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Number Of Young Thai Children Abandoned By Parents Has Increased

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Strange that this is another idea of which I have exactly the opposite experience.

My wife, her family and every other Thai family I know (and I live with Thai families in a completely Thai area) value female children above all others and consider male children worthless.

As you already said, the female children grow up to look after the families, the boys rarely contribute.

I don't know where you live, but certainly in some villages, the contribution of the males to benefit home and community is worthless indeed, compared to the females. But every community is different. Drugs and alcohol play a role here, as well as culture.

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The other thing no one has mentioned will be obvious to anyone who has been a teacher in a government school in a small town setting in Thailand. Boys are allowed to hit and dominate girls in school. They are allowed to strike and harass them almost at will. This behavior reinforces male dominance and allows all but the most independent females to be overly influenced by young Thai men.

As in most countries (especially developing & 3rd world), Thailand treats the male child as much more valuable and entitled. What is odd about this is that in Thailand it is the females that are almost always the ones who take care of the parents financially when they get older as well as being financially responsible for the the children when the mother and father and not together.

From your appartment in BKK, and not getting out into rural areas, you are learning wrong or reading wrong. The boy is the one that does as much if not much more than the girl for the family...........The girl will leave home to live with the boyfriends/husbands family. Leaving the onus on the boy to provide financially........Before she does depart she will have earned say 50,000 bht to the parents from the fathers family for making her pregnant or to marry---times are changing-the girl is the one who is treated as more valuable. Nisa you have a one sided strange view against males in general, as reflects in most of your posts on topics. always trying to protect females of this world. In some cases it is warrented--but in todays world times are changing as the west has shown. you are supposed to be standing up against Thai bashing, but here its o.k. to Thai male bash..... Live rural-see rural. I cannot speak about BKK because I don't live there. so I don't get the feelof the place. You pretend to be the master of all. everyone else is wrong.


The other thing no one has mentioned will be obvious to anyone who has been a teacher in a government school in a small town setting in Thailand. Boys are allowed to hit and dominate girls in school. They are allowed to strike and harass them almost at will. This behavior reinforces male dominance and allows all but the most independent females to be overly influenced by young Thai men.

As in most countries (especially developing & 3rd world), Thailand treats the male child as much more valuable and entitled. What is odd about this is that in Thailand it is the females that are almost always the ones who take care of the parents financially when they get older as well as being financially responsible for the the children when the mother and father and not together.

From your appartment in BKK, and not getting out into rural areas, you are learning wrong or reading wrong. The boy is the one that does as much if not much more than the girl for the family...........The girl will leave home to live with the boyfriends/husbands family. Leaving the onus on the boy to provide financially........Before she does depart she will have earned say 50,000 bht to the parents from the fathers family for making her pregnant or to marry---times are changing-the girl is the one who is treated as more valuable. Nisa you have a one sided strange view against males in general, as reflects in most of your posts on topics. always trying to protect females of this world. In some cases it is warrented--but in todays world times are changing as the west has shown. you are supposed to be standing up against Thai bashing, but here its o.k. to Thai male bash..... Live rural-see rural. I cannot speak about BKK because I don't live there. so I don't get the feelof the place. You pretend to be the master of all. everyone else is wrong.

I doubt there are many people who will agree with you that it is not generally the girl who supports the parents in Thailand and not the sons.

As for defending women, your constant need to argue with me seems to be the only reason to say such a things. My points here have been clear in stating that it is a 50/50 responsibility when it comes to conception. You can have a different opinion but any one using their brains knows it takes both a male and female to conceive a child.

Being a male (as I have stated to you many times) I obviously have nothing against my own kind but I do find it sad that male or female don't take responsibility for a life they bring into this world. And the facts are fairly indisputable that in Thailand these young pregnancies often result in the father taking off never to support the child financially leaving it up to the mother to be the financial caregiver and often.having to also support the grandparent(s) at least partially.

Edit: As for the girl being treated more valuable in these changing times (as you state) ... this seems to go against your theory it is the son who takes care of the parents more often than the daughter.


I think one of the big things missing in explaining this trend is the fact that globally people are migrating to cities because of financial reasons. In the past in Thailand it was not uncommon for the grandparents to watch the children either while the mother and/or father went to work. The difference then was they all lived together because there was work at least semi-locally.

I'm not saying this explains it all but it is something to consider especially given the birthrate has dropped so dramatically over this same period of time.


The other thing no one has mentioned will be obvious to anyone who has been a teacher in a government school in a small town setting in Thailand. Boys are allowed to hit and dominate girls in school. They are allowed to strike and harass them almost at will. This behavior reinforces male dominance and allows all but the most independent females to be overly influenced by young Thai men.

As in most countries (especially developing & 3rd world), Thailand treats the male child as much more valuable and entitled. What is odd about this is that in Thailand it is the females that are almost always the ones who take care of the parents financially when they get older as well as being financially responsible for the the children when the mother and father and not together.

Strange that this is another idea of which I have exactly the opposite experience.

My wife, her family and every other Thai family I know (and I live with Thai families in a completely Thai area) value female children above all others and consider male children worthless.

As you already said, the female children grow up to look after the families, the boys rarely contribute.

Things "may" (I honestly don't know) be changing within the family unit in terms of not putting the boy on the pedestal but if this is the case, I think in the future we will see the trend of the daughter feeling responsible for taking care of the family become less significant. There are a number of cultural and spiritual beliefs that put women below men here (and in many places) but I personally believe the reason we see the female helping the parents more financially is that they are trying to gain respect (lack of a better word) from their parents that they never got as a child. It is a chance for them to finally feel important and needed by the family ... again, just my opinion.


The other thing no one has mentioned will be obvious to anyone who has been a teacher in a government school in a small town setting in Thailand. Boys are allowed to hit and dominate girls in school. They are allowed to strike and harass them almost at will. This behavior reinforces male dominance and allows all but the most independent females to be overly influenced by young Thai men.

As in most countries (especially developing & 3rd world), Thailand treats the male child as much more valuable and entitled. What is odd about this is that in Thailand it is the females that are almost always the ones who take care of the parents financially when they get older as well as being financially responsible for the the children when the mother and father and not together.

From your appartment in BKK, and not getting out into rural areas, you are learning wrong or reading wrong. The boy is the one that does as much if not much more than the girl for the family...........The girl will leave home to live with the boyfriends/husbands family. Leaving the onus on the boy to provide financially........Before she does depart she will have earned say 50,000 bht to the parents from the fathers family for making her pregnant or to marry---times are changing-the girl is the one who is treated as more valuable. Nisa you have a one sided strange view against males in general, as reflects in most of your posts on topics. always trying to protect females of this world. In some cases it is warrented--but in todays world times are changing as the west has shown. you are supposed to be standing up against Thai bashing, but here its o.k. to Thai male bash..... Live rural-see rural. I cannot speak about BKK because I don't live there. so I don't get the feelof the place. You pretend to be the master of all. everyone else is wrong.

I doubt there are many people who will agree with you that it is not generally the girl who supports the parents in Thailand and not the sons.

As for defending women, your constant need to argue with me seems to be the only reason to say such a things. My points here have been clear in stating that it is a 50/50 responsibility when it comes to conception. You can have a different opinion but any one using their brains knows it takes both a male and female to conceive a child.

Being a male (as I have stated to you many times) I obviously have nothing against my own kind but I do find it sad that male or female don't take responsibility for a life they bring into this world. And the facts are fairly indisputable that in Thailand these young pregnancies often result in the father taking off never to support the child financially leaving it up to the mother to be the financial caregiver and often.having to also support the grandparent(s) at least partially.

Edit: As for the girl being treated more valuable in these changing times (as you state) ... this seems to go against your theory it is the son who takes care of the parents more often than the daughter.

Do you see my point, you say that it is ME that seems to argue with you, maybe 50-50..true ?? I do not argue with you because of the female thing-it's your stance on it that stands out like a sore thumb. If the sex is agreed to not take precautions BOTH should share the responsibility, married or unmarried. If the boy does not have a condom, it is on the girls shoulders NOT to allow sex to happen. If she says she is on the pill and isn't she should shoulder the problem. not to lie. Of course all these things do not happen in the real world, thats why we have the said situation. This is not meant to be a sexist remark, but the only person that can totally control this situ IS the girl. NO and mean NO. My point about the ladies of this world and I did mean the west-was of the equality-and career interests -that is starting to happen here in a big way-but not in the rural areas.


As for defending women, your constant need to argue with me seems to be the only reason to say such a things. My points here have been clear in stating that it is a 50/50 responsibility when it comes to conception. You can have a different opinion but any one using their brains knows it takes both a male and female to conceive a child.

Being a male (as I have stated to you many times) I obviously have nothing against my own kind but I do find it sad that male or female don't take responsibility for a life they bring into this world. And the facts are fairly indisputable that in Thailand these young pregnancies often result in the father taking off never to support the child financially leaving it up to the mother to be the financial caregiver and often.having to also support the grandparent(s) at least partially.

It only takes a womans desire to produce a child.

Men really have nothing to do with the decision (apart from a very basically biological donation that any random male can make with no choice to produce a child).

If you think different, as a man just try to go out and concieve a child WHEN YOU WANT TO.

And if you managed that impossible feat, then as a man, go into a western court and try to get custody of the child.


As for defending women, your constant need to argue with me seems to be the only reason to say such a things. My points here have been clear in stating that it is a 50/50 responsibility when it comes to conception. You can have a different opinion but any one using their brains knows it takes both a male and female to conceive a child.

Being a male (as I have stated to you many times) I obviously have nothing against my own kind but I do find it sad that male or female don't take responsibility for a life they bring into this world. And the facts are fairly indisputable that in Thailand these young pregnancies often result in the father taking off never to support the child financially leaving it up to the mother to be the financial caregiver and often.having to also support the grandparent(s) at least partially.

It only takes a womans desire to produce a child.

Men really have nothing to do with the decision (apart from a very basically biological donation that any random male can make with no choice to produce a child).

If you think different, as a man just try to go out and concieve a child WHEN YOU WANT TO.

And if you managed that impossible feat, then as a man, go into a western court and try to get custody of the child.

Exactly my point of view to Nisa, But the poster is not wavering to that fact, and talks about the fathers running off and they should contribute--maybe if they are married. If not married and there is no protection--she should close her legs and say NO--no child will be conceived.


Exactly my point of view to Nisa, But the poster is not wavering to that fact, and talks about the fathers running off and they should contribute--maybe if they are married. If not married and there is no protection--she should close her legs and say NO--no child will be conceived.

In what century do you live in?


Exactly my point of view to Nisa, But the poster is not wavering to that fact, and talks about the fathers running off and they should contribute--maybe if they are married. If not married and there is no protection--she should close her legs and say NO--no child will be conceived.

In what century do you live in?

We are talking about WHO'S esponsibility is it for it to happen HERS.....no matter what century you belong. Thats the basic-----I said it doesn't happen in the real world-----but a nutter remark from you.. because you have not bothered to read the whole saga on this page.----Then we have to talk about why she doesn't want to care about it---why she is not taught at school--why its not drummed into her at home---she should feel afraid to have sex at a very young age--the fear of unprotected sex-and it can lead her to a life time of problems...... Not to say the boy this and the boy that......he has to be responsible if he is married 100%----More pressure on the girl to understand--she is the controlling person---am I wrong ??????---------Your comment is a regular one --without explanation


Exactly my point of view to Nisa, But the poster is not wavering to that fact, and talks about the fathers running off and they should contribute--maybe if they are married. If not married and there is no protection--she should close her legs and say NO--no child will be conceived.

In what century do you live in?

We are talking about WHO'S esponsibility is it for it to happen HERS.....no matter what century you belong. Thats the basic-----I said it doesn't happen in the real world-----but a nutter remark from you.. because you have not bothered to read the whole saga on this page.----Then we have to talk about why she doesn't want to care about it---why she is not taught at school--why its not drummed into her at home---she should feel afraid to have sex at a very young age--the fear of unprotected sex-and it can lead her to a life time of problems...... Not to say the boy this and the boy that......he has to be responsible if he is married 100%----More pressure on the girl to understand--she is the controlling person---am I wrong ??????---------Your comment is a regular one --without explanation

You might want to go back to school. There you might pick up the skill to write complete sentences. It might help others that have to read your trite nonsense to actually understand what weak points you are trying to make.

There is never ONE persons responsibility if a child is conceived. Arguing that is pure nonsense.


Exactly my point of view to Nisa, But the poster is not wavering to that fact, and talks about the fathers running off and they should contribute--maybe if they are married. If not married and there is no protection--she should close her legs and say NO--no child will be conceived.

In what century do you live in?

We are talking about WHO'S esponsibility is it for it to happen HERS.....no matter what century you belong. Thats the basic-----I said it doesn't happen in the real world-----but a nutter remark from you.. because you have not bothered to read the whole saga on this page.----Then we have to talk about why she doesn't want to care about it---why she is not taught at school--why its not drummed into her at home---she should feel afraid to have sex at a very young age--the fear of unprotected sex-and it can lead her to a life time of problems...... Not to say the boy this and the boy that......he has to be responsible if he is married 100%----More pressure on the girl to understand--she is the controlling person---am I wrong ??????---------Your comment is a regular one --without explanation

You might want to go back to school. There you might pick up the skill to write complete sentences. It might help others that have to read your trite nonsense to actually understand what weak points you are trying to make.

There is never ONE persons responsibility if a child is conceived. Arguing that is pure nonsense.

Because of your upperclass education it has not given you manners-it's made you ignorrant. I string along sort of pigeon English to cut out

unwanted words, to save waffling on about nowt na summat--if you get my common Nth English term---you are what I would call a prig-My point is quite clear clever cloggs-----UP TO THE GIRL- and her upbringing.----out of marriage it is her that is holding the cards--say what you like-thats my opinion--along with others who no doubt will have to return to school.


Exactly my point of view to Nisa, But the poster is not wavering to that fact, and talks about the fathers running off and they should contribute--maybe if they are married. If not married and there is no protection--she should close her legs and say NO--no child will be conceived.

In what century do you live in?

I would hope that I was living in a century where a woman has the equality to decide when to have a child and then earn whatever is needed to support that decision without having to beg (or threaten) for charity from a man.

It seems that Thailand is such a country.

It seems like America/UK/Australia/Europe are not such countries.


Because of your upperclass education it has not given you manners-it's made you ignorrant. I string along sort of pigeon English to cut out

unwanted words, to save waffling on about nowt na summat--if you get my common Nth English term---you are what I would call a prig-My point is quite clear clever cloggs-----UP TO THE GIRL- and her upbringing.----out of marriage it is her that is holding the cards--say what you like-thats my opinion--along with others who no doubt will have to return to school.

No, I did neither have an 'upperclass' [sic] education nor one exclusively using the English language. But apparently it made me ignorant since I have no idea how writing so other people understand me makes me 'ignorrant' [sic].

I suppose it takes a sever case of 'didn't learn anything' and 'envy' to get to that conclusion.

And no, it isn't the girls responsibility if she gets pregnant - it is the responsibility of both.


Very sad, Many of these upcountry grandparents are illiterate and very far behind the times. This would take a massive toll on the kids potential.

Also psychologically there must also be some issues, and how do these kids learn to be parents to their own kids one day?

The OP is a crap piece of offensive journalism. Apologies to real journalists. What the OP is actually saying is that has been an increase in the number of people having to emmigrate from their home areas to find work elsewhere in the country or abroad because there are not enough jobs where they live. That may be true, but to claim that all of these children have been abandoned is false. The emotive photo is nothing less than shameless.

City dwellers and urbanites take note: there not many jobs out here in the countryside where, particularly in the North East, farming is often not much better than at subsistence level. Most of these people have made an economic choice to go to where the relatively well paid jobs are to be able to support their children and the grandparents who are looking after them.

Thailand is Bangkok centric, which also means that most of the jobs are also there.

You might also be surprised to know that many of these parents, who have supposedly abandoned their children, regularly return to the village to be with their families. It is even known for the grandparents to take the child to see its parents. As one later poster pointed out, there are mobile phones and they do call each other.

Education in Thailand is generally not considered to be great, but at least (in my village) the children can go to nursery school from the age of 2 yrs. However, few local families can afford to keep their children in education until 18 and fewer still can afford to send their children to university. Most of those that have gone to university have only been able to do so with aid of sponsorship from family members who are themselves economic migrants.


Tawp #75,

Did you mean severe--or sever ?? now Mr. clever......but mai pen rai.... get my drift ??

The said subject is Abandonned by their PARENTS, so the male then has a responsibility, if it's marriage or common law or living as m/w. MY answer was the singles topic, as it cropped up( related subject) The single girl holds the cards.. and will have to call the tune, to stop the randy git from giving her (one)...she is not then afraid of HIV? her parents school never taught her, if she falls pregnant to a one off, whatever... then it's his fault for not reminding her not to indulge without a condom, if she don't want it she will not have it, ask some wives.


The only reason a woman gets pregnant is because she wants to.

Her body, her choice.

You have no f*cking idea what you are talking about.

As someone close to a girl that carried a pregnancy from rape to full term your assertion is both insulting and narrow-minded.

Horrific circumstances but the option of abortion existed but was not pursued and if reported immediately, the "morning after pill" would have been available. In fact, I don't know a girl in Thailand who does not know about the morning after pill as it is a standard form of contraception for many.

In the truest sense, your friend did have this baby because she wanted to, however she became pregnant.


The only reason a woman gets pregnant is because she wants to.

Her body, her choice.

You have no f*cking idea what you are talking about.

As someone close to a girl that carried a pregnancy from rape to full term your assertion is both insulting and narrow-minded.

Horrific circumstances but the option of abortion existed but was not pursued and if reported immediately, the "morning after pill" would have been available. In fact, I don't know a girl in Thailand who does not know about the morning after pill as it is a standard form of contraception for many.

In the truest sense, your friend did have this baby because she wanted to, however she became pregnant.

You have no idea what you are talking about, it is clear. New here, ey?


The other thing no one has mentioned will be obvious to anyone who has been a teacher in a government school in a small town setting in Thailand. Boys are allowed to hit and dominate girls in school. They are allowed to strike and harass them almost at will. This behavior reinforces male dominance and allows all but the most independent females to be overly influenced by young Thai men.

True. Male children are almost waited on hand and foot by their mothers and often turn into useless lumps as their now absent fathers were before them. They perpetuate this down the generations, often to the detriment of their sisters.

Strange that this is another idea of which I have exactly the opposite experience.

My wife, her family and every other Thai family I know (and I live with Thai families in a completely Thai area) value female children above all others and consider male children worthless.

As you already said, the female children grow up to look after the families, the boys rarely contribute.

Males may be prised by many but this is often a sham for the benefit of others, this ridiculous "face" again. They may be useful if there is a business or a family structure where the father is a decent man himself but if that is not the case, as is often the case, then the male is a financial and emotional liability.


In fact, I don't know a girl in Thailand who does not know about the morning after pill as it is a standard form of contraception for many.

In the truest sense, your friend did have this baby because she wanted to, however she became pregnant.

My first gf in Thailand used the morning after pill as contraception, sometimes she would take 4 a month, cheap and easy and I don't like condoms was her excuse.

My now wife didn't know about the morning after pill, aged 35, hadn't a clue.

But generally I agree with you.


The only reason a woman gets pregnant is because she wants to.

Her body, her choice.

You have no f*cking idea what you are talking about.

As someone close to a girl that carried a pregnancy from rape to full term your assertion is both insulting and narrow-minded.

Horrific circumstances but the option of abortion existed but was not pursued and if reported immediately, the "morning after pill" would have been available. In fact, I don't know a girl in Thailand who does not know about the morning after pill as it is a standard form of contraception for many.

In the truest sense, your friend did have this baby because she wanted to, however she became pregnant.

You have no idea what you are talking about, it is clear. New here, ey?

Hello here we go again insulting 2 more posters-and by the way rape is another subject. Do not confuse the issue. I ought to go back to school, pj doesn't know what he's <deleted> talking about, along with sgd. seems to me a pattern developing with your attitude eh!!! everyone is wrong-but you. your not new here your old hat. lighten up


Exactly my point of view to Nisa, But the poster is not wavering to that fact, and talks about the fathers running off and they should contribute--maybe if they are married. If not married and there is no protection--she should close her legs and say NO--no child will be conceived.

In what century do you live in?

I would hope that I was living in a century where a woman has the equality to decide when to have a child and then earn whatever is needed to support that decision without having to beg (or threaten) for charity from a man.

It seems that Thailand is such a country.

It seems like America/UK/Australia/Europe are not such countries.

Your stance is interesting since you are now using the word "equality"

But just to be clear ... are you saying that a man has no responsibility in fathering or financially supporting a child he conceives?


But just to be clear ... are you saying that a man has no responsibility in fathering or financially supporting a child he conceives?

I don't believe a man has any responsibility towards a child that he

1) Did not agree to conceiving

2) Does not have exactly the same rights of access to as the mother (ie 50/50 custody if he wants it)

Thai law is exactly in line with my beliefs.

I am married "jot tabian som rot" in Thailand, I have agreed to conception, if we divorce I will get at least 50% custody, and will happily provide for their upbringing when they are living in my home. My children will get support in proportion to my access to them.

If my wife demanded 100% custody, she could pay for them (I can always make more)

If my wife didn't want them, I would be happy to have them living with me, pay for everything and expect no financial contribution from her.

Am I going to pay for kids I'm not allowed to see/raise, and who call someone else daddy, just because I was accidentally there at the conception?

Not bloody likely!

This is what equality is all about IMHO.


I already raise a child previously abandoned by the Thai parents (exactly as in the OP) who was living with grandmother.

I pay for everything, it's not a problem.

You're the one claiming the high moral ground!

How many abandoned kids are you raising and paying for?


Exactly my point of view to Nisa, But the poster is not wavering to that fact, and talks about the fathers running off and they should contribute--maybe if they are married. If not married and there is no protection--she should close her legs and say NO--no child will be conceived.

In what century do you live in?

I would hope that I was living in a century where a woman has the equality to decide when to have a child and then earn whatever is needed to support that decision without having to beg (or threaten) for charity from a man.

It seems that Thailand is such a country.

It seems like America/UK/Australia/Europe are not such countries.

Your stance is interesting since you are now using the word "equality"

But just to be clear ... are you saying that a man has no responsibility in fathering or financially supporting a child he conceives?

If he is married/living with/together..HE HAS TO BE EQUALLY responsible. if it ouside of that She only has to refuse the offer--if she does he can do nothing about it. If she wants it so much he must where a condom. She holds the security at the gate, and should be taught that, but most of the girls are the chasers.


But just to be clear ... are you saying that a man has no responsibility in fathering or financially supporting a child he conceives?

I don't believe a man has any responsibility towards a child that he

1) Did not agree to conceiving

2) Does not have exactly the same rights of access to as the mother (ie 50/50 custody if he wants it)

Thai law is exactly in line with my beliefs.

So, if a women doesn't choose to conceive a baby should she also not have any responsibility towards the baby? Keep in mind in Thailand it is against the law to have an abortion for social & economical reasons.

As for #2 it is a moot point ... Most single mothers in Thailand would love if the father took 50% financial responsibility and would have no issue and also enjoy them having 50% custody if the father cared properly for the child.

One thing to consider too is that a male has an incredibly much better opportunity in the job market in Thailand than does a female both in getting work and pay amount.


Again the bottom line is it takes both a male and a female to produce a child and if both were held responsible (as should be) for that child then you would see a RADICAL decrease in the number of unwanted pregnancies. To put the sole responsibility on the women is idiotic and unrealistic and most importantly we are witnessing the negative results of such an ignorant attitude.

Even more ignorant is to put the sole responsibility on the female in a country where it is taboo to even speak about sex or for it to be publicly acknowledged that women have the same sex drive as men. As long as there are many ignorant backward hillbillies who want to pretend their should be hire morals when it comes to sex for females, the problem will never go away.

Why teach girls about condoms when they shouldn't even be having sex and when their partner has no reason to wear one? But I guess in this case a female is supposed to be stronger than then the male mentally and win the argument about wearing a condom .... even if the man swears his love and/or promises to pull out but doesn't.

50/50 responsibility and education when it comes to using protection is the correct solution.


I ask again Nisa

How many abandoned Thai children are you looking after.

Or is everything you say just SNAG posturing?

Oh and

Just because girls don't talk about sex in front of you, doesn't mean they don't talk about sex (Do you know any Thai girls?). Just a thought

1) Maybe they do speak about sex in front of you but you can't understand Thai

2) Maybe you just don't meet many Thai women

3) Maybe Thai women don't see you as someone they want to have intimate talks with.

The girls I used to meet (when single), 3 dates and they would refuse to wear a condom as you were the boyfriend.


I ask again Nisa

How many abandoned Thai children are you looking after.

Or is everything you say just SNAG posturing?

I wasn't aware this thread/topic was about me or that one would be so silly as to share personal details about one self on an internet forum but more importantly that one would be so ignorant as to believe everything the read on an internet forum. But to make your boat float ...

I have raised 2 kids that were abandoned and supported them financially for more than 20 years. I am currently putting another through college. So the answer is 2 1/2. I guess I win since you (or your wife) have not fully raised any and just recently took on 1.

Now do you see how silly your question and insinuation was ... do you want to continue talking about personal things?


Oh and

Just because girls don't talk about sex in front of you, doesn't mean they don't talk about sex (Do you know any Thai girls?). Just a thought

1) Maybe they do speak about sex in front of you but you can't understand Thai

2) Maybe you just don't meet many Thai women

3) Maybe Thai women don't see you as someone they want to have intimate talks with.

The girls I used to meet (when single), 3 dates and they would refuse to wear a condom as you were the boyfriend.

Maybe you have an inability to read comprehensively. You may want to reread my posts ... possibly a couple times until you see how silly your replies are becoming.

LOL, " they would refuse to wear a condom" and I guess you could do nothing about this crazy.gifguitar.gifcheesy.gif

** not to mention I wasn't aware condoms for females were so available in Thailand

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