from time to time.

Terrorism is merely a fighting method often used by an out manned and out gunned organization. It has been around for a long time and will continue for much longer. The Texans who fought at the Alamo would be considered terrorists by many.

The good or bad of which has only to do with which side you happen to be on at the time.

Edited by Pakboong
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Like it or lump it. Hamas were and still are an elected government. That speaks for itself. Look at what is happening to unelected dictatorships and puppet regimes right throughout the Middle East as we speak. Western powers have forever been trying to push their concept of/ version of democracy around the world, mostly in the Middle East. And it maybe this very policy that will turn and bite them on the balls like so many other failed objectives such as supporting Saddam Hussain against Iran, Osama Bin Laden and the Mujahadin against the Soviets etc etc.The people of the Middle East are all now speaking freely. And it has the west pissing in its pants.

I take it you missed the link earlier in the page stating Hamas had refused elections in Gaza, no doubt afraid they would lose their mandate, so let's not delude ourselves about Hamas having diplomatic credentials. They have a long history of murdering both Israelis and any Palestinians who oppose them. They are funded by the oh so democratic Iran and it is their explicit aim to wipe Israel off the map. In light of all this Israel can't negotiate or recognise a Palestinian state which is represented in any part by Hamas, I expect the U.S to block any silly U.N motion if it attempts to include Gaza or Hamas in any recognition motion.

P.S I guess the French are very worried about the supply of oil to Europe. <_<

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Like it or lump it. Hamas were and still are an elected government. That speaks for itself. Look at what is happening to unelected dictatorships and puppet regimes right throughout the Middle East as we speak. Western powers have forever been trying to push their concept of/ version of democracy around the world, mostly in the Middle East. And it maybe this very policy that will turn and bite them on the balls like so many other failed objectives such as supporting Saddam Hussain against Iran, Osama Bin Laden and the Mujahadin against the Soviets etc etc.The people of the Middle East are all now speaking freely. And it has the west pissing in its pants.

I wonder why the Palestinians are not protesting.

Is it because they are afraid to protest Hamas or is it because things aren't quite as bad as their apologists claim.

It could even be they remembered what happened to them when they had the last free election and the pickle they put themselves in. Perhaps they have simply decided to stop digging the hole they dug for themselves.

I think it is more likely that they are happy with Hamas as they have a spine and actually fight for every Palestinian's freedom. Highly unlike US puppet Abbas.Just my opinion.

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Like it or lump it. Hamas were and still are an elected government. That speaks for itself. Look at what is happening to unelected dictatorships and puppet regimes right throughout the Middle East as we speak. Western powers have forever been trying to push their concept of/ version of democracy around the world, mostly in the Middle East. And it maybe this very policy that will turn and bite them on the balls like so many other failed objectives such as supporting Saddam Hussain against Iran, Osama Bin Laden and the Mujahadin against the Soviets etc etc.The people of the Middle East are all now speaking freely. And it has the west pissing in its pants.

Why would the west be pissing in their pants? I haven't seen as much anti-west sentiment in these uprisings and protests, as I have anger at their existing governments.

Edited by beechguy
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what the Palestinians need is getting back the land which was stolen from them and stopping those who steal each and every day more land.


Problem spells USrAel!



And that's what it's all about,

Israel has developed too fast since ww2, and now need to expand even more,

and steal another Countries Land,to do so!

And not to mention too much, the Huge Untapped Oil Wells off the Gaza Strip!

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Israel gave back Sinai and Gaza which were won during local wars. Will Israel need to let go of more land for peace if there is ever to be peace and a viable two state solution? Yes of course, but they are dealing with a people whose majority don't want them to exist with ANY borders. So don't act like it's as easy as the UN making a statement or that it's a clear black and white situation, because it ain't.

Israel was declared a Jewish state in 1948 by the United Nations. The same day, the Arabs attacked. If you are going to look at history, look at ALL of the history, not only the parts that demonize Israel and make the Palestinians look like little angels.

Edited by Jingthing
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Like it or lump it. Hamas were and still are an elected government. That speaks for itself. Look at what is happening to unelected dictatorships and puppet regimes right throughout the Middle East as we speak. Western powers have forever been trying to push their concept of/ version of democracy around the world, mostly in the Middle East. And it maybe this very policy that will turn and bite them on the balls like so many other failed objectives such as supporting Saddam Hussain against Iran, Osama Bin Laden and the Mujahadin against the Soviets etc etc.The people of the Middle East are all now speaking freely. And it has the west pissing in its pants.

Why would the west be pissing in their pants? I haven't seen as much anti-west sentiment in these uprisings and protests, as I have anger at their existing governments.

Neither have I. What I will say is the US back Mubarak regime has beed ousted. The people of Egypt now speak freely and unhindered. It is quite possibe that they will want to reach out and help thier Arab brothers and sisters in Palestine by opening up the border with Gaza. This is just one model. It could be used as overlay for many other Arab nations currently rising up against puppet governments or oppressive regimes. From this you can join the dots or draw your own conclusions. This is just an observation. IMO it cannot be discounted.

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Israel was declared a Jewish state in 1948 by the United Nations. The same day, the Arabs attacked. If you are going to look at history, look at ALL of the history, not only the parts that demonize Israel and make the Palestinians look like little angels.

Israel was not declared a Jewish state by the United Nations. Israel, or its founding father declared themselves Israel to a Jewish state.

You may wanna check the birthplaces and origins of the signatories to spot the first problem here.

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Israel was declared a Jewish state in 1948 by the United Nations. The same day, the Arabs attacked. If you are going to look at history, look at ALL of the history, not only the parts that demonize Israel and make the Palestinians look like little angels.

Israel was not declared a Jewish state by the United Nations. Israel, or its founding father declared themselves Israel to a Jewish state.

You may wanna check the birthplaces and origins of the signatories to spot the first problem here.

Thanks for the correction, but you are not exactly right either.

The resolution recommended the termination of the British Mandate for Palestine and the partition of the territory into two states, one Jewish and one Arab,


In 1948 Israel declared itself as an independent nation which was immediately recognized by the major superpowers at the time, Russia and the US.

Now 60 years later there are 7.5 million Israelis, 75 percent are Jews. For there to peace anytime in future, both the Israelis and the Palestinians are going to need to be minimally satisfied; otherwise, no peace.

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