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Thai Army Changes Transgender Terms: Report

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Thai army changes transgender terms: report

BANGKOK (AFP) -- Thailand's defence ministry has coined new terms to describe transgender men normally exempt from army conscription to avoid causing them offence, a report said Sunday.

The ministry is amending the law that states transgender people are exempt from signing up to the military -- unless there is a shortage of recruits -- because of a "psychological abnormality", the Bangkok Post newspaper said.

When Thailand's annual conscription begins in April, "Type 2" will instead refer to men who have undergone breast implants and "Type 3" will describe those who have had a full sex change, the Bangkok Post newspaper said.

"Type 1" will refer to men "whose appearances are typical of men".

"Normally only Type 1 are required to draw a conscription ballot," Thaksin Chiamthong, director of the academic resources division of the Army Reserve Command, told the paper.

"But if the number of Type 1 is insufficient, Type 2 will be conscripted as well, despite their female-like breasts."

Thaksin's office was unavailable for comment on Sunday.

The army reportedly proposed replacing the current classification in the Conscription Act of 1954 with "gender identity disorder", but faced ire from rights groups opposed to any term that suggested abnormality.

The Thai armed forces need to conscript 97,280 men aged 21 this year -- up by 9,828 from 2010, the paper said.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2011-03-21


What has...

"... Thaksin's office was unavailable for comment on Sunday."

... got to do with the topic????? blink.gif

In the news arcticle: "Thaksin Chiamthong, director of the academic resources division of the Army Reserve Command, told the paper." :whistling:


What has...

"... Thaksin's office was unavailable for comment on Sunday."

... got to do with the topic????? blink.gif

In the news arcticle: "Thaksin Chiamthong, director of the academic resources division of the Army Reserve Command, told the paper." :whistling:

What the hell do they want 100,000 new recruits for ?? thats 50 recruits per GENERAL.:lol:

Pay volunteers 2,000 bht a month more than a soldier gets--hey no more dip time(lottery) playing with kids lives, when hell of a lot of them have got a family/good work/happy only have that spoilt by this antiquated system that died out 30 years ago in many countries.

PAY em...stop the April fools day ritual.


What has...

"... Thaksin's office was unavailable for comment on Sunday."

... got to do with the topic????? blink.gif

In the news arcticle: "Thaksin Chiamthong, director of the academic resources division of the Army Reserve Command, told the paper." :whistling:

What the hell do they want 100,000 new recruits for ?? thats 50 recruits per GENERAL.:lol:

Pay volunteers 2,000 bht a month more than a soldier gets--hey no more dip time(lottery) playing with kids lives, when hell of a lot of them have got a family/good work/happy only have that spoilt by this antiquated system that died out 30 years ago in many countries.

PAY em...stop the April fools day ritual.

Just to add.....Have any of the army defence cheifs have any connection to the thread re a similar subject -Ladyboys-air steward, budget airline :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:


What has...

"... Thaksin's office was unavailable for comment on Sunday."

... got to do with the topic????? blink.gif

In the news arcticle: "Thaksin Chiamthong, director of the academic resources division of the Army Reserve Command, told the paper." :whistling:

What the hell do they want 100,000 new recruits for ?? thats 50 recruits per GENERAL.:lol:

Pay volunteers 2,000 bht a month more than a soldier gets--hey no more dip time(lottery) playing with kids lives, when hell of a lot of them have got a family/good work/happy only have that spoilt by this antiquated system that died out 30 years ago in many countries.

PAY em...stop the April fools day ritual.

Conscription disappeared over half a century ago in my country, and we still go to war or to defend a nations people (Libya recently). So why I ask does this country need a 100,000 conscripts a year when they dont send many armed personnel anywhere, apart from the occasional spat over temples.

Just another thing that discriminates against the poorer people while the better off opt out attending Uni. It would be understandable if these boys came out with any skills eg mechanic, electrician etc but they come out with sod all but indoctrination. While the army is running this country it makes sense to remove 100,000 potential enemies off the street every year. Training 100,000 conscripts to fire rifles every year may just come back to bite them on the arse when this Plutocracy collapses...and it will collapse...eventually


What has...

"... Thaksin's office was unavailable for comment on Sunday."

... got to do with the topic????? blink.gif

In the news arcticle: "Thaksin Chiamthong, director of the academic resources division of the Army Reserve Command, told the paper." :whistling:

What the hell do they want 100,000 new recruits for ?? thats 50 recruits per GENERAL.:lol:

Pay volunteers 2,000 bht a month more than a soldier gets--hey no more dip time(lottery) playing with kids lives, when hell of a lot of them have got a family/good work/happy only have that spoilt by this antiquated system that died out 30 years ago in many countries.

PAY em...stop the April fools day ritual.

Conscription disappeared over half a century ago in my country, and we still go to war or to defend a nations people (Libya recently). So why I ask does this country need a 100,000 conscripts a year when they dont send many armed personnel anywhere, apart from the occasional spat over temples.

Just another thing that discriminates against the poorer people while the better off opt out attending Uni. It would be understandable if these boys came out with any skills eg mechanic, electrician etc but they come out with sod all but indoctrination. While the army is running this country it makes sense to remove 100,000 potential enemies off the street every year. Training 100,000 conscripts to fire rifles every year may just come back to bite them on the arse when this Plutocracy collapses...and it will collapse...eventually

I wonder if anyone in the dizzy heights of Army administration has sat down and thought this one through . . . separate sleeping quarters - separate showers - mirrors needed everywhere - and that's not even contemplating the howls and shrieks when a fingernail gets broken or an eyelash is lost . . :passifier:



Maybe there will be a special Katoey Corps?

Type 2.

Well It might get confusing in the showers with the extra size tits and a penis below. Will they have to stop hormones during service?

Start taking salt peter?

Of course those in Type 3 will need to go with the ladies dorms.

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