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Finding Area To Drill Bore Hole


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Just had my land checked for a good supply of water the first area that he checked for he told me that there was a good supply 25 mtrs deep and would give me a supply of about 170 ltrs per min and he guaranteed (i know what Thai guarantees are worth) there would be no drop in supply. He used and electric device anybody know if these are reliable

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What does your gut feeling tell you friend....?

Do you feel he was putting something over you....?

Then perhaps.... you ought to trust your own eyes and your own feelings.... too....

to certain extend....

By the way, what did he use to estimate the depth of the underground water level.... pls....?:huh:

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Theres something to look at, was it anything like this?

Offset, how much water do you need, 170lts a min is a lot, , what pump are you going to use? what are you irrigating? how much land?

Sorry for all the questions, but info will help us with advice, and perhaps the drill man done the neighbours farm, so he already knows how deep?

In our p[rovence, water diviners and anthills determine where the borehole will go,

Cheers, Lickey.

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Most of the Thai well drillers will guarantee water and they are good for their guarantee as I have deduced from this forum and my own experience with our driller. A guarantee of the quantity he is claiming is, as said before, probably based on other water results from nearby wells. 170 is a lot of water and good for you if you have that amount of potential at such a shallow depth you should be very pleased. Just check this driller's past history with others in the area and you should be able to get a good feeling towards what he has to offer. choke Dee Fords in Fountains of Water Forever

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He put 4 metal rods into the ground took a digital reading on a box (which I think had the name Aquarius on it) and then moved the outside pair of rods 10mtrs at a time until he got a low digital reading he then moved the rods outward some more and he just told me that the water extended 25mtrs one way and 36mtrs the other way he told me how many ltrs of water there was (which I have forgotten) and that I could run the pump for 3 days without stopping before I might loose any flow he seemed very confident about it not like the other driller that I have used that used divining rods


I told the man that I would like 100mtrs, we are growing Thai vegetables (I do not know the names) on 11 Rai and I was hoping to use sprinklers on most of it in zones the pump is going to be a 1.5HP bore hole pump


I think that you are correct in saying that he is using other results from before by the way he picked the spot to try first he is also the first driller out of 3 that I have spoken to that told me that it was a 1.5HP pump the other 2 told me they would use a 1.5KW pump which should of have warned me any way I should know later today if he is correct

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He put 4 metal rods into the ground took a digital reading on a box (which I think had the name Aquarius on it) and then moved the outside pair of rods 10mtrs at a time until he got a low digital reading he then moved the rods outward some more and he just told me that the water extended 25mtrs one way and 36mtrs the other way he told me how many ltrs of water there was (which I have forgotten) and that I could run the pump for 3 days without stopping before I might loose any flow he seemed very confident about it not like the other driller that I have used that used divining rods


I told the man that I would like 100mtrs, we are growing Thai vegetables (I do not know the names) on 11 Rai and I was hoping to use sprinklers on most of it in zones the pump is going to be a 1.5HP bore hole pump


I think that you are correct in saying that he is using other results from before by the way he picked the spot to try first he is also the first driller out of 3 that I have spoken to that told me that it was a 1.5HP pump the other 2 told me they would use a 1.5KW pump which should of have warned me any way I should know later today if he is correct

You may want to consider filling a tank or pond and then pumping from it with another pump to supply your irrigation system with enough pressure and volume to suffice on an 11 rai plot. Let the well pump run at its low volume and pressure for long durations of time and then boost the pressure and volume through another pump at ground level pumping from your storage supply. Wet Fords Forever

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We use a 3 inch centrifugal pump, powered by 5 hp gasoline to sprinkler about 12 rai of orchard. Our well is only 15 meter deep with water level at 2 meter from surface in 3 inch pipe. I pump water thru 3 inch feed to 1 inch sprinkler and can turn on about 30 sprinklers to good effect at a time. Trees are on 9 meter spacing. Thus can get them watered in a long Thai work day. We hit sand at 4 meter and then a pea gravel at 8 or 9 meter and set pipe thru/into that.

Your proposed well sounds about like ours for volume/minute just a little deeper. Good luck

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He put 4 metal rods into the ground took a digital reading on a box (which I think had the name Aquarius on it) and then moved the outside pair of rods 10mtrs at a time until he got a low digital reading he then moved the rods outward some more and he just told me that the water extended 25mtrs one way and 36mtrs the other way he told me how many ltrs of water there was (which I have forgotten) and that I could run the pump for 3 days without stopping before I might loose any flow he seemed very confident about it not like the other driller that I have used that used divining rods

It is a resistivity survey. Google that and maybe add Wenner and Sclumberger Configuration in to the search and you will get lots of information.

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The mentioned device (aquarius) sounds like a conductivity meter which measures in mmho and is converted to resistance, by simple arithmetic. How this type of a surface measurement can be used to locate underground water source is beyond my imagination. The device is used for measuring water to determine ppm salt, etc. It is great to measure produced water for freshness, etc, but to locate and define the boundaries of a water source may be a tad beyond what it is designed for.

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The mentioned device (aquarius) sounds like a conductivity meter which measures in mmho and is converted to resistance, by simple arithmetic. How this type of a surface measurement can be used to locate underground water source is beyond my imagination. The device is used for measuring water to determine ppm salt, etc. It is great to measure produced water for freshness, etc, but to locate and define the boundaries of a water source may be a tad beyond what it is designed for.

Resistivity surveys are fairly common for groundwater exploration. I believe the Schlumberger brothers were pioneers in the field before they got into well logging. Have a look at this site

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Yes the Schlumberger brothers used this method to try and locate minerals, water and anything that would conduct voltage, from a power source (battery) They found a commercial application and used the same principle in well bores and it worked. The first was called a ES sonde (electrial sonde). and they successfully went on from there.

I am skeptical but many things are possible, I find as I get older.

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Hi Foreverford

It is never desirable to pump the same water twice,

because each time you lose the efficiency drop of the pump.

By simplified example:

Let's say that each pump has a 75% energy efficiency.

The first pump applies only 0.75 of the energy put into it toward pumping water.

The second pump then does the same,

so that the energy loss multiplies, not adds

Let's say 100 energy units are required to lift the water,

One Pump requires 100 / 0.75 => 133 Pump Energy units required to Lift

This is unavoidable...no pump is without efficiency loss.

Using Two Pumps requires 100 / 0.75 / 0.75 => 178 Pump Energy Units

The difference between 178 and 133 is unnecessary waste.

If for some reason it is unavoidable, then we do what we must,

but don't voluntarily use two pumps to do one job.

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Hi Foreverford

It is never desirable to pump the same water twice,

because each time you lose the efficiency drop of the pump.

By simplified example:

Let's say that each pump has a 75% energy efficiency.

The first pump applies only 0.75 of the energy put into it toward pumping water.

The second pump then does the same,

so that the energy loss multiplies, not adds

Let's say 100 energy units are required to lift the water,

One Pump requires 100 / 0.75 => 133 Pump Energy units required to Lift

This is unavoidable...no pump is without efficiency loss.

Using Two Pumps requires 100 / 0.75 / 0.75 => 178 Pump Energy Units

The difference between 178 and 133 is unnecessary waste.

If for some reason it is unavoidable, then we do what we must,

but don't voluntarily use two pumps to do one job.

Got ya precipice of H20. i always look at water as nearly gold so want to hoarde it and always feel wealthy with a tankful. If the flow you need is available from your sumersible or jet at your well then pump man pump but if you need a higher volume or pressure then a tank and another pump is necessary. If possible an unused fire pumpo with some high flow is a great thing to have attached to your tank along with your irrigation pump. i saved nearly a half of grand annually with my fire insurance with that set up on my farm in monterey (a 7.5 hp with two 2 1/2 " fire dept connections. I hope to have my irrigation pump plumbed to my lake so it allows many possibilities though i also have different pipes and valves to allow gravity feed from my lake and water tanks which are supplied by the well. right now it's been gasline pumps and now a couple of tiny electric ones but slowly and surely til i can lay in some big HDPE pipe. choke Dee Pumping on a Ford Forever

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Every area has its own conditions.

In Mae Sot I'm blessed to have limestone well water pumping up to acidic clay soil.

It tastes wonderful although it leaves white lime dust wherever it evaporates away

Should I apply too much lime from the water, a bit of sulfur will quickly counteract it.

Places in NE Thailand have salt in the well water...that's no good.

Some of that salt from down deep is KCl Potassium fertilizer, wonderful in modest quantity,

toxic to plants in excess,

but the NaCl Sodium salt that lays above the Potassium underground will kill plants

If you can drink the water, then it's fine for the plants.

If it tastes salty, then it is bad for plants

Chiang Mai has iron in the water, tasted awful but the plants did OK with it.

The Ag Universities all have water test labs, very reasonably priced.

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Just to report on the progress made he drilled 2 holes and found very little water he said about 1 cubic metre each hole he left without asking for any money so it cost me nothing he also said that there is no large water reservoirs on my land but I am not sure if i can believe that or not after him being sure there was a lot of water in the first place

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