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Settlement Visa For The Uk

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Hello :)

I am applying for a settlement visa for my Thai partner to come and live with me (UK citizen) in the UK. I am now just starting to gather information together of what requirements are needed.

We have been in a relationship for three years or more now and have visted the UK on a tourist visa together.

In the UK we will have a room in my Mothers house - is it so that I need to own the house? Or is it OK with the requirements that we live with/in her my/our home?

On the online application they have asked for an itinerary? What is it they are asking? What we will be doing for the next two years? Do they mean work? Is this something that would go with the supporting documents?

Also for the spoken test to be taken what exactly is it what needs to be known? We want to make sure we know what is required to be known before taking the test :-/

Is there somewhere I can find a list of the supporting documents needed (like they had for the tourist visa) so I can tick them off one by one.

Also how dose one prove one has a civil partnership recognised in the UK? 'Recognised in the UK' is the bit I am unsure off..... Are we going to have to get married???

One last thing....

How much money would be recomended for my Thai partner to have in the bank? Plus also for me in my bank?

Once again thank you for your help and time as you may know already it is greatly appreciated!

Smiles all round :)

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Most of the information you need on your options are found in my reply the last time you asked about this a month ago.

On your specific questions.

Living with a friend or relative is fine, as long as here is at least one room for your exclusive use. See the maintenance and accommodation link in my previous post.

I have never completed an online settlement application; but cannot think why they are asking for an itinerary; your partner is applying to settle, not visit. Are you sure you are completing the right form (VAF4A)?

Details of the English test can be found in Eff1n2ret's reply here and in the link in my previous post.

Guide to supporting documents; settlement

Are you gay? Sorry, but from your previous posts I had assumed that you were a male and female couple. Civil partnership in the UK is a gay (same sex) marriage; if this is recognised in the country where it took place, it is recognised in the UK. Simply provide the relevant certificate the same as a heterosexual couple would with their marriage certificate. Gay marriages are not legally recognised in Thailand. So your partner cannot apply as your civil partner (unless you go to a country where same sex marriages are legal and register it there). They should either apply as your unmarried same sex partner (see link in previous reply) or your proposed civil partner.

If you are a heterosexual couple, ignore the above paragraph.

There is no specific minimum amount of money required; simply enough to live on in the UK without the need for public funds. If this can be covered from income then there is no need for any money in the bank at all. See the maintenance and accommodation link in my previous post.

Can I ask you to please stop from posting multiple topics across the forum on this subject; it is confusing for other members as no one knows for sure if a question has been answered, and it leads to duplication. Please restrict any further questions you have about your partner's settlement application to this topic. Thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"There is no specific minimum amount of money required; simply enough to live on in the UK without the need for public funds. If this can be covered from income then there is no need for any money in the bank at all. See the maintenance and accommodation link in my previous post".

this is very interesting to me, i have been fretting about how much i need in the bank for my wife to successfully get a uk settlment visa, i am in the uk at present and working and would love to put the application in asap so maybe letters from present employer and future (i have a better job lined up in july) and a couple of thousand pound in the bank sounds like it would work, is there any known cases of "no money in the bank at all" being ok? as maybe i get back to siam right now until july :D partly because the present job is about to end (construction and buiding is nearly finished) and i don't want a break in work record screwing things up. i figure a trip back to see her and to help her with english test, visa application and comfort after her fearing the earthquakes might be a reasonable break,

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