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Vfs Uk Visa Application Process

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Good afternoon,

It's been a while since my wife last applied for a UK visa. She has submitted the online application to VFS and has an appointment but it's too close to the date of the flight. I can rebook but I'm reluctant as we only have a limited holiday window.

I think I'm up to speed with VFS - I've read some fairly recent posts on this topic but I have grown to assume that the process changes every 6 months so I'm interested in reading some recent experiences.

2 questions:

I know a prior appointment is required but in practice can we turn up, wait in line and submit the hard-copy and biometrics?

And, once the biometrics have been collected what is the current minimum turn around time? (her application is good, has a number of prior visas, speaks fluent English, we're married etc ... so no major obstacles I can think of)



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Yes, she can simply turn up and submit the application without an appointment. How long she would have to wait depends, of course, on how many people are in the queue ahead of her, so I'd suggest she gets there early.

The advice is to allow 15 working days for non settlement applications and 12 weeks for settlement ones. Processing times can be longer or shorter than this depending on demand. See Guide to Processing Times.

Applications are processed in the order they are received, unless there are strong compassionate grounds for jumping the queue. That you have already booked, and presumably paid for, a flight would not be a reason for doing so as all the advice from the UKBA down is not to make any confirmed bookings until you have the visa.

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Hi Dan, the wife applied online for a family visit visa last two weeks ago, we went to the VFS to submit the docs last tuesday at around 1pm, however were guided to another room for document checking prior to entering the VFS (we had assumed the online application would speed up the process of submitting documents) we were queued in that room for about 1 hour and 20 minutes they called her and checked her docs, the wife then left that room and entered VFS at around 2.30pm to submit her docs and we were out of the building by 3.45pm,,

She requested the courier delivery method once the process of application had been completed but was told this service is only available in certain areas and not in our area,,

this past Tuesday she recieved SMS informing her that her application was ready for collection, she drove to BKK and collected her family visit visa, so from our experience 7 days from submission to reciept.

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Hi Dan, the wife applied online for a family visit visa last two weeks ago, we went to the VFS to submit the docs last tuesday at around 1pm, however were guided to another room for document checking prior to entering the VFS (we had assumed the online application would speed up the process of submitting documents) we were queued in that room for about 1 hour and 20 minutes they called her and checked her docs, the wife then left that room and entered VFS at around 2.30pm to submit her docs and we were out of the building by 3.45pm,,

She requested the courier delivery method once the process of application had been completed but was told this service is only available in certain areas and not in our area,,

this past Tuesday she recieved SMS informing her that her application was ready for collection, she drove to BKK and collected her family visit visa, so from our experience 7 days from submission to reciept.

to add to 7by7s reply re processing times, the lady at the desk in the checking room did mention that things were relatively quiet for applications right now,

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Hi Dan, the wife applied online for a family visit visa last two weeks ago, we went to the VFS to submit the docs last tuesday at around 1pm, however were guided to another room for document checking prior to entering the VFS (we had assumed the online application would speed up the process of submitting documents) we were queued in that room for about 1 hour and 20 minutes they called her and checked her docs, the wife then left that room and entered VFS at around 2.30pm to submit her docs and we were out of the building by 3.45pm

I could be wrong, but you might find that document check was nothing to do with VFS but a company that pray on people submitting visa applications, they normally find "something wrong" which can be corrected for a fee. I think you had a lucky escape but it's something for others to look out for.

I doubt very much if VFS staff would check documents before entering their office, and yes submitting the app online and having an appointment should be quicker.

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Hi oldgit,, i'm nearly certain that it was officially related to the application process in some way,,,, the wife entered the building and went to the ticket machine to pull a ticket just at the VFS security door that the applicant passes through after collecting the ticket number, the security guard outside the VFS door informed her that she was to use this ticket as her queueing ticket in the other room across the landing, I know about the dodgy tricks place next door ( we used them 2 years back directly after a (rushed) and failed application), but this room she was sent to was massive (about 30mtr by 30mtr), male and female security at entrance, no one was trying hard sell tactics, had quite a few people there in this room and 4 desk clerks going through everyones docs as their number was called, I saw a few people pass through the clerks desk while we waited but never saw no money change hands,, there must''ve been about 20 or 30 people pass through as we waited.

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Hi all, thanks for the replies. I'm encouraged about the 7 days turnaround.

We decided to drive down to Bangkok to wait in line. If you get there around 0730 you'll be close to the front of the queue. You can book an appointment online if you have time on your hands but if not just turn up.

The process seems to be as follows:

First you wait to get a number. Then you wait in another room for your number to be called so your documents can be checked. Then you queue again to get another number in the line to submit the application. After you give in the application you can do the finger prints. Took a good 3 hours and it didn't even seem very busy.

There's an office downstairs which seem to be connected in some way but my wife thinks not. They will check your documents (200b) and do any photocoping for you. They can also give you a 'bankers draft' (even though they're not a bank!) - they buy them up front and will sell them on to you for 200b. There is a bank on the premises and they'll issue the BD for 20b but they don't open until 0830. My wife was told by a lady in this office that if she waited for the bank to open she wouldn't get a place in the queue. I noticed a few Thai guys in shirt and tie waiting around in the lobbies who are more than happy to direct you to the downstairs office, but it only just occurred to me that they might be touts.

Apart from that my wife said the process was fairly painless. Received an SMS a couple of hours later to say the application had been sent to the embassy.

I'll let you know when we get the visa.

Thanks again.


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My sister in law and her husband applied for a family visit visa on the 2nd March and they were issued on the 7th March. Five days in total and that included a weekend so it seems to be very quiet at the moment. In recent years the process seems to get busier and slow down as April approaches though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

These fast turnarounds seem promising we submit a Settlement Visa tomorrow for my wife. We are aiming to fly 20th May so fingers crossed all will be well.

My wife's visa arrived in Chiang Mai 7 days after the application was submitted so it does indeed seem quick at the moment

Best of luck.

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we made an appointment for monday 4th april to submit documents to go with online application.

yesterday (the 7th) we had an email saying that VFS had received the passport back from the embassy and it had been dispatched to us so seems a very quick turn around

its a bit ridiculous though that they dont let you know whether the application has been approved or not so we still cant book tickets and need to wait for the passport to turn up.

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VFS don't know the result as they just get the passport back from the UKBA in a sealed envelope.

Whilst it can be frustrating, VFS are nothing more than a conduit to receive the application and return the passport, with or without the visa, it does protect their integrity and means they cannot make false claims about being involved in the decision making process, which I believe they don't.

Good luck, and keep us posted.

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