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Dtac, Ubc And Other Utility Scams


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I have had quite a few problems with DTAC. I am on a contract and they are always adding calls to my bill that I don't make. For instance I was in the UK for 2 months and didnt use my DTAC sim at all, but my bill shows I have been making calls to my friends (regular numbers i often call) when I was out of the country and the sim card in my wallet. It seems they take numbers you often call and then invent phone calls you havent made to these numbers and bill you for them. I also get billed for TXT messages I dont make and also MMS messages that I have never sent (my phone doesnt even support MMS).

UBC are always making out we havent paid the bill, if you dont keep the receipt then you are screwed. Roughly every other month we get a demand for payment for a previoius month (sometimes 3 or 4 months previouusly) that we have already paid.

We have also had some problems with the electric company stitching us up for units we couldnt possibly have used (out of the country).

When you pay a bill in Thailand - KEEP THE RECIEPT! Dont pay bills at 7-`11.

I am thinking of changing to AIS - do they do the same thing??

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Why is it always other folks who have these problems, 13 years here and nothing!!! Maybe I'm lucky, or have smart people taking care of my affairs. Who Knows.  :D  :D

had a small problem 8 years ago, when I paid my AIS-bill at the telefon shop, and it didn't forward the money soon enough. :D

maybe that happens with 7/11 too? :o

since I pay at the bank or post office, never had any problem! :D

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I have been busy setting all payments up for auto payment from my bank (Bangkok Bank) and only now need to do it with electricity also.

Seems to have worked well the first couple of months for telephone/internet.

It does take some time for the first payment to register as automatic though.

One needs the form from the company, a stamp at the bank - and then back to company for filing/activation. The bank can also activiate but they told me at MEA (electric) that it often went wrong/took 3 months to activiate so might be worth the trip back.

One still get the paper bill so easy to see if any irregularities. None sofar for me.


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UBC are always making out we havent paid the bill, if you dont keep the receipt then you are screwed. Roughly every other month we get a demand for payment for a previoius month (sometimes 3 or 4 months previouusly) that we have already paid.

When you pay a bill in Thailand - KEEP THE RECIEPT! Dont pay bills at 7-`11.

I pay my bills via the reception at my apartment block who then go to the 7-11. This can take a few days. Sometimes I pay it a week or so after receiving it too. If, in the meantime, they produce a new bill for you it will show the 'unpaid' bill for the previous month too. If you rang them up they would check their systems and it would show you had paid, but that it was paid after the new bill was produced.

Dont know about your other problems though.

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I have used internet banking for the last 2 or 3 years, and never had a problems. Before that private checks by EMS or payment by 7-Eleven. No problem.

Same here. DTAC for about 8 years, UBC for 3 years. Both payed by internet banking and bills always match up. Possible someone scanned your cell and pirated a new sim.

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Strange. It has never happened to me but I always pay my bills a few days before they are due or have them paid by bank debit.

But the saving of receipts is a good idea anywhere.

As for the DTAC as you sure about the dates? Sometimes the billing periods are well before the mailing of statements but don't use DTAC so have no idea about that. But I find it very had to believe they would be making up charges as there are many Thai would will be going through receipts like they do restaurant bills and find anything out of the ordinary.

As for the electric company you have a meter and your bills only reflect what that reports. Do you unplug the refrigerator?

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the water people came and took my water meter away because i had not paid my bill.

The truth is they never sent me a bill, so I had no idea where to pay or how much.

I made some enquiries about where the water office was and went down there to see what was cracking off.

I gave the lady my address and she say "you not pay your bill"

I said yeah i know you never sent me one.

she then explained to my GF that because I had never recieved a bill i should have realised and come to the water office and got my bill and then given them the money.

this was customer service at it's most bizarre...... :D

i gave then the "fine" of 500 baht and paid the 243 baht that was outstanding....cut off over 243 baht.....can anybody tell a more ridiculous story? (of course you can!) :D

I returned home after a trip to Tesco an hour later and there was my water meter re-place and reconnected. :D

SCAM: Welcome to Thailand Mr Farang :o

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the water people came and took my water meter away because i had not paid my bill.

The truth is they never sent me a bill, so I had no idea where to pay or how much.

I made some enquiries about where the water office was and went down there to see what was cracking off.

I gave the lady my address and she say "you not pay your bill"

I said yeah i know you never sent me one.

she then explained to my GF that because I had never recieved a bill i should have realised and come to the water office and got my bill and then given them the money.

this was customer service at it's most bizarre...... :D

i gave then the "fine" of 500 baht and paid the 243 baht that was outstanding....cut off over 243 baht.....can anybody tell a more ridiculous story? (of course you can!) :D

I returned home after a trip to Tesco an hour later and there was my water meter re-place and reconnected. :D

SCAM: Welcome to Thailand Mr Farang :o

Here in Bangkok they do not mail any bill. The meter reader uses a hand held computer to print out your bill and puts in your mailbox on what looks like an atm receipt.

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the water people came and took my water meter away because i had not paid my bill.


SCAM: Welcome to Thailand Mr Farang :o

It's not a scam and you are not getting singled out for any special treatment. Many Thai utilities expect that you will pay in cash when the guy comes by the house to read your meter. If you aren't home, they'll often tape the bill to the fence, side of the house, whatever. Maybe you don't notice the bill, maybe it blows away or washes out. It's your problem, not the utility company's problem. I'm not saying this is "right" in the grand scheme of things, that's just how it often works 'round here... :D

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In Pattaya only the electricity company uses the handhelds to print out the bills...

They even put up small mailboxes at most customers' houses to make sure the bill doesn't fly away!

Only bad experiences I've ever had was with CAT, for so called unpaid overseas call bills.

They blocked my overseas calling, I went to the office to ask why, they said unpaid bill from 4 months ago... Can only open again when you pay Mr. :D

Went home again to produce the contested receipt, showed it to them, they said sorry and opened up the line again...

Happened about 5 times in the last 14 years, and only over so called unpaid bills of several months ago...

Wonder how many people don't have the receipts around and end up paying their bills twice :o

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Here in Bangkok they do not mail any bill.  The meter reader uses a hand held computer to print out your bill and puts in your mailbox on what looks like an atm receipt.

in the village it's even simpler : the guy comes buy with the bill, and collects - we have an agreement with the neighbours (which he knows) - one is not here, the other one pays - saves the guy an additional trip! :o

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Hmm... when I use auto payment the amount will be printed in my bank book with some code, and they also send a hard copy invoice showing "paid". Wonder whether they will accept the bank book notation only when they f... up and do not send the actual receipt... :D

On a side note; I have seen NO fee deduction for auto payments so with 4-5 bills a month I do not only save the hassle but ALSO the 7-11 10 B/payment per bill. That is 600 B more per year for beer! :D


In Pattaya only the electricity company uses the handhelds to print out the bills...

They even put up small mailboxes at most customers' houses to make sure the bill doesn't fly away!

Only bad experiences I've ever had was with CAT, for so called unpaid overseas call bills.

They blocked my overseas calling, I went to the office to ask why, they said unpaid bill from 4 months ago... Can only open again when you pay Mr.  :D

Went home again to produce the contested receipt, showed it to them, they said sorry and opened up the line again...

Happened about 5 times in the last 14 years, and only over so called unpaid bills of several months ago...

Wonder how many people don't have the receipts around and end up paying their bills twice  :o

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On a side note; I have seen NO fee deduction for auto payments so with 4-5 bills a month I do not only save the hassle but ALSO the 7-11 10 B/payment per bill. That is 600 B more per year for beer!  :D

bank and post office don't charge me either, only when it's after the due date!

but going to tray net banking with next bills, - safes me driving to town!

600bt = 18 big chang! not too bad! :o

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I will also try to get net banking with my bank.... but without the work permit it might be hard even with my name in (yellow) house book AND address confirmation letter from embassy...(and an account + cash card with them for 5 years...). Cheers!

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I will also try to get net banking with my bank.... but without the work permit it might be hard even with my name in (yellow) house book AND address confirmation letter from embassy...(and an account + cash card with them for 5 years...). Cheers!

don't know about other banks, but Bangkok Bank (after call to head office!!) accepts letter from embassy (translated and certified by ministry of foreign affairs), together with non-immigrant visa and extension. :o

(their homepage is listing the requiremets as work permit or certificate of residence)

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the water people came and took my water meter away because i had not paid my bill.


SCAM: Welcome to Thailand Mr Farang :o

It's not a scam and you are not getting singled out for any special treatment. Many Thai utilities expect that you will pay in cash when the guy comes by the house to read your meter. If you aren't home, they'll often tape the bill to the fence, side of the house, whatever. Maybe you don't notice the bill, maybe it blows away or washes out. It's your problem, not the utility company's problem. I'm not saying this is "right" in the grand scheme of things, that's just how it often works 'round here... :D

I realise its not a scam and i saw the funny side of things on the day, I have a little red metal postbox for stuff like the reciept you speak of, they dont bother to use it, i found my electric bill blowing around in the garden a couple of months back. as always ma bpen rai.... :D

reading between the lines, i was more surprised that they would disconnect an essential utility for a mere 240 baht!

and then reconnect for 500baht!

such trivial amounts!

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he,he - good one! :D I have 1-2call being Ais and I have not noticed any (obvious) rip-offs.... But seems the network is getting worse and worse these days though - then again I hear that that is all the phone companies.


I am thinking of changing to AIS - do they do the same thing??

yes... and worse. Frankly, I'm surprised you haven't already been billed by them for thinking of switching to their company. :o

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He,he- we all have our problems! :o

I have BKK bank and sofar all utilities have been assigned with no problem.

Electricity seem to be the last frontier and they did not indicate any problems there either.


Ps. just back from Q bar and Spasso - and a breakfast at soi 55 noodle shops - gotta love Thailand!

I have everything taken directly out of several bank acounts,not all banks offer the sevice for all utiltys. Have not had any problems yet.

Now if I could figure out how to have all my favorite bar beer hangouts do the same...

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7-11 has the nasty habits to not forward correctly your payments. Probably bad IT infra, lost connection between data transfer.

Lost 2 or 3 bills like that in 3 years. Had to pay twice as the utilities do not "accept" 7-11 receipts as evidence of payments :o

probably lost 1.000 baht total in double billing.

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I am thinking of changing to AIS - do they do the same thing??

Sorry to inform you but I am experiencing a billing problem with AIS.

Nothing unusual and certainly not unique to Thailand.

I pay my AIS via their website and use my credit card to do so. Month after month no problem until I notice my AIS statement informing me I did not pay the previous month's bill. I check my credit card statement and see the debit . AIS insist that this is for another telephone number. How can it be? I used the website and my account. I click on boxes not enter digits.

I have had several conversations with them and as always in these circumsatnces it seems anywhere in the world they do not listen to my version of events only ask me as to when I will pay.

I won't use AIS again.

No scam, not Thailand

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I am thinking of changing to AIS - do they do the same thing??

yes... and worse. Frankly, I'm surprised you haven't already been billed by them for thinking of switching to their company. :o

AIS are a bunch of cheating t**ts.

In the past year I've been billed for calls to my dad's partner's house. I've never rung her. It's on my phone for emergencies only.

My phone 'rings itself' - over a period of 3 or 4 months my phone kept on ringing long distance numbers by itself (the keyboard was locked and I don't use speed dials). The missus didn't really believe me until one evening when it was lying on the bedside table and she saw the screen come on. It was ringing my dad in the UK.

A friend of mine was murdered in Phuket 3 years ago. I don't want to take his number off the SIM. I've rung him 5 or 6 times since he's been dead - according to AIS.

It is countless the amount of times friends have rung me because they are 'returning my call'. Calls I've never made.

Likewise, I get 'missed call' messages and then ring them back only to be informed that they never rung me. Common denominator is that we're all on AIS.

Would change but I need the superior coverage given by them.

Edited by Gallowspole
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I am thinking of changing to AIS - do they do the same thing??

yes... and worse. Frankly, I'm surprised you haven't already been billed by them for thinking of switching to their company. :o

AIS are a bunch of cheating t**ts.

In the past year I've been billed for calls to my dad's partner's house. I've never rung her. It's on my phone for emergencies only.

My phone 'rings itself' - over a period of 3 or 4 months my phone kept on ringing long distance numbers by itself (the keyboard was locked and I don't use speed dials). The missus didn't really believe me until one evening when it was lying on the bedside table and she saw the screen come on. It was ringing my dad in the UK.

A friend of mine was murdered in Phuket 3 years ago. I don't want to take his number off the SIM. I've rung him 5 or 6 times since he's been dead - according to AIS.

It is countless the amount of times friends have rung me because they are 'returning my call'. Calls I've never made.

Likewise, I get 'missed call' messages and then ring them back only to be informed that they never rung me. Common denominator is that we're all on AIS.

Would change but I need the superior coverage given by them.

Launching satellites don't come cheap... Gotta pay for sister companies expenses within the empire somehow... it was either raise commercial air time rates on iTV television or bump up AirAsia charges on local flights or increase student tuition fees at Shin Uni. or raise the rental prices at Shin Towers or assign AIS to drum up phantom fees.... unfortunately for you, they chose the last one...


btw, DTAC has excellent nation-wide coverage now IMO.... :D

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