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time to get another triple entry tourist visa. i went to penang last time which was okay but the men were seedy and harassed me a lot. what are my other options easy to get to from bangkok? can i get one at siem reap? vientiane? singapore? any advice appreciated...


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time to get another triple entry tourist visa. i went to penang last time which was okay but the men were seedy and harassed me a lot. what are my other options easy to get to from bangkok? can i get one at siem reap? vientiane?  singapore? any advice appreciated...


Make a permamenet comittment and get an annual visa and open up a Graphics business!

And when on trips like that make sure that they undertsand that you are only insulted by people you respect. Seedy now there is a word!

time to get another triple entry tourist visa. i went to penang last time which was okay but the men were seedy and harassed me a lot. what are my other options easy to get to from bangkok? can i get one at siem reap? vientiane?  singapore? any advice appreciated...


Why do you get repeat triple entry tourist visas and not a proper visa?


what do you mean a proper visa? this is a proper visa for my situation. i have no interest in a business visa because my job is in america.

no tips on consulates in asia eh?? thx

no tips on consulates in asia eh?? thx

Like or not, Penang is one of the friendlier consulates in the region especially in regards multiple-entry visas. The Thai embassy in Singapore won't give you more than a single-entry tourist visa, and they may turn you down outright if you've just come from Thailand.


Bob Karl,

If one is not married to Thai, under 50, self-sustained financially (from investments/savings/biz abroad or whatever) with no interest in locking up 3M-10M Baht in Thailand then there is really few other options for visas.

Some Thai embassies/consulates abroad DO hand out 1 year B and O visas with very little docs needed - others do not. But no matter what; the above hypothetical person does not fit any of the official requirements I have seen.


time to get another triple entry tourist visa. i went to penang last time which was okay but the men were seedy and harassed me a lot. what are my other options easy to get to from bangkok? can i get one at siem reap? vientiane?  singapore? any advice appreciated...


Why do you get repeat triple entry tourist visas and not a proper visa?


However despite it being a grey area surely going for a non imm B (company paperwork not that hard to do) and getting a 12 month visa which can be used for 15 months stay surely makes sense for someone like girlx...

I dont now about non imm O's from the US but the B should be witin her grasp with some minimal outlay and research.


yeah i could probably get it but don't you still have to go out and in every 3 months? in which case it's the same as the triple entry to me. thanks for the info on singapore ovenman... anyone have advice on other consulates?


The Dude suggests going to Vientiene Laos. The dude thinks that this is a good alternative. However, one thing the dude does not know is the level of "seediness" in Laos, LOL. Couldn't tell you about that one. Seediness is in the eye of the seed holder, or something. The dude has had a lot of people tell him that Thailand has a whole lot of seediness going on. In the dude's opinion, the seediness in Thailand far and away exceeds the seediness to be found in Penang. The dude needs to know who has a shovel and can dig what the dude is saying?

The Dude suggests going to Vientiene Laos.

No, Vientiane only issues single entry (old rule). Also if you have 5 tourist visas in your passport, they won't issue you one (somewhat new rule).

Now can the dude dig that? :o

Oh I can surely dig to be sure. Looks like the seedy road is the one to take, dudes

Like or not, the seedy road is sometimes the one that needs to be traveled. For what it's worth, I don't recall offhand people having posted good stories about obtaining double and triple-entry tourist visas recently at local Thai consular offices other than Penang.


Seedy can't be so bad based on this definition, OM. So maybe some shabby dudes are kicking around. Shabby dudes kick around everywhere that I've been, moreso in NYC, LA, MIA, BOS, CHIC etc



Abounding with seeds; bearing seeds; having run to seeds.


Having a peculiar flavor supposed to be derived from the weeds growing among the vines; -- said of certain kinds of French brandy.


Old and worn out; exhausted; spiritless; also, poor and miserable looking; shabbily clothed; shabby looking; as, he looked seedy coat.


seedy means having untoward intentions. sure there are seedy men everywhere but the indian men in penang take the cake. never have i been followed and harassed more than i was there. but maybe i can take my boyfriend next time.

okay one more question, does anyone know if i can get a visa in kathmandu, nepal?

Extrapolating based on the country itself and its proximity to Thailand (i.e. without any hard facts), single-entry tourist visa: probably; double/triple-entry tourist visa: probably not. Maybe somebody with actual experience in Nepal will post...

seedy means having untoward intentions. sure there are seedy men everywhere but the indian men in penang take the cake. never have i been followed and harassed more than i was there.

If you thought Georgetown was seedy in that regard, I take it you've never spent any time in India itself? :o

seedy means having untoward intentions. sure there are seedy men everywhere but the indian men in penang take the cake. never have i been followed and harassed more than i was there.  but maybe i can take my boyfriend next time.

Surly you were dressed for a Muslim country; and noticed the local cosmetic is called "follow me"?


yes i have been to india also (with few problems) and yes i was dressed appropriately, however i was alone and some men equate that with offering free sex. ugh. i have heard several other girls complain about this too so it isn't just me.

i called the embassy and nepal and asked if i could get a triple entry tourist visa for thailand there and they said i can apply but it isn't guaranteed that i will get it.... anyone have experience there?


Last time the dude was in Penang, I was nearly accosted by a pack of wild ladyboys; they did not look Indian though. I've been reading this forum for a while and never heard anyone talk about the Nepal embassy. The dude thinks the Indian population gets greater as you move west though. I have heard women on this forum rave about Penang however. I seem to recall one woman refer to Penang as a wonderful place, no comparison to Thailand. That post and thread on visa run Penang is certainly searchable on the great google search engine on this site. The dude is so worked up about this thread and topic that he went out to Home Pro and bought a tuk tuk full of shovels. He is sure to hand them out at an upcoming pissant party so that all of Thai Visa can dig what he's saying.


FYI: I just got back from Nepal where I got a single entry B visa for me and single entry O for my wife.

The consul in Kathmandu was nice if a little stand offish (fair enough). At first she said we could not get mutiple entry, or even a single entry, B and O visas based on my request and the information I had (letter from a US company) but when we actually went to apply she relented and gave us single entry B and O visas.

When originally explaining our situation to her (my wife is Salvadoran so can not do simple visa runs) the consul suggested we get multiple tourist visas and asked 'how many entries will you need, 3, 4?

My impression is if you talk to the consul and explain your situation, you could obtain a mutiple tourist visa.

Another thing. When you get the application form at the Nepal embassy, it says you need to fill in 3 copies and provide 3 photos. This requirement is actually only for Nepalese (or possibly non-westerners). I would take three photos just in case but you probably won't need them.

Then fill in your information but leave the visa type and how long you want to stay empty and wait until you can see the consul personally (she usually comes to the application collection window). Explain that you want to stay longer than 3 months in Thailand. She will probably then take your application and write in the number of visas you want.

good luck


Girlx, Hi name is Lake and been trying to find out exactly what is a triple entry tourist visa and what is the advantage when one can cross a border and get 30 days free every thirty days, rather than going all the way to Penang, just for 6o days, then having to go out again? Unless you want to go to Penang every 90 days? Is that how it works? Please advise, girl, since you've been there, done that.


I'd be very surprised if Nepal issued more than a single entry tourist Visa.

Lake a tourist Visa gets you 60 days on entry (a 30 day stamp in on arrival Visa is NOT a tourist Visa).

A triple if you do it properly wouls get you 9 months of cover.

You get 60 on entry, go to Imm extend by 30 days for 1,900 Baht. Exit Thailand and re-enter(any border, no need to go to Penang again) to get 60 days, go to Imm extend by 30 days (and then you have to make sure you don't go over your 6 month activation period, the period that you need to be within to get 60 days on entry) and then do it all once more.

Or you can just do the 60 days exit and re-enter 60 days exit and re-enter etc.

Easy peasy!

I'd be very surprised if Nepal issued more than a single entry tourist Visa.

Lake a tourist Visa gets you 60 days on entry (a 30 day stamp in on arrival Visa is NOT a tourist Visa).

A triple if you do it properly wouls get you 9 months of cover.

You get 60 on entry, go to Imm extend by 30 days for 1,900 Baht. Exit Thailand and re-enter(any border, no need to go to Penang again) to get 60 days, go to Imm extend by 30 days (and then you have to make sure you don't go over your 6 month activation period, the period that you need to be within to get 60 days on entry) and then do it all once more.

Or you can just do the 60 days exit and re-enter 60 days exit and re-enter etc.

Easy peasy!


It might be surprising but I was just in Nepal and spoke directly with the consul. She asked me straight up how many entries on a tourist visa we would need to cover the time we wanted to stay in thailand (6 months). She asked if a 3 entry tourist visa would be sufficient. Did not seem to be a big deal.

Then again, your mileage may vary...

Then again, your mileage may vary...

A manner by which one's mileage may vary is whether one has just traveled to a consular office from Thailand to obtain a new visa. Some of the regional Thai consular offices frown on such back-to-back visas, or issuing more than a new single-entry visa in this circumstance. Not saying that this is the case in Nepal, but it's one of those potential gotchas that one needs to be aware of (for example, it is a problem with the Thai embassy in Singapore).

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