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EU: we cannot lose sight of Thai refugee camps

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EU: we cannot lose sight of Thai refugee camps

2011-03-11 21:24:58 GMT+7 (ICT)

BRUSSELS (BNO NEWS) -- The European Union (EU) on Friday announced that its Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid, International Cooperation and Crisis Response, will arrive in Thailand on Saturday to visit camps hosting refugees from Myanmar and discuss the concrete measures to build a sustainable future for the refugees with the Royal Thai Government.

Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva emphasized that while the world's attention is focusing on the humanitarian emergency in Northern Africa, the international community cannot lose sight of other places, such as Thailand, where humanitarian needs persist and where there is a chance to be part of the solution.

"For the last 20 years, Thailand has graciously provided asylum to the people fleeing violence in their native Myanmar," Georgieva stated. "During my trip, I will express Europe's appreciation for this positive role, and will continue the dialogue on finding durable solutions for the refugees."

On Sunday, Commissioner Georgieva will travel to the Mae Sot - Mae La camp in Western Thailand, where she will visit projects providing health care and food assistance funded by the European Commission as well as projects that improve refugees' self-reliance. The Commissioner will meet with the local authorities, refugee representatives and partner organizations.

Georgieva is also scheduled to meet Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya in Bangkok on Monday, with whom she will discuss the Thai government's active work on improving refugees' access to education, justice and economic activities.

With the European Union's support for a long-term solution, the Commissioner will underline the importance of moving from hand-out relief to sustainable livelihood solutions for the refugees.

Currently, over 140,000 refugees from Myanmar live in nine camps in Thailand. The European Commission is among the largest donors to the camps and since 1995 has provided, including this 2011 funding, €149 million ($205 million): €103 million ($142 million)of humanitarian funding and €46 million ($63 million) through other longer-term assistance budgets. Over the same period, the Commission has also provided €132 million ($182 million) of humanitarian support within Myanmar.

The European humanitarian assistance covers food support, basic health care, water and sanitation. Essential food aid is provided to over 65,000 refugees, and 100,000 benefit from basic medical services.

In addition, to ensure that refugees get not only immediate support, but also a chance for a better future and greater self-reliance, the European Commission plans to gradually refocus its aid to camp residents – from humanitarian relief toward more sustainable support.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-11


:Thaiflag: Do the Thai ever remember....

whatever happened to the Well feeding hundreds of thousand of starving Cambodian refugees....

constructed by the international groups and communities within the Thai territorial.... and also the camp sites....

constructed for the benefits of the Cambodian refugee some 3 decades ago....?

The Cambodian govt is now trying to claim those parcels of land as her own by enlisting the assistance of other 6 shameless countries.... going under the label of JBC....

Ahhh, like what the Beatles sang.... when will you ever learn....? ;)

Maybe they should ask the Cambodians HuSen to do the high honor this time....! B)

Nevertheless, I am still a supporter of humanitarian efforts anywhere though.:)


"For the last 20 years, Thailand has graciously provided asylum to the people fleeing violence in their native Myanmar," Georgieva stated. "During my trip, I will express Europe's appreciation for this positive role, and will continue the dialogue on finding durable solutions for the refugees." Unquote.

Graciously? Get in touch with reality Missus. The Thais were not too gracious with the Laotians forcefully expatriated,from their camps in Petchabun province or the Rohingya people. I realise that treating these people more kindly would be very expensive and it is commendable that the EU and others chip in to help with the costs, but to massage Thailand's overweening desire to be seen to be doing the right thing when they are doing nothing of the sort, is sickening. The treatment handed out to these unfortunate peoples by Thais is scandalous and my guess is that many end up in brothels, sweat shops or on building sites. Frying pan and fire comes to mind.

I hope that any aid is fully accounted for and effectively that means having foreigners overseeing the distribution of support. What are the chances of that happening? Does anybody seriously believe that much of what is sent does not end up in the usual pockets?


And when is the UN going to give the Shan people from Myanmar refugee status as the Karen are?

The refugees referred to above apply only to the Karen, who get sympathy because they are fellow Christians, from the West, whereas the the Shan are Buddhists and treated by the Thais as slaves.

One world, one people...all bleed the same.


"For the last 20 years, Thailand has graciously provided asylum to the people fleeing violence in their native Myanmar," Georgieva stated. "During my trip, I will express Europe's appreciation for this positive role, and will continue the dialogue on finding durable solutions for the refugees." Unquote.

Graciously? Get in touch with reality Missus. The Thais were not too gracious with the Laotians forcefully expatriated,from their camps in Petchabun province or the Rohingya people. I realise that treating these people more kindly would be very expensive and it is commendable that the EU and others chip in to help with the costs, but to massage Thailand's overweening desire to be seen to be doing the right thing when they are doing nothing of the sort, is sickening. The treatment handed out to these unfortunate peoples by Thais is scandalous and my guess is that many end up in brothels, sweat shops or on building sites. Frying pan and fire comes to mind.

I hope that any aid is fully accounted for and effectively that means having foreigners overseeing the distribution of support. What are the chances of that happening? Does anybody seriously believe that much of what is sent does not end up in the usual pockets?

Such an ignoramus, spewing same hatred over and over in every post like a broken record.

Have you ever considered putting all the hate speech rants you have ever made on CD's and call it "Bagwan Greatest Hates", and when you died, you can use it for eulogy at your funeral, that would makes you a happy camper on your way to pandemonium.:jap:


"For the last 20 years, Thailand has graciously provided asylum to the people fleeing violence in their native Myanmar," Georgieva stated. "During my trip, I will express Europe's appreciation for this positive role, and will continue the dialogue on finding durable solutions for the refugees." Unquote.

Graciously? Get in touch with reality Missus. The Thais were not too gracious with the Laotians forcefully expatriated,from their camps in Petchabun province or the Rohingya people. I realise that treating these people more kindly would be very expensive and it is commendable that the EU and others chip in to help with the costs, but to massage Thailand's overweening desire to be seen to be doing the right thing when they are doing nothing of the sort, is sickening. The treatment handed out to these unfortunate peoples by Thais is scandalous and my guess is that many end up in brothels, sweat shops or on building sites. Frying pan and fire comes to mind.

I hope that any aid is fully accounted for and effectively that means having foreigners overseeing the distribution of support. What are the chances of that happening? Does anybody seriously believe that much of what is sent does not end up in the usual pockets?

Wow?? thank you for standing tall. In 1980 Head of the UN borrowed my father from the American Embassy to oversea a refugee camp in Thailand. He was so furious about the high level of Thai government who abused the Vietnamese refugee by buried him alive in a big hole and left only his head .. My father was about to do harm thing. Fortunately, the UN Commissioner came to the camp in the afternoon so the Thai big short was alive and let go his victim. My father wowed for me to join the UN or do anything about humanitarian field. Here I am still remember the story and the refugees in the 21 TH century still got abused and Corruption is still alive and well. My take and an experience.


"For the last 20 years, Thailand has graciously provided asylum to the people fleeing violence in their native Myanmar," Georgieva stated. "During my trip, I will express Europe's appreciation for this positive role, and will continue the dialogue on finding durable solutions for the refugees." Unquote.

Graciously? Get in touch with reality Missus. The Thais were not too gracious with the Laotians forcefully expatriated,from their camps in Petchabun province or the Rohingya people. I realise that treating these people more kindly would be very expensive and it is commendable that the EU and others chip in to help with the costs, but to massage Thailand's overweening desire to be seen to be doing the right thing when they are doing nothing of the sort, is sickening. The treatment handed out to these unfortunate peoples by Thais is scandalous and my guess is that many end up in brothels, sweat shops or on building sites. Frying pan and fire comes to mind.

I hope that any aid is fully accounted for and effectively that means having foreigners overseeing the distribution of support. What are the chances of that happening? Does anybody seriously believe that much of what is sent does not end up in the usual pockets?

Such an ignoramus, spewing same hatred over and over in every post like a broken record.

Have you ever considered putting all the hate speech rants you have ever made on CD's and call it "Bagwan Greatest Hates", and when you died, you can use it for eulogy at your funeral, that would makes you a happy camper on your way to pandemonium.:jap:

I speak and write as I find. You want to dispute the facts above? Care to explain exactly in what respect I am ignorant? I guess that you are oh so comfortable in your smug cocooned world that you can't be bothered to consider those less fortunate. Your lack of charity and consideration for others matches that of the BKK Hi-So.

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