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New Zealand Issues Travel Health Warning For Thailand After Sixth Poisoning Death


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As a Kiwi reading this post some thoughts come to mind;

Regarding the 'official travel warning' issued,, you need to understand the current culture prevalent in New Zealand; who can we blame when things go wrong.

In recent years the culture in New Zealand has become best described as a "nanny' state" with an abdication of personal responsibility.

The powers that be in New Zealand find themselves in an almost catch 22 situation. If they do not say anything then they are damned, if they say something they are damned.....

The average New Zealander would have absolutely no idea of what CM is like period! and this is not said with mean intent, this is just New Zealand is tucked away at the bottom of the world, relatively isolated from experiencing different cultures. Yes Kiwis are great travellers but not always the most intelligent about common sense...and personal well being.

Do not get get me wrong, for the families of those who have lost loved ones, the outcomes in CM are the very worst and and this coupled with death in a different land with a vastly different culture, where communication is not always like it is at home......frustration must play a big part.

But we have more chance of dying within the family in New Zealand than meeting death overseas, go and check out New Zealand's child death statistics from family violence...

And I can show you parts of New Zealand that would be comparable with some poorer parts of Thailand no problems.....

But my overall impression is how many posts complain so bitterly about Thailand and its ways and wherefores.....

People, Thailand is their country, most of you are not Thai, if you do not like how they conduct themselves or their country because it does not match your countries practices then it is quite easy; find somewhere else to go,,,,, maybe take a good hard look at the country you each hail from..... there is without doubt some really dirty washing hiding there somewhere....

And remember this part of the world has a long long history, who is to say our evolution from outside Asia is really any better....

Well said and ringing the truth drum loud and clear .The majority of this forum is just bitching about how bad the Thais are and how good and innocent the expats and tourists are . I have said and repeat , if it is so bad GO HOME . Or if Thailand is your home treat it with respect . The defensive posturing seen on here for sex predators , out and out Crims , and some really dead shit tourists , leaves no doubt that we have some home sick wallys that need to do a reality check . All the viet vets hiding here and quite a few others should really go and give the Thais some peace . They dont need your insults . Our countries used theirs as bases and sexual recreation centres for armed forces while we invaded and attacked or bombed their neighbours , time to let them have a life . As I stated in other posts , if the countries wih the known sex offenders and Crims , revoked their passports and dealt with their own trash , S.E Asia and Asia would not have 1/10th of the problems . Get me Wrong or not , its time to button the lip for a lot of anti Thais or anti Asians , just leave if you dont have something good to say or to do to help . I am not Thai . If I was I would be a lot more vocal about this .

Edited by philhal2
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Virus killed NZ tourist in Thailand

Updated: 14:13, Saturday March 12, 2011

A young New Zealander who died in Thailand last month had a highly infectious virus which can spark the heart condition which killed her, tests show.

Sarah Carter, 23, died in Chiang Mai, where she was holidaying with friends Emma Langlands, 23, and Amanda Eliason, 24. All three were seriously ill and suffered vomiting and heart complications but only Carter died.

Four other people - an elderly British couple, an American woman and a Thai woman - also died unexpectedly in Chiang Mai within five weeks and their deaths are being investigated.

But the Dominion Post on Saturday reported tests carried out on Carter showed she had echovirus - a highly contagious disease which can cause myocarditis, the heart condition which killed her. The disease is linked to dirty, overcrowded conditions.

The discovery was revealed by Thai doctor Pasakorn Akarasewi, who met New Zealand embassy staff to report the investigation's latest findings on Thursday night.

British couple George and Eileen Everitt died in the Downtown Inn - the same hotel Carter and her friends were staying in - just two weeks later, while Thai woman Waraporn Pungmahisiranon, 47, died in the room next to Carter on February 3, the day before the New Zealanders became ill.

The hotel's air conditioning and facilities have been checked but nothing suspicious found.


Tests link virus to dead Kiwi tourist

Tests have revealed that Kiwi backpacker Sarah Carter had a highly infectious virus that can cause the same heart condition that killed her in Thailand last month. Thai health authorities are still investigating what caused the sudden deaths of Ms Carter, 23, and four others in Chiang Mai within five week, including an elderly British couple, an American woman and a Thai woman.

Ms Carter and Kiwi friends Emma Langlands, 23, and Amanda Eliason, 24, became seriously ill with vomiting and heart complications while staying at the Downtown Inn in the northern tourist city.

Ms Carter died of myocarditis, or acute inflammation of the heart muscle, on February 6, and Ms Eliason needed emergency heart surgery. Their illness was initially blamed on food poisoning from a seaweed toxin.

Thai doctor Pasakorn Akarasewi met New Zealand embassy staff for a two-hour briefing on Thursday night to report the investigation's latest findings.

His report includes newly released autopsy tests, which showed Ms Carter had echovirus, a highly contagious disease linked to dirty, overcrowded conditions, which can cause myocarditis.

Dr Akarasewi, Bureau of Epidemiology director for Thailand's Department of Disease Control, said doctors were unsure what caused the Kiwis' illnesses.

"After the group of three New Zealanders, we set up the joint investigation team," he said.

Soon after, the team heard about the deaths of elderly British couple George and Eileen Everitt in the same hotel only two weeks later. Members also heard about Thai woman Waraporn Pungmahisiranon, 47, who died in the room next to Ms Carter on February 3 – the day before the New Zealanders became severely ill.

Dr Akarasewi said autopsy results showed the British couple had blocked heart arteries, which could have caused their deaths.

A fifth victim, American woman Mariam Soraya Vorster, 33, who died on January 11, though not in the Downtown Inn, had symptoms that were "in the same pattern" as Ms Carter's.

Although her death occurred a month earlier, an autopsy had been performed before her cremation in Chiang Mai, he said.

Thai police had checked the Downtown Inn's air conditioning and facilities but found nothing untoward.

- The Dominion Post


What? Thai police checked the aircon and found nothing? Surprise? Since when is the CM police certified to control aircons? Eh, oh sorry, I misunderstood. They checked that an aircon unit worked when switched on. Then they got their contribution from the hotel and went back to their important business of taking money from drivers and riders at road checkpoints.

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so far, from the lack of proof for food poisoning, it rather should be treated as a coincidence. Travel health warnings are serious matter, as they can invalidate travel insurance

I tend to disagree. One death, is an accident or incident. 2 similar deaths is a coincidence. 3 similar deaths is a trend. 4 similar deaths is a habit.

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Virus killed NZ tourist in Thailand

Updated: 14:13, Saturday March 12, 2011

A young New Zealander who died in Thailand last month had a highly infectious virus which can spark the heart condition which killed her, tests show.

Sarah Carter, 23, died in Chiang Mai, where she was holidaying with friends Emma Langlands, 23, and Amanda Eliason, 24. All three were seriously ill and suffered vomiting and heart complications but only Carter died.

Four other people - an elderly British couple, an American woman and a Thai woman - also died unexpectedly in Chiang Mai within five weeks and their deaths are being investigated.

But the Dominion Post on Saturday reported tests carried out on Carter showed she had echovirus - a highly contagious disease which can cause myocarditis, the heart condition which killed her. The disease is linked to dirty, overcrowded conditions.

The discovery was revealed by Thai doctor Pasakorn Akarasewi, who met New Zealand embassy staff to report the investigation's latest findings on Thursday night.

British couple George and Eileen Everitt died in the Downtown Inn - the same hotel Carter and her friends were staying in - just two weeks later, while Thai woman Waraporn Pungmahisiranon, 47, died in the room next to Carter on February 3, the day before the New Zealanders became ill.

The hotel's air conditioning and facilities have been checked but nothing suspicious found.


Tests link virus to dead Kiwi tourist

Tests have revealed that Kiwi backpacker Sarah Carter had a highly infectious virus that can cause the same heart condition that killed her in Thailand last month. Thai health authorities are still investigating what caused the sudden deaths of Ms Carter, 23, and four others in Chiang Mai within five week, including an elderly British couple, an American woman and a Thai woman.

Ms Carter and Kiwi friends Emma Langlands, 23, and Amanda Eliason, 24, became seriously ill with vomiting and heart complications while staying at the Downtown Inn in the northern tourist city.

Ms Carter died of myocarditis, or acute inflammation of the heart muscle, on February 6, and Ms Eliason needed emergency heart surgery. Their illness was initially blamed on food poisoning from a seaweed toxin.

Thai doctor Pasakorn Akarasewi met New Zealand embassy staff for a two-hour briefing on Thursday night to report the investigation's latest findings.

His report includes newly released autopsy tests, which showed Ms Carter had echovirus, a highly contagious disease linked to dirty, overcrowded conditions, which can cause myocarditis.

Dr Akarasewi, Bureau of Epidemiology director for Thailand's Department of Disease Control, said doctors were unsure what caused the Kiwis' illnesses.

"After the group of three New Zealanders, we set up the joint investigation team," he said.

Soon after, the team heard about the deaths of elderly British couple George and Eileen Everitt in the same hotel only two weeks later. Members also heard about Thai woman Waraporn Pungmahisiranon, 47, who died in the room next to Ms Carter on February 3 – the day before the New Zealanders became severely ill.

Dr Akarasewi said autopsy results showed the British couple had blocked heart arteries, which could have caused their deaths.

A fifth victim, American woman Mariam Soraya Vorster, 33, who died on January 11, though not in the Downtown Inn, had symptoms that were "in the same pattern" as Ms Carter's.

Although her death occurred a month earlier, an autopsy had been performed before her cremation in Chiang Mai, he said.

Thai police had checked the Downtown Inn's air conditioning and facilities but found nothing untoward.

- The Dominion Post


Surely this is just inaccurate reporting. Tell me it wasn't the police that checked it.

:cheesy: of course it was the police. Don't you know carcenigens are afraid and run away at the sight of Thai police?!?!?!?

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I wish people would stop posting that Dominion Post article that is full of error and conjecture. with the "she died from virus in red. " That has not been established as cause of death. I think it's a contributing, but not basis. As far as I"m concerned the CDC Bulletin is the only factual source in any of this.

And I say the deceased Thai woman, 47 no symptoms, may well be unrelated

Yes, overwhelmingly women, young attractive, western women. What could possibly explain a cluster like that?

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so far, from the lack of proof for food poisoning, it rather should be treated as a coincidence. Travel health warnings are serious matter, as they can invalidate travel insurance

I tend to disagree. One death, is an accident or incident. 2 similar deaths is a coincidence. 3 similar deaths is a trend. 4 similar deaths is a habit.

And 6 deaths, 9 illnesses is a serial poisoner.

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It seems like there are two stories going on here concurrently. One story mentions;

.....the Dominion Post on Saturday reported tests carried out on Carter showed she had echovirus - a highly contagious disease which can cause myocarditis, the heart condition which killed her. The disease is linked to dirty, overcrowded conditions. The discovery was revealed by Thai doctor Pasakorn Akarasewi, who met New Zealand embassy staff to report the investigation's latest findings on Thursday night.

The other is typical inept Thai investigator drivel which states they don't know nothin' (in the hope the whole story blows away a.s.a.p.). Which is it?

If the echovirus story rings true, where does the virus come from, and how to keep it from infecting others?

I am planning a trip to Chiang Mai next month,my 1st question is which Hotel was this,I do not believe I want to check in there for fear of not checking out alive.2nd, question I am trying to understand this all these people die and there know exact cause? I was thinking before reading all this that Chiang Mai might be a nice place to live or retire too.Last question so I should not eat sea-weed if on the menu?

Go 3 hours further north, and you get to Chiang Rai. Smaller, a fraction of the vehicles and gridlock, friendlier locals, cooler summers, less smog. Your choice, dude. In C.Mai, you can drive from city center to green farmers' fields in about 35 minutes. In Chiang Rai, it's about 6 minutes.

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That may teach the Thai authorities not to beat around the bush when it comes to numerous Foriegn tourist deaths in the same establishment within a short period of time. The simple fact that they tried to give the old 'coincidence' throw away line has now come back and bit them on thier incompetent backsides.

It won't. They couldn't care less. The hotel is still open, and why shouldn't it be- its owned by a powerful family. Tourists will either a. not know about this or b. have a short memory.

Business as usual. The owners got caught sneaking a body out the back door, next time they'll just move it or them off the property.

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An interesting update on this story:

There are seven deaths now, all related to the same hotel in some way. I have a long time Canadian friend visiting after spending four months traveling around Thailand. He spent about half of that time in Chiang Mai. He was joined early on his trip by another of his friends from Canada. They did not stay in the Downtown Inn hotel, but another hotel nearby that had a deal for guests to use the hotel pool of the Downtown Inn (where the other six guests died of something resembling heart failure).

His friend decided to take advantage of the swimming pool offer one day around the same time as the other deaths (they had not heard the news) and thankfully, my friend decided not to go. The guy went for a swim in the pool and later that evening had to go to the Emergency room at Chiang Mai Ram hospital with severe chest pains. He was checked for heart problems and nothing was found but he was kept in intensive care overnight and released the following day. That afternoon he died. The autopsy found that he had a heart attack (he was only about 50 years old and thin with no history of heart problems). As they did not know about the other deaths, they accepted the findings and arrangements were made at the Canadian family's request to have the remains cremated and to be brought back to Canada by my friend.

Later, after autopsies of some of the other deaths they discovered a very rare virus called Coxsackie B Virus that is likely involved. This virus specifically attacks the heart and causes loss of heart function. It is transmitted (according to some web sites) through inhaling (dried) or ingesting infected fecal matter.

My friend now believes that the source in all the cases is the hotel pool and has contacted the Canadian Embassy, the World Health Organization, and the Bangkok Post (who published the article below about the virus) about his friend and the connection with the hotel pool.

My link

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Remember this is Thailand i read about a american lady in Phukeet who drowned on the beach and they cremated the body before the family could arrive in Thailand.

Yes I thought I remembered something like this happening. But thought it was one of the victims on Phi Phi? I couldn't quite remember. If it comes down to a cover up nothing will stop them.


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you would think the Health Administration would get off their butts or at least the Govt would send a directive to investigate... oh never mind. T.i.T.

Depends on who owns the hotel, doesn't it?

This is why we need the other Nations governments to get involved. Again well done New Zealand. England, France and America to busy licking each others ar--'s. Picking a fight with Libya or screwing over their own people?


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As a Kiwi reading this post some thoughts come to mind;

Regarding the 'official travel warning' issued,, you need to understand the current culture prevalent in New Zealand; who can we blame when things go wrong.

In recent years the culture in New Zealand has become best described as a "nanny' state" with an abdication of personal responsibility.

The powers that be in New Zealand find themselves in an almost catch 22 situation. If they do not say anything then they are damned, if they say something they are damned.....

The average New Zealander would have absolutely no idea of what CM is like period! and this is not said with mean intent, this is just New Zealand is tucked away at the bottom of the world, relatively isolated from experiencing different cultures. Yes Kiwis are great travellers but not always the most intelligent about common sense...and personal well being.

Do not get get me wrong, for the families of those who have lost loved ones, the outcomes in CM are the very worst and and this coupled with death in a different land with a vastly different culture, where communication is not always like it is at home......frustration must play a big part.

But we have more chance of dying within the family in New Zealand than meeting death overseas, go and check out New Zealand's child death statistics from family violence...

And I can show you parts of New Zealand that would be comparable with some poorer parts of Thailand no problems.....

But my overall impression is how many posts complain so bitterly about Thailand and its ways and wherefores.....

People, Thailand is their country, most of you are not Thai, if you do not like how they conduct themselves or their country because it does not match your countries practices then it is quite easy; find somewhere else to go,,,,, maybe take a good hard look at the country you each hail from..... there is without doubt some really dirty washing hiding there somewhere....

And remember this part of the world has a long long history, who is to say our evolution from outside Asia is really any better....

Well said and ringing the truth drum loud and clear .The majority of this forum is just bitching about how bad the Thais are and how good and innocent the expats and tourists are . I have said and repeat , if it is so bad GO HOME . Or if Thailand is your home treat it with respect . The defensive posturing seen on here for sex predators , out and out Crims , and some really dead shit tourists , leaves no doubt that we have some home sick wallys that need to do a reality check . All the viet vets hiding here and quite a few others should really go and give the Thais some peace . They dont need your insults . Our countries used theirs as bases and sexual recreation centres for armed forces while we invaded and attacked or bombed their neighbours , time to let them have a life . As I stated in other posts , if the countries wih the known sex offenders and Crims , revoked their passports and dealt with their own trash , S.E Asia and Asia would not have 1/10th of the problems . Get me Wrong or not , its time to button the lip for a lot of anti Thais or anti Asians , just leave if you dont have something good to say or to do to help . I am not Thai . If I was I would be a lot more vocal about this .

Same B****T , when travellers or residents have legitimate concerns critics spout same rubbish" Go home" Well I live here and as many of us know that if you die here for almost any reason theres a good chance it will not be investigated seriously ., Its the way it is here, bad publicity etc , and if its as a result of a crime your next of kin are unlikely to see justice and the offender charged and convicted. With regard to sex offenders , paedos . I can tell you Thailand has it own fair share of them , Thais . but this never gets out of the home or school. I worked in a thai Government school and was told a about many instances of abuse which would never stand up in court , (child v Thai adult , no contest).Many of us like being here but can see how a different culture and legality operates.

Edited by KKvampire
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An interesting update on this story:

They did not stay in the Downtown Inn hotel, but another hotel nearby that had a deal for guests to use the hotel pool of the Downtown Inn (where the other six guests died of something resembling heart failure).

His friend decided to take advantage of the swimming pool offer one day around the same time as the other deaths (they had not heard the news) and thankfully, my friend decided not to go. The guy went for a swim in the pool and later that evening had to go to the Emergency room at Chiang Mai Ram hospital with severe chest pains. He was checked for heart problems and nothing was found but he was kept in intensive care overnight and released the following day. That afternoon he died. The autopsy found that he had a heart attack (he was only about 50 years old and thin with no history of heart problems). As they did not know about the other deaths, they accepted the findings and arrangements were made at the Canadian family's request to have the remains cremated and to be brought back to Canada by my friend.

Later, after autopsies of some of the other deaths they discovered a very rare virus called Coxsackie B Virus that is likely involved. This virus specifically attacks the heart and causes loss of heart function. It is transmitted (according to some web sites) through inhaling (dried) or ingesting infected fecal matter.

My friend now believes that the source in all the cases is the hotel pool and has contacted the Canadian Embassy, the World Health Organization, and the Bangkok Post (who published the article below about the virus) about his friend and the connection with the hotel pool.

My link

To quote an earlier extract from Wikki...."Contaminated swimming and wading pools can also transmit the virus"

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As a Kiwi reading this post some thoughts come to mind;

Regarding the 'official travel warning' issued,, you need to understand the current culture prevalent in New Zealand; who can we blame when things go wrong.

In recent years the culture in New Zealand has become best described as a "nanny' state" with an abdication of personal responsibility.

The powers that be in New Zealand find themselves in an almost catch 22 situation. If they do not say anything then they are damned, if they say something they are damned.....

The average New Zealander would have absolutely no idea of what CM is like period! and this is not said with mean intent, this is just New Zealand is tucked away at the bottom of the world, relatively isolated from experiencing different cultures. Yes Kiwis are great travellers but not always the most intelligent about common sense...and personal well being.

Do not get get me wrong, for the families of those who have lost loved ones, the outcomes in CM are the very worst and and this coupled with death in a different land with a vastly different culture, where communication is not always like it is at home......frustration must play a big part.

But we have more chance of dying within the family in New Zealand than meeting death overseas, go and check out New Zealand's child death statistics from family violence...

And I can show you parts of New Zealand that would be comparable with some poorer parts of Thailand no problems.....

But my overall impression is how many posts complain so bitterly about Thailand and its ways and wherefores.....

People, Thailand is their country, most of you are not Thai, if you do not like how they conduct themselves or their country because it does not match your countries practices then it is quite easy; find somewhere else to go,,,,, maybe take a good hard look at the country you each hail from..... there is without doubt some really dirty washing hiding there somewhere....

And remember this part of the world has a long long history, who is to say our evolution from outside Asia is really any better....

Well said and ringing the truth drum loud and clear .The majority of this forum is just bitching about how bad the Thais are and how good and innocent the expats and tourists are . I have said and repeat , if it is so bad GO HOME . Or if Thailand is your home treat it with respect . The defensive posturing seen on here for sex predators , out and out Crims , and some really dead shit tourists , leaves no doubt that we have some home sick wallys that need to do a reality check . All the viet vets hiding here and quite a few others should really go and give the Thais some peace . They dont need your insults . Our countries used theirs as bases and sexual recreation centres for armed forces while we invaded and attacked or bombed their neighbours , time to let them have a life . As I stated in other posts , if the countries wih the known sex offenders and Crims , revoked their passports and dealt with their own trash , S.E Asia and Asia would not have 1/10th of the problems . Get me Wrong or not , its time to button the lip for a lot of anti Thais or anti Asians , just leave if you dont have something good to say or to do to help . I am not Thai . If I was I would be a lot more vocal about this .

Same B****T , when travellers or residents have legitimate concerns critics spout same rubbish" Go home" Well I live here and as many of us know that if you die here for almost any reason theres a good chance it will not be investigated seriously ., Its the way it is here, bad publicity etc , and if its as a result of a crime your next of kin are unlikely to see justice and the offender charged and convicted. With regard to sex offenders , paedos . I can tell you Thailand has it own fair share of them , Thais . but this never gets out of the home or school. I worked in a thai Government school and was told a about many instances of abuse which would never stand up in court , (child v Thai adult , no contest).Many of us like being here but can see how a different culture and legality operates.

Yes same B++++T but true none the less, what makes you think there are any differences in any other country for that matter....... we could argue American justice works along the lines of who has the biggest Cheque book wins....

Certainly in New Zealand there are well documented instances of justice not being meted out in what would be the 'right' manner. Ask the families of those who have lost loved ones through some drunken driver killing their relatives and getting a slap on the wrist.... I worked with a gentleman who had wracked up a total of 27 drink drive convictions who escaped lengthy jail time because he employed some people!!!!! go figure.....

The point is yes we all know Thailand does not operate like a so called 'western' country, so learn to live with it!!!!! this is all part of the charm that is Thailand!!!! and again, if it is getting to you, then it is time to go home to where you came from, if that is appropriate!!

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People need to be aware that according to British consular officials, Thailand is the most dangerous tourist destination for British tourists.

I'm continually surprised at the lack of adequate warnings for visitors to Thailand from the British Embassy and FCO.

Agree totally. Fact is there are more tourists killed or die in Thailand than any other country in the world, a lot of the deaths caused by ignorance of the dangers , something the authorities do not warn them about.we all know the reason why!

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People need to be aware that according to British consular officials, Thailand is the most dangerous tourist destination for British tourists.

I'm continually surprised at the lack of adequate warnings for visitors to Thailand from the British Embassy and FCO.

Agree totally. Fact is there are more tourists killed or die in Thailand than any other country in the world, a lot of the deaths caused by ignorance of the dangers , something the authorities do not warn them about.we all know the reason why!

Surely you can not be saying that these deaths were caused by their own Ignorance?


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