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Thailand To Deport Accused British Child Molester To Cambodia

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Accused child molester to be deported to Cambodia

By The Nation


Suspected British paedophile David John Fletcher is to be extradited to Cambodian, where he allegedly molested underage girls, after the Criminal Court yesterday approved a request by public prosecutors to send him to stand trial in the neighbouring country.

The judges dismissed claims by Fletcher, 65, that he was wrongly indicted by Cambodian authorities because of his conflicts over moneylaundering with influential figures there, saying that they were baseless. The court ruled that his extradition qualified under ThaiCambodia pacts.

Fletcher was arrested last year in Thailand after fleeing from Cambodia, where he was accused of sexual molestation and rapes of many girls under 15 years of age. He has since been in court custody pending extradition, whose date is not yet scheduled.


-- The Nation 2011-03-19

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Interesting political move. Throw a bone to Cambodia in good faith to appease the border situation? Either way if proven, better this guy is not in Thailand. But like Thailand it would be doubtful any trial would be fair in Cambodia if he has pissed off some power guys there. The accusations will be made to stick no matter what.


He was arrested in Thailand on the request of the UK authorities for a crime committed and to be tried in Cambodia.

What was the legal precedent for holding him in Thailand I wonder?


Everybody should face 'justice' for crimes committed, but I wonder how quick the Thais would be to give up one of their own to the Cambodians.


From the time of his arrest:

Paedophile suspect arrested in Thailand

Thursday, 01 July 2010

Phnom Penh Post

A Briton who headed a children’s charity in Phnom Penh has been arrested in Thailand for immigration offences, according to an anti-human trafficking organisation. The arrest comes less than two weeks after a British tabloid published a story that David Fletcher, 65, was a paedophile who used his charity to gain access to young girls. Steve Morrish, executive director of the Phnom Penh-based Southeast Asia Investigations into Social and Humanitarian Activities, or SISHA, said Wednesday that Thai authorities arrested Fletcher on Sunday at a guesthouse in Bangkok.

Morrish said Fletcher is being held because he failed to notify Thai immigration authorities of his previous criminal convictions in the UK. Officials from SISHA and the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) of the British Police alerted Thai authorities to Fletcher’s presence after receiving information concerning his whereabouts from sources who were tracking his movements, Morrish said. "We’ve been investigating him for about 18 months," he said. "We located him in Bangkok, after sources told us he’d fled there when news came out last week about him."

A SISHA press release stated that Fletcher entered Thailand on June 25 – five days after British tabloid The Sunday Mirror published a story claiming to expose him as a paedophile who used his unregistered charity, the Rubbish Dump Project, to befriend underage girls at Phnom Penh’s Stung Meanchey dumpsite.



and this is the referenced The Sunday Mirror article:


David Fletcher

British paedo running kids charity in Cambodia


The Sunday Mirror

They are known as the ­rubbish dump kids… ­starving children who ­scavenge for scraps of food on a toxic mountain of waste. He is a former hairdresser who runs a “charity” in Cambodia inviting you to send him money to save them. David Fletcher, 65, appears to be the Good Samaritan, feeding hundreds of children who affectionately know him as “Papa”. But Fletcher hides a dark secret – he was jailed in Britain for the ­statutory rape of a 15-year-old girl and videoing the horrific crime.

He now uses the guise of his unregistered charity in ­Cambodia – where he fled to six years ago – to spend every day with little girls, some as young as eight. The pervert raises money from tourists who believe they are providing food and shelter for the hundreds of poor and ­hungry children. But a Sunday Mirror investigation can reveal how Fletcher has become ­worryingly close to a number of young girls – and spoke to our investigators of an eight-year-old he calls his “favourite little girl”.

Fletcher has even bought himself a 17-year-old Cambodian bride for £150 who he met on the dump – sold by her own mother to pay off debts. Genuine charities are so concerned they attempted to outbid him to keep the girl out of his clutches.



Morrish said Fletcher is being held because he failed to notify Thai immigration authorities of his previous criminal convictions in the UK.

Not a requirement for entry into Thailand. If it were, half of Pattaya would be languishing in Thai jails.

Fletcher has even bought himself a 17-year-old Cambodian bride for £150 who he met on the dump – sold by her own mother to pay off debts. Genuine charities are so concerned they attempted to outbid him to keep the girl out of his clutches.

Couldn't have been that concerned not being able to raise more than $150.


Interesting political move. Throw a bone to Cambodia in good faith to appease the border situation? Either way if proven, better this guy is not in Thailand. But like Thailand it would be doubtful any trial would be fair in Cambodia if he has pissed off some power guys there. The accusations will be made to stick no matter what.

The Thais and Cambodians are killing each other on border, yet they still have a pact for this. I pity him if he is not guilty.


He was arrested in Thailand on the request of the UK authorities for a crime committed and to be tried in Cambodia.

What was the legal precedent for holding him in Thailand I wonder?

Since when had a legal precident have anything to do with the judicial system in Thailand ? ask how much did it cost ?


Interesting political move. Throw a bone to Cambodia in good faith to appease the border situation? Either way if proven, better this guy is not in Thailand. But like Thailand it would be doubtful any trial would be fair in Cambodia if he has pissed off some power guys there. The accusations will be made to stick no matter what.

I've heard those kind of accusations, but if I ever became convinced there was any substantial chance of being framed for something like pedophilia just because I angered someone over something entirely unrelated, I'd be on the first plane out of here.

Morrish said Fletcher is being held because he failed to notify Thai immigration authorities of his previous criminal convictions in the UK.

Not a requirement for entry into Thailand. If it were, half of Pattaya would be languishing in Thai jails.

Fletcher has even bought himself a 17-year-old Cambodian bride for £150 who he met on the dump – sold by her own mother to pay off debts. Genuine charities are so concerned they attempted to outbid him to keep the girl out of his clutches.

Couldn't have been that concerned not being able to raise more than $150.

Actually it is. But not many people know about it. In fact Immigration laws here are wider than that. Any person with a conviction warranting a jail sentence abroad can be deported without appeal. The Immigrationm Department have extensive powers.

Fletcher fled Cambodia to Thailand after the article in the British press. He was picked up in a guest house in Bangkok.


In the picture the girls all look very happy, most girls who suffer at the hands of Paediphiles even when smiling look sad. Mind you in the same photo they neither look undernourished or ill clothed. Could he have genuinely been helping these girls to compensate for his past sins? Have any of these girls complained about his behaviour?


Enjoy your stay in the Cambodian Correction system you dirty old man.:lol:

Yeah!Hopefully somebody there calls HIM his "favourite little girl"!!!laugh.gif

Yeah. I can just see the look on his face now. :shock1: Ooo! Hurty's


In the picture the girls all look very happy, most girls who suffer at the hands of Paediphiles even when smiling look sad. Mind you in the same photo they neither look undernourished or ill clothed. Could he have genuinely been helping these girls to compensate for his past sins? Have any of these girls complained about his behaviour?

Don't even go there man.:annoyed:


He was arrested in Thailand on the request of the UK authorities for a crime committed and to be tried in Cambodia.

What was the legal precedent for holding him in Thailand I wonder?

When he came into thaland he did not admit a previous sex crime offense that he committed in the UK.

I knew him in Phnom Penh and used to go on his dump runs to feed the people.

A real shit he was

The girls in this photo all lived at the nearby orphange that is set up at the dump site


In the picture the girls all look very happy, most girls who suffer at the hands of Paediphiles even when smiling look sad. Mind you in the same photo they neither look undernourished or ill clothed. Could he have genuinely been helping these girls to compensate for his past sins? Have any of these girls complained about his behaviour?

Don't even go there man.:annoyed:

It's nice to know that you would deny me the right to ask questions. I assume that you are the sort of person who believes everything you read in print. Stick around a bit and you will learn that these sort of accusations are as common as jetski scams. I am seeking more information, you are simply intent on condemnation.


He was arrested in Thailand on the request of the UK authorities for a crime committed and to be tried in Cambodia.

What was the legal precedent for holding him in Thailand I wonder?

When he came into thaland he did not admit a previous sex crime offense that he committed in the UK.

I knew him in Phnom Penh and used to go on his dump runs to feed the people.

A real shit he was

So why did you continue to go with him, you did say runs, in other words more than once? Why was he a real shit?

Just curious as to the basis of your judgment.


In the picture the girls all look very happy, most girls who suffer at the hands of Paediphiles even when smiling look sad. Mind you in the same photo they neither look undernourished or ill clothed. Could he have genuinely been helping these girls to compensate for his past sins? Have any of these girls complained about his behaviour?

Don't even go there man.:annoyed:

It's nice to know that you would deny me the right to ask questions. I assume that you are the sort of person who believes everything you read in print. Stick around a bit and you will learn that these sort of accusations are as common as jetski scams. I am seeking more information, you are simply intent on condemnation.

When it comes to kiddy fiddlers then yes. You are correct. I am intent on condemnation. And a few other things that I would not be allowed to print here.


In the picture the girls all look very happy, most girls who suffer at the hands of Paediphiles even when smiling look sad. Mind you in the same photo they neither look undernourished or ill clothed. Could he have genuinely been helping these girls to compensate for his past sins? Have any of these girls complained about his behaviour?

Don't even go there man.:annoyed:

It's nice to know that you would deny me the right to ask questions. I assume that you are the sort of person who believes everything you read in print. Stick around a bit and you will learn that these sort of accusations are as common as jetski scams. I am seeking more information, you are simply intent on condemnation.

The girls are happy because he has a cart load of bread, fruit and vegetables. They are posing for the picture. Its called grooming btw.

Having spoken to another of his victims in the UK (he did a plea bargain so no further charges were brought in the UK) I have absolutely no doubt as to how he works.

He was not in the least sorry for his past sins. The girl in question 'wanted it' he told me. She was his girlfriend and it was just days before her 16th birthday. His children do not talk to him and he does not give a dam_n.

So before you leap to his defence and attack the messengers, come armed with facts


In the picture the girls all look very happy, most girls who suffer at the hands of Paediphiles even when smiling look sad. Mind you in the same photo they neither look undernourished or ill clothed. Could he have genuinely been helping these girls to compensate for his past sins? Have any of these girls complained about his behaviour?

Don't even go there man.:annoyed:

It's nice to know that you would deny me the right to ask questions. I assume that you are the sort of person who believes everything you read in print. Stick around a bit and you will learn that these sort of accusations are as common as jetski scams. I am seeking more information, you are simply intent on condemnation.

When it comes to kiddy fiddlers then yes. You are correct. I am intent on condemnation. And a few other things that I would not be allowed to print here.

Ah yes, thank you, I can see where you are coming from by your choice of words :lol: The original article said "child molester", I prefer the term paedophile but you prefer "kiddy fiddler", it's so much more emotive, is it not?

I believe the original article said "accused" not "convicted", so guilty,until proven innocent?


Ah yes, thank you, I can see where you are coming from by your choice of words :lol: The original article said "child molester", I prefer the term paedophile but you prefer "kiddy fiddler", it's so much more emotive, is it not?

I believe the original article said "accused" not "convicted", so guilty,until proven innocent?

The correct term is 'child sexual abuser' . As such he has already been convicted.


In the picture the girls all look very happy, most girls who suffer at the hands of Paediphiles even when smiling look sad. Mind you in the same photo they neither look undernourished or ill clothed. Could he have genuinely been helping these girls to compensate for his past sins? Have any of these girls complained about his behaviour?

Don't even go there man.:annoyed:

It's nice to know that you would deny me the right to ask questions. I assume that you are the sort of person who believes everything you read in print. Stick around a bit and you will learn that these sort of accusations are as common as jetski scams. I am seeking more information, you are simply intent on condemnation.

The girls are happy because he has a cart load of bread, fruit and vegetables. They are posing for the picture. Its called grooming btw.

Having spoken to another of his victims in the UK (he did a plea bargain so no further charges were brought in the UK) I have absolutely no doubt as to how he works.

He was not in the least sorry for his past sins. The girl in question 'wanted it' he told me. She was his girlfriend and it was just days before her 16th birthday. His children do not talk to him and he does not give a dam_n.

So before you leap to his defence and attack the messangers, come armed with facts

Dear oh dear, was I leaping to his defence, I was simply asking for facts. So you not only know the man but one of his victims in the UK. It seems he has a large circle of associates. Well that settles it then, guilty as charged. If the messengers thought I was attacking them my sincere apologies.


In the picture the girls all look very happy, most girls who suffer at the hands of Paediphiles even when smiling look sad. Mind you in the same photo they neither look undernourished or ill clothed. Could he have genuinely been helping these girls to compensate for his past sins? Have any of these girls complained about his behaviour?

I'm sure you can find many pictures in Ireland over the past 50 years of 'happy looking' children who were at the time being raped by members of the clergy.

Seems the Cambodian kids were living on rubbish tips -- food or new clothes would no doubt make the poor souls happy.

This guy sounds as innocent as gary glitter


Well you have made your point. It is quite clear what side your bread is buttered on. I hope my children never come into contact with the likes of such. What a horrible world we live in.


Enjoy your stay in the Cambodian Correction system you dirty old man.:lol:

He'll hopefully be abused by all of them inside. :jap:


Yes well, would still be interested in why Phuketrichard called him a 'shit' without coming back and explaining why. He being the ONLY one amongst the posters to have actually met him.


He was arrested in Thailand on the request of the UK authorities for a crime committed and to be tried in Cambodia.

What was the legal precedent for holding him in Thailand I wonder?

When he came into thaland he did not admit a previous sex crime offense that he committed in the UK.

I knew him in Phnom Penh and used to go on his dump runs to feed the people.

A real shit he was

So why did you continue to go with him, you did say runs, in other words more than once? Why was he a real shit?

Just curious as to the basis of your judgment.

OK; this is a bit deeper than it seems. I am a photographer and loved going on the runs to the dump, (i went with his group over a 6 month period) and the area around there and becuse of this came into contact with many of the orphanges there and have seen done some good work with them. One of the founders of one of the orphanages was nominated for hero of the year on CNN 2 years ago.

At the time there were about 400 familes at Streung Menchay dump and about 150 kids or so that lived either with familes or in the orphanges in the area, ( the ones in the pic u will notice have a school blouses on) We went twice a weeek and gave food to them. David would arrange the trips and would collect money to pay for the truck and food, (about $150/trip) It seemed all above board. At the time no one else was helping out there.

We had a core group of about 5 of us that lived in PP that went along and then there would always be 2-8 tourists that gave $$ and went to see how it was given out. We had a medic with us as well who treated the locals there. To a few of us David was always supecious and we told him so but it was a case of he was doing some good and i guess we, in our ignorance, chose to turn a blind eye, We never saw anything that was out and out bad but.... ( many things which i do not want to go into on a public forum). One thing that bothered us was we would line the kids and adults up in two lines, one girls, one boys, David would always be the one passing out food to the girl group. Another was we used to visit one orphanage and give them rice and cooking supplies, one the teachers came up to me and asked me why David would Only play with the girls. Nothing concrete but ....

Later we had a fallout about the monies being transparent and we all Left and some of the guys formed their own charity which is still doing good, (the dump closed in 2009)

Its easy to say , "if you knew something was off you should have said something or " but until ur there u have no right to judge what we did or tired to do.

The one girl that he is acquised of wanting to marry was 16 and had a baby that was in serious need of care, (malnourished and enimic) She lived right on the dump ( many of the familes lived in the nearby villages) He helped her out and then unknowningly to us at the time made a deal to "buy" the daughter and take care of her.

Was David making use of his status as the leader with the kids, for sure and for that he will get his. Karma has a way of catching up with u. There are many pictures of the people on the dump on my website.


Everybody should face 'justice' for crimes committed, but I wonder how quick the Thais would be to give up one of their own to the Cambodians.

A nation cannot extradate one of its citizens!

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