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Uk Death Benifits


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Like many 'Farang', (how I hate that word) I have moved to live in Thailand and have a Thai wife much younger than I. I live in a little village in Buriram where recently a German man fell ill and died. His wife had no idea what to do there was nobody around who could help her (i do not read or speak German). This made me stop and think. One thing we can be certain of is that we will all die sometime and if you like me have a younger lady as your wife there is a very good chance you will die first. Does your wife know what to do? Have you done any research and left information to make easier for her in what will be a traumatic and stressfull time? It is never easy for a Thai lady to communicate with the English Authorities or to find out what needs to be done even though she speaks passable English here in Thailand. I have spent a good few hours finding out about Bereavement benefit and what needs to be done. There are various snippets here and there but insufficient data as to what to do or who to call. I eventually found the number for the 'Bereavement Section of The International Pensions Centre' Tyneview Park Newcastle Upon Tyne NE98 1BA, who was most helpful. I was concerned as to how my wife could communicate with them. I was told the Original Death Certificate, her Original Birth Certificate and Original Marraige Certificate had to be sent. These however does NOT require translation into English as they have interpreters for all languages. I was assured that if my wife phoned them and she had difficulties with English then they would arrange a Thai speaking person to talk to her and guide her through what was required. The most important thing is for your wife to know your National Insurance Number when she calls . A one off payment of 2,000 pounds is paid out to her into a Thailand bank account. In my case there are no dependant children to consider so should she not be 45 years old when I die that is all she will get. If she is over 45 then a weekly payment of 57 pounds is paid for one year. If there are children involved then I am sorry to say I do not have any answers for you.

The telephone no for the Bereavement Section of the International Pension Centre is: 0044 1912187608.

I hope this posting will make others think and prepare for their loved ones future.

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Yes I believe that is true, however it does also go on the amount of years one has paid NI contributions. Maybe if there are children involved this would mean going through a different department for child benefit.

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Sound advice.

There is also the question of Wills.

There are people (in Buriram) offering services to expats to prepare adequately for their eventual demise.

You are absolutely right that an unholy mess can be left behind for a widow to try and sort out. Experience suggests that the warm feeling you got from your call is not reflected in what really happens. There are not many Thai widows capable of making such calls the the UK - and remember, they have a natural aversion to dealing with anyone in authority.

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uk husband/wife can be any age, for bereavement benifit.

after a uk husband/wife/civil partner dies your wife/husband may be able to claim Bereavement Allowance, the taxable weekly benefit are paid for up to 52 weeks from the date of your death.persons entilted to claim

* you're a widow, widower or surviving civil partner aged 45 or over when your husband, wife or civil partner died

* you're not bringing up children

* you're under State Pension age

* your late husband, wife or civil partner paid National Insurance contributions (NICs), or they died as a result of an industrial accident or disease.

link here - http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyTaxAndBenefits/BenefitsTaxCreditsAndOtherSupport/Bereaved/index.htm

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uk husband/wife can be any age, for bereavement benifit.

after a uk husband/wife/civil partner dies your wife/husband may be able to claim Bereavement Allowance, the taxable weekly benefit are paid for up to 52 weeks from the date of your death.persons entilted to claim

* you're a widow, widower or surviving civil partner aged 45 or over when your husband, wife or civil partner died

* you're not bringing up children

* you're under State Pension age

* your late husband, wife or civil partner paid National Insurance contributions (NICs), or they died as a result of an industrial accident or disease.

link here - http://www.direct.go...eaved/index.htm

Thank you. I didn't know that

Edit - Just read the website, and claims can only be back-dated 3 months! So if you don't know (and who does?), you don't get....

Edited by F1fanatic
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Can the widow claim widows pension the same as if living in the UK ,I thought she would have the same rights.

there is no widows pension, it is either

Bereavement Allowance, payable for one year and surviving wife/husband must be 45+,


Widowed Parent’s Allowance which is payable when there are children under 19

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There is some excellent information here, and rather unusually, mainly correct.

Cardholder mentioned that there are some people in Buriram offering services to expats throughout Thailand in such circumstances. I am one such person and we have had complete success to date. There are not only Bereavement benefits to deal with, but the deceased's assets (whether in Thailand or overseas), which depending on a will having been made, or the deceased dying intestate, may well revert in whole or part to the widow.

The Widowed Parents Allowance is available when there are children under 19 - we have pushed it to 20!( but only when the child is still receiving SECONDARY education - University does not count)

12 months are allowed to claim the death grant, but other Bereavement claims need to be made within 3 months, otherwise some benefit may be lost.

If anyone requires more information, please feel free to PM me.

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uk husband/wife can be any age, for bereavement benifit.

after a uk husband/wife/civil partner dies your wife/husband may be able to claim Bereavement Allowance, the taxable weekly benefit are paid for up to 52 weeks from the date of your death.persons entilted to claim

* you're a widow, widower or surviving civil partner aged 45 or over when your husband, wife or civil partner died

* you're not bringing up children

* you're under State Pension age

* your late husband, wife or civil partner paid National Insurance contributions (NICs), or they died as a result of an industrial accident or disease.

link here - http://www.direct.go...eaved/index.htm

Thank you. I didn't know that

Edit - Just read the website, and claims can only be back-dated 3 months! So if you don't know (and who does?), you don't get....

Steve 187 is correct and benefits are available to a widow of a UK citizen. It is important that if you make a will that all the details are listed so someone with knowledge can contact the relevant departments

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I would also advise that you generate a folder on your computer and list ALL the details you have.

1. Who to contact.

2. Where things are such as your passport etc

3. If you are in receipt of any pensions contact the provider and ask them what they need when you die.

4. If your pension is paid into a UK bank PLEASE make sure that your wife can access it in case it gets "frozen" on your death which would mean that any payments into that account may not be able to be withdrawn.

5. Seriously consider any pensions could be paid into a joint account in Thailand so that your wife and family can get it out to live on.

6. If you have any good UK friends ask them to help your wife on your death and explain to them that there is a folder with the information they will need.

7. On your death the Thai police will need to report it to the embassy and if there are no problems they will instruct the local hospital to issue a death certificate in Thai which will need to be translated and sent to all the relevant persons.

Above all and please accept my apology for shouting,


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