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How Can Insurance Company Verify Pre-Existing Condition?

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I think it takes a special kind of stupid to attempt deception of an insurance company. But I'm also concerned in general about who has access to what I think is my personal and private information, so I ask this question. Can a foreign insurance company obtain information from an American insurance company about a person's health history? I expect such information trading happens all the time in the EU. Does it?

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The simple answer is yes - depending on the insurance company you either agree to that when you accept and sign the insurance companies proposal or they may ask you to sign a form at some later stage.

As you said, extremely stupid to lie on an application form as you are only deceiving yourself.

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As per OP query a health insurer in Thailand whether Thai-based or Thai JV venture with some foreign based insurer would -- for the most part -- not be in the least bit interested in what is referred to as 'personal and private information' UP UNTIL the point where you file a large enough claim to put their claims adjustors / investigators into action.

At that point -- as TVI mentions -- you have already granted them a waiver to obtain any and all medical history information from anywhere in the world they deem as necessary to make their decision on the validity of the claim as to pre-existing conditions, medical history, etc.

BTW when you apply for coverage from BUPA/Thailand they ask for the name of your exiting insurer or prior insurer and the policy number. That makes it easy for them to back track. And if you said that you do not HAVE any exiting or prior coverage and they find out that you do/did, that in itself would be grounds for denial of claim and cancellation of your policy with no refunds.

Edited by jazzbo
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The simple answer is yes - depending on the insurance company you either agree to that when you accept and sign the insurance companies proposal or they may ask you to sign a form at some later stage.

D'oh! Thanks. It seems so obvious now. Always had insurance through work. Never read the stuff I was signing because the insurance was 'take it or leave it'.

As you said, extremely stupid to lie on an application form as you are only deceiving yourself.

Sometimes I just like to know how the world works. My mama didn't raise somebody both smart enough to buy insurance and stupid enough to try to cheat it.

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in the UK data protection would not allow it unless it was in the public interest. your medical records belong to the doctor but for a fee you can get a copy. i would be prity sure the data protection act would prevent anybody getting that information then theres the hypacatic oath a doctor has to take. i would say they face getting stuck off for passing on such info to a comercial business. google should reveal all

insurance companies especially travel and health dont exactly stick to the terms on the signed and agreed form now do they, always look for away to get out of paying.

Edited by NALAK
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The following is from BUPA/Thailand Terms for Individual Policy:

14 Examination Rights

If the Covered Person does not allow the Company to investigate his claim or give permission to access his medical record or diagnosis, the Company reserves the right not to pay such claims.

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in the UK data protection would not allow it unless it was in the public interest. your medical records belong to the doctor but for a fee you can get a copy. i would be prity sure the data protection act would prevent anybody getting that information then theres the hypacatic oath a doctor has to take. i would say they face getting stuck off for passing on such info to a comercial business. google should reveal all

insurance companies especially travel and health dont exactly stick to the terms on the signed and agreed form now do they, always look for away to get out of paying.

It is true that your medical records are protected in Europe.. But, the insurance company can ask you to obtain them for them if you want the claim settled.

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