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Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts


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Isi it relevant if there were any hits????what is relevant is that 50 rockets were fired

Perhaps the relevance is the damage caused.

Was there any ??

You would know that there was if you bothered to read the article. zen-reading.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Is it that difficult to understand?


(Above is an intentional snippet.)

What ISN'T at all difficult to understand is that you totally IGNORED my proof that Israel has a legitimate concern based on reality that the majority of Palestinians would like to see the ENTIRE Jewish state of Israel dismantled. Again, see page 46 of the twice supplied link. There are difficulties negotiating with both sides for different reasons. Sure Israel does have more to lose. EVERYTHING.

I realize it is the current USA line that only direct negotiations between Israel and some kind of Palestinian entity is the only hope. But I agree with the Israel critics that I don't see that happening unless a LOT more pressure is applied to Israel from the USA (UN pressure isn't going to cut it). Of course even with massive pressure, still Israel needs to be convinced that the risk is worth it. I am not clear how exactly they can be convinced though, because it's a tough sell, with Israel's fear being if they give up too much they give up their entire country. It's one thing if some provincial small towns are subject to rocket attacks, it's another thing if Tel Aviv is.

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And how dare Neranyahu complain or Countries might think he doesn't want peace, what they might think of Hamas is anyone's guess.


Hamas wins Cairo's recognition, strikes Israel with 50 mortars

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report March 19, 2011, 12:27 PM (GMT+02:00) Tags: Egypt Hamas Israel mortar barrage Syria IDF shows Iranian arms bound for GazaIsraeli civilians living around the Gaza border woke up Saturday, March 19, to the most massive mortar attack in years – 50 rounds fired in 15 minutes. Two civilians were injured and substantial damage caused to property. Hamas unusually claimed responsibility, emboldened by the support it has won from a new ally, the new rulers of Cairo, which have now lined up with Syria and Iran.

The Netanyahu government has not informed the Israeli public about the ominous new winds blowing in fromCairo although they are already in motion: Cairo has given Hamas rule of the Gaza Strip de facto recognition, is about to lift the blockade on the Gaza Strip and is forging new understandings with Damascus and the Palestinian Hamas and Islamic Jihad radicals based there.

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Is it that difficult to understand?


(Above is an intentional snippet.)

What ISN'T at all difficult to understand is that you totally IGNORED my proof that Israel has a legitimate concern based on reality that the majority of Palestinians would like to see the ENTIRE Jewish state of Israel dismantled. Again, see page 46. There are difficulties negotiating with both sides for different reasons. Sure Israel does have more to lose. EVERYTHING.


If you check and look only for data that prove your alarmist worst scenario paranoia, the "TRUTH" (in your caps) and muslimphobia you will fail to see those you can held peace talks with.

Don't be surprise if with such arrogant bunker partisans nobody wants play no more.

Israels worst problem are the Zionist.

So were you got you data from? Did you check that?

The Israel Project

Website www.theisraelproject.org

The Israel Project (TIP) is a US-based 501©(3) non-profit, non-government organization with offices in the USA and Israel, that "works tirelessly to help protect Israel by improving Israel's image".[1] In their online mission statement they describe themselves as being "devoted to educating the press and the public about Israel while promoting security, freedom and peace."[2]

Criticism of TIP includes describing it as "a right-wing media advocacy group" using "pro-settlement fear-mongering talking points" which are "incendiary, dangerous, and counterproductive",[3] and argue that its rhetoric and alliance with extremist figures only serves to simultaneously undermine the image of the State of Israel and TIP's stated purpose.[4]


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And how dare Neranyahu complain or Countries might think he doesn't want peace, what they might think of Hamas is anyone's guess.


Hamas wins Cairo's recognition, strikes Israel with 50 mortars

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report March 19, 2011, 12:27 PM (GMT+02:00) Tags: Egypt Hamas Israel mortar barrage Syria IDF shows Iranian arms bound for GazaIsraeli civilians living around the Gaza border woke up Saturday, March 19, to the most massive mortar attack in years – 50 rounds fired in 15 minutes. Two civilians were injured and substantial damage caused to property. Hamas unusually claimed responsibility, emboldened by the support it has won from a new ally, the new rulers of Cairo, which have now lined up with Syria and Iran.

The Netanyahu government has not informed the Israeli public about the ominous new winds blowing in fromCairo although they are already in motion: Cairo has given Hamas rule of the Gaza Strip de facto recognition, is about to lift the blockade on the Gaza Strip and is forging new understandings with Damascus and the Palestinian Hamas and Islamic Jihad radicals based there.

Interesting read indeed.

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Yes proof. TIP is biased pro Israel, but they commissioned an OBJECTIVE external polling organization to gather research for them. If you read the entire report you will indeed see many poll results on many different questions, not all could be used to support a right wing Israeli agenda.

Another older poll coming to similar conclusions using a different question --


I am sure I could be your full time googlebot and find many more polls showing the truth, yes, the truth that the majority of the Palestinian people don't want Israel to exist as a Jewish state (which after all is the clear aim of Hamas, no mystery there). So instead, why don't you find ONE poll showing differently? In other words, show us one poll showing the majority of Palestinians do not hope to eventually end the existence of the Jewish state of Israel (even if a two state solution is the first step).

Be clear here. I am not "blaming" the majority of Palestinians for feeling this way. But to act like they don't, that's plain denial, and doesn't make building a peace any easier.

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The Middle East is stuck in old world thinking patterns. Similar to parts of Africa (Hutus/Tutsis) and parts of Europe (Balkans). Indeed the word 'Balkanization' fits perfectly with the Middle East, as each little country has to think it has a kingdom unto itself. I worked at a childrens' camp in Virginia where the manager/owner tried to get children from varying Middle Eastern sects to interact. There were Jewish kids, Syrian, Iranian, Saudi, Egyptian and others. For the most part, the kids got along like kids everywhere else - playing, hassling, singing, crafts, hiking, etc.

However, getting non-Jewish kids to attend was not easy, as their parents were usually paranoid, and worried that there might be a philosophical-altering affect from the camp staff. Great efforts were made to get non-Jews to attend, including free tuition. The non-Jewish kids who did attend were pretty cool, some of whom (an Iranian and a Saudi, while I was there) graduated to become dorm leaders. However, some other non-Jewish kids were very cloistered. A pair of Arab boys were so blown away by seeing girls walking around smiling and wearing bright colors, that they would run and hide in a dark corner of their dorm, and frantically read the Q'ran.

I worked with one group of Palestinian girls on a music project. I was very impressed with their intelligence and focus. They took things quite serious, rarely giggling and frolicking as you'd expect 11 yr old girls to do. One of the counselors was a Palestinian guy. After 4 days at the camp, he ran away for a week to (as we found out later) ....to see Disneyland. Working one summer at that camp was an eye-opener for me, albeit just a tiny microcosm of the whole mess in that part of the world.

Americans (and to some extent Europeans) generally grow up in environments with a whole mix of nationalities, skin colors, ethnic/religious leanings, etc. Sure there are some problems sometimes, but taken in the context of 300 million people, there's general acceptance and harmony. Middle eastern kids, in contrast, grow up with extremely deep-set prejudices demanded by their elders/parents. The elders feel a frantic compulsion to maintain and deepen those rifts. Indeed, for many, it's more important than life itself, as shown by the old men who strap bomb belts on young men and women.

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Brahmburgers, Thanks for your insight, that was most interesting. I think any arguements based on genetic differences between people tends towards racism, human development is predominantly of a cultural nature and here is where change has to happen. If you teach your children to hate and fill their heads with superstitious nonsense there can never be peace, but if you let them develop as human beings then future generations have hope. This applies to the children from left wing liberal parents as well as Muslim children. :)

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Brahmburgers, Thanks for your insight, that was most interesting. I think any arguements based on genetic differences between people tends towards racism, human development is predominantly of a cultural nature and here is where change has to happen. If you teach your children to hate and fill their heads with superstitious nonsense there can never be peace, but if you let them develop as human beings then future generations have hope. This applies to the children from left wing liberal parents as well as Muslim children. :)

What is your definition of " superstitious nonsense " ?

Some children perhaps merely hear their parents commenting when someone

asks Israel about certain matters, they never get an answer for. Only

an accusation that you are anti- semetic just for asking those questions ? :blink:

So some children may then grow up simply not trusting Jews - but this does not have to be the

same as hating them ?

Just a small sample of the kind of outstanding questions :-

1. Why is Israel allowed to possess the only nuclear arsenal in the Middle East and not

even have to comply with NPT ?

2. Why hasn't Israel cooperated with the findings of the Goldstone Report .

3. Who exactly owns The Federal Reserve Bank of USA ( of course we know :rolleyes: )and

why is this ridiculous situation allowed to continue ? :ph34r:

Edited by midas
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Brahmburgers, Thanks for your insight, that was most interesting. I think any arguements based on genetic differences between people tends towards racism, human development is predominantly of a cultural nature and here is where change has to happen. If you teach your children to hate and fill their heads with superstitious nonsense there can never be peace, but if you let them develop as human beings then future generations have hope. This applies to the children from left wing liberal parents as well as Muslim children. :)

I believe it would be traumatic stress that has a greater impact on young children than the influences of thier parents. These children see the horrors of armed conflict with thier own eyes on a daily basis. All the agression that is directed towards them or that they are exposed to on a daily basis comes from the IDF. Big, strong and heavily armed soldiers that come into thier homes in the middle of the night, that arrest and take away their brothers and fathers, that line the street of thier neighbourhood etc etc. This leaves a life long impression in these young childrens minds.

Even the most battle hardened adult soldiers suffer from this, some after spending only a short time in a war zone. These children were born in a war zone and live in constant fear for their lives without fully understanding why.

Of course a mother, a father, brother or sister who has lost a loved one or property at the hands of Israeli policy will feel vengeful. This is a human trait that is not exclusive to Palestinians. Once again if children see this vengence from thier own family members then this will also have a lasting effect.

I don't believe we can say that Palestinian children are brought up by parents who's sole mission and wishes for thier own children it to hate Israel. No parent would wish that sort of a life for little loved ones.

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I don't believe we can say that Palestinian children are brought up by parents who's sole mission and wishes for thier own children it to hate Israel. No parent would wish that sort of a life for little loved ones.

If only that were true the Palestinian Arabs would have their own prosperous homeland by now. :(

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I don't believe we can say that Palestinian children are brought up by parents who's sole mission and wishes for thier own children it to hate Israel. No parent would wish that sort of a life for little loved ones.

If only that were true the Palestinian Arabs would have their own prosperous homeland by now. :(

If only the Palestinian Arabs could live in peace, but they are under threat and attack.

There are the zionist occupants who came with guns and tanks and took their homeland away and destroyed their houses and still continue to do so.

Zionism a menace to peace.

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If only that were true the Palestinian Arabs would have their own prosperous homeland by now. :(

No, because there are the zionist occupants. That came with guns and tanks and took their homeland away and destroyed their houses and still continue to do so.

Most of them were from other Arab countries and had immigrated to Jerusalem because the Jewish majority had made it thrive and then they declared war on the Jews and lost. Arafat was Egyptian.

Read some legitimate history books before posting such twaddle. :whistling:

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Most of them were from other Arab countries and had immigrated to Jerusalem because the Jewish majority had made it thrive and then declared war on the Jews and lost. Arafat was Egyptian.

Read some legitimate history books before posting such twaddle. :whistling:

The flip side of that coins is the fact that alot of Jews from Europe flocked to what is now called Israel after British handed then Palestine to the Jews. ;)

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Brahmburgers, Thanks for your insight, that was most interesting. I think any arguements based on genetic differences between people tends towards racism, human development is predominantly of a cultural nature and here is where change has to happen. If you teach your children to hate and fill their heads with superstitious nonsense there can never be peace, but if you let them develop as human beings then future generations have hope. This applies to the children from left wing liberal parents as well as Muslim children. :)

What is your definition of " superstitious nonsense " ?

Some children perhaps merely hear their parents commenting when someone

asks Israel about certain matters, they never get an answer for. Only

an accusation that you are anti- semetic just for asking those questions ? :blink:

So some children may then grow up simply not trusting Jews - but this does not have to be the

same as hating them ?

Just a small sample of the kind of outstanding questions :-

1. Why is Israel allowed to possess the only nuclear arsenal in the Middle East and not

even have to comply with NPT ?

2. Why hasn't Israel cooperated with the findings of the Goldstone Report .

3. Who exactly owns The Federal Reserve Bank of USA ( of course we know :rolleyes: )and

why is this ridiculous situation allowed to continue ? :ph34r:

Is that really the best you can do?


Well isn't it cute the mysoginistic antisemitic hate manual being recited by a three year old. :sick:

and more


Lets skip the nobel prizes or even the notion of taking any responsibility for your children's future and go straight to the main course of suicide bombers. :thumbsup:

Edit: Just to add there are plenty more where these came from and from Arab children living nowhere near Israel so you less of the liberal twaddle that they were traumatised by what's happening in a tiny slither of land some 1/700th the land area of the entire middle east.

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Most of them were from other Arab countries and had immigrated to Jerusalem because the Jewish majority had made it thrive and then declared war on the Jews and lost. Arafat was Egyptian.

Read some legitimate history books before posting such twaddle. :whistling:

The flip side of that coins is the fact that alot of Jews from Europe flocked to what is now called Israel after British handed then Palestine to the Jews. ;)

And a lot more Jews flocked to Israel after the surrounding Arab countries drove them out simply for being Jewish.

By the way, the Brits stabbed the Jews in the back by allowing rampant Arab immigration and doing their best to stop the Jews. It is no secret that they played both sides against the middle. ;)

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Most of them were from other Arab countries and had immigrated to Jerusalem because the Jewish majority had made it thrive and then declared war on the Jews and lost. Arafat was Egyptian.

Read some legitimate history books before posting such twaddle. :whistling:

The flip side of that coins is the fact that alot of Jews from Europe flocked to what is now called Israel after British handed then Palestine to the Jews. ;)

And a lot more Jews flocked to Israel after the surrounding Arab countries drove them out simply for being Jewish.

By the way, the Brits stabbed the Jews in the back by allowing rampant Arab immigration and doing their best to stop the Jews. It is no secret that they played both sides against the middle. ;)

Then one must ask these questions. Why is this so? Why, throughout history, have they been persecuted by the Germans, the British, the Arabs? And why now in the present day are countires such as France, Indonesia, Russia, UK, USA and UN etc etc condeming Israels policies on Palestine and pushing for the establishment of an Palestinian state?

Children who play fair at school are usually popular amongst thier peers.

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So you are once again suggesting that all Jews deserve any hardships that they have undergone and yet you always try to deny that there is any anti-Semitism.

Do you also feel that black people deserved to be slaves and whipped, beaten and lynched? :bah:

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And a lot more Jews flocked to Israel after the surrounding Arab countries drove them out simply for being Jewish.

By the way, the Brits stabbed the Jews in the back by allowing rampant Arab immigration and doing their best to stop the Jews. It is no secret that they played both sides against the middle. ;)

Some 800,000 to 1,000,000 who since then have in some cases had families the facts on the ground are largely a result of the fallout from the 1967 and 1973 wars neither of which Israel started. Going back to the pre 1967 borders is just a liberal wet dream and even if it were possible Israel would be signing it's own death warrant by agreeing to it as tanks and planes are not effective in close quarters fighting which would be the inevitable result of returning to the 1967 borders.


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And a lot more Jews flocked to Israel after the surrounding Arab countries drove them out simply for being Jewish.

By the way, the Brits stabbed the Jews in the back by allowing rampant Arab immigration and doing their best to stop the Jews. It is no secret that they played both sides against the middle. ;)

"if it were possible Israel would be signing it's own death warrant by agreeing to it as tanks and planes are not effective in close quarters fighting which would be the inevitable result of returning to the 1967 borders".


FACT : This is why Israel follows the current policy on Palistine today. It has everything to lose [which it took in the past] and Palestine has everything to gain.

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Most of them were from other Arab countries and had immigrated to Jerusalem because the Jewish majority had made it thrive and then declared war on the Jews and lost. Arafat was Egyptian.

Read some legitimate history books before posting such twaddle. :whistling:

The flip side of that coins is the fact that alot of Jews from Europe flocked to what is now called Israel after British handed then Palestine to the Jews. ;)

And a lot more Jews flocked to Israel after the surrounding Arab countries drove them out simply for being Jewish.

By the way, the Brits stabbed the Jews in the back by allowing rampant Arab immigration and doing their best to stop the Jews. It is no secret that they played both sides against the middle. ;)

Then one must ask these questions. Why is this so? Why, throughout history, have they been persecuted by the Germans, the British, the Arabs? And why now in the present day are countires such as France, Indonesia, Russia, UK, USA and UN etc etc condeming Israels policies on Palestine and pushing for the establishment of an Palestinian state?

Children who play fair at school are usually popular amongst thier peers.

Forgive my not understanding your "children who play fair reference." Did you mean that if children in Germany did not play fair they should be sent to the gas chambers? You mentioned Germans persecuting Jews in your above post. Perhaps you could explain a bit more about it.

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And a lot more Jews flocked to Israel after the surrounding Arab countries drove them out simply for being Jewish.

By the way, the Brits stabbed the Jews in the back by allowing rampant Arab immigration and doing their best to stop the Jews. It is no secret that they played both sides against the middle. ;)

"if it were possible Israel would be signing it's own death warrant by agreeing to it as tanks and planes are not effective in close quarters fighting which would be the inevitable result of returning to the 1967 borders".


FACT : This is why Israel follows the current policy on Palistine today. It has everything to lose [which it took in the past] and Palestine has everything to gain.

Who started the 1967 war, who started the 1973 war, who forced Jews to leave Arab lands after the two said wars? You reap what you sow. Palestine lost because of the company it kept, end of story.

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No. You didn't answer my questions. And personnally I don't care much for your, what I deemed a RHETORICAL, question about blacks being enslaved and mistreated because that is a disgusting suggestion as it is being directed towards me in an almost acussational way I find that on the extremely high side of offensive.

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Marky 45. Consider yourself forgiven.

Germany was grouped with Arabs and the UK. Don't go reading into it too much. It is a generalization of the predicament that they seem to find themselves in throughout history. I simply would like an honest opinion and view as to why that is so? Anybody??

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No. You didn't answer my questions. And personnally I don't care much for your, what I deemed a RHETORICAL, question about blacks being enslaved and mistreated because that is a disgusting suggestion as it is being directed towards me in an almost acussational way I find that on the extremely high side of offensive.

Yet you think it is OK when you make similar insinuations about Jews - and not for the first time either. :bah:

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