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Csloxinfo To Raise Prices By 200%

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I just received this message in my inbox.

No mention of extra hours for the money, unless I want to loose my sleep

between 00:00 and 08:00.

Dear Valued Subscriber,

We refer to your engagement of the Internet Services of our company, CS LOXINFO PUBLIC CO., LTD.

("the Company") under the services of CS Internet, CS NET 10. The Company is pleased to notify you

that the company has adjusted the aforesaid Services as to provide you, for your best interest,

with the better, worthier and more convenient services by changing the terms and conditions of the Services

and Service Fees as described below:

1) The Company will be change automatically your services from CS NET 10 at price Baht 150/month to be

Web1 at price Baht 440/month since 1 October 2005 onward.

Web1 services provide you the privileges, E-mail space from existing 100 MB, 1 E-mail address to 100 MB,

3 E-mail addresses free and 60% discount for time zone (00:00 - 08:00 hrs.)

2) Special thanks for you, due to inconvenience of change of the services the Company are pleased to

deliver free internet package 100 hours valued 1,200 baht and Oishi coupon valued 590 baht by registered

mail for you since 20 October 2005 onward.

3) You may find the detail of your transferred service at http://www.csloxinfo.com/announce/csnet10_to_web1.asp

and new connection setting at http://www.csloxinfo.com/announce/config_setting.asp .

The Company would like to thank you for the use of any the Company's services. Should you have

any question on the aforesaid changes, please contact the Company's customer service via telephone

0-2263-8222 from 08:00 hrs. until 18:00 hrs. or facsimile no.0-2263-8266-7 within 20 September 2005.

Sincerely yours,


He,he - I love reading that English prose! It SAYS it is in your own interest - so it must be! :o

And now you get 3 e-mail accounts instead of one too!

Time to look for some ADSL deal with unlimited around B 600/mth I think...



Consumer minded as usual. :o

KSC/MWEB pulled the same kind of stunt a year or so ago; just after I had subscribed to unlimited service - limiting the service and telling me it was automatic and I had no option (and of coarse in my interest). I took the CUL option. That made it two times I departed company with that provider.

As said - if you have any chance for ADSL grab it and never look back to dialup.

As said - if you have any chance for ADSL grab it and never look back to dialup.

I imagine that the ISPs would love to phase out their cheaper dial-up packages and push subscribers into more lucrative products like ADSL.

As said - if you have any chance for ADSL grab it and never look back to dialup.

I imagine that the ISPs would love to phase out their cheaper dial-up packages and push subscribers into more lucrative products like ADSL.

Reckon, they are getting ready for the launch of Thaicom4 (IPSTAR) they are pushing prices up to make the service for IPSAT more attractive on it debut.


Your ISP simply wants you (and other similar customers) to unsubscribe from their dial-up services. Have you tried to contact them and asked for alternate services? I am sure they have something ready to offer to you...


Home Plus 256/128

690 Baht/month (in Bangkok, on TOT line)

Unlimited usage hour (30days X 24 hours=720 hours :o )

With an additional 10 hours dial up thrown in as well(might be handy if adsl is down)


Always found the packages more convenient. Hourly or unlimted, 1222 numbers or local dial up. Instead of a monthly bill you pay for what you use. If you are not happy with one ISP, test another one. As per the e-mail side there are plenty of free pop3 acconts avaialable, Gmail, Hotpop, Yahoo and GMX. Then you will have an e-mail address that will be good for years including when you finally shift to ADSL.

In the early days of internet in Thailand there was only the monthly payment alternative but when Loxinfo started to screw up the billing I began using the packages. To close the account with Loxinfo I think took two years. They were charging me incorrectly but never gave up to try to screw me.

Just walk away - they aren't that good are they? If enough accounts close they'll get the message.....

I shall have to, but I have had the e-mail address for 5 years and there are web

site registrations linked to it.

It will be a real pain!!

However it will leave behind all the SPAM that comes to that address. :o:D


Can somebody advise this IT-illiterate old man, please.

For years I have had CS Gold, which gives me 150MB for 400 baht. It starts on the first day of the month, and is no hassle about paying, because the SCB bank pays the 400 baht and debits my savings account.

But it was better a few years ago, because I got unlimited usage (by paying a bit more, if I remember aright).

The hassle is that nowadays I find that I run out of MB by the middle of the month and have to buy these card things and enter them on my PC.

A friend was telling me that this new IPStar thing will be great when it comes. (We can't get that ADSL thing here.)

Will it really be great for us people upcountry?. And when is it coming?

If it is far away, or going to be very pricy, is there something better for me on dial-up?

Also my wife has just been telling me that there has been something on the news about TOT starting some internet service. Is this something that would be good for me?

Thanks. Martin.

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