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Ktb Bank Scammed Via Dcc

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I been in Thailand a long time. Ive used every cash machine under the sun. I am aware of DCC (dynamic currency conversion) and like any sane individual I always decline, my UK card has a 0% foreign exchange fee (vs typical 2.75%).

Today I use a KTB machine outside a 7/11. I withdrawn 10,000 baht. Seem to take a longer than usual, then there was a problem with the screen, some figures displayed with no indicators to which button did what or labels indicating what the figures meant, it clearly looked like a software error. Pressing a random button (i wanted my card back at least) money was dispersed and the card returned. However checking my online statement, I just found I was forced to pay the dynamic currency conversion due this error, resulting in being charged an extra 500 baht. I can live with 150 baht but this extra markup has angered me.

Im going to go back and video record this particular ATM, but wanted to see anyone else had this particular issue with KTB bank ATM with a foreign debit card.

Edited by metisdead
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Reread twice now, fair enough, it is not very coherent. Pretty angry at the time.

I received the 10,000 baht eventually, it seem to take took longer than usual time. But KTB cash machine did the dynamic currency conversion - basically they bill in the native currency of the card (and for the privilege you pay about 6%). Obviously I did not want this, nor did I explicitly approval this (well since I couldnt read the mumbled up screen I could of technically pressed anything). Other cash machines I used always prompt with choice do you want this DCC at this rate or not, never had this problem in over 100 withdrawls at practically all Thai bank brands.

It looked like the screen malfunctioned, as it was displaying the dynamic currency conversion information at the same time as the thank you screen, the text was mumbled and there was no indicators as to what prompt did what (i.e. decline or accept). . So in a nutshell instead of paying ~205 pound for 10,000 baht I paid 217.90 pound, with KTB profiting a nice tenner out of it.

I wrote to them and they emailed back they will check the records - canned response. Predicting such service, Im guessing the records will show I received 10,000 baht, I accepted the the DCC rate, and all is good - of course thats not the case (I could be jumping the gun a bit) - I've now asked them to meet up locally we'll visit the machine together.

Okay, its not much, but its the principle. If there is a flaw with then that cash machine needs fixing (and my money back for the extra charge).

Edited by devdrinker
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Reread twice now, fair enough, it is not very coherent. Pretty angry at the time.

I received the 10,000 baht eventually, it seem to take took longer than usual time. But KTB cash machine did the dynamic currency conversion - basically they bill in the native currency of the card (and for the privilege you pay about 6%). Obviously I did not want this, nor did I explicitly approval this (well since I couldnt read the mumbled up screen I could of technically pressed anything). Other cash machines I used always prompt with choice do you want this DCC at this rate or not, never had this problem in over 100 withdrawls at practically all Thai bank brands.

It looked like the screen malfunctioned, as it was displaying the dynamic currency conversion information at the same time as the thank you screen, the text was mumbled and there was no indicators as to what prompt did what (i.e. decline or accept). . So in a nutshell instead of paying ~205 pound for 10,000 baht I paid 217.90 pound, with KTB profiting a nice tenner out of it.

I wrote to them and they emailed back they will check the records - canned response. Predicting such service, Im guessing the records will show I received 10,000 baht, I accepted the the DCC rate, and all is good - of course thats not the case (I could be jumping the gun a bit) - I've now asked them to meet up locally we'll visit the machine together.

Okay, its not much, but its the principle. If there is a flaw with then that cash machine needs fixing (and my money back for the extra charge).

You need to press on and keep up with it....

until you are satisfied with the outcome.... :)

making sure that all the time your own head is clear and sharp.... they will try to discourage you every opportunity they get.... don't give up.... :)

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Definitely sounds like the ATM had a hiccup/glitch. If it's an intermittent problem it may be hard to get the ATM to repeat the problem while bank officials/technicians check the ATM. I hate intermittent problems...give me a hard-broke problem any day. Sounds like you will be at the mercy of what the bank decides...and I expect their decision will be partly determined by how persistent you are in your complaint. Could have happened to any of us on any ATM. Good luck.

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Canned responses at the moment. I dont mind taking a chance and trying the particular ATM again in front of a KTB rep as long as they cover the withdrawl fees (in either event - as a test case per se - i dont imagine they have foreign debit cards on hand to verify). I'm surprised that customer service is so poor in Thailand, had another incident when lamp didn't work, took it back boxed the next day and they plugged it in didn't work, I didnt have the BigC receipt just the CC receipt (it was ~200baht) but it was fully boxed, shiney new, and all packaging intact, didnt want a refund just a direct replacement. No can do, ask to check when the last stock of item was sold to match against CC receipt, or when the product number came into the store (i.e. if < 12m), no can do, took a formal complaint to BKK before they would change it and 3 trips and wasted time (yeah should just forgot it). Same HomePro. Had the receipt for another item at a large store, I returned as faulty, ran out of stock, and they swapped for a cheaper one but refused a refund of the difference, 'can not refund only change'. Shocking but TIT.

Ill keep at it and update if its resolved. Vent/rant, better (..no pun on the avatar)

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No it ain't shocking, because, Dorothy, we are now in Thailand and not Kansas anymore...Thailand is a different world over the rainbow...and on the Thailand end of the rainbow some things are good and some things are bad. Preaching to the choir I know.

Personally, I've never had a problem in getting a refund or replacement at HomePro or Lotus (including items which cost up to around 5000 baht which I've done refund/replacements on...probably done this a half dozen times...thank goodness I haven't needed to attempt an refund/exchange on a higher value item), but I do know having the receipt and doing it within the required timeframe (usually up to 7,14, or 30 days depending on the big box store) was was critical in allowing this to happen. Haven't had the pleasure yet of attempting a replacement/refund at a Big C as I only buy some food items there....sounds like they are picky, especially with no receipt.

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