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I don't believe Taksin is clever at all. He just lies to get what he wants, and most of the time it works, even when everyone knows he is lying. Also if he was clever he would have played the legal game like all his red shirt leaders. I would say what with the Thai trait of forgiving/forgetting what has happened, these red shirt leaders wont serve any jail time and will get off the terrorism charges. Taksin could have done the same. He got a 2 year sentence; chances are he would have only served 6 months. It seems you can really play games with the legal system here, especially if you are powerful and rich, so it is possible he could avoid jail time altogether. Any which way, he would have been out of jail by now, and working on his 5 years or whatever it is ban from politics. Thus he has not been clever hiding abroad.

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My ex girlfriend, once told me that Thaksin, would like Thailand to be similar to America and have a President and that is what he wants for himself. To be the first President of Thailand. Whatever else he is, he is a clever man.


clever? you think?

so clever that he is convicted when even the Thai police muppets can follow his simple money paper trail and he then leaves behind 76 billion baht to be seized

i know UK council house drug dealers who have taken better care of their ill gotten gains..........


TAN is clearly a mouthpeice of the evil elite, which should be silenced and punished accordingly upon the return of the square-headed saviour of Thailand.

i hope square head returns soon...............................in a box


I won't vote for anyone who is clearly sided with either the red or yellow anyway. Even if Thaksin comes back or Sonthi and his cronies run for this election, no points to them anyway. They are the reason for Thailand's divide.:annoyed:


I don't believe Taksin is clever at all. He just lies to get what he wants, and most of the time it works, even when everyone knows he is lying. Also if he was clever he would have played the legal game like all his red shirt leaders. I would say what with the Thai trait of forgiving/forgetting what has happened, these red shirt leaders wont serve any jail time and will get off the terrorism charges. Taksin could have done the same. He got a 2 year sentence; chances are he would have only served 6 months. It seems you can really play games with the legal system here, especially if you are powerful and rich, so it is possible he could avoid jail time altogether. Any which way, he would have been out of jail by now, and working on his 5 years or whatever it is ban from politics. Thus he has not been clever hiding abroad.

You also have to consider the risks to his personal safety, which have no doubt increased exponentially over the years. While he clearly has a large number of "security" at this disposal in the country his odds are much better if he simply wasn't here.


Thaksin is it seems at heart an old style paternalistic autocrat with a few delusions. Not disimilar to many leaders in the country or region over the recent and not so recent past. However, it may be that the changes that Thaksin started cleverly for his own ends have now moved beyond a leader of such a nature. In short what he did to achieve power has sowed the seeds for his inability to grab it back. When change comes it is easy to become outdated rather rapidly.


Thaksin has been put in his place for the past few years, outside Thailand, as far as him being a menace, doubtful. The real menace to Thailand are those who are contemplating/trying to get the man back as a political player with authority.

...or even more of a {dangerous} menace are the circles that continue to dwell on and promote the consciousness of a perpetual boogieman. Thaksin seems to be the most convenient one presently.


Thaksin has been put in his place for the past few years, outside Thailand, as far as him being a menace, doubtful. The real menace to Thailand are those who are contemplating/trying to get the man back as a political player with authority.

...or even more of a {dangerous} menace are the circles that continue to dwell on and promote the consciousness of a perpetual boogieman. Thaksin seems to be the most convenient one presently.

Are you talking about the red shirts, the PTP and Thaksin himself always dwelling on and promoting him with his phone-ins to protests, visits by PTP MPs, and Thaksin's twitters?


unfortunately - whatever his politics or methods, he can still argue that he was a democratically elected PM who was deposed illegally - if he is a "menace" he is a "menace" created at least in part by the current ruling cabal.

Thaksin is after all just another faction of the ruling elite - a black sheep or maybe a prodigal son!?!?!?


we must give the Pheu Thai Party a land slide victory in the next election so I can return to Thailand to solve the economic problems. I promise that I will make all Thai people rich within six months.” hit-the-fan.gif


My (Thai) wife says that he will make the Thais "rich with debts" within 6 months. I don't know how he would do it, but he will want to keep the farmers and rural people under his thumb and dependent on him. maybe loans will be easy to obtain, which will keep the farmers poor. Any ideas of how he would do it?


I actually met the man in Chiangmai some years back during the Songkran festival. As we were shaking hands, he asked me the usual Thai question " How do you like Thailand" I told him I love Thailand and as he was attempting to walk away I held his hand firm and added except for all the burning plastic, his expression changed as if he were going through a no confidence debate, and as he was walking away, he said "yes it is a problem" and continued to shake hands with the folks lining Thaipea Rd. True story!

My ex girlfriend, once told me that Thaksin, would like Thailand to be similar to America and have a President and that is what he wants for himself. To be the first President of Thailand. Whatever else he is, he is a clever man.


This was precisely the agenda: to create a dynasty similar to Marcos, Gadaffhi, Hussaein, Then Shwe and the other monsters who take control of their countries to serve their own lust for greed, power and control. He could not do so until there were significant changes at the very top of the ladder but the plans were in hand, make no mistake.

I have always believed that Khun Thaksin was off his rocker - he plays on the weak and vulnerable with such ridiculous statements about making all people rich, eradicating poverty and so on. He is a liar and an arch manipulator.

He is supported by those he pays - Thaksin is pure evil and those farangs who support him and the destruction he has wreaked on this country should be ashamed of themselves.

I absolutely hate him and the other Hitlers who wreck people's lives.


Buying votes has nothing to do with the democratic processph34r.gif

unfortunately - whatever his politics or methods, he can still argue that he was a democratically elected PM who was deposed illegally - if he is a "menace" he is a "menace" created at least in part by the current ruling cabal.

Thaksin is after all just another faction of the ruling elite - a black sheep or maybe a prodigal son!?!?!?


I am not really a Red Shirt supporter but I do believe that if Thailand is a democracy then there should an election and people must abide by the vote of the people. If the Pheu Thai party is victor and they bring Thaksin back here then so be it. That is what democracy is all about. The majority decides.

I really don't like the yellow shirts who are a group of wealthy thugs.


I am not really a Red Shirt supporter but I do believe that if Thailand is a democracy then there should an election and people must abide by the vote of the people. If the Pheu Thai party is victor and they bring Thaksin back here then so be it. That is what democracy is all about. The majority decides.

I really don't like the yellow shirts who are a group of wealthy thugs.

Should there be an election whenever a group of thugs (whether rich or poor) demand it?


If the Pheu Thai party is victor and they bring Thaksin back here then so be it. That is what democracy is all about. The majority decides.

It's not the bringing back that is the problem, it is the whitewashing of crimes; and that is something that democracy is not meant for.


unfortunately - whatever his politics or methods, he can still argue that he was a democratically elected PM who was deposed illegally - if he is a "menace" he is a "menace" created at least in part by the current ruling cabal.

Thaksin is after all just another faction of the ruling elite - a black sheep or maybe a prodigal son!?!?!?

Interesting to ponder, hypothetically. "What if" he and the Mrs. hadn't fled to Beijing {or were allowed to leave} during that period when they returned to face their accusers? The trials....?? The show...?? How would have this played out? A large fine or shot imprisonment? Or perhaps something else would have been worked out.....


I am not really a Red Shirt supporter

If you say so, but just 8 days ago you said in the bailed terrorist suspect Weng thread...

Your unsubstantiated attacks on this man tend to indicate that you dislike he and the red shirt movement. I shared your view at one time just because they caused me inconvenience by blocking streets in Bangkok. Later, I realized that this is a selfish and unthoughtful position and I have come 180 degrees.

180 degrees around from "dislike" is "like"

I really don't like the yellow shirts who are a group of wealthy thugs.

You do know that Weng and most of the other Red Shirt Leaders are quite wealthy, yes?


Buying votes has nothing to do with the democratic processph34r.gif

unfortunately - whatever his politics or methods, he can still argue that he was a democratically elected PM who was deposed illegally - if he is a "menace" he is a "menace" created at least in part by the current ruling cabal.

Thaksin is after all just another faction of the ruling elite - a black sheep or maybe a prodigal son!?!?!?

Sadly you can't see past you own prejudice to understand my point.If it helps, vote buying is endemic in Thai politics, it is not the preserve of Thaksin.... unfortunately most TV posters see Thai politics in the same way as they view a football contest - a blind following of one strip or another regardless of the issues involved.


his was the best thing that happened to Thailand but the people with the money would have you believe otherwise, dlont tell me otherwise as he had more mney than most you you will ever have, befor he come to office his family had penty. How can you believe this set up you have now , after all he's only there because of the army he will be giving the fat cats plenty to stay as he is!


unfortunately - whatever his politics or methods, he can still argue that he was a democratically elected PM who was deposed illegally - if he is a "menace" he is a "menace" created at least in part by the current ruling cabal.

Thaksin is after all just another faction of the ruling elite - a black sheep or maybe a prodigal son!?!?!?

Interesting to ponder, hypothetically. "What if" he and the Mrs. hadn't fled to Beijing {or were allowed to leave} during that period when they returned to face their accusers? The trials....?? The show...?? How would have this played out? A large fine or shot imprisonment? Or perhaps something else would have been worked out.....

I'm sure there was a lot of horse trading at the time, but as we now know those who took charge immediately after the coup were a particularly inept bunch and probably negotiated themselves into a corner where Thaksin has been able to "make a nuisance" of himself ever since.I don't think he is a particularly clever or intelligent person, but he is very shrewd and would eat many Thai politicians alive.

Let's face it - it is several years after the coup and now with the first elections looming the govt is STILL terrified of both him and his supporters - and lord knows they've tried and tried to disgrace him...... it's hard to do when you're as bad as he is.

the choice at the next election seems to be between a bumbling bunch of nits run by the Amy or a bunch of corrupt businessmen supported by Thaksin..........abhisit had his chance to establish a democracy, but this wimp of a politician simply hasn't get what it takes to bring about a sea-change in Thai politics.THe elections will be filled with murky practices followed by long rumbling legal actions...in short same ol'. same ol'........


Is it Thaksin that never learns? Or does he simply view the electorate that way? In 1997, as a member of - and transport honcho in - Chavalit's government, he promised the incredible: elimination of traffic problems within six months. Now he promises the impossible: he will make all Thai people rich within six months. Politicians always promise the most, and deliver the least, but do Thaksin's great expectations, and a consistent six-month timescale, have anything to do with his ex-wife's reading of the stars and tealeaves?


"... I promise that I will make all Thai people rich within six months"

Does anyone really believe this spin doctor of el torro poo poo?

people are gullible and really want to believe anything is possible.... look what happened when Obama promised the moon.......


I am not really a Red Shirt supporter but I do believe that if Thailand is a democracy then there should an election and people must abide by the vote of the people. If the Pheu Thai party is victor and they bring Thaksin back here then so be it. That is what democracy is all about. The majority decides.

I really don't like the yellow shirts who are a group of wealthy thugs.

as opposed to the red shirts who are just a group of thugs........


I am not really a Red Shirt supporter but I do believe that if Thailand is a democracy then there should an election and people must abide by the vote of the people. If the Pheu Thai party is victor and they bring Thaksin back here then so be it. That is what democracy is all about. The majority decides.

I really don't like the yellow shirts who are a group of wealthy thugs.

as opposed to the red shirts who are just a group of thugs........

"as opposed to the red shirts who are just a group of thugs........ " - so here it is - the epitome of TV's arguments about Thai politics - you should be proud of yourself!


abhisit had his chance to establish a democracy,but this wimp of a politician simply hasn't get what it takes to bring about a sea-change in Thai politics.

Yes of course some interpret quietly going about your work, refraining from getting too distracted by mud-slinging, speaking softy and calmly, as being wimp like. Hopefully not the majority though.

Cobbled together fragile coalitions, such as the present one, never bring about the sea-change you mention - nothing to do with the leader either. Will be exactly the same after the next election, if the numbers are anything like is expected, and whoever is in power it will make very little difference.


"... I promise that I will make all Thai people rich within six months"

Does anyone really believe this spin doctor of el torro poo poo?

people are gullible and really want to believe anything is possible.... look what happened when Obama promised the moon.......

wasn't it JFK who promised the moon?

and delivered on July 20th 1969 ......


"... I promise that I will make all Thai people rich within six months"

Does anyone really believe this spin doctor of el torro poo poo?

people are gullible and really want to believe anything is possible.... look what happened when Obama promised the moon.......

wasn't it JFK who promised the moon?

and delivered on July 20th 1969 ......

I think Obama promised not to go to the moon.......


I am not really a Red Shirt supporter but I do believe that if Thailand is a democracy then there should an election and people must abide by the vote of the people. If the Pheu Thai party is victor and they bring Thaksin back here then so be it. That is what democracy is all about. The majority decides.

I really don't like the yellow shirts who are a group of wealthy thugs.

as opposed to the red shirts who are just a group of thugs........

"as opposed to the red shirts who are just a group of thugs........ " - so here it is - the epitome of TV's arguments about Thai politics - you should be proud of yourself!

i am proud of myself, i wear my red hating badge with pride

just the same as i wear my i hate bullies badge too, regardless of their color, religion or creed.......


"... I promise that I will make all Thai people rich within six months"

Does anyone really believe this spin doctor of el torro poo poo?

people are gullible and really want to believe anything is possible.... look what happened when Obama promised the moon.......

wasn't it JFK who promised the moon?

and delivered on July 20th 1969 ......

I think Obama promised not to go to the moon.......

give us a cryptic clue to that..................

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