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Buying An "All-In-One-Pc - Recommendations?

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I would appriciate some Advices on buying an "All-in-One-PC" in Pattaya

I do not need this "fancy" Touchcreen Modell

I need a reliable, fast working and reasonable prized PC

Any Recommendations?

Thanks in Advance


Thank you very much for your Answer

Yes, Lenovo seems to be a good Choice

As I got informed, Lenovo has a Connection with IBM


And the mouse was not required when you were using DOS and arrow keys. But I would sure miss it now. Touch is still the future but it is coming and expect most young users will embrace it.

I bought a Lenavo B310 20.5" touch screen and don't use that function much but 8 year old goes directly to it. It is nice not having the large computer box and all the wires (keyboard and mouse are Bluetooth). Only problem I had was mouse can not read on my wood grain desk so have to use sheet of paper below it. Computer has been working well and having the large screen is great for old eyes and watching video.


Why have you decided on an all in one PC?

You probably know they are merely laptop grade/speed cpu/ram/motherboard/video card/drives, placed in an oversized monitor case?

They can look nice (Lenovo, Imac, Dell, Acer), but they are still bound by an AC cord.

An all in one PC has:

a. Keyboard (preferably wireless)

b. Mouse (preferably wireless)

c. Oversized (for the screen size) monitor

A desktop PC adds only a CPU box, and these can be very small depending on the one you choose, and how you choose to equip the build.

I'm not trying to discourage the all in one PC concept, but it's main marketable feature is the touchscreen which you don't want.

You won't be getting any more computer power than if you purchased a similarly equipped laptop and attached a larger monitor and wireless mouse/keyboard package. Some laptops can be very small (2.4 pounds) and still very powerful. A 24" monitor comparable to what you get in an all-in-one can be purchased locally for about baht 8000..

Depending on component choice you can build a small box PC for less money, but with more power, than an all in one.

I've been shameless plugging the above articles, but I really do think the information in them will be helpful and might give you some alternative ideas.

I'm a PC guy, but if I was getting an all in one I'd get the Imac hands down. My clients use them religiously and are universally happy with them. Well.. at least until they use one of my small box PC builds.. :lol:

Good luck on your new purchase.


hi there, I am in the process of getting an all-in-one this week, just share my idea here . . .

3 advantages of all-in-one :

i) CLEANLINESS, just one power cable !

ii) BIG screen, easy to read, and

iii) TOUCH at reasonable price, just easy to experience.

so, an all-in-one without touch, then probably there are many other technical alternatives.

right, with the above 3 advantages, the young and the old get most benefits and fun !

plenty of choices in the market ( Lenovo, ACER, Dell, HP, Sony, Apple . . . ), all made-in-China. so, just go and check and touch - the build quality and the smoothness of the system. they are packaged in slightly different technical specifications.

by the way, my choice is Dell Inspiron One 2310 touch, for my 86-years old father-in-law ( as an excuse :-)


I have looked for year at an all in one PC, 1st one I almost bought was the Sony that was about 9 years ago, now I thing I would get the 27" IMac, but always come back to my big question.... What if something goes wrong?

Over the years with a PC, I have had graphic cards fail, hard drive fail, sound card fail, a few motherboards fail, monitor fail, all easy to fix, and often upgrade at the same time... If something fails can one fix it ones-self ?

The only all in one I have ever had was a top brand 7 in 1 Phone/Fax/Scanner/Printer, every time it went wrong is had to be sent away for 2 or 3 weeks, in the end the phone part would not work = no phone and could not send a fax.... Here my desk is 2m x 1m and full, would love just 2 All in one items and a clear desk.

So would also like Recommendations and advise.

++++ I never find it to warm here, so never use Air Con, in my self build Pc's always put in extra fans and as wide as will fit + have a very large 'Cooler Master' for my CPU.. Would a All in one not get to hot ?


Hadn't really heard of an 'all-in-one-PC' so had to Google it.

Turns out my first computer - a Commodore PET would have been one.

We live and learn.

One review compared the all-in-on to Desktop PCs and then Notebooks.

The review's conclusion was interesting:

"Conclusions All-in-one PCs are still a very niche product. They don't offer the performance or flexibility of a desktop computer and don't have the portability of a notebook computer.

For some who have limited space for a computer and don't need to move it around, it may be the answer but for the majority of consumers they would be better served by either a desktop or notebook. The one area that all-in-one PCs will likely succeed is with them being integrated with TVs, but these are highly specialized and extremely expensive."


At 20.5 inch find my unit excellent for watching TV (overseas most of us watch AVI files so tuner is not required - but they have models with turner built in). The performance is every bit as good as most desktops of the same price category now and noise/heat much less. All in one is the normal Apple set up so hardly a niche product in my view. Do agree one size does not fit all but to classify as a niche item is like saying tablets are. A year from now expect both will be almost standard.

CPU Core i3-Processor,i3-550 3.2GHz


Connectivity LAN, WiFi, Bluetooth

Graphics ATI Radeon HD5450

Hard Drive 1TB(7200rpm)

Display 20"

Webcam Yes

OS Win7 Home Premium 64

Supplied Accessories Wireless Keyboard / Mouse


At 20.5 inch find my unit excellent for watching TV (overseas most of us watch AVI files so tuner is not required - but they have models with turner built in). The performance is every bit as good as most desktops of the same price category now and noise/heat much less. All in one is the normal Apple set up so hardly a niche product in my view. Do agree one size does not fit all but to classify as a niche item is like saying tablets are. A year from now expect both will be almost standard.

I think the description is pretty much spot on. You can't really compare tablets to all-in-ones.. Tablets have taken the market by storm and now we have a few dozen manufacturers or more getting in on the act with projected growth numbers being very high. All-in-one PC's have never been as popular and are likely to remain a niche product for the foreseeable future.

All-in-ones are certainly a niche product, but this doesn't mean they're not perfect for you or someone else. Peoples needs and likes are different.

And while it's difficult to compare any single all-in-one to 'most desktops', it's a fact all-in-ones use laptop based components which are generally more expensive and less powerful than their desktop counterparts.

I think that basically desktops are going out of style. People want smaller my sleek units in their homes and even base laptops have become powerful enough for most users. The "average user" (if there is such a thing) no longer wants or needs a big box sitting on/under their desk. There is also the additional choices of which monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc, to get with a desktop, while an all-in-one is nicely packaged and makes those decisions for you. This is either a plus or minus depending on how well they equip the machines and at which price points.

With netbooks starting at under $300.. and laptops going up to $10,000 or more.. it's hard to compare to desktops or all-in-ones in other than very general terms. For instance, a netbook is a fully functioning computer complete with a monitor, lan ports, and often wifi. Try building any desktop complete with a monitor for $300.. Yet, when you get into the price most all-in-ones are retailing at.. you can easily build a more powerful desktop for less money.


At 20.5 inch find my unit excellent for watching TV (overseas most of us watch AVI files so tuner is not required - but they have models with turner built in). The performance is every bit as good as most desktops of the same price category now and noise/heat much less. All in one is the normal Apple set up so hardly a niche product in my view. Do agree one size does not fit all but to classify as a niche item is like saying tablets are. A year from now expect both will be almost standard.

CPU Core i3-Processor,i3-550 3.2GHz


Connectivity LAN, WiFi, Bluetooth

Graphics ATI Radeon HD5450

Hard Drive 1TB(7200rpm)

Display 20"

Webcam Yes

OS Win7 Home Premium 64

Supplied Accessories Wireless Keyboard / Mouse

If I can remember 9 years ago Sony said the same to me 'A year from now will be almost standard' of course there was not wireless then and the keyboard folded down from the screen, so the monitor could never been out of reach or you could not reach the keyboard.


Over the years with a PC, I have had graphic cards fail, hard drive fail, sound card fail, a few motherboards fail, monitor fail, all easy to fix, and often upgrade at the same time... If something fails can one fix it ones-self ?

most all-in-one are built from notebook component, as said by BKKSW. all-in-one are much bigger and some of them are designed-in for future expansion, a matter of open the back housing, plug and play from CPU to harddisk to graphic adapter.

if this is one of the concern, go to the product website and check the product manual. may get some hints . . .

  • 1 month later...

Thank you very much for your Answer

Yes, Lenovo seems to be a good Choice

As I got informed, Lenovo has a Connection with IBM

IBM started in the PC market in 1981. They decided to sell off that particular business area around 4 years (or so) ago. The business unit was sold to Chinese company Lenovo.

Still a good reliable brand.

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