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Laws Governing Standing Up During Anthem Playing In Cinemas


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As another said, doesn't it fall under lesse majeste for not standing for the Royal anthem?

I believe it does, and the penalties are a little bit on the severe side for not getting off your arse for a minute or two!

If you really feel strongly, just wait outside until the whole thing is over...no hassle, you miss a few rubbish adverts etc. but get an ice cream, go for a slash, just wait until standing room is over.

I used to get well angry with this sort of thing, they did it in British Cinemas when I was a kid, in the '60's, but they did it at the end of the movie and my mother would not let us leave until we had stood until the last note.

As time went by, we were the only idiots left in the picture hall, everyone else had run out at the first sign of the credits.

I don't necessarily go along with it, but I still burned a Catholic every 5th of November and waited for Santa to come down the chimney.

Edited by Willeyeam
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When I first came I never stood at the first couple of movies I went to see, but I soon started to comply. I believe in individuality and find it hard to accept that an informed public would all think exactly the same way and do the same thing. I don't think it is at all healthy.

Thanks goodness someone else has the same opinion as me, refreshing to hear, the mob mentality in Thailand does not help anyone. Brainwashing no less as far as Im concerned.

Agreed. And you only need to look at this topic to see that the bullying attempts and mob mentally extend to foreigners just fine! (And perhaps worse)

Truly I think endure said it best

"Rather than being 'mob mentality' it's simply good manners. Why would you want to antagonise other cinema goers merely for the sake of standing up for 10 seconds to show a little respect to someone who's done more than most to hold Thailand together over the past half-century?"

Simple as that really. Though with Kwai being a supporter of the red shirt terrorists I can see why the simple truth that endure illuminated wouldn't be a good enough reason for him.

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It's got nothing to do with the inconvenience of standing. Most will agree that it is not really worth the hassle of remaining seated at the risk of upsetting someone else in the theater, let alone get arrested. It's about the freedom to remain seated if you so choose, and not only none Thais. The Thais should have the freedom to make the choice. Most of them would probably still choose to stand, which is fine, but that's not the point. For one thing their devotion might then be true rather than imposed on them.

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When I first came I never stood at the first couple of movies I went to see, but I soon started to comply. I believe in individuality and find it hard to accept that an informed public would all think exactly the same way and do the same thing. I don't think it is at all healthy.

dam_n individuality. The entire Planet thinks it's a bad idea to shit your pants. Is that unhealthy?

I think youll find some people dont and you can find such sites ( so Im told) on the interweb!

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When I first came I never stood at the first couple of movies I went to see, but I soon started to comply. I believe in individuality and find it hard to accept that an informed public would all think exactly the same way and do the same thing. I don't think it is at all healthy.

Thanks goodness someone else has the same opinion as me, refreshing to hear, the mob mentality in Thailand does not help anyone. Brainwashing no less as far as Im concerned.

There are airplanes leaving every hour. Lager lout.

So go book your ticket then :whistling:

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It's got nothing to do with the inconvenience of standing. Most will agree that it is not really worth the hassle of remaining seated at the risk of upsetting someone else in the theater, let alone get arrested. It's about the freedom to remain seated if you so choose, and not only none Thais. The Thais should have the freedom to make the choice. Most of them would probably still choose to stand, which is fine, but that's not the point. For one thing their devotion might then be true rather than imposed on them.

I think you'll find it is mainly voluntary and not felt to be an imposition. I suggest in a few years time my point will be made.

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Is this not how dictatorships work?

It is difficult to judge actual pride or affection for something when it is enforced.

Do any of our home countries enforce such laws? I've a feeling they don't, and if they did we would be complaining about it, but because it is a Thai thing we just have sooooo much love and respect for it.

Was the UK a dictatorship when everyone stood for the national anthem in cinemas?

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I had dinner with my GF and 5 of her Thai Colleagues last night. I brought up this subject saying I had heard it is against the law etc etc. 2 ladies said "Why would you not stand up, it is showing respect". 1 had been to the US and said she had gone to a basketball game and a Baseball game and said she stood for the US National Anthem at both events. She said it is just about respect.

Sri( the gal who had visited the US) did not care if it was a law or not. Why propagate the angst that every country feels when foreigners visit and ignore its customs. I tend to agree. Illegal or not, why test it?

It is same as entering a temple here for a women with exposed legs. As a foreigner would you protest and try and enter to prove a point?

I firmly believe you should respect any country and its cultures. illegal or not. to go there and try and be antagonistic is just retarded IMHO.

Btw, none of the Thai's in attendance knew if it was illegal or not. They were raised to respect it.

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I had dinner with my GF and 5 of her Thai Colleagues last night. I brought up this subject saying I had heard it is against the law etc etc. 2 ladies said "Why would you not stand up, it is showing respect". 1 had been to the US and said she had gone to a basketball game and a Baseball game and said she stood for the US National Anthem at both events. She said it is just about respect.

Sri( the gal who had visited the US) did not care if it was a law or not. Why propagate the angst that every country feels when foreigners visit and ignore its customs. I tend to agree. Illegal or not, why test it?

It is same as entering a temple here for a women with exposed legs. As a foreigner would you protest and try and enter to prove a point?

I firmly believe you should respect any country and its cultures. illegal or not. to go there and try and be antagonistic is just retarded IMHO.

Btw, none of the Thai's in attendance knew if it was illegal or not. They were brainwashed raised to respect it.

Unforunately we cant really get into the subject due to its nature but its brainwashing no thought required. No point discussing it as its against forum rules.

I seem to remember there were some Thai women who didnt stand up in protest sometime ago at the cinema but I cant remember the outcome.

Edited by travelmann
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Btw, none of the Thai's in attendance knew if it was illegal or not. They were raised to respect it.

Exactly my point. Even Thais do not know what is actually Law. They live listening to rumours and fear any uncharted territory. It is not about judging how they have been raised, but a static society where nobody asks questions and where essential issues are not discussed will eventually fall behind in history. Of course this is not our problem, but we should be aware about this, for example when (not) investing and (not) doing business in Thailand.

Improvements have always been achieved by change, some gradual, some violent.

P.S. Thank you to all posters for keeping this discussion academic and matching forum rules. I believe this thread is important.

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There is only one part of Thailand that is focussing on a Middel Eastern/Russian Clinetele Mr Orignial Poster & it is not a Part of Thaiand that can really be classed as & generalised as " Thailand " if you get my drift..

& the Gaff is a an absolute sh*tehole aswell that place you're talkign about, with the dregs of every Western City on the Planet, very well represented..:bah:

rumour has it that the situation has become slightly better after you left :whistling:

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One time some years ago I went to Suan plu to make my 90 day reporting. I was there a few minutes before opening. Before the doors were unlocked the national anthem started playing and the security gard made a small gesture that everyone should stand up. One guy simply refused to stand. At first the guard simply blew his whistle at him but he still refused to stand. In the end one more gard turned up and took the uncooperative guy to the building next door.

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I stand out of genuine respect and admiration for someone who has done much to earn that respect. But even if I felt otherwise I would respect the local customs and still stand. If a time comes where this is challenged then in my opinion it should be Thai people challenging it - not foreigners.


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I stand out of genuine respect and admiration for someone who has done much to earn that respect. But even if I felt otherwise I would respect the local customs and still stand. If a time comes where this is challenged then in my opinion it should be Thai people challenging it - not foreigners.


EXACTLY. Go figure a foreigner would come here and start yapping "Brain washing" and "Fight the powers to be".

Some of why I am here is the culture, beliefs and the respect. Not all progress is good, in fact a great portion has had a negative impact on the world. We just 'CHOOSE" to accept as good.

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Btw, none of the Thai's in attendance knew if it was illegal or not. They were raised to respect it.

Exactly my point. Even Thais do not know what is actually Law. They live listening to rumours and fear any uncharted territory. It is not about judging how they have been raised, but a static society where nobody asks questions and where essential issues are not discussed will eventually fall behind in history. Of course this is not our problem, but we should be aware about this, for example when (not) investing and (not) doing business in Thailand.

Improvements have always been achieved by change, some gradual, some violent.

P.S. Thank you to all posters for keeping this discussion academic and matching forum rules. I believe this thread is important.

Do you know all your laws where you hail from? I seriously doubt it. I know I sure do not. I bet if I went to a major sporting event in the US and did not stand for the National Anthem I would be spit on, beer tossed at and frowned at during the entire game.

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Btw, none of the Thai's in attendance knew if it was illegal or not. They were raised to respect it.

Exactly my point. Even Thais do not know what is actually Law. They live listening to rumours and fear any uncharted territory. It is not about judging how they have been raised, but a static society where nobody asks questions and where essential issues are not discussed will eventually fall behind in history. Of course this is not our problem, but we should be aware about this, for example when (not) investing and (not) doing business in Thailand.

Improvements have always been achieved by change, some gradual, some violent.

P.S. Thank you to all posters for keeping this discussion academic and matching forum rules. I believe this thread is important.

Do you know all your laws where you hail from? I seriously doubt it. I know I sure do not. I bet if I went to a major sporting event in the US and did not stand for the National Anthem I would be spit on, beer tossed at and frowned at during the entire game.

Exactly its done out of "fear" NOT respect and as such how can anyone "respect" it? You dont stand youll get dragged off head kicked in locked up etc etc etc is that any way to govern any country.

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I had dinner with my GF and 5 of her Thai Colleagues last night. I brought up this subject saying I had heard it is against the law etc etc. 2 ladies said "Why would you not stand up, it is showing respect". 1 had been to the US and said she had gone to a basketball game and a Baseball game and said she stood for the US National Anthem at both events. She said it is just about respect.


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EXACTLY. Go figure a foreigner would come here and start yapping "Brain washing" and "Fight the powers to be".

Some of why I am here is the culture, beliefs and the respect. Not all progress is good, in fact a great portion has had a negative impact on the world. We just 'CHOOSE" to accept as good.

You are right, foreign influence can be costly and inefficient. Just look at the developing disaster in Libya.

You may however also be in Thailand because a vast uneducated, brainwashed and enslaved population will provide cheap services to you. Many of us enjoy a lifestyle in Thailand they could not afford elsewhere. Should this population wake up, the whole place would become less foreigner friendly.

The ruling elite of Thailand has historically always been positive towards foreigners guaranteeing their freedom and security. Just look at the many churches in the country.

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Exactly its done out of "fear" NOT respect and as such how can anyone "respect" it? You dont stand youll get dragged off head kicked in locked up etc etc etc is that any way to govern any country.

Most of the world is like this. If some foreigner went and wagged their privates at a picture of the Queen of England in downtown London it'd be a bad scene involving boots and fists to the face. So, don't get all self righteous i'm sure wherever you're from there are similar social taboos.

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I stand out of genuine respect and admiration for someone who has done much to earn that respect. But even if I felt otherwise I would respect the local customs and still stand. If a time comes where this is challenged then in my opinion it should be Thai people challenging it - not foreigners.


EXACTLY. Go figure a foreigner would come here and start yapping "Brain washing" and "Fight the powers to be".

Some of why I am here is the culture, beliefs and the respect. Not all progress is good, in fact a great portion has had a negative impact on the world. We just 'CHOOSE" to accept as good.

+1 :thumbsup: This is about respect, not brainwashing. A great tradition.

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Most of the world is like this. If some foreigner went and wagged their privates at a picture of the Queen of England in downtown London it'd be a bad scene involving boots and fists to the face. So, don't get all self righteous i'm sure wherever you're from there are similar social taboos.

Right, but there is no general atmosphere of fear in the UK.

Exactly its done out of "fear" NOT respect and as such how can anyone "respect" it? You dont stand youll get dragged off head kicked in locked up etc etc etc is that any way to govern any country.

No, this is obviously not a way to govern, BUT it works and for the happy few (including foreigners) Thailand is paradise.

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Most of the world is like this. If some foreigner went and wagged their privates at a picture of the Queen of England in downtown London it'd be a bad scene involving boots and fists to the face. So, don't get all self righteous i'm sure wherever you're from there are similar social taboos.

Right, but there is no general atmosphere of fear in the UK.

Pray tell where is there a "general atmosphere of fear" in Thailand? In the U.K. you stand a much higher chance of getting beaten and robbed in a London side alley by chavs or other miscreants. Besides social taboos are unspoken most of the time and the consequences are obvious. People don't NEED to tell you what will happen in the above scenario because it's common sense just like how it is in Thailand.

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I don't know about this respect thing. We stand, but we don't all FEEL the same thing when we stand, and really, and what does that matter (we get to keep our feelings)? On thinking about what I am feeling when standing at the cinema, I reckon, pretty much NOTHING. I do it because it is the done thing. Not respect, not disrespect, just after so many times, just a ROTE response. If I am thinking about anything, it's Oh good, the movie is finally going to start! An exception would be when the video is rarely changed; then of course I look at it closely for a number of movies until the changes sink in. The song doesn't give me goosebumps. I am not Thai. I don't resent being expected to stand. I accept the situation as it is.

Edited by Jingthing
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Most of the world is like this. If some foreigner went and wagged their privates at a picture of the Queen of England in downtown London it'd be a bad scene involving boots and fists to the face. So, don't get all self righteous i'm sure wherever you're from there are similar social taboos.

Right, but there is no general atmosphere of fear in the UK.

Pray tell where is there a "general atmosphere of fear" in Thailand? In the U.K. you stand a much higher chance of getting beaten and robbed in a London side alley by chavs or other miscreants. Besides social taboos are unspoken most of the time and the consequences are obvious. People don't NEED to tell you what will happen in the above scenario because it's common sense just like how it is in Thailand.

At the cinemas if you dont stand, of the Police force also and in general a fear of saying or causing even the slightest offence and as such its easy to literally get away with murder.

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Most of the world is like this. If some foreigner went and wagged their privates at a picture of the Queen of England in downtown London it'd be a bad scene involving boots and fists to the face. So, don't get all self righteous i'm sure wherever you're from there are similar social taboos.

Right, but there is no general atmosphere of fear in the UK.

Exactly its done out of "fear" NOT respect and as such how can anyone "respect" it? You dont stand youll get dragged off head kicked in locked up etc etc etc is that any way to govern any country.

No, this is obviously not a way to govern, BUT it works and for the happy few (including foreigners) Thailand is paradise.

Sadly all governments rule with a level of fear. Look at all the US people that "Fear" not paying there taxes and end up in Jail. Or the consequences of parking in a handicap zone and losing their license and that driving is a right, not a privileged... yaddy yaddy. What is so different about that? This list is far too large to write. It is pointless. I cannot comment on UK but I find it hard to believe there is "No general atmosphere of fear". People live in it daily all around the globe.

Bottom line, You are here. The Thais have respected it for years, whether law or not. Just like I did as a kid growing up saying the "Pledge of allegiance" in school before studies began. You should just relax and stand at the theater or do not go because your arrogance has you wanting to take western ideals and force them here. Unless you have not looked around, we are the minority here and have little to no say in its laws. In fact we are under more scrutiny to behave.

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Most of the world is like this. If some foreigner went and wagged their privates at a picture of the Queen of England in downtown London it'd be a bad scene involving boots and fists to the face. So, don't get all self righteous i'm sure wherever you're from there are similar social taboos.

Right, but there is no general atmosphere of fear in the UK.

Exactly its done out of "fear" NOT respect and as such how can anyone "respect" it? You dont stand youll get dragged off head kicked in locked up etc etc etc is that any way to govern any country.

No, this is obviously not a way to govern, BUT it works and for the happy few (including foreigners) Thailand is paradise.

I have a friend who is Algerian who reports differently.

Maybe you meant "for non-ethnic people."

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Most of the world is like this. If some foreigner went and wagged their privates at a picture of the Queen of England in downtown London it'd be a bad scene involving boots and fists to the face. So, don't get all self righteous i'm sure wherever you're from there are similar social taboos.

Right, but there is no general atmosphere of fear in the UK.

Pray tell where is there a "general atmosphere of fear" in Thailand? In the U.K. you stand a much higher chance of getting beaten and robbed in a London side alley by chavs or other miscreants. Besides social taboos are unspoken most of the time and the consequences are obvious. People don't NEED to tell you what will happen in the above scenario because it's common sense just like how it is in Thailand.

At the cinemas if you dont stand, of the Police force also and in general a fear of saying or causing even the slightest offence and as such its easy to literally get away with murder.


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