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Police Move In To Disperse PAD Rally In Bangkok

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Police Move in to Disperse PAD Rally

Since around 4:30 A.M. this morning, police have moved in to surround the People's Alliance for Democracy rally site.

Initial reports claim that authorities are set dismantle the toilets set up by protesters along Ratchadamnoen Nok Avenue.

However, with the number of police officers surrounding the protest site right now, observers say it could possibly be a move to disperse the rally altogether.


-- Tan Network 2011-03-14


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ASTV claiming that protesters are being prevented from entering protest site /TAN_Network

They were given advanced warning, that the Red Cross Fair had permits to use that area, and had gotten them well ahead of time. Apparently PAD believes Possession is 9/10 the law.:coffee1:


wrong title, should be rather something:

"authorities are set dismantle the toilets set up by protesters"

"Police reinforce protest site ranks, will talk with PAD to regain protester-occupied area"

"protesters are being prevented from entering protest site"

all of which are true and contradict the title


ASTV Signal Taken Off the Air

The signal of PAD satellite television station ASTV has been disconnected. It remains unconfirmed whether the blackout is due to a technical problem or orders from the government as police officers surround the rally site. Today is the last day before the March 15 deadline set by authorities for PAD protesters to vacate their rally site


-- Tan Network 2011-03-14



ASTV claiming that protesters are being prevented from entering protest site /TAN_Network

They were given advanced warning, that the Red Cross Fair had permits to use that area, and had gotten them well ahead of time. Apparently PAD believes Possession is 9/10 the law.:coffee1:

For all it is worth it is 9/10ths :o

Remeber the airport take over by the 'Other Side' ?? :jap:


You seem to have a knack to speak the obvious. LOL blink.gif

wrong title, should be rather something:

"authorities are set dismantle the toilets set up by protesters"

"Police reinforce protest site ranks, will talk with PAD to regain protester-occupied area"

"protesters are being prevented from entering protest site"

all of which are true and contradict the title


As of 06:14 am Monday, March 13, 2011

The PAD is still speaking on location and boardcasting worldwide....

Apparently, there is an absolute error in the above reporting.... :Thaiflag:


ASTV claiming that protesters are being prevented from entering protest site /TAN_Network

They were given advanced warning, that the Red Cross Fair had permits to use that area, and had gotten them well ahead of time. Apparently PAD believes Possession is 9/10 the law.:coffee1:

According to the police record of past years....

Red Cross Fair never ever occupies area used by the PAD....

So what does all that mean....? B)


This is all just kid's stuff. When the inevitable happens, I fear that Thailand is in for a massive uprising similar to what we are currently seeing in the middle east. Just my humble opinion. I sincerely hope that I am wrong.


You seem to have a knack to speak the obvious. LOL

yes, I do.

the next time I will try to say something extraordinary


ASTV claiming that protesters are being prevented from entering protest site /TAN_Network

They were given advanced warning, that the Red Cross Fair had permits to use that area, and had gotten them well ahead of time. Apparently PAD believes Possession is 9/10 the law.:coffee1:

Since 5 years PAD IS the law.

They want Taksin out and he's out.

They want the Dems in charge and they are.

They want the Reds killed and there were.

They want the war against Cambodia and it's there.

They have SO powerful support.

Let's see what their support will do today.


ASTV claiming that protesters are being prevented from entering protest site /TAN_Network

They were given advanced warning, that the Red Cross Fair had permits to use that area, and had gotten them well ahead of time. Apparently PAD believes Possession is 9/10 the law.:coffee1:

For all it is worth it is 9/10ths :o

Remeber the airport take over by the 'Other Side' ?? :jap:

The airport take over by the other side???????? It is the same group. PAD forever.


Who cares? Bulldozers and APV's work.... whistling.gif So does water canon. There is simply no need for protests now. Reflect your displeasure in a 'vote'.

A vote that is worthless unless the army agree with who you vote for


1 post and several replies have been deleted.

Please note that Thaivisa simply reports the news brought by news agencies. By all means react to these reports, but don't take them as reports from Webfact and react to him.


Why don't they just split the fuc_king country in two: one half ruled by the reds and the other by yellows.

Surely that'll solve all the problems?

Except that I fall in neither camp. I guess everyone else will just have to stay in Bangkok.


do the police selectively decide which groups can or cant demonstrate?'

am I correct:

if PAD demonstrates, the police try to do something to stop it.

if the red shirts demonstrate, the police do nothing?

is that correct? or am I wrong?


Police fail to parley with PAD on regaining protest site for Red Cross Fair

BANGKOK, March 14 -- After more than four hours, the police failed to hold talks with Thailand's yellow-clad movement, the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) to regain protester-occupied area in Phitsanulok Road near the Government House for Red Cross fair.

Eight companies of police from Metropolitan Bureau and an anti-riot unit with batons and shields early Monday morning reinforced protest site ranks as a PAD leader, retired Gen Pathompong Kaysornsuk, led protesters to form human blockade to prevent police from regaining the area.

Assistant to the national police chief Pol Lt Gen Worapong Chewpreecha and Metropolitan Police Chief Pol Lt Gen Chakthip Chaichinda supervising the situation and site said the authorities did not want to force the protest to disperse but wanted only to clear two traffic lanes on Phitsanulok Road to facilitate public access. The area is be used for the Red Cross Fair scheduled to be held March 30-April 7.

However, four hours passed with police failing to achieve official talks with the PAD leadership about the matter.

The PAD have been rallying in the area and at Makkhawan Bridge on Rajdamnorn Nok Avenue since Jan 25 demanding the ouster of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and his government, charging it with neglecting its duty, and causing the country to lose territory around the disputed Preah Vihear temple to Cambodia.

The movement is planning to collect 20,000 signatures on a petition to impeach Mr Abhisit, as required by the Constitution, and present it to the Constitution Court. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2011-03-14


09:45 am, local bkk time....

It is now apparent that the order from the govt and the Thai chief of police to disband and disperse PAD rally....

has been officially called off....

The policemen thankfully advanced as far as to where the PAD was and had had a brief confrontation with the frontline of the PAD....

did not know what went on during the confrontation....

but the policemen advanced no further.... and refused to advance when ordered to advance further pushing the PAD frontline back a little more....

Am dying to find out.... what when on during the confrontation.... and why the order to push forward was refused.... interesting indeed.... :ermm:

Maybe the police chief would come back with a new selection of policemen who would do his job for him.... :blink:


This is all just kid's stuff. When the inevitable happens, I fear that Thailand is in for a massive uprising similar to what we are currently seeing in the middle east. Just my humble opinion. I sincerely hope that I am wrong.

Your not wrong, the same people backing the protests in the Mid East, Europe and Wisconsin and the previous PAD rally are basically the same. Socialist parties and labor unions.

The only place it isn't working is against Gaddy Quaffy Kaffy how ever its spell, hence the cry from the "Obama" and Europe for a no fly zone. If the Obama was backing a people uprising against an oppressive gov't , he'd backed the Iranian people when they tried to rise up against their gov't last year.

Not that I'm a Ghaddafi supporter or he doesn't need to go, but with Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood joined in with the Union money against the brutal dictator its a tough call.

In Thailand SEIU, AFL-CIO with other International unions are funneling money for support, those who still think this is about bringing back Taksin are sadly in error.


With all the political shenanigans on a daily basis it's hard to believe how Thailand has such a strong economy.:unsure:

When is the baht going back up to 40 baht to the dollar, that's all I want to know? :bah:


09:45 am, local bkk time....

but the policemen advanced no further.... and refused to advance when ordered to advance further pushing the PAD frontline back a little more....

Very interesting development. Could be an interesting couple of days over there.

Tweets From The Nation up and running now so there should be some up-dates fairly soon.


ASTV claiming that protesters are being prevented from entering protest site /TAN_Network

They were given advanced warning, that the Red Cross Fair had permits to use that area, and had gotten them well ahead of time. Apparently PAD believes Possession is 9/10 the law.:coffee1:

Since 5 years PAD IS the law.

They want Taksin out and he's out.

They want the Dems in charge and they are.

They want the Reds killed and there were.

They want the war against Cambodia and it's there.

They have SO powerful support.

Let's see what their support will do today.

Usual red cheerleader misinformation.

That the reds initiated the violence last year is invisible to our friend.

That the present MPs were elected also seems to have escaped him/them, but maybe not...

If the current parliament is not legitimate then neither will the reds accept the next one if their leader Thaksin continues to be shut out of his rightful place looting the country.

What we increasingly see is that it is not the PAD which is in the sights of the reds who can barely hide their objectives. They are really pissed off that there is going to be an election not caused by their bringing down the government. The PAD cavortings also drives them up the wall because it takes attention away from their own public theatre. The loss of political traction by their defeat last year on the streets of Bangkok is what occupies their minds. The election is not so important to them now. As if it ever was.


Why don't they just split the fuc_king country in two: one half ruled by the reds and the other by yellows.

Surely that'll solve all the problems?

Except that I fall in neither camp. I guess everyone else will just have to stay in Bangkok.

Then the question is which side gets Bangkok and access to seaports and commerce transiting? Partition like Jerusalem? Splitting the country north/south would be much worse for those in the north.

Partition east west through Bangkok and Chaing mai?

Half for each group and let them piss and moan on their own half.

Nah, not any more a rational response than either extremist group wants, they both want controlling power of the whole ballgame, one for money and the other for apparently ego driven issues.


Police Close in on Rally Sites

Police have closed in on the People's Alliance for Democracy and Thai Patriot Network rallies in Bangkok after orders for protesters to make way for the annual Red Cross Fair were ignored.

Yesterday, Commander of the Metropolitan Police Bureau, Division 1, Police Major General Wichai Sangprapai met with the representatives of the Thai Patriot Network, or the TPN, to ask the protesters to make way for the upcoming Red Cross Fair by surrendering Phitsanulok Road, which is located in front of the Government House.

The TPN representatives asked that Wichai and the government suggest a place where they can move the rally to, should they leave their current site.

The police commander said that he will take the protestors' request to the government and that he'll return for another round of negotiations on Monday.

Wichai reassured the protestors that that the police will not break up the rally by force as some speculated.

At any rate, he reiterated that Phitsanulok Road will be needed to hold the fair, which will be attended by many dignitaries.

However, early this morning, the police surrounded the People's Alliance for Democracy, or the PAD, rally site at Makawan Bridge to remove structures put up by the protestors such as the portable restrooms and tents.

PAD Spokesperson Panthep Puapongpan claimed that the police have not been legally authorized to break up the rally by force, pending a court decision.

He warned the officers on duty that they will be held liable for violence on protesters.


-- Tan Network 2011-03-14


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