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Thailand To Deport Accused British Child Molester To Cambodia

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Maybe a trade could be made between Thailand and Cambodia. Swap the pedophile for a bail jumper who is facing a prison term here. As extradition between the countries seems in order, the safe haven for rats can give up one or several.

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Well b4 anyone starts i am not condoning paedos whatever the definition is but statutory rape of a 15 year as a horrific crime? Surely this is why AD works for the Mirror and not The Times as it is about sensationalising the story...! ......... was is statutory because she was drunk or because she got paid or because she was 15 and consented..........as many girls have sex at 15 (admittedly i dont think a 66 year old with one is normal) and if it had been a 16 year old b/f it wouldnt cause a ripple.......but while an abuse of any girl definitely qualifies as horrific and the younger the worse , i am just wanting to know was it a consentual sex act with a 15 year old..........in which case "horrific crime" is AD selling copies......................


Well b4 anyone starts i am not condoning paedos whatever the definition is but statutory rape of a 15 year as a horrific crime? Surely this is why AD works for the Mirror and not The Times as it is about sensationalising the story...! ......... was is statutory because she was drunk or because she got paid or because she was 15 and consented..........as many girls have sex at 15 (admittedly i dont think a 66 year old with one is normal) and if it had been a 16 year old b/f it wouldnt cause a ripple.......but while an abuse of any girl definitely qualifies as horrific and the younger the worse , i am just wanting to know was it a consentual sex act with a 15 year old..........in which case "horrific crime" is AD selling copies......................

On the contrary AD have never worked for the Mirror but he did for the Times for ten years and Observer before that.

Fletcher was convicted. Do you wish to to re-judge the case? Perhaps you should re read the comments from the judge.


Well b4 anyone starts i am not condoning paedos whatever the definition is but statutory rape of a 15 year as a horrific crime? Surely this is why AD works for the Mirror and not The Times as it is about sensationalising the story...! ......... was is statutory because she was drunk or because she got paid or because she was 15 and consented..........as many girls have sex at 15 (admittedly i dont think a 66 year old with one is normal) and if it had been a 16 year old b/f it wouldnt cause a ripple.......but while an abuse of any girl definitely qualifies as horrific and the younger the worse , i am just wanting to know was it a consentual sex act with a 15 year old..........in which case "horrific crime" is AD selling copies......................

On the contrary AD have never worked for the Mirror but he did for the Times for ten years and Observer before that.

Fletcher was convicted. Do you wish to to re-judge the case? Perhaps you should re read the comments from the judge.

I read the story. The victim was a soon to be 16-year old who willingly slept with this man as well as drink and take drugs with him. I certainly don't condone such behavior but also don't condone you not letting a person's past escape him and writing some BS story about him with absolutely no facts whatsoever he was doing anything wrong in Cambodia. In fact was clear is he was regularly providing food for hungry children. What is fact is he was being watched by numerous groups and none filed any charges and no person reported criminal activity from him until you ran your story. As for a charity not being registered ... this doesn't make it illegal and your constant use of the words "illegal charity" are a slap in the face to so many people who do services for others without becoming a registered charity corporation.

You even admitted in one of your own articles that you had motivations to hurt this man by writing the original article.

Again, I hope this man is guilty of something beyond the crime he served his time for ... and if not, I hope you experience the karma you deserve for doing such an irresponsible article (the original that set all this in motion).


Well b4 anyone starts i am not condoning paedos whatever the definition is but statutory rape of a 15 year as a horrific crime? Surely this is why AD works for the Mirror and not The Times as it is about sensationalising the story...! ......... was is statutory because she was drunk or because she got paid or because she was 15 and consented..........as many girls have sex at 15 (admittedly i dont think a 66 year old with one is normal) and if it had been a 16 year old b/f it wouldnt cause a ripple.......but while an abuse of any girl definitely qualifies as horrific and the younger the worse , i am just wanting to know was it a consentual sex act with a 15 year old..........in which case "horrific crime" is AD selling copies......................

On the contrary AD have never worked for the Mirror but he did for the Times for ten years and Observer before that.

Fletcher was convicted. Do you wish to to re-judge the case? Perhaps you should re read the comments from the judge.

I read the story. The victim was a soon to be 16-year old who willingly slept with this man as well as drink and take drugs with him. I certainly don't condone such behavior but also don't condone you not letting a person's past escape him and writing some BS story about him with absolutely no facts whatsoever he was doing anything wrong in Cambodia. In fact was clear is he was regularly providing food for hungry children. What is fact is he was being watched by numerous groups and none filed any charges and no person reported criminal activity from him until you ran your story. As for a charity not being registered ... this doesn't make it illegal and your constant use of the words "illegal charity" are a slap in the face to so many people who do services for others without becoming a registered charity corporation.

You even admitted in one of your own articles that you had motivations to hurt this man by writing the original article.

Again, I hope this man is guilty of something beyond the crime he served his time for ... and if not, I hope you experience the karma you deserve for doing such an irresponsible article (the original that set all this in motion).

Thanks Nisa. You have my answers. You know nothing of his activities in the UK or in Phnom Penh and I am not going to be coaxed into answering remarks made by an apologist for a sleazebag.


I may have been too quick in the term pedophile as some of the more learned have pointed out. I have a daughter who has not reached 16 years of age yet and just to clarify to those who quote age of consent, various statues, country laws, etc. Do not even try it in my neighborhood, with my family or children of my friends, I can promise the consequences will not be pleasant for the offenders. Laws were originally drawn up to reflect social/moral acceptance. The mentioned sick behavior of some of the dirty old men is inexcusable in today's accepted social behavior, no matter the descriptive term/law used to describe it nor justify the sick behavior.

Have no idea if Drummond gave a true account or not, if he did the man should be put at the mercy of those he abused and their next of kin. If he, (Drummond) is blowing smoke he should be put in the hands of the falsely accused.


I may have been too quick in the term pedophile as some of the more learned have pointed out. I have a daughter who has not reached 16 years of age yet and just to clarify to those who quote age of consent, various statues, country laws, etc. Do not even try it in my neighborhood, with my family or children of my friends, I can promise the consequences will not be pleasant for the offenders. Laws were originally drawn up to reflect social/moral acceptance. The mentioned sick behavior of some of the dirty old men is inexcusable in today's accepted social behavior, no matter the descriptive term/law used to describe it nor justify the sick behavior.

Have no idea if Drummond gave a true account or not, if he did the man should be put at the mercy of those he abused and their next of kin. If he, (Drummond) is blowing smoke he should be put in the hands of the falsely accused.

I think you are a bit confused. The allegations of which he is accused now are not made by me but by the Cambodian Police, backed by CEOP, and APLE too. Something Nisa does not seem to appreciate. But he clearly does not like ngos. So Fletcher will have to deal with those accusations first. I always front up accused people btw.


Dear oh dear, was I leaping to his defence, I was simply asking for facts. So you not only know the man but one of his victims in the UK. It seems he has a large circle of associates. Well that settles it then, guilty as charged. If the messengers thought I was attacking them my sincere apologies.

You were questioning the reports. I know the person not because I am an associate because I was the journalist who wrote the original story and went to see him to find out what he was doing at the dump, what he was doing 'off duty' and what his thoughts were. As a result of the story other victims got in touch.

He is guilty as charged in relation to the previous offences as for the current charges they have still to be proven. But what I do know is that this man should not let loose on his own children's charity.

You knew him after this all was spoken about on KR440 and then u jumped in on the story, You did not dig up any facts on the matter so please admit it. U didn't interview any poeple that really knew him but based most of ur report on heresay, (although you did get some of it right). He never had a legally run registered charity and it was all done unoffically.

I do agree he should not be around children but to many people that have been done in (and you love to report of them) have been set up by local NGO's so they can drum up more funds to justyify their existance in Cambodia. I am NOT defending him but am defending someones right to a fair trail and not be done up by the press.

Ever hear the term "Yellow Journalism" Why not write something positive. There are plnety of good things about Cambodia

The original tip came from 440 from somebody with good intentions who cared. I have acknowledged this many times. As nobody in Cambodia was doing anything about it I was commissioned to do it. None of the report was hearsay. I went to speak to all the people concerned. I have never stated he was running a 'legal charity' as clearly he was not.

Call it what you like. I will have no hesitation in doing it again. I do crime. I'm not working for the Cambodian tourism authority.

Andrew Drummond does crime! Your heard it here first. Maybe I should go into journalism. biggrin.gif


You were questioning the reports. I know the person not because I am an associate because I was the journalist who wrote the original story and went to see him to find out what he was doing at the dump, what he was doing 'off duty' and what his thoughts were. As a result of the story other victims got in touch.

He is guilty as charged in relation to the previous offences as for the current charges they have still to be proven. But what I do know is that this man should not let loose on his own children's charity.

What original story ... can you provide a link?

When you say as a result of your story "other' victims got in touch ... are you saying other than the one where he was convicted back home and served his time?

You say guilty as charged in previous offences. This is plural ... was there more than one offence he was convicted?

I am no up on this full story but after reading the OP I would have bet the man was guilty. Now you have me thinking that your "original" report may have caused people seeking money to accuse a man because of something he did in the past.

Please share the link to your "original" story. I would like to know if I am misunderstanding something.

I found your original article ... http://www.andrew-dr...-dump-children/

I'm sorry to say that I now question whether this man has done anything wrong in Cambodia. I also find you as a reporter lacking all credibility. How in the world can you quote him (in quotes) saying:

"My two grown up sons have disowned me. They did not like the fact that my girlfriends were younger than theirs. Who cares? It's their loss. But I know lots of people are watching me so I am very careful about being seen with young girls."

and then go on to make a note after your report to say you checked the tape and he didn't actually say this because he only has 1 son and 1 daughter and the son has disowned him.

Your original story is crap and was simply a witch hunt against a man where the was NO proof at all he was doing anything wrong and a man who paid his debt for his crime. I hope for your sake he is guilty and it was not your original report that caused people to try to financially exploit this man because of a past mistake he has paid for.

I always correct if I find a mistake in an original report. If its a witchhunt then u need also to blame, CEOP, the Cambodian Police, other charities in the area and APLE.

Who was financially exploiting this guy? He was the one seeking funds.

What he was doing with those funds is another story.

As for the current charges, they are down to people in Phnom Penh, not I but I am sure they have a strong basis.

Yes I was contacted by another victim in the UK. She brought charges too but on condition that Fletcher pleaded guilty to the original offences, the other offences were dropped. Its known as a plea bargain and happens often.

For a journalist you are lacking in communication skills. " She brought charges too but on condition that Fletcher pleaded guilty to the original offences, the other offences were dropped." Makes no sense. Maybe you are just too close to the story and assume everyone else knows all the details you do. Again, you're a journalist?

Finally, the question regarding your comment, "He is guilty as charged in relation to the previous offences as for the current charges they have still to be proven." has yet to be answered. You say he is guilty as charged for previous offences. Are all these offences related to the single girl, or different girls. If different girls, has he been convicted by a court for any offences against the different girls or is this statement subjective on your part.

Subjectivity isn't necessarily a bad thing. This is, after all, a forum for just that. But you seem to be confusing your roles as message board commentator and journalist.


Andrew I too find the reporting very very vague and one sided. I would expect a journalist to be a little less biased. Report the full facts and let the public decide without putting your own slant on it.


Drummond;Your assumption that I am confused, indicates that your take/interruption of my post may have been the result of you not noting the reference to you and the (IF) word which I inserted. I certainly hope your investigative reporting is more compressive than you apparent reading compression.


Well b4 anyone starts i am not condoning paedos whatever the definition is but statutory rape of a 15 year as a horrific crime? Surely this is why AD works for the Mirror and not The Times as it is about sensationalising the story...! ......... was is statutory because she was drunk or because she got paid or because she was 15 and consented..........as many girls have sex at 15 (admittedly i dont think a 66 year old with one is normal) and if it had been a 16 year old b/f it wouldnt cause a ripple.......but while an abuse of any girl definitely qualifies as horrific and the younger the worse , i am just wanting to know was it a consentual sex act with a 15 year old..........in which case "horrific crime" is AD selling copies......................

On the contrary AD have never worked for the Mirror but he did for the Times for ten years and Observer before that.

Fletcher was convicted. Do you wish to to re-judge the case? Perhaps you should re read the comments from the judge.

I read the story. The victim was a soon to be 16-year old who willingly slept with this man as well as drink and take drugs with him. I certainly don't condone such behavior but also don't condone you not letting a person's past escape him and writing some BS story about him with absolutely no facts whatsoever he was doing anything wrong in Cambodia. In fact was clear is he was regularly providing food for hungry children. What is fact is he was being watched by numerous groups and none filed any charges and no person reported criminal activity from him until you ran your story. As for a charity not being registered ... this doesn't make it illegal and your constant use of the words "illegal charity" are a slap in the face to so many people who do services for others without becoming a registered charity corporation.

You even admitted in one of your own articles that you had motivations to hurt this man by writing the original article.

Again, I hope this man is guilty of something beyond the crime he served his time for ... and if not, I hope you experience the karma you deserve for doing such an irresponsible article (the original that set all this in motion).

Thanks Nisa. You have my answers. You know nothing of his activities in the UK or in Phnom Penh and I am not going to be coaxed into answering remarks made by an apologist for a sleazebag.

BUT i did klnow him over a 10 month period in PP. ON his dump trips and drinking in his bar. Before ur story came out he was being monitored by various agencies and that was well known,. Many that u never mentioned and i am sure not aware of caus eof ur poor journalism skills. You never interviewd anyone that personally knew him but Ross, and that was concerning the handling of the monies Nothing to do with any other charges.

Good thing you do crime as for sure u cant write or develop a story on u own.

The Mirror :lol: looks good on a resume'?


Enjoy your stay in the Cambodian Correction system you dirty old man.:lol:

Yeah!Hopefully somebody there calls HIM his "favourite little girl"!!!laugh.gif

I doubt that though

but maybe his dirty old bitch...



British Paedophile To Be Extradited

A Bangkok court has granted Cambodia’s request for the extradition of the so-called “dump-site paedo”, David Fletcher, British citizen, who has been remanded in Bangkok since July last year. Fletcher has been accused of performing deviant sexual acts with children, recruited from a Phnom Penh dump-site and of operating a scam non-profit charity during his sojourn in the neighbouring kingdom. Mr. Fletcher fled to Thailand from Phnom Penh in July/August last year.

The case was filed by prosecutors of the International Affairs Department in response to a request made by Cambodia through the Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Royal Thai Police Office. The court found that David John Fletcher, aged 65, was initially arrested and charged with rape in Cambodia. Then he fled to Thailand, saying that he was afraid that a group of influential Phnom Penh people would harm his life if he stayed in Cambodia, since he did not cooperate with them in a money-laundering scam. When arrived in Thailand in August last year, Fletcher was arrested for immigration offences.

Fletcher’s defense of being framed by powerful Cambodian businessmen, who wanted him out of the way was rejected by Thailand’s Justice Department, who decided to return him to Phnom Penh to present his case to Cambodia’s judges.



PDN - March 21, 2011


In the picture the girls all look very happy, most girls who suffer at the hands of Paediphiles even when smiling look sad. Mind you in the same photo they neither look undernourished or ill clothed. Could he have genuinely been helping these girls to compensate for his past sins? Have any of these girls complained about his behaviour?

Don't even go there man.:annoyed:


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